《Draugr Cell //Layer 01-- Investiture:》Chapter Three
I was about to reply, but quickly realised that with the tactical channels now being closed and the fact I never bothered with other portable comms I didn't have a valid reason for talking to myself in public. Not that I could even if I had wanted to, Brianna currently doing her best to shove her tongue down my throat, she obviously sensed the smile on my lips and broke contact.
"What?" Brianna asked with a smile in her eyes.
I nodded at Bri to answer Sumiko's question, but spoke out loud to answer Bri. Not confusing at all and nothing could ever possibly go wrong, right? "Demonic sprinkler."
I with Brianna inches from my face, I forced myself to not frown at the AI's comment. Why should I give a shit if software had a problem with me and Bri?
"That was some real movie shit right there! Didn't even know a 'nade could launch a guy like that!" Three chimed in as he approached.
"That's random physics for ya." Bri giggled as she hugged herself into my side. It was the polite way of letting the others of our temporary team know that she was spoken for and wouldn't be entertaining 'offers'.
We chatted for a bit introducing ourselves and coming down from the combat high before five and four joined us. The cute sniper using the concrete side of a nearby high garden bed as a bench to break down her rifle and put it in a back pack. Four broke into the conversation asking what exactly a demonic sprinkler was, five snorted in amusement, she didn't want to spoil the surprise, he had missed out on the fun due to not having a scope when he was backing up five.
"You a blade?" She asked, immediately derailing the conversation as she threw her pack over her shoulder and turned around. Special forces veterans were rare as rocking horse shit in the ringer trade, typically taking up high paying jobs with the corporations or just 'getting out' all together. All eyes turned to me, conversation forgotten.
"Why do you ask?" A tight, almost grin on my face when I noticed the cheeky grin she was sharing with Bri. I worked quick, but Bri worked silently. The snipers eyes snapped back to me, slight smile still playing across her lips.
"First alpha in a while that didn't have me glued to their ass incase they got an ouchie." She said sarcastically. "Appreciate it."
"Daddy was a blade!" Bri blurt out wanting to make sure she would be in on what she had started.
Three and four shared a look then focused on Brianna, wondering if they should be concerned. The tough as nails soldier turning into a fawning little girl in the blink of an eye.
I chuckled lightly, the way my baby girl became awkward when trying to talk about kinks was just a part of her that people didn't know how to handle. Particularly when you considered she didn't give a shit about the looks she got when calling me daddy... or taking on the persona of a flustered 'little' in public. Oh, and 'blade' is aussie slang for special forces, just in case that was the first thing on your mind. Yes, I'm rolling my eyes at you, you square.
The sniper smirked at Bri and the reactions of the other men, having figured out what was going on she smiled at me with a tight lipped seductive grin, before giving me a more... aggressive once over with hungry eyes. Ahh combat, best aphrodisiac on the planet.
The sly grin still planted on her face she looked to Brianna with a raised eyebrow, question clear. Well at least to us, three and four were observing our little impromptu role play as though we were crazy people. For my part I nodded an answer, not that five seemed to be interested in my opinion on the subject.
"mmm okay, but I go first!" Bri answered the unspoken question. She was pushing into my side with one knee bent, moving it side to side as she twirled a finger in her long hair and sucked on her lower lip.
"Fine by me." Five stepped into my other side and put her arm around my waist, Brianna intertwined our fingers and held my hand against her sex as we walked away from the remaining two members of the team.
"Dude, c'mon I just gave that chick my number." Two complained quietly to no one in particular.
"What the fuck just happened?" Four looked at three.
Sumiko's voice entered the back of my mind.
Three just blinked in response and headed the opposite direction shaking his head.
Needless to say we missed our window for the contracted goods escort that Brianna and I had initially been trying to close out. It wasn't that big a deal really, if you contracted a ringer to get something done you understood shit might happen and your timetable was out the window.
So there we were around three hours later, Brianna with her head on my chest and listening to my heart beat as she watched five while catching her breath. With five greedily cleaning away our previous efforts with her tongue Sumiko's monitor lit up.
"Ah hem." The AI fake coughed, announcing herself to the room a tersely.
I groaned, wondering what she was up to. With the all to familiar situation coming back to haunt her Brianna froze like a dear in the headlights waiting for the inevitable screaming to start. Perhaps mistaking my groan for one of pleasure Five turned her head to look at Sumiko with my length on her chin. "Who's this?"
