《Draugr Cell //Layer 01-- Investiture:》Chapter Seventeen
"You done?" I tried to holler over the sound of the fifty cal. as I joined it in opening up on a limping sentinel warbot, rather unsuccessfully. Both me and the heavy machine gun.
We had already shot out one barrel in the first five minutes of the engagement, you know, just the kind of bullshit rookie mistake that would get me or one of my girls killed. What am I talking about? In prolonged engagements the barrels of the heavy machine guns will literally glow red with heat, particularly if the software controlling it has been programmed to hold the trigger down until the target stops moving. Guess what? Sentinel robots are hard fuckers to kill, that, and metal, when it gets hot enough looses its shape. There was a reason the fifties were colloquially referred to as fire hoses. When a barrel was 'shot out' it literally looked like a fire hose turned on full blast and flapping in the breeze. It would never fire with anything even resembling accuracy ever again, at least until the barrel was swapped out.
Now imagine you have deployed your team outside of its designated firing arc, but most certainly within its effective range, then it starts spitting out armour piercing bullets in any direction it damn well feels like, even backwards if the angle was right. Yeah. Not good.
The turret fell silent and pointed at the sky in maintenance mode. I breathed a sigh of relief and gave a thumbs up to Bri currently sitting low in the cab to operate the turret manually as Lilou took a running jump and leapt onto the roof of the hummer. With the pain sensitivity of her augmented arm turned completely off, she was the only one in my three man team that had the ability to remove the now super heated and useless barrel of the heavy machine gun. Sure we could wait for it to naturally cool down, but fuck that. The reaper manoeuvred herself behind the turret to gain as much cover as possible in her exposed position and quickly cleared the weapon.
A high pitched screaming squeal echoed across the compound we were holed up in as the harbin protested at being forced to hover from full forward flight.
I called over the tactical network, probably unnecessarily. Brooke was flying like a fucking legend, and was clearly back on station now that her bingo fuel situation had been taken care of. The asphalt around the limping sentinel bot began to boil as rounds from the chin mounted chain gun of the gunship chipped away at some more of its armour. Two flashes of light shot over my head from behind to enter my field of view, the tell tale sign from the exhausts of the heavier fin guided rockets. One, or both found their target, the corresponding explosion wasn't really all that satisfactory being primarily contained within the bots armoured shell, but I could settle for chunks of the destroyed warbot flying through the air as a close second prize.
I looked back to confirm Brooke had taken the whole 'moving targets are harder to hit' concept to heart. Judging by the speed at which the harbin was already advancing she had likely begun moving forward again as soon as she had lined up the target.
:\ Good girl.
:// Quit it, you'll make me blush. Heading back up top.
:>> Alpha Gil, this is Tac.1. Confirmed authority to engage assets moving forward as required.
:>> This is Bravo, acknowledged. Out.
:>> Wildcat Alpha acknowledged.
Not like I needed anyone's permission to shoot back, but it was nice to know I could now take out what were supposed to be friendly sentinel units without having to wait for them to engage first, or having to pay to replace them. To put it in no uncertain terms, this was a cluster fuck. We are around twenty kilometers out from the AO and had been clearing the outpost indicated by Tac.1 to establish a safe zone for Abby to both standby and provide a secure rearming zone for Brooke...
:>> Contact left.
Brooke's voice broke into the comms to the tune of the automated mini gun turrets on the mole opening up. She was cool calm and collected. Looking back along the line I could see she had made no effort to move the massive eight wheeler, likely more mutants taking a peek at their new neighbours.
:>> Target neutralised.
Yep. Mutants. So as I was saying, cluster fuck. Turns out the compound was set up as a secure deployment zone for sentinels to keep the mutant population in check, problem being someone had managed to splice into the inexplicably inactive units and alter their IFF systems. (Identify Friend or Foe.) So guess what happened as soon as the Bravo team brought them back online?
<># Sumi, what do you see?
I only trusted one... person, to get to the bottom of what the fuck was going on in any reasonable time frame. I watched over Lilou as she switched out the fifty cal barrel for a new one. She moved back to check the weapon was still timed correctly.
<># Black site?
<># Anything you can track back to the corporation responsible?
I wasn't looking for details to hold someone accountable, taking on a company isn't something on my to do list, think of it more as information gathering. Figuring out who not to trust in future.
