《Hearts of Ice (completed)》Chapter 5: Escape
“You know, you're still shivering.”
“It's... gotten better since just now.”
Who is she? This girl.
She chuckled softly, “You remind me of my brother. Even though your character is totally opposite from his.”
Wow... this is not happening. No way she's my sister. A stray memory, picture, scene... it should pop up somewhere, right? It's just coincidence that I remind her of him. What am I thinking?
“He never spoke much. I only heard his voice eight times before he disappeared,” she continued, “the first time was on his birthday. Well, not really, I never knew his birthday. I just said that the...”
Hmm... I don't remember anything of the past...
“...first day I met him would be his birthday. I made that day his birthday. He looked so sad... like the lost kittens and dying pups. That's how he looked. He looked like someone he loved just stabbed him and ran off. If you ever meet him don't tell him all I just said. He won't come out of his room for days and there'll be a sign hanging outside saying he's sick or something. He did that a couple of times and got me worried sick...”
Sounds like that's what I'd do.
“...afterwards, when he came out, he'd be so thin that you could see his ribs and cheekbones clearly. He made me worry so much... that I couldn't sleep much the initial few months after his disappearance...”
Poor her. She really cares about her brother.
“...everyone said he was either dead or ungrateful. But after eight years, why then? He even started talking again. I never did believe rumors, especially not this one... that's how much I trusted him. He never came back, so I'm going to find him.”
Her voice had been quiet and soothing, sweet enough for a lullaby. Afton had fallen asleep with her voice in his head. It had completely eased the fear out, had taken his mind off what was to come.
A little boy laughed as his father picked him up and spun him around. The innocent smile that was painted on his face was priceless.
“Daddy! Me too!” a little girl called at his feet.
“Daddy's home! I'm home!” he laughed, picking the little girl up too.
All three of then laughed as they entered the pretty little cabin. Kicking of their shoes, the father played monster and chased them all around the house. Screaming, giggling, and running about, thoroughly upsetting the house, brought the mother out of her room.
“Zander!” she cried, running to embrace him.
He returned the hug, and the two little kids hugged their parents' legs.
“It's good to be home!” the father laughed, stroking the little girl's head...
Afton forced himself out of his dreams to the low rumbling of the trucks.
You! How could you forget?! The escape!
“What's wrong, kid? You woke me, sitting up so abruptly like that,” one of the bodyguards growled.
Afton glanced at the sleeping girl and looked back at the bag of tough meat. “You got a problem?”
“Don't act cocky around me, kid. You'll regret it.”
Don't do what you're gonna do. Don't say what you're going to...!
“Heh! As long as you're annoyed, whatever comes'll be worth it.”
Oh wells, you said it. Now you're going to need a ton of luck.
“You don't know what you're talking about,” he snorted, standing up, “but since you asked so politely for it, I'll give you a taste of what I can do.” He cracked his knuckles and stepped toward Afton (who slid one-step's-space away from him at each of his advances).
Oh no, I'm at the end. Stop freezing me up already. Ok... calm down...
The soldier #annoyed threw a punch, which Afton deftly dodged.
I can't keep doing this! There won't be enough space!
He grabbed his bag and curled up around it, bracing himself for a punch while using that little time to take out his only weapon of self-defense, his switchblade.
I mean... one punch never killed anyone. Oh... thank goodness this is my favorite switchblade.
The aim was true this time, landing a blow to his left back.
I was kind of expecting that.... but that hurts worse than hell!
Recovering himself quickly, he was thrown into shock at the second punch.
What is this guy? I can't breathe...
“That should teach you,” he muttered, making the unthinkable mistake of turning his back on his opponent...
Recovering his breathe, Afton wasted no time in slashing at soldier #annoyed. (It wouldn't help if he regained his senses before killing) He did his infamous triple-cut death. The first one in the forward modified saber grip, slashing down on the back of both knees. For the second one, he changed his grip to a forward grip edge up to slice through his back. The last one, which he held in a reverse grip edge out, he plunged into the gash made by the previous cut, straight through the heart. Soldier #annoyed would never be annoyed again, for he was killed at the back of the truck. (Please note that all these strikes were performed in quick succession)
Both Kaylie and the other bodyguard had woken up to witness the scene. Both were thoroughly surprised by the u-turn in Afton's demeanor. There was a light in his eyes that neither had noticed before. Terrified, the bodyguard took up a dagger and held Kaylie hostage.
“Put down your weapon or she dies!” soldier #terrified swallowed.
That bastard! Just he try...
“I don't believe you are capable of doing so. One, because you need to keep her safe for your superiors...” Afton turned to face them. Soldier #terrified swallowed again and took a small step back.
Oh... this never happened before. What if she gets hurt?!