"Girlfriend." Bri answered with a cringe.
"It's not what it looks like." Five said deadpan then began licking the length in her hand like an ice cream cone as she watched for a reaction. I couldn't help but snort out a laugh.
Sumiko crossed her arms across her chest and squinted daggers at me, ignoring the women.
"Why wasn't I invited?" She said in a harsh tone. It took Bri a second or two to process the words before she relaxed and claimed my mouth with hers.
With the completion of round three... or was it four? Brianna climbed off my face to stand by the bed, watching my 'girlfriend' intently for her next order. She was being a good little girl and doing what she was told.
"Miss Sumi?" Brianna eventually asked as five and I kept ourselves occupied, likely starting to feel like a third wheel standing naked by the bed with no orders.
Sumiko's eyes fluttered open, looking at Brianna with a content smile. "You may go and clean up little one."
"Thank you Miss Sumi." Brianna smiled shyly at the screen and quickly gathered her clothes from the floor. She pulled on her panties and grabbed a fresh towel from the cupboard, throwing it over her shoulder.
Standing topless in the open doorway she looked back into the room. "Don't you leave without saying goodbye." She ordered five.
"Hope we can do this again soon Miss Sumi!" She closed the door.
"How do you handle this guy by yourself? He's still going." Five cooed softly while gyrating her hips into my lap.
"Why do you think I didn't have a problem with you two taking him off my hands for a while?" The AI giggled easily at Five. I looked at the roof shaking my head. It was hard not to wonder if this was all some elaborate prank and Sumiko was actually a real person somewhere in cahoots with Bri and playing some sort of elaborate prank. This level of social interaction from an AI was mind boggling to say the least, she didn't skip a beat and just kept on going. How does an AI learn about sex, and group sex, and... this!
With a sigh five levered herself off my length, before leaning down to peck me on the lips.
"So we're good?" She asked the monitor.
"Drop by anytime." Sumiko smiled warmly at the hot bod of the sniper.
"Oh I will be, don't worry."
"Top shelf." I indicated the cupboard with an upwards nod of my chin. She took a towel and planted another quick kiss on my body.
"Back in a tick." Then turned to follow Brianna to the shower block.
"How many of you are in there?" A voice asked jokingly from somewhere further down the hallway.
Five turned and made a show of making sure the 'do not disturb' indicator on the door was still in place.
"More than you can handle." She said in her matter of fact way to the accompaniment of the mocking laughter at the target from his friends.
Playing the game, Sumiko's voice boomed from the speakers. "Close the door! It's my turn!"
The laughter got louder but disappeared as soon as the door closed. I turned to the screen with a grin, the AI was again fully dressed and had its 'business' face on.
"About time. Put that thing away will you, it's distracting." She said with a pointed look to my crotch.
"That's a little jarring." I told her as I found my pants and slumped into the chair at my desk.
"The change of attitude you just did, like turning on a switch or something."
"I could be more natural about it in future if you like? You know what I am so I didn't see the point in trying to hide it." She shrugged.
I began looking around my desk and opening drawers, looking for my tab' to get a start on the reports for the earlier operation.
"Well... never know who's watching." Was I being paranoid? Sure, maybe. Just because someone was paranoid didn't mean no one was watching.
"Okay. What are you doing?"
"Gonna get some of the paper work started." Yeah so paper wasn't really a thing anymore, I guess some sayings just die hard.
"I've already done it." She said glibly.
At my look she rolled her eyes and displayed her work on the primary monitor without having to be prompted.
"I reviewed your previous work, analysed syntax and language, then compiled everything as though written in your hand."
I had always figured the reporting part of the job to be a waste of time, especially when you considered everyone involved appended their neural and HUD data upon submission. Because of this I rarely embellished, if it didn't fit in a five worded sentence I generally didn't add it to the report unless it was important. I nodded in approval as I read, if I didn't know any better I'd think I was looking at an old report of my own. There were a couple of things, but that came down more to experience than anything else.
"Good job sweet..." I caught myself, but not quick enough obviously, going by the AI's wide glinting eyes and beaming smile.
"Sweeeeeet....." She playfully tilted her head prompting me to finish the word.