Lilou and Bri were already headed over to Clea, our lone sentry by the entrance to the sentinel facility.
:\ Okay my lovelies, there are twelve more units inside currently rebooting. Lets get in there and pull the batteries.
:// Daddy.
Most of the girls were being cautiously optimistic about where I was getting my information, trusting that I wouldn't be leading them astray. Brianna however was another story entirely, far beyond pissed at this point, not out of a lack of trust based on where I might be getting my information, but because I was keeping something from her.
:\ Bri, stow it.
She turned around and glared at me from the open maw of the abandoned workshop in the compound around twenty meters away. I didn't have time for a petulant little girl just at the present moment. To be honest I was surprised she was even trying it on in the middle of an OP. At least she had the presence of mind to keep it over our private cell network.
As for the Bravos they were regular army, a force recon team sent out to discover why the sentinels weren't patrolling as programed. The timing purely coincidental with our assault right? Yeah, fuck off. Conspiracy nuts, you have my full permission to go crazy, there are just to many 'coincidences' mounting up for my liking at this point. Expecting a milk run and having to fight off nothing more than a few mutants the Bravos had their asses handed to them. We had been contacted by Tac.1 and were asked to assist under the guise of creating a forward operation post for our OP. It was a tack on tertiary mission requirement, but obviously one that would need to be completed as a matter of priority.
With the unexpected contacts we were now an hour behind our scheduled assault, the Wildcats had moved forward from their hides in preparation but were now going to have to wait an in determinant length of time before we could begin. Being recon they were far from used to being setup so close to an assault target and I wanted to make sure nerves weren't fraying to the point of snapping.
:>> Wildcat Alpha. Target shift change window has past, otherwise secure. ETA?
There was no worry or stress in her voice, but like soldiers everywhere the girls were likely struggling to maintain a heightened awareness over such a long period, especially coming down from the adrenaline high after getting ready for imminent action.
:>> Wildcat Alpha. Acknowledged.
There was a sigh to her voice, but it was one of impatience, so all good. I'd previously ordered the Wildcats to sit tight and withdraw to our position if engaged. Fifteen minutes notice to move didn't mean I expected to begin the assault so soon, it meant that when I passed the order down to begin, I expected them on station and ready to roll no less than fifteen minutes from that point.
:>> Bravo Acknowledged. Out.
The relief in the voice was obvious. Six soldiers remained of the ten man squad that had been sent to investigate, I currently had them taking cover by the ground floors of the in the intact, but time ruined buildings on either side of the wide thorough fair by our little convoy on over watch. Daniela was with them, patching up the walking wounded. They were in no hurry to go back inside, that much was clear. The Draugr girls didn't respond to the general order and instead immediately began clearing the primary warehouse where the sentinels were housed.
Bri gave me a dirty look as I pulled up my rifle to the ready stance and took up position to her right behind the reapers. She was really not happy with secrets between us and was far from ready to let the subject drop.
Lilou and Clea took point, if you haven't figured it out by now, reapers were the answer to warbots in close quarters combat and typically took point in urban operations. In fact it wouldn't be a stretch to say that they didn't exist prior to Operation Wolf Bane, they had been about the only half reasonable recommendation that we could make to counter the wolves. Their roles had broadened considerably as a counter for all warbots during the course of the war. Why? Basic infantry weapons had no hope of penetrating the heavy armour of a warbot in a close quarters ambush. Vibroswords were another matter entirely, and could cut through all but the thickest armour just as easily as flesh, of course the role came with a short life expectancy, no one really thought to hard on that particular point though. Particularly non reapers.
The entrance of the warehouse was empty of quite literally anything, including lighting, but that's as expected of an outpost staffed by robots. The heavy blast doors sitting ajar just inside the entrance that lead to the secure work zone, just wide enough for a person to walk through however was not. Under the watchful eyes of Clea, Lilou advanced in a low crouch to the edge and flashed her head through the doors and back again quickly before a pot shot could be taken.
She stood, still holding both swords at the ready and stepped completely into the dark interior. As soon as she was out of sight Clea followed suit, breaking to the left of the doorway as she entered. Bri and I took up position either side of the heavy door and waited for a good twenty seconds before the all clear was given.
