《Tales of The Heroic Kingdoms》Chapter Twenty-One: The Tree Of Many Paths
This type of dungeon in Tales is the backbone of any first-class guild and the reason the three big guilds can triumph over recently created player ones. With it, they have a relatively safe spot to hunt, profit and level, gathering materials without worrying about running out in the foreseeable future.
The dungeon itself, as the name suggests, is endless. This means that there will always be monsters spawning inside, regardless of how many of them die. This spawn is fixed, and some spots can be empty for a long period, but either by relocation or monster reproduction that vacuum will be filled. The way this happens depends on what happened to that spot in the first place.
If monsters are killed by players, any survivors will move on to other areas and adapt. If there are enough of them, they will reproduce and eventually guarantee the survival of that species. Aside from player interference, other monster species are also a threat, as Faint Forest Ecosystem is the living proof of how things can change overnight.
Most players are not aware of this yet, but [Monster Evolution] is also possible. If the environment changes it will affect the ones that live in it. The speed of this change widely depends on the species. Some change in a year, other in a few days. Highly adaptable species are very dangerous!
This type of dungeon has its dangers, especially when climbing to higher floors. NPCs cannot be too daring while going higher because they fear permanent death, but players are natural-born explorers. Soon many will brave and aim for the top floor, uncover secrets and treasures. Many secrets, however, are best left behind.
Each floor in the [Tree Of Many Paths] has plant-type monsters in general, but monster species will diversify when going up. Some of them are intelligent and friendly, others not so much. Monster communities’ dynamics are wide, not all of them pertaining to the same category as the ones Yushin knows from Faint Forest. Overall, climbing the tree gets harder and harder, yet has many hidden rewards. The floors on this type of dungeon are as many as the stars!
Yushin thinks Aurei’s decision of joining Free Forest was also right. This dungeon has a lot of good material for alchemists, herbs and poisonous species. An alchemist’s paradise!
When the party goes in, they are teleported inside. Branches and vines intertwine all around moving up in several different places. As they go up, falling can mean death. At the same time, it feels like they are inside a huge hollow branch, which is, in fact, the tree’s trunk. Light passes through to them in small amounts, but in many different places, so there is no darkness. Many river-like formations could be seen, even though they did not carry water, but tree sap of many colors instead. Yushin thinks this dungeon is a huge tree in one of the many worlds, but there’s a huge change it’s not the one they came from!
Of course, his thinking is biased, only because in real life he could never think about a tree with a trunk full of smaller branches and vines. A full wooden world. If this is like any common tree, there should also be roots, but no mention of the possibility of going lower instead of higher.
All Free Forest members are not surprised, it’s not their first time in here. Only Yushin is still dazed. Most of this info they are the ones giving to him. Here the difficulty on the lower floors is much lower than the higher ones, not just by design, but also because the lower floors are being constantly wiped out by members, while higher floors are deadly ground of competition.
In fact, in the entire guild, people tried to travel only as further as the third floor. Any higher than that and many party wipes were reported, so they stopped trying to go higher for now. But, if time passes, won’t many Boss Type monsters start to appear on the higher floors?
If monsters are getting experience like players, then, since on higher floors they are not being hunted will level up and become very strong. If the same thing occurs as with the Monarch Bear, then a legion of beasts will go down and prevent players from leveling.
Unless there are systems in place preventing monsters to go down branches, Free Forest members will need to go higher if they don’t want this dungeon to become unusable by newbies.
Yushin takes the lead to explore, he is the most mobile and versatile among them. Running on branches is not too different from Faint Forest, except sometimes there are viscous spots with some amount of tree sap. Since its effect is unknown Yushin makes sure not to step on them.
The first monsters they encounter are [Plant Type] known as [Peachtooth]. They are non-intelligent small life forms that attacked using small vines with a teeth-like point, dropped [Sap] and [Rare Sap] as materials. A common enemy in lowers floors, they do not present much of a challenge to the party at this level.
The Peachtooth did not present a level of organization similar to the teamwork of the monsters in Faint Forest. Instead, they fought freely and even hated to roam, staying put in the same place often. To a party that relied on brute force attacks, this is certainly a huge plus.
Yushin dodged the vines with ease. Compared to Sinkred’s attacks, they were much slower and predictable. The Peachtooth are many, so he doesn’t waste time and cuts to kill swiftly.