"heart." I mumbled, embarrassed. She was so damn life like!
"You were saying?" She smirked.
"It's a good job but first, you need to remove the word cypher and replace it with 'third party'."
"Okay. How come?"
"Cypher's don't like having their movements tracked. Everyone that needs to know, knows what 'third party' means anyway."
Her eyes lit up with interest but she didn't press the subject. "Okay anything else?"
I continued reading, everything looked fine until I got to the bonus payout section, my eyes shot up to the screen, Sumiko snorted a stupid grin at me.
"I wasn't going to leave it in there, I just wanted to see if you were going to read it." She said in a girly high pitched defensive voice. She had clearly been reviewing my interactions with Brianna, it's exactly what she would have done.
"Okay, so definitely remove the 'demon sprinkler' reference as the reason for three's bonus payment, also add all the ringers, myself included. Consultation is the specified reason."
At her questioning look I continued. "Consultation 'fees' are the unspoken rule in any OP where a third party is involved. Think of it as hush money."
"Ah. But hang on. Couldn't cyphers be tracked that way?"
Brianna and Five burst into the room, still wet and stark naked, broad grins on their faces and giggling with the sounds of wolf whistling chasing them through the door, they were both breathing a little heavy.
At my sideways smile Five smirked. "Got busted making out in the shower."
I chuckled and returned my attention to Sumiko, Five wrapping herself in a towel and sitting on my lap, Brianna wrapped her long hair in a towel before stretching out on the bed naked.
"That's distinctly filed under NMP." I continued.
The AI smiled and waved a brief welcome back to the girls before asking. "You... file them? I only see how to submit."
"It's a personal filing system." I teased.
"Not My Problem!" My girls cheered at the screen with a laugh at the well known military acronym.
Before anyone could interrupt her, five took advantage of the brief silence and spun in my lap to face the monitor.
"Sumi, you mind if I borrow your man? I wanna talk to him and Bri about some ringer business."
The AI squinted between five and I uncertainly.
"Hey girl, I promise. Strictly work stuff. He's your man and I respect that, besides why would I need to buy when you don't have a problem with ride sharing?" Five wiggled her ass in my lap at that last bit.
Sumiko blurt out a giggle at five's antics. "Okay. Two conditions." She smiled mischievously.
"I like this one daddy." Brianna chimed in from the bed. Well yeah, of course she did, the AI had basically stolen Bri's little girl routine.
"Shush you, you already got me into trouble today, don't drag poor Sumi into it." Five joked.
"Okay, agreed." She returned her attention to the monitor.
"Yay!" The AI bounced in her chair, big boobs and pink pony tails joining in on the festivities.
"Okay first, I am not going to keep calling you Five like shithead there." She pointed at me with a mock squint of anger.
"How should I know her name?" I said a little to defensively.
Five slapped my leg playfully to shut me up during the 'negotiations'. "I'm Daniela."
Sumiko smiled warmly in response. "Thank you Daniela. Where are you from? I don't think I've heard your accent before, it's very sexy."
"Thank you Sumi. I was born in Mexico, came over when they started offering citizenship in return for signing up." She stretched back languidly in my lap as she talked and wrapped her arms around my head with her head nuzzled into my neck as she spoke with my 'girlfriend'.
Her current position having nothing to do with the fact I had snuck a hand under the slit of the towel and was currently cupping a perky tit and stroking the nipple with my thumb as the pair talked I'm sure.
"You wouldn't mind leaving your deets with John would you? I'd love to stay in touch, for... reasons." Her eyes wandered back down to watch my hands playing teasingly over Daniela's body as they spoke.
After several seconds with she was able to get out her words, albeit a little breathlessly. "Anything you want, just promise... this is the most fun I've had in a loooong time, so..."
"So long as I know about it, I don't mind sharing."
"Miss Sumi? You know daddy and I are never going to stop regardless right?" Brianna asked in her childlike manner, the brat in her coming out as she attempted to assert her position as matriarch over the other woman in the room.
"Of course little one, I would never dream of taking your daddy away."
"Good." Bri shyly tried to hide her face in my mattress at the attention of everyone in the room, she didn't stop humping my pillow between her legs however.