:>> Clear Maître. There is activity, but no movement.
I didn't bother responding but instead nodded my chin upwards at Bri, she entered the chamber beyond in a low walking crouch, rifle at the ready. I quickly followed and glanced around the room to confirm the reapers assessment. Sumiko had been correct, there were a total of twelve sentinels lined up in charging racks along either wall. There were seven empty racks. The activity Lilou had mentioned were the status lights indicating a reboot sequence timer by the cradles of each war machine. Two of the warbots were clearly inoperable, someone had been busy, and fairly recently by the looks of it. Two of the machines had maintenance hatches open with internal components spread out on nearby workbenches.
:>> Bravo. Wilco. Out.
:>> Draugr Five. Wilco.
The girls in my immediate surroundings once again didn't respond but set to work. Bri moved to the front of the first sentinel covering it with her rifle. Lilou and Clea, the only team members with the strength to remove the batteries by force, walked to either side of the unit and began tearing away the access panel in the torso of the three legged war machine.
:>> This is Tac.1. Sitrep.
The somewhat bewildered voice of our current controller broke into the channel. Not being privy to the fact that I knew going in the warbots were offline, she had been expecting a significant fire fight.
:>> Tac.1 acknowledged. Going live.
With a sigh I waited for the blinking indicator that would show someone was viewing my live feed. It didn't take long.
:>> Tac.1 track to units under maintenance.
It was a male voice, for whatever reason he sounded pissed. Well, if I could sucker him into agreeing with a comment floating around in the back of my mind at an opportune moment he was likely to get even more so.
I watched the reapers working by the ambient light of the charge stations as they hauled out the primary fission cell of the sentinel they were working on. They didn't bother pulling secondaries and instead moved onto the next unit. Brianna again taking station to shoot out the relatively unprotected targeting relays in its skull should the unit reactivate. Sure the unit could still reboot systems, but with the primary cell pulled it would have insufficient power to drive the large internal motors that generated movement. It would be able to watch and track our movements, but wouldn't be able to act. It was good enough for now, we could pull the secondaries once the initial task was complete.
Making sure that whoever was watching had observed the girls neutralising the threat I moved to the rear of the darkened hard room to continue painting my picture, towards the two sentinels that were in the process of being torn down for what I assumed to be scheduled major maintenance. I switched on the tactical light of my helmet, switching the filter from red to white light so that my benefactor... err viewer would be able to see what they needed to.
Without any direct instructions on what they wanted to see I just got up close and personal with the deactivated warbot, primarily focussing on what components were missing.
:>> This is Tac.1 Is there a worktable nearby?
Without responding I turned to my right, looking over the stand currently housing the twin 25mm chain gun pod that had been removed from the single heavy units back. The weapons themselves had been untouched, several access points had been opened, though curiously only those that granted access to programming ports, none of the mechanical maintenance areas having been touched. Now curious myself I turned to the table behind me, to the left of the giant war machine. I reviewed the various electronic sub assemblies and components on display. Nothing mechanical was being worked on. With whoever watching clearly as dumbfounded as I was at the discovery, I took the silence as my opportunity to strike.
:>> Tac.1 confirmed. Good work Draugr cell. Out.
The monitoring indicator in the upper left of my vision winked out, meaning I could get back to work. As I walked back to the three girls, now working on the fourth sentinel in line, Brianna turned to look at me sideways with a 'you can't be serious' look in her wide eyes. I smirked and shrugged at her.
:// Daddies being naughty.
She wasted no time in 'telling on me' to the girls.
I'm surprised Lilou and Clea didn't snap their own necks with the speed at which they turned to see what was going on, likely half expecting me to be putting the moves on Brianna when we were supposed to be working. At least that's what I assume as they flashed both Bri and I slightly disappointed pouts before turning back to the task at hand without a word.
:// What's he done now?
That was Talia, easily the most extroverted and free spirited girl of the entire bunch, she was the big sister to Bri's little girl persona and liked joining in whenever Brianna picked on me. Her voice now full of mock disappointment and condemnation.
:// He just stole all the stuff and things.
She said with a smirk.
:// He what now?
She said incredulously.
:// Operational salvage. He somehow convinced Tac.1 all of the sentinels on site, even the deactivated ones, were valid combatants.
