《Summoned by a Demon Lord》Chapter 28: Meeting the Golden Sun


Suddenly hearing a voice out of nowhere startled me, breaking me out of focus. I missed my Wind Walk and stumbled, almost hitting a tent. Fortunately, I managed to regain my footing before a disaster happened. Laughter echoed from the same place the voice came from. I instinctively looked to its source and found a Mossquito sitting on my shoulder. Damn it, Bria!

Even though I thought of that, I was actually relieved to hear her voice. I somehow felt assured that maybe I wasn’t really alone. I took a deep breath, then started moving again, following Bria’s direction. The tents looked exactly the same, so I had to make sure to pay extra attention while counting. After reaching the exact tent Bria told me about, I was quite sure it was the correct one. Unlike the others that were made of brown leather, probably from monsters or animals, this one was white, which seemed like it was cloth.

Being a tad bit more careful wouldn’t hurt. Especially with my heart racing faster than ever. I turned towards the Mossquito on my shoulder then whispered, “Bria, are you sure he’s here?”

“Yes. There’s only one person inside,” Bria responded.

My heart raced even faster, and my knees started to feel like jelly. This is it. I froze, my palm getting sweaty. Trembling, I unsheathed Gale. I breathed deeply, then exhaled as a futile attempt to calm my nerves. Moment of truth.

I steeled my resolve, gripping Gale tighter. Status.

Name: Kaito Title: --- Age: 16 Class: -- Level: 33 Race: Human (Demon) MP: 105/165 Strength: 67 + 36 Intelligence: 69 + 30 Agility: 66 + 37 Wisdom: 68 + 15

105 mana left. I can’t fight for long, I thought, then started injecting mana into Gale. Almost immediately, a black slash was flying towards the tent. I didn’t have much more mana in reserve, but I had more than enough to cause some damage.

The slash sliced the tent like it was made of thin air, and half of the white cloth fell. However, there was a sudden golden flash, and my Crescent Slash vanished. It was like it dissipated without leaving a trace. Shifting my gaze towards the now visible inside of the tent, I saw a man wearing what seemed a golden armor with his hands outstretched towards some sort of ward. His eyes were giving a golden glow, while white mist flowed out of his mouth and his nostrils as he chanted.


Is that him? No. No doubt about it. That’s him! The armor glistened as the glow around him reflected on its surface. Not a scratch could be seen, so was a hint of my Crescent Slash.

“Who are you?!” he said with a booming voice.

“Bria, what now?!” I whispered to the Mossquito, heart racing and voice trembling. Even if I haven’t heard Zeus’ voice thundering from the heavens, I was certain his voice was somewhere close.

“Destroy the source of light! I’m coming to help you!” Bria explained in a hurry, which was new to me. That simply meant one thing--I’m doomed.

I gulped. “Hold on for dear life, huh.”

“Who are you?!” he repeated.

Damn it. Come what may! I casted another slash, but before it could even reach him, a strong golden light collided and dissipated it.

The man removed his hands on the ward, dimming the light shining like the sun. With that, the golden aura around him vanished, revealing his armor’s true color. He wasn’t wearing a golden armor, it was just the light being reflected on his silver armor.

His eyes darted towards me, then he furrowed his brows. “Human?”

I didn’t respond, waiting for his reaction.

“Are you human? Who sent you?”

Sent me? Does he think someone from their side sent me to kill him? Are the humans in this world out to kill each other?

“Are you the Golden Sun?” I asked, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

“So, not an assassin. Then, who are you? Where did you come from?” He crossed his arm, then put his hand on his chin.

I put Gale in front of me, motionless, observing.

“Ah!” He put his fist on his palm, as if making a realization. “Are you perhaps that human demon pretending to be people of Turg?”

I still didn’t respond, more of, I couldn’t respond. My heart was drumming on my chest to the point that I could hear my own heartbeat. Bria, where are you?!

“I must be right. Hahaha.” His laughter boomed and harmonized with my heartbeat, something I didn’t even know was possible. “Alright, then. Let’s see what you got.”


He stretched out his hand and a golden longsword appeared.

This doesn’t look good in the slightest. Damn it! Where are you Bria?! My breathing quickened, and my grip on Gale tightened.

Suddenly, Golden Sun’s eyes glowed again. A wisp of mana formed around his hand and started condensing into a ball. What’s that?

As if on cue, he flicked the ball of mana towards me. Even if I wasn’t sure what it was, I was certain that wasn’t something I wanted to come into contact with. Plus, the fuzzing sound it gave as it flew towards me was a dead give away.

I sidestepped without using Wind Walk. The distance between us was enough to let me dodge his attack with ease. Besides, my mana was almost depleted, and I would fare better conserving it.

But just as I was thinking I was safe, another one was already halfway towards me. Shit!

I sent mana into my legs in a rush, making me spend more mana than a usual Wind Walk. Still, I barely managed to roll out of the ball’s way. When I looked up, another one was heading towards me. Ugh! Another burst of mana, and another almost hit.

“Bria, anytime soon?” I muttered through gritted teeth, ducking as another ball of white death whooshed above my head.

No response. Damn it!

“Reveal your true form, demon!” Golden Sun shouted, his fingers dancing to form another one of his balls of light.

I grit my teeth. A series of thoughts rushed to my head as I tried to figure out how to escape the pit I got myself into. I was too naive. I shouldn’t have rushed alone. I am of no match to him. I need to buy time.

“What true form?” I wheezed.

“So, you can speak, but pretending won’t do you any good. Come on. Demonify and unleash your strength. I’ll fight you at your strongest,” he taunted. He just stood there, holding a ball of light. He wasn’t even maintaining an attacking position.

“I don’t have one! This is my true form,” I replied.

His brows furrowed, and I could see the confusion on his face. It’s working. Hurry up, Bria!

“Do not try to fool me, demon! Your lies won’t deceive me.” He threw another one at me, then conjured another.

I barely managed to dodge the first one, and another sizzled above my head. At that point, I barely had enough for another Wind Walk. “Wait, wait!” I panicked. “I’m telling the truth! I’m from Japan!”

“Japan?” His eyes grew wide, then lowered his hand that was about to be thrown, dissipating the ball of light. “No, that can’t be. The next summoning shouldn’t be done before next month. You, you’re a demon.”

Next summoning? Next month? So, somebody will be sent here again? More questions formed inside my head, but I had no more time to think about them. The shock in his eyes had already vanished. In its place was pure, raw killing intent. My heart raced, feeling the imminent threat. Not good!

“I’m telling the truth!” I confessed, then spouted whatever else remained from Bria’s explanation, “They didn’t use light magic to summon me!” I raised my hand, anticipating the next attack, but nothing came.

“I’ll give you a chance. One sentence. Say one sentence that could convince me.”

One sentence?! I inhaled sharply, trying to calm my heart and mind. What should I say? What can I say that can possibly make him believe me? The shithole of a year 2020 is? COVID-19? No, he might not have experienced it. Damn, damn, damn. Ah! I know!

“Vaccines don’t cause autism!”

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