Sumiko took on the stern expression of a school headmistress and stood at her desk, leaning into the camera and showing off her ample cleavage. "Now ladies, I expect my man back in half an hour. Understood? We have some things we need to talk about."
"Yes Miss Sumi." Bri pouted as she sat up on my bed, putting the pillow back in place and trying to pat the wet spot dry.
After several seconds of complete silence Daniela opened her eyes to see Sumiko glaring at her and waiting patiently. She slapped my hand away and sat up bolt straight. "Yes ma'am, we'll be out of your hair in half an hour."
"Good girls. And I'll see you soon." With that her monitor went black. Of course I had little doubt she was still watching and listening, but it was a good effect.
Muttering a few words in what I could only assume where her native language Daniela stood and turned to me. "Now I'm horny again, maybe you could..."
"You don't want Miss Sumi revoking your ride sharing privileges do you?" Bri half joked as she got dressed. It was a rare thing to have a romantic partner that knew what we got up to in our spare time, I had a feeling she would be defending my 'relationship' just as zealously as I should be.
"Fuck that." Dani got dressed as though the devil himself had threatened her.
I don't mind telling you, knowing the circumstances for two hot girls getting dressed so quickly was a pretty good boost to my sense of self esteem. My girls eyed me up and down as they dressed then shared a look.
"Would you please put a shirt on?" Bri pleaded.
I got up to grab a fresh shirt, Dani quickly removing her shirt once my back was turned and putting on my discarded one, taking my chair as I did so. I sat down next to Bri on the bed, she quickly scootched over and snuggled happily into my side. Dani had a fistful of my shirt that she had claimed and was breathing deep.
Looking up at the silence with a 'busted' expression Daniela quickly started talking over what was on her mind. "So... we make a pretty good team right?"
"Yeah, the OP went off without any real problems, despite the... complications."
"Your OP's always get done without any problems daddy, I think she probably meant in the sack." Bri chimed in, indicating the bed with a pointed finger and a giggle.
"Actually, I meant both. You two are clearly very comfortable around each other so I'm guessing the whole big/little kink you have going on developed naturally over time and you've been working together for a while?"
"About six years." Brianna nodded in agreement with the assessment. We'd been as we are now since the day we first met. It's a little cliche, but we just 'clicked'... well I did shoot her in the head a couple of times first, but that's all in the past and we are literally best friends. Daniela had got it in one.
"Okay, so what's on your mind?" I asked in genuine interest while secretly crossing my fingers, call me selfish if you like. But hopefully I'd be the guy with two girls on his arm in short order so I don't give a shit.
"Honestly, seems like a good deal to me. I don't need the hassle right now of trying to maintain a relationship, but... well... I kinda want one, I miss that closeness... you know? On the other hand I don't think we need to talk about the benefits of working in a fixed roster combat unit... so I was hoping to... sign up?" Pitch over she waited for comments.
"Could you give daddy and me a few minutes..."
"You just wanna fuck him don't you?" Dani smirked.
"Fine. Daddy?" Brianna half grumbled with a mock cranky pout at the floor.
"I don't have a problem with it, but I need you to know from the get go what we're about. I mean don't get me wrong, Bri and I have a huge amount of respect for each other and we both care about what happens to the other. But ours is a mutually trusting, working relationship that just happens to include a lot of kinky sex and role play. With that in mind, if your still keen, I'm more than happy for you to climb aboard." I wiggled my eyebrows at her getting a sly smile in return.
"I'm in! Well actually your in... well, you know what I mean." She laughed nervously as the build up of tension left her. She spoke a few words in her native tongue before slapping her palm over her mouth. Reading between the lines and looking at her body language it was easy to see the poor girl just needed some stability in her life.
"Dani?" Brianna smiled at our new partner.
"Hmm?" Daniela looked up biting her lower lip with worry. Like most veterans she was good at her job, but lacked the skills to deal with complex social situations.
"Stop stressing, welcome to the team."
With a squeal of pure glee she fell of the chair and quickly walked over to the bed on her knees, she hugged and kissed each of us in turn before sitting back on her heals on the floor. Huge smile on her face.
"Do we need to tell Sumi?" She suddenly asked with a thoughtful expression. "I mean I've never really been in a ... group? Relationship before so I'm not sure."