:\ Well... I don't think they actually realise that's what I did just yet. So Abby, lets get them loaded up before they can say no.
:// You're incorrigible. Give me twenty minutes.
Abby responded with a grin in her voice.
:// And what about the site you are at? I'm new to the whole operational salvage thing, but...
That was Anika, she let her sentence fall off now the idea had been planted. She had initially had a hard time understanding that the Wildcats were now legally authorised to strip weapons and equipment from a combat zone. She especially had a hard time understanding she could even confiscate vehicles and other assets as the spoils of war, provided they were previously in the control of the enemy during a valid OP of course. Soldiers called it looting, ringers called it non cash incentives. Abby's truck had come in pretty handy on several different occasions since she had joined us.
My eyebrows shot up in surprise, that particular thought hadn't occurred even to me. Brianna just rolled her eyes and shook her head at my gall for even considering going along with the suggestion and turned back to her task. Yeah, perhaps claiming a federal government installation wouldn't put me in anyone's good books, but there was no doubt that the compound was owned by the same 'group' that owned the sentinels. The sentinels that had just tried to kill us... and I was claiming those... I smiled.
:\ I like your style baby. Lets make sure we lock up tight when we're done.
A secret lair staffed by robots wasn't exactly my style... maybe Sumiko could think of some use for it.
The AI's voice entered the private channel as if on cue.
<># Of course you do. It's all yours sweetheart.
Brianna's head swiveled and she openly glared at me with an evil squint to her eyes. Oops. I was very obviously using a comm channel, one that Brianna should have been able to hear my response via her neural link if I was using any of the current tactical networks we were all plugged into at the moment. She also knew that given our location in the middle of nowhere that I didn't have access to any other network... and the only people I called sweetheart were her and...
"Sumiko." With her statement of indisputable fact, she glared. Her voice low and menacing. I swallowed, my throat suddenly very dry. Yep. I'm in trouble.
The AI half pleaded, half asked to not get blamed. Brianna halted her advance and simply blinked at me for a few seconds in confusion. Her furious expression (and not the cute little girl kind) quickly returned.
"Get out of my head. I'll deal with you later." Bri spoke, obviously responding in a similarly private channel with my AI as she stalked towards me.
"You. Spill." She poked me in the chest. Something she only ever did when worried... or extremely pissed.
* * *
With the primary fission cells pulled I left my reapers with a cute military tech to finish the job of removing the more delicate secondary power cells. She was all batting eyes and sly smiles, but I resisted the temptation to flirt, I had enough on my plate at the moment with the silently fuming Brianna not letting me get more than three steps from her. She wanted more answers but was smart enough not to push the subject around others just yet. Not even other members of the cell.
I headed out to check up on Abby's progress and to make sure the army guys were properly set up for monitoring the immediate surrounds.
"Your dating a fucking cypher. What the fuck is wrong with you?" She growled out as soon as we were out of ear shot while she walked beside me.
Yeah, I kinda wish the AI had run that little gem by me first, but what was done was done. I stopped short and turned to look down at my life partner in everything. Maybe I was about to do this because of Daniela and her constantly reminding me of how the Draugr girls felt. To be honest I'm not really sure why now of all possible times was when I wanted to do this. But if I was going to start, I wanted Brianna to be the first. After several attempts I finally managed to hold both of her hands in mine as I looked down into her eyes with one of my smoldering looks that I knew she love/hated. This was going to be... well I don't know, but it didn't make what I was about to say any less true, and I needed Bri to be... well... Bri. I couldn't afford any distractions.
"Baby girl. I love you, but you've gotta let this drop. Trust me?" I asked with pleading eyes. Anger immediately forgotten she looked up at me with big puppy dog eyes, tears welling.
"You... love me?" She asked with a little confusion.
"You know I do." I pulled her up onto tip toes and nibbled her lips gently to not let things get out of hand.
Once I let her go she stepped back, playfully pouting up at me through her fringe, her left leg bent inwards at the knee and twisting on the ball of her foot. The submissive little girl I knew and loved was back.
"I love you too daddy, but I'm still cranky with you." She pouted half angrily without looking directly at me.
"I know you are princess. I promise we will talk when all this is done okay?"
"Because you... what me again?" She looked up at me sideways with a cheeky grin.
"Because I love you." I said with a chuckle.
