《Hemophobia》Chapter 9


Disclaimer: Nothing in this FF is actually mine, except the plot of the story~!

This FF depicts scenes of violence and some cursing .

'' speech ''

[ thoughts ]

* sounds *

* * *

The day of the hunting Curunir was too nervous and woke up early. He decided to help Caleb in the kitchen while he was making enough food to carry with him inside the dungeon. He washed and polished every used utensil and once he was done he repeated the process. He wasn't someone used in that kind of thing, actually he hadn't ever done anything of the like, but he needed something to pass his time.

When he finished the process for the second time he got rewarded with another usefull skill.

* Ding *

Passive skill: Handicraft is generated.

Handicraft: Increase the effects of craft skills by 5% per level

Increases attack power with melee and long range weapons. (+3% ATK)

Increases attack rower with fists. (+5% ATK)

The handicraft skill was the most important skill for every craft class. Not only boosted the effect and speed of crafting skills but also gave a slight increase on attack.

Curunir had a couple of hours before Caleb was ready with preperations so he went to the sculpting and painting rooms. He wanted to get these two skills because they would boost his art stat faster. Additionally when he would travel around the world he could be able to make his own artworks for buffs or use them as gifts to gain favor over someone.

He started with Painting since it was easier by far. All he had to do was to draw an apple. After that he also painted the drawing with colors and got the coloring skill too.

* Ding *

New skill: Painting Mastery is generated.

Painting: You can draw anything.

You can raise your reputation depending on the type of level of artwork you create.

New Skill: Coloring is generated.

Coloring : You can use color on paintings whenever it is necessary.

Your skill level rises the more you use different colors.

You can extract dyes from grass and flowers.

Next was Sculpting. Curunir picked a piece of wood and one of Caleb's engraving knives and tried to make a wooden sword. His highly increased stats along with the newly gained handicraft and the excelent engraving tool made it easy for him to curve the wood. He had to make two pieces however since the first one didn't come out so well.

In sculpting you need to keep in your mind the finished form of the sculpture during the whole process or it's going to come out with flaws. The second time he kept imagining the finished form of the wooden sword. Once he finished he looked at the sword. It wasn't crudely made like the first one and its surfaces were more smooth than rough. It didn't matter if the sword was sharp. What it mattered was that it had to look beautifull after all he was making art, not a weapon.

* Ding *

Handicraft level 2

New skill: Sculpting Mastery is generated.

Sculpting Mastery: Enhances beauty and complexity of statues. Decreases the rate at which you fail to produce statues.

New skill: Multitalented.

Multitalented: You are a person of many talents. You get 1% additional experience on craft skills (double on crafting subskills)and 2% additional experience on combat and magic skills.

The multitaleneted skill was a big surprise and most surprised of all was Caleb.

'' Multitalented...... I've learned and mastered so many skills in the thousands of years I've been alive, but no skill such as this ever generated for me. ''


'' ............ ''

'' ............ ''

'' W,Well if you think about it, it's obvious why it didn't. ''

'' It is!? ''

'' Yes! If you think about it, that skill helps me level up my other skills faster because I am talented. However, someone like yourself who has reached perfection in everything he has learnt, saying you are just talented is an understatement. I think the reason you never got such a skill is because you don't need it and because it actually belittles you. ''

'' ............ ''

'' ............ ''

'' Yeah that makes more sense than me not be talented. ''

[ A Vampire Original with inferiority issues. I feel like I dodged a bullet right there.]

'' Nevermind that, we have more important things to worry, here take these. ''

[ Yeah, nevermind that for now. ]

Caleb handed to Curunir a leather set, a small book, a sword, a toolbox, a bag that contained his food and water for the next 4 weeks and an empty enchanted bag which he would use to store his japtem and other drops.