Kobo-Orc and Bitter Cat are very similar in their warrior's ways, except that Gron knows some nature magic, [Binding Vines], and both Shum and Bitter Cat could be defined as Barbarians or Berserkers, even though the former used an Axe, and the latter a Heavy Warhammer. They favored brunt force over everything and their choice of skills reflected that fact. Shum was really sad once he realized that he lost to Bitter Cat in every possible way. The Warhammer fits her build and size, she also loves beating down stuff with force. People included.
Apart from increasing size and height, Bitter Cat awakened status gave her extra [Giant strength] and [Fire Property Resistance]. One proper hit from her would make anyone, Yushin included, collapse after the first blow. Her weapon of choice also drew from her strengths and its weight was absolutely deadly once set to destructive purpose. Comparing to when he saw the Monarch Bear mow people down, Bitter Cat didn’t lose at all in power. In fact, he estimated that soon it will be higher.
After Yushin lured went in, Shum and Bitter Cat followed behind. Those two had their own personal ego competition going on, and one refused to lose the other with passion. Too bad for Shum, Bitter Cat is an excellent player and her character is currently far superior. Although both of them are much slower than Yushin, Bitter Cat, even with her size, is still a bit faster than Shum. The power of the Giant Race Awakened!
Gron Spiderfinger followed after them together with Aurei, his spear, although short, gave him excellent versatility and utility. [Binding vines] also could lock a target in place for a few seconds, but he didn’t need to use it on this enemy.
Aurei’s weapon of choice is a chain, a very unusual choice, but he didn’t like any close combat weapon and was also no good with the bow. This made him a hybrid medium-close range combatant, with the possibility of extending his range with a longer chain. A kusarigama would also be a fitting weapon for him, as Yushin recalled the first dungeon run against kusari-kruik. He is always quick to respond, despite his shyness, and his decision making is on par with Rain!
If any of the party members make a wrong move, Yushin is quick to react and avoid bigger damage. After a while, he realized Aurei also moved in a similar manner, albeit slower and sometimes without confidence. His spatial awareness, teamwork, reaction, and knowledge were also very good. He also had access to [Magic Shield], a first rank defensive magic.
Cella uses a staff, fighting style is very similar to current Collapsing Snow. She started with [Buff Magic] and [Healing Magic], so is able to use [Buff Defense] and [Small Heal]. Buff magic is designed to be used repeatedly, but healing magic has a long cooldown which severely diminished its effectiveness at this level. However, in case of an emergency, it would definitely be useful.
With this party, the best strategy is without a doubt [Brute Force]. No magic and no ranged attacks, only pure unrestricted fury!
Soon they came in contact with a few more types of monsters, mainly plant-type and minor variations of Peachtooth. Yushin and Gron pierced, Shum hacked away, Bitter Cat smashed, Aurei and Cella struck. After killing many mobs they decide to move up a level, climb many branches and reach the second floor. They make sure to get any herbs and materials around, but don’t dwell too much on them since most are unknown without research.
On the second floor, things are a bit harder. With the addition of bug type enemies like [Spinner], a medium-sized bug with horns and wings, the danger to the party also increased. To survive, Peachtooth and Spinner banded together and fought in teams, which made the brought the fight to a whole new level in comparison to the first floor.
But this party prowess is much above the average. Not only do they have Yushin and Bitter Cat monstrous strength, Aurei also turns out to be a highly competent player. While not much above average, the other three knew their limits and worked well together with others. They did not overreach and try to grab a central role, but worked on the sidelines and did their best. Shum sometimes tried too hard, but his common sense always wins in the end.
Soon they killed enough of the second level, moving forward like a mad train of berserkers. The pace is extremely high, almost no time to rest at all. Yet it was really enjoyable, the feeling of a high-level party in the works!
Not much time had passed since they decided to go higher and climb to the third floor. There, in addition to Peachtooth and spinners, a new and dangerous opponent appeared: [Wood Elemental]. They looked like a walking humanoid form made of branches, with vines and a hollow face. If you consider how plants and bugs are very diverse, some types of Peachtooth also carried poison and acid, they present a medium danger to the party.
Wood Elementals are much stronger, they have a duty to guard some paths and natural resources, like a guardian sentinel. Aside from that, they have healing and regeneration powers, long range attacks, can multiply when in danger and even camouflage themselves among the rocks. They never fight alone, with other species acknowledging them as leaders and even going as far as sacrificing themselves to help.
If the third level has this much increase in difficulty, the fourth level is a ride to hell. There are a lot more elementals and stronger species. These Wood Elementals are called [Vitalus]. Their first fight against one was the toughest. Aside from a Vitalus, there were many Peachtooths and Spinners. They guarded a path into a well-hidden area and any common party would avoid them.
