《Draugr Cell //Layer 01-- Investiture:》Chapter Fourteen
:\ It is. I thought I might check you out, you and the other wildcats. I'm impressed.
I looked at the different monitors, checking out the new girls of team Wildcat. Hopefully their Alpha, Anika if the roster was correct, didn't pick up on the fact I actually was checking them out, and not in the modest sense of the word.
They all wore similar armour, that looked to be just as new as the interior of the spearhead in which they were travelling. The cypher that had brokered the deal had clearly pulled all the stops in gearing up the girls. The armour could easily be mistaken for cybernetic enhancements, the only reason I had to believe that wasn't the case is because except for the vehicle crew and the lone reaper of the group they were dressed identically.
The armour was a uniform dark grey colour, each girl wearing a skin tight body suit beneath, likely a lighter version of the synth skin armour the french girls had been wearing when first recruited. The combat boots were bulky but wrapped around their legs with interlocking plates up to the middle of their upper thighs. They dark grey torso armour looked to be one piece, but had to be made of a different material from the lower half. It was designed like a very high cut one piece swimming suit, revealing very shapely hips and the curvy bits of the girls hugged tight in the black synth skin under armour. I'd hate to think of the chaffing they'd experience if it wasn't a different material to the... breast armour.
Their armour all looked to be tailor made to fit as opposed to off the shelf, each breast plate was formed specifically for the bust size and shape of the girl that wore it. The armoured plates secured in place like vests, with vacant areas under the arm pits for ease of movement but also providing back protection. The chest pieces appeared to be sort of like a t-shirt cut, the black synth skin armour ending in a sort of thick collar around their necks with dark grey buckles. I noticed that each individual armour component was identified by either light grey or white stenciled numbers to signify the different owners of the near identical pieces.
Each soldier wore shoulder pads of the same dark grey that ended mid way down their biceps, armoured gauntlets, again looking like cybernetic enhancements, ending just below the elbows with the black under armour hiding any skin from view. They each wore utility belts that appeared to have a pouch on their right hip, with three or four grenades of different types across their left. A shoulder holster was held in place by what I could only describe as a thick bra strap that created a push up effect for their breast armour. On the strap were several spare magazines for their secondary sidearms.
Over their right shoulders broad spectrum cameras and comm equipment were mounted for snooping on their targets. Though one of the girls looked to be fitted out with a hacking or splicing rig. On their left shoulders and mounted to retract into special packs on their backs, were small auto targeting and launching heat seeking anti personnel missile launchers in case the bad guys got a little to close for comfort. The small missiles were deadly in close quarters, but they were single use, typically only had five 'rounds' loaded and were all but impossible to reload in the field. Still, they are a perfect backup weapons system that was completely automated.
For a personal weapon each soldier was armed with a currently long barrelled adaptive combat rifle. ACR's were a good all round choice for recon and surveillance units, components could be stripped or added within seconds in the field to give you anything from a stubby automatic close quarters assault rifle to a long barreled single shot sniper rifle. Each member of the wildcat team looked to have a pack sitting in the small of their backs with just the equipment needed to swap out to more specialised equipment quickly to suit the task at hand. Their load out was exceptional, which begged the question... hang on.
:\ Anika, are the Wildcats special forces?
I asked, genuinely not aware, which was a rare thing for me.
:// Not exactly my Alpha. We are better equipped than most, as we are very self reliant and typically spend a lot of time away from support when in the field so I can understand your confusion.
:\ Your Alpha huh? I could get used to that.
I took a punt and gently teased the Wildcat lead. Which was apparently right on the money as I watched the live feeds of the girls on the team dishing out good-natured ribbings to their own Alpha in response.
"Daddy." Brianna grumbled out a warning from my side, reminding me of her earlier concerns about the potential for not providing the appropriate level of maintenance to my current girls.
:\ What are your ACR's chambered for?
I asked, quickly changing the topic with the first thing that popped into my head.
:// Seven point six two caseless. Can't carry as much ammo as five five six, but if we end up bogged down in an engagement we fucked up somewhere along the line which makes the point moot.
:\ Good choice, if the bad guys hide behind a tree, just shoot the tree.
I nodded in approval. The heavier hitting rounds would easily penetrate most trees, there was no such thing as old growth forest anymore. The ammunition would even give most walls a run for their money if enough rounds were put to the task.
:\ Looks like your nearly at the edge of the hot zone so I'll shut up now. Hope you don't mind me looking over your shoulder?
:// Of course not my Alpha.
Anika responded a little shakily but with a smile in her voice.
I didn't know it at the time, but Anika did mind, very much so in fact. She was afraid of embarrassing herself and falling face first into the dirt as soon as she got out of the spearhead.