'' Don't just look at them. Go ahead, try them. ''

Curunir equipped the leather set. His armor increased by 20 and he also received some minor stats along with the bonus set stat which increased sneaking by 3%. Tunic, Greaves, Boots, Gloves, everything was a perfect fit. The Tunic also had a Hood. It didn't raise his armor when he wore it but, it could hide his face pretty well.

After the leather set he tried his sword. He moved it up and down a few times and checked its balance and weight. The sword was more than decent and its length was about the same as the ones Curunir used for practice.

'' Identify ''

Hard Iron Sword

Durability: 54/54

Damage: 10-14

Awarded to those who completed the Basic Training Program.

This widely-used long sword is better than basic type weapons that are available in a blacksmith’s workshop.


+10 STR


STR 40+

VIT 35+

'' I could make you something better but, since you are still level 1 there is not much that can be done to make a better sword than this and the increase in damage wouldn't be that great either. However that sword is quite good and its blade it's not even sharpened. I thought it would be better for you to do it so you raise your Transmutation a little faster. But make sure to remember that, grinding your sword a lot may increase it's damage by a significant amount but, it will also descrease its durability. ''

'' Don't worry I won't forget. Now let's go to the Dungeon Generator. The sooner I leave the sooner I will be back. ''

They moved to the first underground floor where the Dungeon Generator existed. Caleb opened the door and entered the room along with Curunir. They were standing in a small room with a magic circle in the middle and a big crystal. Caleb after doing something with the crystal which probably was him setting the dungeon characteristics, he explained to Curunir some basic things.

'' After I power up the crystal, you who will be standing inside the magic circle will be teleported to the dungeon which is behind that thick wall. You may be teleported inside there but the space inside there will be like a different dimension, so don't try to get yourself out by digging. The only way to come out of the dungeon is to kill the boss or die. I hope you will be able to finish this quest without experiencing death. Also, the first ten hours are really important because that's the amount of time you will be having those buffs. Make sure to raise your level before your buffs expire or else your hunting will be more difficult if not impossible. ''


After some time Caleb was done and Curunir moved in the middle of the magic circle. Caleb powered up the crystal and the magic circle started glowing. Curunir felt something like a change in gravity only for a momment and then everything went dark.

[ What is going on? Did Caleb do something wrong with the crystal, and why it's so dark all of a sudden? ]

As if the system could read Curunir's mind, it answered him with a message.

* Ding *

You are the first to discover King Scorpion's Den

Fame +250

Every day for one week, double EXP and double item drops. The rarest items will drop from killing the first monster of each type. Subsequent kills will drop common items.

[ So i am already inside the dungeon. Damn, it's too dark and if it wasn't for my slightly better vision, I would be completely blind right now. ]

Curunir open his quest window to check again what he had to do to finish it. To his surprise the quest had been updated.

Candidate's TestKill each and every one of the monsters inside the King Scorpion's Den at least once, and prove yourself worthy of the honorable profession. The completion of this quest will open a right path for your destiny.

Difficulty: D+

Quest Requirement:

Kill all 100 scorpions of 1st floor(0/100)

Kill all 100 scorpions of 2nd floor(0/100)

Kill all 100 scorpions of 3rd floor(0/100)

Kill all 100 scorpions of 4th floor(0/100)

Kill all 100 scorpions of 5th floor(0/100)

Kill the Glowing King (0/1)

Restrictions: You must complete this quest in the next 4 weeks.

[ Glowing King? What does it mean? Is there a mistake on the description of the quest? ]

He closed the quest window and sat down on the ground. He couldn't see well yet, so he gave himself some time for his eyes to adjust to the new environment. Ten minutes later he could see better only by a little but, still it was much better than before.

He could see that he was inside a small chamber of the shorts in a cave. Lucky for him there was only one way for him to go which made things much simpler and safer for him since he couldn't get lost if there is only one way to go. On the other hand, if he were to find himself in a tight spot, he wouldn't be able to run and escape since the monsters would follow the only path available and find him in the end.