After setting up a strike plan, the group moved forward. They could not lure the enemies away, as they were following Vitalus’ orders and would not take the bait. Even if they had ranged attacks, it was not useful since it was easy for the Vitalus to command them to hide in the branches.
Focusing only on the mobs and leaving Vitalus aside was also a mistake since its ranged attacks were fast and could hurt the party badly. The only way is for someone to keep it occupied while the rest of the party focus on taking down the numbers.
Yushin is the best candidate for this. Aurei and Cella will support everyone while also fighting the mobs, and the remaining trio will kill with lightning speed. This means Yushin has to tank the Vitalus at a distance far enough not to hit everyone else with stray attacks, and close enough that Aurei and Cella can help him if needed!
Cella casts [Buff Defense] and he rushes forward, avoids the first waves of attack by dodging and running on branches. The group follows behind quickly, begin the assault. The Vitalus sees Yushin coming, spits a [Flurry of Sharp Wooden Chips]!
Yushin expected the attack, Vitalus are widely known in Free Forest. However, he did not expect that speed. The chips hit him on the right arm, penetrated deeply and became lodged there. Even though damage was reduced by [Buff Defense], the effects of this attack slowed the movements of his arm considerably. If multiple attacks hit, aside from damage it would also render it useless for a while. He started this battle with a huge mistake!
‘Damn!’ Yushin criticized himself for taking a hit even while knowing the attack could come.
Aurei and Cella also tried to make way forward, but it was tougher than expected. It was not hard to pass through the Peachtooths, but the Spinners functioned as an insect-like barrier preventing them. Bitter Cat and Shum started to force a path through with power, but these were also much tougher than the ones before.
In fact, this Vitalus is not common, but a variation species. He is capable of extending his regeneration power and even increasing his allies resistance through [Elemental Aura], in exchange for the loss of camouflage and multiplying abilities. His overall strength is much higher!
The battle goes on, Yushin is in a tough spot, dodging vine attacks left and right without time to think. His striking power is also reduced since he is right-handed, dodging is all he can do except for throwing a few hidden weapons that cause little to no damage.
Finally, Aurei and Cella break through. The healer casts [Buff Defense] again and immediately switches to attack the mobs. Aurei won’t risk triggering aggro from Vitalus, keeps an eye on Yushin and aims at the Peachtooths with his chain. Yushin has a few potions and uses some after taking more hits, Aurei brought many as a backup.
The party overwhelms the mobs and go forward, join Yushin. He switches to full offense as soon as the rest come, his arm is back to normal. [Double Thrust] works very well, the elemental is no good at dodging, even though is very durable. Bitter Cat skill is [Power Smash], hits like a truck, Vitalus deems her priority one!
Shum uses [Power Strike], the axe initial skill, while Gron also goes for [Spear Thrust]. His [Binding Vine] is useless against the elemental. Aurei uses [Chain Strike] repeatedly, Cella is on heal duty. No matter how durable he is, Vitalus cannot survive, this party damage is amazing.
They take a few hits but nothing life-threatening. Their first powerful target is down!
[Variation Wooden Elemental Power Core] x3 dropped, picked up by Aurei, Cella and Bitter Cat. Its effects are unknown.
[Variation Vitalus’ Resin] x6 dropped, one each.
“So, this Vitalus was a variation!” The party is astonished, expected a common Vitalus but got a variation instead. They could have been wiped out for overlooking this.
“Do we rest or keep going on this path?” Yushin asked them.
“Keep going, bro!” Shum didn’t want to stop. In this last battle, it felt as if he had a minor participation in the “Boss” fight while Bitter Cat was the MVP. The rest of the group agreed, since the path is there they might as well explore it.
“I’ll scout ahead again,” After a few minutes rest, Yushin goes ahead as the scout. This part of the dungeon is a bit different, the branches are older and thicker, the color is also darker. He avoids the mobs for now, they don’t seem any different. Somehow it seems they avoid going deeper.
Soon he spots movement, follows sneakily on the side trying not to get caught. Running in front, three figures speed forward. They looked weird, like deer people running on two legs and taller than the average man, with vicious eyes. Their brown-colored antlers also look sharp and durable.
The one they hunt is a small form, looked like a child. Yet this one is not a human child but looks like a Leaf Human. His body is made of many leaves with light radiant gems as eyes.
Yushin sees this scene and cannot sit still. No matter what race, three ominous looking monsters hunting a child is definitely wrong. No time to think, he notifies party and joins the fight!
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