"Okay." She smiled broadly, biting her lower lip at the same time. She let me get a few paces ahead before literally skipping as she followed me into the compound.
This compound was far different to what we had in the city. This one was designed for all out war as opposed to our peace time barracks. There was no razor sharp synthetic polymer chain link fencing like back home, the walls were six foot thick reinforced concrete with several hard points along each six meter high wall for turreted weapon emplacements. The gate itself was made of the same concrete, Abby had rectified whatever the issue was with the mechanism and the twelve meter wide gate was currently rumbling up into the fully close position.
"Hopefully the fucker comes down again." She mumbled to herself, not realising I was within ear shot. She froze like a deer in the headlights when she turned and promptly planted a stupid grin on her face, scratching the back of her head when she saw me with arms folded across my chest and my less than amused expression. Brianna saved her from any rather pointed questions I might ask.
"Daddy loves me." She cooed at our lover, racing to her side and holding onto her arm.
The smile didn't leave Abby's face, she wrinkled her nose at Brianna in amusement, now used to her antics and looked at me for an explanation. "Yeah..."
The girls all knew how I felt about them, even if I never said it, so Bri's announcement wasn't all that earth shattering, it didn't mean they didn't want to actually hear the words though, as Daniela was constantly reminding me.
"He told me so." Brianna loudly whispered with big eyes as though it were some kind of secret.
"Holy shit!" Abby nearly screamed, her tools clattering loudly on the concrete where she dropped them to hug her friend in congratulations.
A few of the soldiers looked down at us from the top of the wall at the outburst, I waived them an all clear before turning my attention to my lovers with a mildly surprised expression. I had clearly underestimated how much the words would mean to them. For someone that was so good at getting women into bed, I was still so very clueless at some of the things that motivated them.
Abby didn't push for 'her fair share', she just grabbed my fingertips and squeezed. She stepped up on tip toes with her palm on my chest for balance and planted a big wet kiss on my lips.
"I knew you could do it." She smirked before turning and giving Bri the same treatment.
I looked up to see two of the male soldiers looking down at us and talking excitedly between themselves. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I could guess what the topic of conversation was. They promptly got back to work when they noticed I was watching them watching us.
"Sorry." Abby said a little embarrassed. "You've kinda desensitised me to the making out in private thing with the whole harem deal you got me into."
"You love it." Bri pinched her arm playfully.
"I do, and I love you." Abby winked at Brianna.
"awww, me too!" Both girls gave me sideways looks and playful grins as they ganged up on me.
I sighed loudly, almost regretting what I might have started. The girls turned to look at me with playful pouts at the noise but stopped teasing me, so that's something I suppose.
"It's fine. How are things going with the fortifications out here, can we move out soon?"
"If you're leaving them with me, you can head out anytime." She nodded up at the sentries on the wall.
"You get that last turret online?"
"Nah, gonna need some major work that one, but I'll keep tinkering if I'm not busy with anything else. What you want me to do with the sentinels, you seriously gonna claim 'em?"
"Fuck yes I am. Just get 'em outside and as ready to load as you can make them. Not sure if we might need the truck before we get outta here. Better completely unload everything while your at it, just in case."
"Sure thing babe." She looked over my shoulder with a playful glint in her eye.
"New girlfriend incoming." She smirked and quickly dragged Brianna with her, heading towards the nearby Daniela, likely to spread the news I had finally opened up.
I turned to see the cute army tech heading my direction with a tight lipped, knowing smile. I couldn't help but wonder how long she had been watching before she approached. So either I have a type, or the women I'm involved with do. She was short, like all my girls except for the reapers. Maybe 5'1", 5'3" at most. She had a smoking hot body with curves in all the right places. I couldn't help but chuckle when her hips started swaying a little more exaggeratedly now she knew I was watching her approach.
"Hey boss man." She smiled up at me warmly, standing far closer than was polite for a casual acquaintance. Not that I minded.
"About fucking time!" Dani hollered to the sky. She gave me a big stupid grin when I looked her direction but didn't say anything else.
The army tech tilted her head and starting curling a long strand of dark purple hair that had fallen from under her helmet around a finger as she looked up at me with big green, augmented eyes.
"Can I ask you something?"
