《Trash Heap》Surprise at Twin Star City


Time was wasted waiting for the city guards to come find me. I managed to keep mana fibers up the whole time.

“Oh, guys look it’s a human. Pay up.” Coins exchanged between a dwarf and a goblin.

“Wow, buddy you aren’t looking so hot. Did you run into some spiders maybe a few zombies on your way through? It isn’t easy getting through the woods as a lv1 you can take it from me. Most goblins don’t make it and if they do, then they don’t speak the language. The names Gorshod by the way. This is Hammer Bill and they two behind me are called Obliterator and Apocalypse. Don’t let the names fool you. Neither are above lv15, being new recruits and all.” Gorshod said.

“Now son, drop your spells. We are going to bring you back with us to the city. Then you can meet with Grand Mistress and begin your journey into the dungeon after you pay a small fee.” Hammer Bill said.

I slowly released my Fire Fibers. The small threads of death slowly winked out. The group seemed to collectively sigh in relief.

“I saw what you did to that infested forest wolf. It’s not my goal to be swiss cheese. Welcome so Twin Star city a city state in the country of Amazonia.” I blinked at the name. That was an odd name.

They marched me to the city. Apocalypse and Obliterator looked like they were in the process of shitting themselves. As the gates to the city opened, I took note of the lack conversations. The entrance seemed to be a market area, but the sound of capitalism was absent.

The city was covered in golden artwork. Large statues of women warriors lined the entrance and the city streets. Men and women weren’t on the streets. Instead a series of golems worked constantly carrying messages and doing menial tasks.

“What do the dwarves think of getting thrown out by god?” I asked.

“Blunt aren’t you. I like that. We never believed in him to begin with. He didn’t bother giving us a severance package. We were thrown out into this galaxy. I believe this is the fourth time in recorded history. You humans are quite new. We must build a new city every few million years. It’s annoying I guess.” The dwarf said.

“That would be a dwarf’s answer. My people think differently. We see it as a test by the god. To show that we are worthy, we must survive with the rest of you. It is a challenging test.” The dwarf and the goblin were in the 40s.

Thanks to the wolves, I was lv33 now. I had 206 skill points to spend and three skill trees available. Once I had some free time, I could gain three more skill trees.

We reached a large palace and climbed a ridiculous set of stairs. Golden statues were on either side going up to the palace. When I reached the top of the stairs twelve women wearing black armor stood guard. I lowered myself to the dwarf and asked the question.

“Who are they?”

“Mistress’s private guard. We are just guards of the city. They are the privileged elite. Better armor, weapons, and training. The only requirement is a set of female genitals. Most are lv90+ I wouldn’t mess with them if I were you.” Bill said.

“We will take him from here loyal guardsmen. He will pay for his crimes.”

I blinked and felt a heavy boot knock me forward. I turned around to see it was the goblin.


“He’s all yours. Take care now.”

Strong hands took ahold of my shoulders and pinned my arms behind my back. Before I could summon mana a pair of hand cuffs were placed on my wrists. Just like that my mana was cut off form me. They pulled me up and pushed me forward.

“Walk slave,” My mind was reeling. What happened? I just arrived, and I’m suddenly a slave. This wasn’t right, and I would get to the bottom of this.

They brought me through a grand and lavish hall. I was kicked from behind again and brought to my knees before a throne. Was this where they would make me kiss the ring.

A woman sat on the throne. She was human. Her hair was died purple and she had the eyes of a woman that hated men. Without mana all my offensive capabilities were gone.

The woman had a smug look on her face. She was over weight perhaps by a ton. There were indentions on the golden throne where her weight had sunk her as in. Plates of the finest dishes were prepared for her. Butlers moved continuously to refill her empty plates. A trail of grease fell from her face. She looked a lot like jaba the hut.

“You stand accused of defiling the land of Amazonia with your toxic masculinity. Our sister Aleya has been slain and mutilated, her children were burned to the ground. Venus our great goddess has reported that you touched her inappropriately. So, little man you are accused of touch rape, mana rape, murder of the first degree, mass murder of a friendly species, and the death of one of Venus’s pets. How do you plead?” Jaba the bitch said.

“Well mighty Jaba, I’ve done nothing wrong. They were all stronger than me. If they were more careful, then I would be the one dead. In conclusion fuck you.” I said.

A black aura covered one of the guard’s hands. She grabbed me by the hair and prepared to stab me with her hand.

“Wait, I have a better idea. The dungeon must be hungry. Its last feeding session was three weeks ago. Lets thrown him in the dungeon without access to magic.” The giant bitch said.

I was taken from the room and lead deep through the bowels of the mansion. There were cells full of men and boys. Their eyes were dead. They had long become nothing more than breeding stock and food for the dungeon.

The door to the dungeon opened as I was taken closer. They tossed me in and the opening closed behind me. There was writing on the wall.

“Be wary they are faster than they appear.”

What were faster than they appear? I entered sneak mode and slowly made my way further in. This floor of the dungeon was all hard stone, torches were the only light source.

After walking passed the first corner a mob appeared. It was a zombie baby lv5. I didn’t know whether to be disgusted or relieved.

Zombie baby lv5

They were once the mistress’s children. When they were born male, she threw them in the dungeon. Their innocence led the dungeon to making them into mobs. Can you kill them, newborns that have done no wrong?

I walked up and stomped on their heads. They were mobs, creatures born from a dungeon. There was no other real choice in the matter. A small copper coin appeared and then vanished into my inventory.

There was no xp gain from killing the zombie baby. That made since the zombie was 28 levels below me. I continued to sneak forward. Other zombie babies were in my path I stomped them to death as well.


New skill

[Stomp lv1 – Crush those under your feet with this finishing blow. 1% Str as damage. +0.1Str]

After my 50th dead baby, I came upon a door. It read.