We watched on via the live feed of the neural links as the driver mounted the sidewalk and parked the large armoured vehicle across the doorway of a fifty odd story building preventing access. The crew commander and driver maintained station as the remainder of the wildcat team disembarked and secured the immediate area. I couldn't help but cringe a little. Typically on ringer assignments the area of operations would be evacuated as the crews were inbound in order to keep the civilian population away from the engagement zone. This not only protected innocents from crossfire but gave the ringers involved certain assurances that only legitimate targets would be in the AO. Of course you still needed to check your fire and couldn't simply shoot everything that moved, but it certainly eased the stress of having to spot insurgents within a crowd.
Being primarily a reconnaissance force the Wildcats were not given the same courtesy, civilians were certainly giving the combat team a wide berth, but it was otherwise business as usual. I could understand that the logistics of the situation would make clearing out multiple city zones for a single recon op simply not worth the headaches, but there had to be a better way. I looked around the room at the Draugr girls to see if anyone might have any similar thoughts or comments. They were all watching carefully and frowning in thought but didn't comment as I caught their eyes.
Anika strode across the foyer of the building, her ACR currently in the close quarters combat configuration and slung across her front on a three point sling ready for action. With her team in tow sighting down their rifles as they covered all angels in a crouched walk behind her, she made sure to remove her grip of the stubby ACR as she approached the security desk, the guard looking far calmer than I would have expected at the approach of the heavily armed and armoured women.
"Roof access." She stated with a forceful tone rather than asking. The slightly embarrassed more dulcet tones that she had used when speaking with me just a minute or so ago and disappeared entirely. I suddenly understood what Sumiko had meant earlier when she said the girls took on an entirely different persona around men that weren't me.
Without a word and a nervous nod the guard led them to a nearby locked private elevator, when the doors opened he stepped in briefly to enter a code on the button panel.
"From up top the call button will work like normal to get you back down." He said eyeing Anika carefully.
"Neta, Talia." It's all Anika had needed to say and the two women took up station either side of the elevator, she didn't take her eyes off the guard as the remaining girls piled in, the implied threat clear. Things go wrong, you die too.
I watched the team go about their business, clearing the roof, setting sentries and locating their target that was over a kilometer distant for the operation. They were clearly skilled and experienced both in working together as a team and as a reconnaissance unit. So rather than focus on the details I let my mind wonder back to my earlier thoughts as I idly watched on.
The girls had never worked as ringers, acting purely with military authority even when in country. For dedicated military operations the current arrangements were probably fine.... if it was me, I couldn't help but feel as though my ass was hanging out in the wind. They made a big beautiful target for any well organised group, I couldn't help but wonder if going a little more low key on these OP's might be the answer. I mean at the moment all it would take is for their target to drive past the building they were currently camped out in on the way to the meet to get cold feet. I know I would if I saw an APC posted at the entrance to one of the tallest buildings in the area.
I was about to open the comms and ask Talia how she felt about painting a target on her back but quickly put the thought aside. Not only would it undermine her authority to all that could tune into the Draugr tactical channel, (I would put money on the cypher that had arranged the transfer to be listening in), but she also may genuinely not see the issue with how things are being done at the moment.
"I'm not looking." I heard David groan from his workstation as though he was trying to avoid getting into trouble.
I turned with a frown to see what was going on when Brooke walked cheerily into the room fresh from her shower and drying her hair with a towel after cleaning out the pod. She was a stunner, not sure why David might have a problem with the fact she was currently topless.
I returned her happy grin and pat my lap, with an even broader grin she draped herself sideways across my lap to rest most of her weight on the arms of my chair and wrapped her arms around my neck for a deep kiss.
"Thank you baby." She breathed into my mouth after long seconds had past.
"You're welcome hun." I nodded my chin upwards as the screens, ignoring the pout from Bri, clearly upset that she hadn't thought of this particular seating arrangement first.
"I'd like your thoughts, seeing as you have no experience. This is a live feed from the wildcats, currently on a recon mission. They have pulled up out front of one of the tallest buildings available for a better view of the target that is just over a kilometer away and set up on the roof."
When I didn't continue she frowned a little at me and turned in my lap to focus on the screens, spreading her legs wide over my knees, which in my opinion was just asking for trouble, she gave a sly wink at Brianna who was still looking up at her and pouting like a tantrum was coming on.
"I'm not really sure what you mean?" Brooke asked after focussing on the screens for a few seconds she relaxed back into my body giving up on the exercise.
"I do daddy." Bri grumbled quietly with an angry v shape to her eyebrows as she turned to continue watching the monitors.
Lilou turned, completely ignoring the mostly naked Brooke in my lap and looked at me thoughtfully for a few seconds before speaking up. "Maître, I think they may be... exposed? On the roof top?"
