《Hemophobia》Chapter 3


Disclaimer: Not mine~!

This FF depicts scenes of violence and some cursing .

'' speech ''

' thoughts '

* sounds*

* * *

You are the first player that has Vampire Kingdom as his starting place

+100 Fame

After a ringing like sound a window appeared in front of Curun?r's face. He was wondering how it was possible for a window to appear

out of nowhere, but he decided to pay attention on what was going on and read the message in it.

'' VAMPIRE KINGDOM!!!???? '' he screamed with wide eyes.

' This can't be happening..... I am in a Kingdom full of moving corpses. In addition, I am not inside a city or town which means i can't train, do quests, buy supplies or get a profession. '

He was swearing and kicking the ground for 30 min before his anger and frustration left him. He decided the best choice for now was to calm down and then think why he might be in this kind of situation. He focused on every little thing that happened from the momment he entered his capsule.

'' It's the race!! ''

The AI warned him that the Blood Elves faced extinction. The most logical guess was that there is no Blood Elf city anymore, and since Blood Elves where considered the '' Bad Elves '' maybe that's why he couldn't start in an Elven City. Orc and Dwarven cities where out of the question for obvious reasons. As far as he was aware of, Vampires weren't one of the unlocked races in Royal Road and that means, it wasn't possible for him to start in their cities. All that however didn't explain why he couldn't start in a Human city

' It seems, I am going to make a lot of enemies even if it's not my intention. '

He knew very little about his race, after all it wasn't an unlocked one. At that point he remembered about the manual he spent hours reading. He was able to check his racial traits at his Status Window.

'' Let's try it ''

'' Status Window ''

Status WindowNameCurun?r Estelron of ThargelionAlignmentChaotic NautralProfessionNoneLevel1TitleNoneFame100Infamy0Health140Mana120Strength8Agility13Wisdom10Intelligence12Vitality12Luck0Leadership0Attack2Defence0Magic Resistance5%Dark50%Holy-50%Racial Traits:

Blood Elves are a superior race and start with 10 additional stats

Being Half-Blood Elf you get only 5 additional stats

Being Half-Blood Elf you get only 50% resistance to Dark attacks/debuffs instead of 100%

Being Half-Blood Elf you get -50% resistance to Holy attacks/buffs/debuffs instead of -100%

5% Magic Resistance to any other kind of Magic attacks/debuffs

You can see in the dark slightly better than Humans

+10% stats at night or inside dungeons

NPCs are suspicious of you or even dislike you, but they won't atk you on sight

All Churches and Elf subclasses are hostile with you


If your Alignment changes to Chaotic Evil you will be considered a monster

' And just like that, my possible quest givers were reduced by 80%. Orcs and Dwarves hate Elves by nature, Elves and Human Churces want to hunt me down for some reason. That leaves....... Vampires. '

'' That's it, I quit! ''

Curun?r opened the System Menu and was ready to hit the Log Out button, but something stopped him.

'' This is not right. I can't give up that easily, when I gave my promise to my father I would try this out. I didn't experience anything important yet. ''

He made his resolve and started walking his way to the hills at his right side. Five hours later he was a few steps away from the top of the highest hill when


Strenght increased by 1 point.

Curun?r was happy for his first earned stat but the look on his face was a disappointed one. What unfolded before his eyes were endless ridges of hills.

( These actually are mountain ridges, but you get what I mean )

He had a small hope about coming across a city or town or even a village. Starting moving downhill this time without wasting any time, he increased his speed a little. He stumbled and almost fell a lot of times along the way to the bottom of the next hill. He was rewarded with a familiar sound though.


Agility increased by 1 point.

Vitality increased by 1 point.

The two stats increased at the same time.

'' So much work for one point increase in each combat stat ''

He closed the window and got ready to run the hill the way up this time. Five minutes later he was out of breath and his legs were trembling. Running the hill the way up wasn't a good idea. His Stamina descreased by 40% in 5 min and his satiation by 20%. He sat down and took a short rest. Without eating or drinking, he had been traveling for nearly seven straight hours. He was physically fatigued and worse, his throat was burning with thirst and his stomach empty and hollow.

'' Inventory window "

Given the preset keyword, the semi-transparent images of all the belongings in his inventory floated in front of his eyes. Inside his inventory were a canteen and ten pieces of rye bread. It was time for him to taste the ~hellbread~ as people in forums were calling it.

'' C'mon, how bad can it really be, I am sure they are exaggerating ''

He took out a piece of rye bread and the canteen, and nibbled a mouthful of bread. Saying it was horrible would be and understatment.

It was like he was chewing dirt. After drinking a sip of water from his canteen, he was able to swallow the bread.


*cough* *cough* *cough*

' Is this supposed to be a joke of the developers? One bite is pure torture '

Curun?r was angry. Not so much for the bread he ate moments ago, but for the ones he will have to eat to survive. Not being capable of handling his frustration anymore, he started screaming and swearing while imagining a bunch of developers right in front of him.