“Beware of their nails.”

I kicked open the door. A zombie girl stood in the corner crying and holding the zombie babies.

She turned her head. Most of her face had rotted off. I could see where her face had been struck repeatedly.

Zombie sister lv10

They couldn’t allow their infant brothers to die alone. It was their desire to keep them company forever. Their mother killed them and threw their corpses in the dungeon. Watch out for their sharp nails.

She shrieked and threw one of the zombie babies on me. The small creature grabbed ahold of my leg to keep me from moving fast. The other babies crawled towards me. She ran forward and drove her claws into my gut. The first stab took 30Hp.

I spat a glob of blood on the ground and swung my leg knocking the dead baby from my leg. I spartan kicked her and began stomping the dead babies. Once they were crushed the zombie sister turned red. She began to move much faster.

“Hello, adventurer you are the first to make it this far in a long time.” A voice said.

I raised an eyebrow. The voice was so loud it reverberated through the dungeon. If I didn’t have these damn cuffs on I could inspect this place.

“What do you hope to achieve by going deeper into my depths? Are you after honor, riches, or perhaps power?”

Two zombie sisters blocked my path. I ran up and jump kicked the first only to receive a slash across my back. I stomped her leg and it cracked. Another kick smashed her head against a wall.

“So, brutal and to a little girl. Do you have no heart? You certainly are the strongest to enter this place in some time.” The dungeon said.

I continued further down the path. Another script covered the wall.

“They come in packs”

What comes in packs? I had no idea. The zombie babies certainly did come in packs. The zombie sisters were coming in greater numbers. The nearest door burst open and a mob of mobs poured out. They were zombie men they all had knives sticking out of their backs. Some had a scant amount of armor.

Zombie white knights lv20

This mob is the cause of the current Amazonia kingdom. They betrayed their fellow men in life and were betrayed by the women they defended.

What I wouldn’t give for some magic in this situation. I wasn’t afraid of a mob of lv 20 mobs. They seemed to all count as one monster anyway. I delivered a powerful kick to the first one driving it into the nearest wall. I stomped their legs crushing them and kicked others. They often fell like dominos. Their power was in numbers this narrow hallway wasn’t the best battle field for these guys.

I cornered the final mob and drove my foot through his skull. Before the bodies vanished, I snagged one of the broken daggers. Turning the blade, I began to fiddle with the lock.

Lockpicked lv1 – Pick lesser locks with anything that you can find. 1% chance. +1Int

As I riddled with the lock I drew closer to the boss room of the first floor. If the mobs went up to lv20 then I doubted my chances of slaying the boss without magic. There were options. If I went and increased stomp and kick to 100 my chances would be much better.

The cuffs didn’t remove my ability to use mana. They drained my mana faster than I could replenish it. It was frustrating. So, I continued working as I made my way closer to the boss door.

The bosses room held a man dressed in white armor, carrying a heavy white shield, and wielding a white mace. White knight mobs poured into the room from two barred doors. That was when I felt a click. The hand cuffs fell to the floor.

Like wings from my back, Fire II fibers dug into the floor. I let out a laugh. The fibers on my back looped together forming tendril like ropes. My mana was no longer recovering. All my recovery was devoted to the up keep of this new skill.

I ran forward into the mobs. My tendrils dug huge rivets in the concrete and ripped through the zombie knight’s bodies. The floor healed as quickly as I destroyed it. With a spin I bisected all the weak mobs horizontally. Every step made me feel a bit stronger. The mobs were dying in droves. With two long tendrils, I was able to turn the tide of battle.

One of my tendrils slashed at the knight only to be blocked by the shield.

GIlver The White Knight lv35

He is a knight among knights. Loyal to his mistress’s cause. he stabbed himself in the heart. He hates men and himself more than anything. Do not underestimate him.

That was good to know, now how do I defeat his guy. After he blocked another few blows and swung his mace at my tendril I got some distance. The mobs died as I ran through them killing everything in my path.

This guy had a pattern he blocked three hits and attempted to destroy my tendril with his mace. My first attack failed, and he proved that his mace and shield could handle my level of fire. The question was, could his armor hold up.

The mobs worked as a barricade against the knight more than myself. He had to walk amongst them, while I could cut them apart and move on. The circular room was large enough to run in and get space. The mobs were mindless in their pursuit. Only the boss seemed to have higher thought.

I ducked down and used my tendrils like a sling shot. They dove into the ground and propelled me forward. The dungeon’s efforts to keep its floor crack free gave me resistance to use. I moved my tendrils in a x formation to clear the mobs in my way.

Gilver turned just in time to catch my first tendril with his shield. My second tendril chopped up the mobs flanking me. I prepared my second tendril for a strike and smashed into Gilver’s shield. After the third strike he spun to deliver a blow. My second tendril smashed into his chest before Gilver could put his shield back into place.

My tendril couldn’t pierce the armor luckily there was a spot open where the helmet and breast plate met. The tendril skewered him at the throat. I powered up a few fireballs and launched them for good measure.

I dropped my tendrils when the notification for the boss death appeared. From that point, I launched an endless barrage of fireballs to clean up the last of the mobs. A chest appeared in the center of the room.

When I opened it, I gained a set of wizard’s robes, a wizard’s hat, and some black leather boots. Two skill books were in the chest. There was the skill book Ice and Heal. With that I learned the ice skill book and couldn’t learn heal. There was a requirement for the white mage skill tree.

After I decked myself out in a black robe, hat and put on the black boots, I walked down the stairs deeper into the dungeon. It had to be more interesting than the feminist utopia up top.

"So, you made it past the first boss. That's great. Just so you know, iIhave over 100floors. This floor was nothing compared to the later floors."

"Beware the Dungeon lies."

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