Reapers were far more suited to close in combat in urban environments, so the comment from her point of view made sense. Clea looked at her sister, her eyes flashing with a cheeky grin when she noted Brooke's chosen seat then back to the screens to figure out what Lilou had meant. Daniela nodded thoughtfully as her eyes flicked across the screens, and I really hope it was Abby massaging my shoulders out of view, either that or I was going to be having a very awkward conversation with David once we were done here. I angled my head backwards to look up at the mechanic, she leant down for a brief kiss before pushing my head up gently so that she could continue, she had no input for the conversation.
"Tactically their doing everything right, but... yeah. Something is off." Dani spoke up.
"Daddyyyyyyy I knooowwwww." Bri complained by my side as she fidgeted irately, wanting to get the information out.
"I know you do baby girl, just give it another minute." She straightened her back with a proud look plastered on her face at my response as she looked around the room at the other girls with a nah-nah look.
"Lilou is half right. Think like a ringer, not like a soldier." I hinted to my girls.
"Exposed!" All eyes turned to Dani as she blurted out the word.
Rather than answer immediately at my glance, Dani bit her upper lip and eyed Brooke seated on my lap with hungry eyes like a cat about to pounce. To add salt the wound Abby began running her hands over my chest and kissing my neck, angling her head to look at Dani as she did so.
"Nah uh. My toys." I leered at Dani, trying to finish the impromptu meeting before it broke out into an all out orgy. Daniela tried one of Brianna's temper tantrum pouts on for size before continuing.
"Armour and gear, yeah okay, I can go with them on that. But maybe they need to be a little less obvious with the spearhead. Maybe they should deploy in the humvees and actually park like normal folks..."
Things quickly heated up from that point, so needless to say not a whole lot of attention was paid to the the wildcats OP for I have no idea how long until Anika's voice broke in over the comms.
:// My Alpha?
:\ Yessss.
I groaned out distractedly.
:// Are... you okay?
She asked with a nervous laugh.
:// Oh he's sooooo many levels above okay.
Brooke purred back.
:// Can't talk now. Orgy.
Brianna broke in, far from professional. If I wasn't so thoroughly distracted at the moment I would have given her a dressing down. At least she provided a reason for the draugr teams distraction I suppose.
:// Will the wildcats be joining us Maîtresse Anika?
Lilou mumbled around her mouthful.
:// Fuck yes we will.
A random member of the wildcat team broke into the comms, her voice full of excitement at the prospect.
:// My Alpha?
:\ Yes Anika?
:// Umm... well... the thing is...
:// Get your asses here now!
Dani interrupted with a light hearted growl.
:// Most of us prefer men.
Came Anika's quiet response.
:// Me too.
Abby said with a snort of laughter.
:// Don't worry. Daddy can keep up.
Brianna said proudly on my behalf over the comms.
:// Be there in ten... make that five.
Neta, the wildcats second in command beamed over the open channel and their driver planted her foot to the floor. She gave an excited and playful punch to Anika's shoulder at the prospect of finally getting laid for the first time in months.
* * *
So, two things. First, the apparently huge bed isn't big enough for both all of the Wildcats and the Draugrs simultaneously. I know first world problems. Second, I'm in a whole fuck load of pain... literally. But I'm happy to say I was (barely) able to live up to Brianna's promise.
The entire ten woman squad had arrived in the conference room barely five minutes after our last conversation to the wailing of David, obviously not very impressed that the girls of my quickly growing harem didn't mind being naked in front of him. They were all in various states of undress, armour and bodysuits littered the ground from the doors of the APC to the conference room, the room filled with excited giggling and hopeful grins planted on their faces as they entered the small room and took in the wanton depravity with their own eyes. I only knew Anika and Neta by sight, I didn't even know any of the other girls names. I had barely managed to lead them up to the penthouse, leaving a trail of less armour and more underwear as we progressed in our wake, there was definitely no time for introductions as I was immediately swamped by an avalanche of scantily clad women as soon as we entered the room.
Shortly after the wildcats had begun well... essentially gang raping me, the Draugr girls were content to leave me at their complete disposal once one of the girls had let it slip they collectively hadn't been laid in close to a year. My girls retreated to the nearby couches to continue their own fun and watch the antics of the Israeli girls, voicing words of encouragement and various position suggestions to the girls that were clearly new at the whole group sex thing.
Like commanding officers everywhere, Anika and Neta had opted to be in the last group, ensuring their soldiers had their fair share first. Currently snuggled under my left arm with her ear to my chest and listening to my heart beat with her eyes closed, she nibbled on Neta's lips who was snuggled into my right side returning the attention with feeling.
I didn't even flinch at the sharp pain in my free leg and looked up to see a contently smiling Dani.
"Some pain killers." She mumbled sleepily as she crawled into the bed, snuggling into Anika's back to be the big spoon as she dozed off.
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