“Two, because I know everything that I need to know about her, about you,” he said, confidently taking a step toward them. Soldier #terrified swallowed so hard, his whole body shook.
“Ah... last, but not least,” he paused for effect, stepping forward another step.
She'll kill me if I say it. Definitely.
“Killing her doesn't matter to me. I already got all the info that I needed out of her. Think about it, soldier. If you run with me now, we can escape. Chrision will never miss you.”
What's with that face? What's she looking at?
Afton was tempted to turn and look, but he had to end it with this soldier first.
“What do you say?” he asked, stepping closer.
This... is totally scary. What if soldier #annoyed isn't really dead... or rose up as a zombie... or....
Soldier #terrified didn't move, his eyes were fixed on Afton.
Is he looking at me or.... something behind me?
Afton walked closer and reached out a hand to the soldier.
What if he has some tricks up his sleeve literally! It's dangerous!!
Soldier #terrified cautiously reached out his hands to Afton.
They shook it up and down a couple of times...
This had better work.
Afton felt his body fly forward the moment he jerked on soldier #terrified 's hand.
Afton spun his switchblade into a reverse grip edge in and slashed into soldier #terrified 's back between his left shoulder blade and spine, just as he felt a sharp pain in his left thigh.
That was... good thinking there. How am I going to run now?
Both of them fell at a very shocked Kaylie's feet. She stood there staring straight ahead, looking at the blood mess this little kid had created. (Please note that even though Afton lied about his age, he was still short, giving Kaylie the impression of a little kid)
He'd just been shivering only an hour ago. (Kaylie)
Oh no. She's shocked, probably scared of me. (Afton)
“Huh?” she asked, snapping out of her daze.
“Are you scared? Seeing who I really am?” he asked.
I don't believe it. I think you were forced to do it... to survive. (Kaylie)
“You... you killed them.”
Oh... what have I done? I... killed... again... (Afton)
“I... I did. I did it so we could escape.”
“But. You... you killed them.”
Don't emphasize it! My conscience is already doing enough!
“Kaylie. Just admit it. Those guys weren't bodyguards. They were going to bring you to the queen, weren't they?”
There was no reply, she just stared at this boy, covered in blood, lying on the floor.
“Just admit it. You're not from here, you're important enough that they'd get trucks full of soldiers that'll hunt you down if you escaped.”
Kaylie turned pale and a retort she had thought up got caught in her throat.
“Kaylie, you don't really want to go to Chrision, do you? The only reason you're actually complying is because you're consoling yourself with the assumption that your brother's in Chrision.”
Kaylie swallowed, “How... do you know that?” she whispered hoarsely.
“I know everything that I need to know about you, I already told you that.”
He's really... a monster.
“If I wanted to kill you, I could easily do so. But...”
“You couldn't!” she retorted.
What?! Why couldn't I?
“I... I can kill. I'm born for the purpose of killing. I'm Chrision's secret weapon. Did you not know that, monster of Isumton? I know about you too. You work as a spy for Isumton.”
That makes sense... but not really. A girl? Secret weapon? No way...
“What are you going to do, then? This spy is going to escape,” he asked.
“Not with a wound in his leg.”
The wound is nothing, it's my fear. The moment I get out, I'd faint for sure. I killed again! The blood... the limp bodies lying on the floor. It's terrifying. I can't stand it. I'll never kill again!
“So... will you kill me? I'm lying on this floor, completely vulnerable. If you're really Chrision's secret weapon, you could easily send me to another world.”
This boy... is testing me. (Kaylie)
“Of course I won't. I'm reasonable. Killing without a fight was never my thing. Go... escape. I'll come back to find you another time. When your leg is better... and you don't wreak of blood,” she answered coldly.
Good choice...
Kaylie walked to the back door and put out her hand.
She's not afraid to turn her back to me even after witnessing the first soldier's death. Is it because she knows what I think about? Or she thinks I can't do anything in my current state?But... what is that?
Kaylie was freezing up the door.
“The door will break soon. Freedom is just ten seconds away,” she murmured.
The canvas began cracking up, revealing the cold metal beneath.
I'll never doubt the power of a girl again... what is she? Meh, maybe I might.
Kaylie kicked the frozen metal a few times and it broke like glass.
“Go... get away from me,” she whispered. However, it was drowned out by the loud cracking and crunching that the truck parade made.
The 3rd truck driver screamed in fear as he saw watched the unbelievable spectacle unfold in front of his face. There stood the dark-blue-haired girl. Her hood was thrown back, her cape flying in the breeze.
There were two men sprawled out on the floor, their blood still wet and flowing out, so much that the original color of their clothes could not be seen. There was the kid too. There were blood splatters all over his face, a new red had dyed his formerly brown pants. Everything was clear under the light of the moon, which cast an eerie red upon them all.
“God save us!” he cried, but no one heard it.