'' You think this is funny? Let ME tell you something funny ''

'' FUCK YOU! FUCK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU. YOU CAN JUST @%@#%@#% AND @#$%[email protected]#$ AND AFTER THAT #$%@[email protected]@#[email protected]$%^[email protected]#%[email protected]$%#$%.......fifteen minutes later..... HOW ABOUT THAT LOSERS? ''

*ahaaa* *ahaaa* *ahaaa*

' I feel so much better right now '

* Ding! *


Because of your repeatedly foul use of language, you are now not able to speak

in any kind of chat or send personal messages for the next 24 hours. For this

being your first offence you recieve Silence Lv. 1 curse.

You have been cursed! 23 hours 59 min 57 seconds before the curse disappears.


He knew there was nothing he could do about it so he ate the rest of his already bitten bread with a few sips of water from his canteen to help him swallow it. Once he finished eating he watched his satiation factor rise to the max. When he recovered 100% of his stamina he got ready to travel again.

' Walking the way up and running the way down is the only way for my satiation and stamina to drop slowly while I'm actually making some progress on passing these hills. That also means less rest and food breaks. '

Running the way down was hard. His speed was more than what he could handle. He had good reflexes but his body wasn't strong or fast enough to listen to him. There were times he couldn't stop himself or change diraction and fell on big rocks.

-15 hp

Other times he would trip and fall down, scratching hands and knees.

-3 hp

-3 hp

-4 hp

-4 hp

He also got

* Ding! *

New stat: Endurance

Endurance: Reduces the loss of vitality and stamina. Stat points distribution is possible and depending on the character’s actions, it can increased by itself.

The rest of his stats increased too as he was passing the hills one after another. Every time a pop-up message appeared, Curun?r was secretly delighted by the progress he was making. What was deeply troubling him was a sense of frustration that he had been falling behind in his goals. His goal was to become strong so he can hunt and do quests solo. Sure, his stats were increasing but he had no weapon mastery generated or a profession or money to get weapon and armor.

' I guess, I am going to hunt in a party until I get a decent weapon. '

Unknown to him, It had been more than 25 years in game since any player set foot in the Vampire Kingdom.When 24 hours passed and his Silence curse was lifted he was so happy he started singing as loud as he could. He hated how quiet it had been. It took him about 3 hours to pass a single hill and after his tenth, he decided it was time to stop for the day and take a rest . The first time anyone connected to Royal Road would experience enormous mental fatigue. He sat on a rock waiting for his stamina to replenish before he was going to disconnect. As he was sitting there he thought about the things he had learned. First, were the three moons. They weren't part of his imagination or drunk state, that place just had three moons instead of one. Second, it was always night at the Vampire Kindom which actually made a lot of sense for them to choose a place like that to live, but it also meant all monsters were 50% stronger 24/7. Third, was how much hard work someone had to do to increase his/hers stats. The higher the stat , the harder it was to raise it. He checked his Status Window once again to see his progress and then disconnected from Royal Road.

Status WindowNameCurun?r Estelron of ThargelionAlignmentChaotic NautralProfessionNoneLevel1TitleNoneFame100Infamy0Health230Mana120Strength14Agility17Wisdom10Intelligence12Vitality16Endurance2Luck0Leadership0Attack3Defence0Magic Resistance5%Dark50%Holy-50%Racial Traits:

Blood Elves are a superior race and start with 10 additional stats

Being Half-Blood Elf you get only 5 additional stats

Being Half-Blood Elf you get only 50% resistance to Dark attacks/debuffs instead of 100%

Being Half-Blood Elf you get -50% resistance to Holy attacks/buffs/debuffs instead of -100%

5% Magic Resistance to any other kind of Magic attacks/debuffs

You can see in the dark slightly better than Humans

+10% stats at night or inside dungeons

NPCs are suspicious of you or even dislike you, but they won't atk you on sight

All Churches and Elf subclasses are hostile with you

If your Alignment changes to Chaotic Evil you will be considered a monster

Back in his room Chris opened the top of the capsule and got up. He didn't have any sore muscles from staying idle for so long inside the capsule by virtue of the massage option it had. A thought crossed his mind about searching information on the internet about the Vampire Kingdom, but it was dismissed because of how tired he was. He lied down on his bed and soon was in the embrace of Morpheus.


Chapter 2Chapter 4

Health : 100+(Vitality-10)*20+(Endurance)*5+(Lvl.-1)*10

Mana : 100+(Wisdom-10)*20+(Intellect-10)*10+(Lvl.-1)*10

Morpheus: The drowsy deity of dreams, by Greek Mythology.

That's Chapter 3 folks!I hope you like it. Next chapter we finally see some action. Have fun {[999aag}]

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