Still, he was glad because he didn't intent to run away from any kind of challenge. He walked slowly towards the interior of the dungeon with his sword in his hand. There were famous grinders in the world that could grind a sword without even watching it. Just by feeling the resistance of the stone against the sword and listening the sound of the one grind the other they knew what to do.

H owever Curunir wasn't anywhere near that level so he couldn't grind his sword without damaging it. He chose to keep the sword as it was and grind it later if he was able to find any source of light. After he walked about fifty meters his vision became more clear.

There was a small source of light up ahead of him. The power of the light was about as much as a light match and it seemed like it was moving. He moved carefully closer as much as he could without alerting whatever that source of light was.

When he was closer he could see clearly what it was. Behind the rocks in front of him, there was a scorpion about the size of a cat. For a scorpion it was really big but, his size wasn't what cought his eye. The scorpion was glowing a blue-ish kind of light.

'' Observe '' he said as quiet as he could so he wouldn't alert the monster.

Info WindowNameSmall Glowing ScorpionLevel15Health860/860Mana65/65

The scorpion was level 15. It was much higher than him but, concidering the monsters in the dungeon were generated to be at a random level as long as they were between 1 and 100, he was really lucky.

He watched the scorpion for some time and noticed that the scorpion moved very fast. The monster had much higher agility than him, he could see it.

[ If it wasn't for its improved stats since it is a dungeon monster it would be as fast as me.......probably. ]

Curunir watched it some more and decided against an ambush attack. He found some information on the forums about ambush and sneak attacks. Even though they had increased damage, the attacker had a high chance of getting stunned in case he failed to deliver the blow. Curunir also wanted to see how he would fair against a higher level opponent, after the training and increased stats he was able to get.

He moved closer slowly until the small scorpion noticed him. The scorpion turned and in and instant closed 2/3 of the distance between them. Curunir with a strong grip on his sword used a stabbing atk to the incoming enemy. It was too late when he realised his mistake. Curunir never fought against small and agile enemies and thus didn't know how difficult it is to hit the target. Additionally he underestimated the monster. He thought such a small monster would probably rush and attack his feet. However, the small glowing scorpion closed the distance and when it was close enough it jumped on the now downward moving Curunir.

Before Curunir could stop his attack, the scorpion was already at the area of his chest and with a swift move it attacked Curunir's neck with its stinger. Curunir with a feeling of anger, fear and maybe little disgust grabed the scorpion with his free hand and and tossed it on the ground with an incredible force.

The scorpion got a considerable amount of damage and got stunned from the impact. Curunir wouldn't let this opportunity go to waste and with all his streangth he brought his sword in a downward slashing motion which ended up cutting the glowing scorpion in two parts.

* Ding *

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

The first thing Curunir did was to check his notices and see how strong was the poison the scorpion used.

You received 10 damage!

You resisted a lethal dose of Dark Essence!

Resistance to Dark attacks +1%

Resistance to Poison attacks +1%

[What the hell? I resisted the poison and I also got bonus resistance to poison and dark attacks. It also seems the scorpion has low defence and offence.]

[ I guess the tricky part is, that it is really fast and has strong poison but, since I have such strong resistance to Dark attacks it's almost impossible for me to die from this kind of monsters.]

[ For the first time my Race gave me a crystal clear advantage. ]

Curunir placed his bonus stats on his agility and searched for loot. To his dismay there was no loot. Caleb had already informed him that since the Dungeon Generator could only create monsters and not items, there would be no items for him to loot from monsters. He said however that monsters generated from Dungeon Generator gave high quility japtem.

Curunir picked the scorpions carcass and placed it inside his enchanted bag. He was about to continue exploring the dungeon when something raised his curiosity.

[ The blood! The blood of the scorpion didn't disappear! ]

Even blood would disappear along with the monster in Royal Road, except for the blood that was on the players.

[This! Is this japtem too? ]

He open his toolbox and grabed a glass tube. The tube had the same properties as an echanted bag or a canteen. It could contain a lot more liquid inside it than a normal tube. He collected as much blood he could and then moved deeper in the dungeon.