Afton tried to stand, the pain in his left thigh was burning worse than any physical pain he'd ever remembered experiencing. He let out a soft yelp as he put the slightest bit of pressure onto it. He'd have to go hopping off. Using the bench as a support, Afton got up.
Aish... I have to take the dagger out. It's going to hurt, but I have to roll under the trucks, can't stand to let it cut any deeper...
He leaned on the bench and made it to the back of the truck. It felt cold, the air was so fresh... smelt of the woods. Afton closed his eyes to concentrate on calming himself.
You can do this... Breathe in. Now, breathe out. Breathe in again. Breathe out. That's good. Calm yourself down a bit.
Suddenly, he felt himself flying off the truck.
He hit the floor and began rolling (because of the momentum from the truck).
No.. you can't lose consciousness now! Get yourself together! Don't! You'll never survive!
The world was spinning, he felt himself leaving. He couldn't feel even the pain in his thigh anymore. He couldn't even hear. He lapsed into the darkness.
No! Wake yourself up!
He opened his eyes lazily. He still felt dizzy, and tired now.
Is that Alistair? Kaylie? Ah... at least I'm in the woods...
The black took over his vision and he fell unconscious.
“So... you're not going to move?”
“He won't be able to stop us anyway. He's a mute. A weakling too.”
“I got to agree with that! Ha ha! He can't even take a light kick to the back of his knee!”
“Hurry up and get rid of him, then. I'm getting impatient.”
“Kick him. Smash his head 'til he doesn't remember her. Yeah!”
“Boys. Everything you learned, you can use it on him. He's the practice punchbag.”
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” the voices chorused.
There was no picture this time, no scene playing, only sounds.
“He's dead.”
“Feel his pulse, make sure.”
“I felt it. He's dead already. Let's go now. Hurry, the sun's going down,” soon the sound of footsteps retreating signified that they were gone.
“Don't... hurt... my... sister...” came a barely audible whisper.
“You're awake now, huh?”
Afton stirred and looked towards the voice. His sight had not fully returned to him. “Alistair? What are you doing here? It's dangerous. I told you not to come already. I said I'd be back. You should have waited. Why? Did someone hurt you? Did someone send you here... Tell me who it is!”
- In Serial77 Chapters
Medusa and the blind woman
Update: * Volume 1 & 2 of the novelization of Medusa and the blind woman are available on Amazon Kindle under the name Bryn D. Estelle. * All chapters from Volume 1 & 2 on RoyalRoad have been cleaned up and tweaked. New Interlude was added to Volume 3. * Three new chapters have been added to RoyalRoad that are marked 21.1, 21.2 and 21.3 which are original content from Volume 2 of the novelisation. Volume summaries: Volume 1: The legendary Gorgon, Medusa, spends a solitary life on her island Sarpedon. The only interruptions to her monotonous life are the occasional expeditions of foolish humans that try to slay her for fame and riches. This story begins on the day that just another of these expeditions brings along an unusual woman. A priestess of Athena that was born blind and is not afraid of the Gorgon. Soon those two are forced into an unexpected coexistence on the small island. Will those two unlikely life partners learn to get along? Volume 2: The great goddess of wisdom and war, Athena, realizes that her priestess is prisoner to the Gorgon and makes a bet with the monster. The human expedition returns to slay the Gorgon and Eugenia is caught between the front lines. Typhos reveals his true goal and his machinations corner Medusa. What choices will the dissimilar duo make? Who will come out victorious? Volume 3: After Eugenia awakens in the city of rowers, Eretria, she finds herself separated from Medusa who is receiving punishment for leaving her exile. Still recovering from her injuries and desperate, the priestess sets off on a journey to make a return to Sarpedon. On her way she meets many strange new people as well as some familiar faces. On top of that the messenger of the gods, Hermes, tells her of a trial that awaits her on this uncertain path. Where will her trial take her? Volume 4: Reunion. After Eugenia's long trial comes to an end, she returns to the side of Medusa who had suffered her punishment at the hands of Athena. As they try to find a new balance in their shared company on Sarpedon they are faced with many tumultuous emotions that wind down to the very cores of their souls. Secrets are uncovered, pasts revealed and Eugenia's feelings are put to the ultimate test. And amidst all this, a new intruder chooses to trespass onto the secluded isle to cause even more trouble. Aphrodite has set her sights on the Gorgon now.
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COMPLETED/ But Continuing in other book"Where is he?!" Jisoo tried to remain calm. "He escaped!" Jennie scram across the room "We tried chasing him! But he's and alpha" Rose Exclaimed "It's 4 against 7!" Lisa panicked. "Let's play Fire with Fire then" ⚠Disclaimer⚠ [Mafia] [Violence] [Etc.] ****** If you aren't Okay with these I do not recommend you this book.
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