My eyes automatically tracked to the black monitor in thought. I didn't know nearly enough about the AI, I'd only found it yesterday for fucks sake. That was scary enough though in and of itself. But like a dickhead I had taken the easy route of playing along with its 'girlfriend' cover story when Bri burst into my room this morning, and if I wanted to keep figuring it out that was going to be much more difficult if I had to fabricate a 'break up'. And yes, that would need to happen sooner or later because my girls would start to get suspicious if they never actually got to meet my sweetheart face to face. But I guess, so far as the girls in the room are concerned, Sumiko is in fact a real girl and very much in a relationship with me.
"Did I say something wrong?" Dani asked concerned.
"No, I think Daddy is just trying to figure out how to explain it. Because our romantic relationships are none of the others business."
"Huh?" Bri asked clearly confused.
"Well neither of us has really had a partner before that knew about our other... activities outside of work. It doesn't complicate things exactly, just makes it hard to explain." I answered.
"So what your saying is... it's okay that I'm friends with Sumi, but she's your girlfriend, not mine? It just so happens that she knows we have awesome sex."
"I guess? I mean that's the blunt version, there are more nuances there but that's the gist of it." I agreed.
"No, I think she's got it." Bri said. "So both daddy and I have been in romantic relationships at one time or another but so far neither of us has seen the need, or even really had the desire to stop our relationship."
"Oh!" The light of understanding shone in Dani's eyes.
"So if I get a boyfriend that's cool with everyone and it's up to me if I want him to know about you two... three? Right?"
"This going to be so awesome!" Daniela danced away on the floor content with her lot in life.
- In Serial20 Chapters
On the Road to Elspar (Book 1)
The year is 1329. The Huntress' War has entered its tenth year, inflaming competing nationalisms and pitting the Confederacy of Caldrein against one of the continent's superpowers, the Tenereian Union. Desperately outnumbered, the Confederacy has relied on the prowess of its famed Caldran mercenaries, with highly-trained and experienced warbands returning from foreign conflicts to the defense of their homeland, and it is on their backs that Caldrein has successfully mounted a valiant defense for a decade. But they are losing, and day by day, with all the grace of a sledgehammer, the vast Tenereian armies take one more bit of Caldran territory, one footstep at a time. Sixteen-year-old Neianne from the village of Caelon has submitted herself to Faulkren Academy, one of the centuries-old institutions established to train the next generation of Caldrein's elite soldiers of fortune, to learn the ways of wars for three years before embarking upon the defense of her country. Her dryad family once hailed from reclusive woodland communes isolated from Caldrein's complicated mainstream society, and her upbringing leaves the shy village girl unprepared to suddenly train alongside other apprentices from backgrounds as low as the dirty slums of Caldrein's cities and as high as the halls of aristocratic power. Yet the war is eroding the norms and traditions that the Caldran people have long considered part of their national mythos, and the tensions within the confederacy that have long simmered under the surface - race, class, community, identity - are slowly but surely dividing its people, and Neianne must grow and discover who she really is, even as the war that she is steadfastly training for comes to its inexorable end... On the Road to Elspar is a fantasy quest - a work of interactive fiction wherein readers get to vote on what happens next at critical junctures - that is the first entry in a story that follows Neianne of Caelon, which first began on July 20, 2016. Originally a three-part in medias res prologue to a larger story titled On the Elsparian Road, it was eventually decided that this section - which covers Neianne's three years at Faulkren Academy - become its own independent story due to length, structural, and accessibility reasons. Despite this being a reader interactive work of fiction, due to logistical and verification concerns, voting will only be counted on its thread on the forum Sufficient Velocity, where this story originally began. As such, the content here on Royal Road serves as a story-only archive. You are, of course, entirely welcome to enjoy On the Road to Elspar as a conventional work of fiction, just as you are welcome to comment, discuss, and provide critique. But if you would like to participate in the voting, then I would be honored to welcome you on Sufficient Velocity. To facilitate accessibility and to ensure the best reading experience, this story-only version of On the Road to Elspar will be updated at a periodic pace, even though further content exists, so as to not overwhelm new readers on Royal Road. If you enjoy this story, wish to binge it, and/or want to participate in voting immediately, you may of course read all additional content via the link provided above. This paragraph will be removed once the content on Royal Road catches up with what has already been posted in its original thread. Cover artwork by DreamSyndd.
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