He continued to kill scorpions after that in a really fast rythm. He didn't even have to take a break until his stamina reached zero or he was hungry. As he moved deeper and deeper he noticed the level of the scorpions was raising along with their size. Their carcasses also became slightly tougher and with their raised health, Curunir needed one or two more atks to beat them.

After a while he also noticed monsters where starting to form small groups. All that together would make Curunir's work much tougher if only it wasn't for his increased exp in the dungeon. He reached level 11 after only 5 hours! He also used the glass tubes which they contained the glowing blood as a light source and moved faster than before.

[ In the beginning I thought placing my stats on agility would be the best for this dungeon but after coming all this way the mobs have changed. Their carcass is tougher now and they have increased health since they are higher level. They also start to form groups which can be dangarous.]

[ At least they are becoming kind of slower, guess because of their bigger size along with the tougher carcass which should be heavier. ]

Curunir noted to himself to put most stats to strenght from now on and some on vitality. After another 5 hours his buffs wore off and he could feel becoming weaker. He had reached the end of the dungeon and he could see the teleportation circle which would take him to the 2nd floor.

Candidate's TestKill each and every one of the monsters inside the King Scorpion's Den at least once, and prove yourself worthy of the honorable profession. The completion of this quest will open a right path for your destiny.

Difficulty: D+

Quest Requirement:

Kill all 100 scorpions of 1st floor(100/100)

Kill all 100 scorpions of 2nd floor(0/100)

Kill all 100 scorpions of 3rd floor(0/100)

Kill all 100 scorpions of 4th floor(0/100)

Kill all 100 scorpions of 5th floor(0/100)

Kill the Glowing King (0/1)

Restrictions: You must complete this quest in the next 4 weeks.

[ Ten whole hours just for the first floor!]

Ten hours to clear the 1st floor of this dungeon would be something absolutely impossible for someone at his level without the huge resistances and stats Curunir had but, since he was practicly a noob when it came to games, it was impossible for him to know that.

[ I guess it's time to repear my gear and sharpen my weapon ]

He placed the two glass tubes full in glowing blood around him so he could have better vision and started repairing his gear. After he finished repearing it was time for sharpening and polishing.

You have succesfully sharpened your weapon!

Attack+ 10%

You have succesfully polished your weapon!

Slight chance to dazzle your enemies

But he didn't stop there. He took the small book from his bag and searched the symbols on every page. He was going to enchant his weapon so he could fight more effectively. Minutes later he had decided which symbols to use for enchanting. He got a pointy chisel from his toolbox and started inscribing. Once the symbols were inscribed he poured his mana on the symbol until the required mana was consumed.

Hard Iron Sword

Durability: 54/54

Damage: 12-16

Awarded to those who completed the Basic Training Program.

This widely-used long sword is better than basic type weapons that are available in a blacksmith’s workshop. This weapon has a weak enchantment on it.


+10 STR


Ignores 4% Defence

Health +3%


STR 40+

VIT 35+

The weapon's damage was higher and he also had two additional effects. He prefered armor penetration over higher atk, after all the scorpions would increase their defence as he was going to the next floors. He also increased his Health. The percentage was that high but Curunir had a huge amount of health for his level. He was now level 15 and his health was over two thousand.

After he checked his stats to see his progress he moved on top of the teleportation circle and in an instant he was gone.

Status WindowNameCurunir Estelron of ThargelionAlignmentChaotic NautralProfessionNoneLevel15TitleNoneFame690Infamy0Health2150Mana3840Strength85Agility124Wisdom130Intelligence132Vitality87Endurance27Luck1Leadership1Art44Sustenance19Fighting Spirit24Fear8Concentration67Charm12Attack45Defence20Poison Resistance2%Magic Resistance5%Fire10%Dark52%Holy-50%

* * *

Chapter 8Chapter 10

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