I looked down at her with a raised eyebrow and a stern expression but didn't say anything. I was serious when I said before I wasn't returning the flirting, my hands are full, and we're on an OP. But that being said the next shift change at the target facility was scheduled for just after dark, so we had a little time. My expression must have softened as I processed because her hesitant expression softened to a come hither look in the blink of an eye. For a laugh I opened the cell comm channel so the girls could listen in.
"Is it true what I hear about Draugr cell?"
:// Daddy! That's so naughty.
:// Shhh. I wanna hear.
"Depends what you hear." I couldn't help but smile easily down at the cutie.
She bit her upper lip nervously, and rather than answer immediately let her eyes wander over to the girls watching us intently as they listened in, but also excitedly reacting to Brianna's news. The tech clearly picked up on the looks as well.
"It has to be true, look at how they're looking at you."
:// She'd be jealous if she knew why.
:// Oooo. What happened?
:// I want to tell you all in person, so you'll have to wait.
"What has to be true?" So I was toying with her, let me have my fun. Se clearly knew the Draugr Wildcats was a harem, word was out and apparently general knowledge now. Can't say I was surprised, so far as I was aware nothing like it had ever happened before. Given current circumstances however, I wasn't going to make it easy for her.
"That you all... well thing is... people are saying that..." She looked up at me for a little help, which I wasn't going to give. I just looked at her with a playfully innocent expression. She rolled her eyes at me. She would fit in well.
:// aww. Poor girl, just grab her and kiss her.
:// pfft. He couldn't stop himself at just a kiss.
"It is true isn't it." She smirked.
:// YES!
All the girls chimed in at once. Having heard no objections to my playful interaction I moved things along, but continued my playful flirting tease.
"Ah my cute little slicer, I think I need to hear you say what's on your mind." I threw my arm over her shoulder and headed towards my girls, intending to have an informal interview with her and my team as the Wildcats listened in to kill the boredom.
:// Get ready here they come.
"No wait." A little panic crept into her voice and she planted her feet once she saw the direction I was heading. She didn't move away from my embrace, quite the opposite, she leaned into my side throwing her arm around my waist but looking up at me with nervous eyes.
"I'm... not used to what I've heard you have going on, but I'm interested. Could we... talk. Just you and me?" She looked up at me hopefully.
:// Well that's no fun.
"If you mean actually just talk, we can do that too." I smirked down at her, her cheeks flushed red at my bold words. Embarrassment didn't stop her grabbing a hold of what she wanted with both hands however, and she seized the opportunity I presented her with.
:// Hook line and sinker
:// Damn our man works fast
:// Lets see how red she can get.
:// Huh?
:// Just follow my lead.
"Yes please, on both counts." She laughed out the words nervously. At the wolf whistles and cheering from my girls she hid her face in my side and held on tighter in a fit of embarrassed giggles.
:// Whelp, its official. Daddies got a new girlfriend.
:// I literally just listened to you pick her up and I still have no idea how you move so fast.
:// I know right! What was that, thirty seconds? If that?
:// Hell I don't even know how he got me in the sack, when you figure it out let us know.
:// Never mind that, how did he get us all in the sack and not have a problem with him being such a huge man slut?
:// I think it's more the first bit? But yeah, the man slut part fits as well.
:\ I prefer the term expert lover.
:// pfft I'm sure you do.
:\ Oh, are you saying you don't want me to...
:// I'll shut up now before I make things any worse.
:// Nah you go girl, more for us.
:// Well at least now we know who's going to be last on the merry go round when we get back.
:// aww mannnn
:// Trust me when I say last is gooooood.
:// Now I kinda wanna be last...
:// Maybe we should make up a roster or something?
Well, it wasn't exactly what I had intended, but at least neither the Draugrs or the Wildcats were bored now as they got down to some very serious negotiations amongst themselves.
People have spent centuries perfecting the indoors. separating the comfort of the living room from the wild of the forest. However, when forces from beyond their comprehension start rising, bent on destroying all they know, the only thing that could stand up to them is the power of nature itself. Will humanity tear down its walls and let nature in, or will their pride and greed leave them isolated until it's too late? Natalie is a wildlife conservation officer who just wants to spend time with animals, helping them grow, heal, and live happy lives. But when given the option between trying to maintain her old life and living a new one with wild predators, what will she choose as the world she knew falls around her?
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