《The Tests in Life》Chapter 3: Fun


Chapter 3

Degen had experience with most of the subjects he was learning, and Saturn taught a far more rigorous version of those classes. The only exceptions were Criminology and World History. Those two had no comparison only because the histories and laws of both worlds were completely different.

Criminology was mostly spent discussing supervillains and the place of vigilantes in the world. It was a fun class, but not particularly interesting. World History was spent talking about ancient civilizations and Degen just doodled on his textbook until someone punched him lightly on his left arm.

"Come on! It's the second day of school, at least wait a few weeks before slacking!" Barbara whispered. Degen noticed her paying close attention in Criminology as well.

"I know all this," Degen lied. "Besides, I didn't even apply for this."

"No one applies for this! All freshmen get World History! And it doesn't even matter whether or not you applied for the class, you're in it now," the redhead hissed.

Degen had no response and simply rolled his eyes before turning to look at the lecturer. The old man was talking about a calendar that one of the older civilizations founded. Degen couldn't understand why people were required to learn this. It was completely useless.

After the bell rang, Degen slowly packed his bag and walked outside the room. Lunch periods meant he could go anywhere in the school or even outside. He just had to return before the period ended.

As he scanned out with his ID, he was tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and saw the same redhead he had so many classes with. He groaned internally. Originally, he had delusions of making friends with the girl but they shattered in World History.

"Lemme guess," Degen said, "we have the same lunch period as well."

"Yeah," the redhead replied. "I guess so. Degen, right?"


They both walked out silently. At some point, the silence became unbearable for Degen and so he decided to try and talk to her.

"How'd you know that World History was given to all Freshmen?" Degen asked.

"Didn't they tell you when you applied for courses?" was the redhead's response.

"No?" Degen replied in confusion. "The person who was with me while I did it, didn't say anything."

"That's a shame. What classes were you applying for?"

"Quantum Physics, Multivariable Calculus, Physics C because I need a science class-" Degen began talking about the classes he applied for before being cut off.

"You applied for Quantum Physics and Calculus? What the heck! Of course you weren't going to get in! Those are Junior and above classes, unless you ask one of the Deans to get in. Then they'd test you, and if there are seats open, you'd get in. Also! Why are you thinking of taking Quantum Physics already! That's - It's such an advanced course!" The girl was both flustered and confused by Degen's words.


Fully aware of the girl's shock, Degen decided to brag, "Yeah, I know! I'm great! The best actually!"

Barbara rolled her eyes at this and asked, "No but seriously how are you already thinking of taking that? You need both physics C and calculus to get in, and there's no way you know both. The only people in that class are seniors, and juniors that are trying way too hard for their own good."

"Well you see, I'm actually from another world and I know everything about everything because the world I'm from is so advanced. Yeah, you can worship me now- okay fine. I got taught Algebra when I was 6 and I was smarter than everyone else my age so I decided to spend all my time reading high-level textbooks because talking to children physically hurt me." Degen wasn't planning to tell her he was genuinely from another planet, but it was funny to see people dismiss the truth, no matter how unbelievable it was. His sarcastic tone definitely made it seem less believable but didn't make it any less funny.

"As much as you're hurting me right now?" Barbara quipped.

"Ouch! Also, where are you going?"

"To the park. I eat way later in the day, so I have nothing to do now," the redhead responded. "You?"

"Going to eat," Degen responded and waved before crossing to the other side of the street. He found a random deli to enter and looked around. He might have misjudged her, school might actually be more than a chore. She didn’t seem all that bad of a person, heck, by the end of the year he might even have a friend.

While thinking of Barbara, and looking around the small deli, something caught his eye. It was a small yellow sign that read: "Any 3 for 1$" in red text. It was placed above a box of candy bars and there was another sign placed above a blue crate filled with water bottles

He grabbed 2 of the larger candy bars, Lux Chocolate bars, and 1 bottle of Chester Spring Water. He took them to the cashier and handed them to the imposing man standing behind the register along with a dollar. The muscular man took the dollar in his calloused hands and raised an eyebrow at Degen.

“You’re gonna need a little bit more than that,” the middle-aged man said in a Russian accent. Along with his deep voice and tight-fitting white shirt, the accent made the man seem like one of the villains from the movies Degen snuck into from time to time.


“Well, you see,” Degan began, “They both say 3 for a dollar, so I took 2 of the bars and a bottle. 3 for 1.”

The Russian man stared at Degen for a few seconds before rolling his eyes and pushing back the products. He put the dollar in the register and muttered under his breath in what was probably Russian. Degen later learned that the man’s name was Alexei.

After coming back to Gotham High, he went to his Boxing class. The teacher did nothing but talk about safety, and how it was very important. He also mentioned that he took his class very seriously, and he didn't like anyone messing around. The bell that signaled the end of the period range halfway through his impassioned speech.

Next was English, once again, nothing important happened. He did manage to doodle in peace despite sitting next to Barbara, in fact, he suspected that she began doodling herself, though he couldn't confirm it.

After English was Latin and the period began and ended in the same speech. Afterward, he rushed to Biology, where he didn't do Biology. The teacher talked about lab safety and nothing else. The period was probably the worst, and he kept looking to his right only to see Barbara talking with another girl. The class was boring, he had nothing to do, and the teacher was so loud he couldn't even doodle in peace.

He didn't see Barbara again on the way out, she was busy talking with her new friend and packed up slowly. He found himself rushing out of school to get back home. As he traversed through a neighborhood he'd passed through several times before, he heard a scream across the street. He looked to his left and he saw several men accosting 2 younger boys, who were around his age.

Quest: A Crime Stop the mugging that's happening in front of your eyes

Reward: Quests Occur more often, 1 Stat point

Bonus Rewards may appear based on the approach

Penalties may appear based on the approach

He immediately hid behind an SUV and looked through the windows to the other side. The 2 kids were handing over their wallets and one was handing over his phone. Degen reached out with mana and grabbed the 2 wallets and the phone and flew them under a nearby car where he gently dropped them.

He looked back only to see the muggers running away as fast as they could. They were obviously afraid of him. They were normal people, he had powers. He'd be afraid too if he were in their shoes. He looked back at the two people who were being mugged seconds prior. One of the two boys was looking around in excitement while the other was walking to the car where Degen put the 2 wallets.

Smiling, Degen looked at the screen that just popped up.


Quests now occur more often!

+1 stat point

Bonus: Solved Problem With Magic

+1 Int (Hint: As your Int increases, so does your Mana Pool)

Trait: Self-Taught received

Self-Taught : You have learned magic through pure experimentation, and you're all the stronger for it. +50% to Control [NEW Extra Stat Control Unlocked]

Bonus: Unseen

+4 to Deception [NEW Extra Stat Deception Unlocked]

Ability: Stealth received

Stealth : You are harder to spot. Scales with Deception. +10% Deception

Penalty: Slightly Cracked Phone

Trait: Clutz [Removable] received

Clutz : You're clumsy and tend to break things. -2 to Dexterity

Degen was shocked by the number of rewards he got. He also finally found a way to get more stat points, he was in an incredibly good mood. The blow to his Dexterity hurt, but there was a tag next to the trait that said it was removable. Overall, he'd say it was a net gain.

As he got up he looked around and saw no one but the boys who were almost out of sight. There was a reason the muggers chose this spot, but it was still best to look around just in case. As he got up, he took a deep breath. He had faith that this year would be good to him.

He reached into his shirt and brought out the silver ring. The cord that looped around it frayed and broke often, so he had to replace it very often as well. When he was younger, he told himself that one day, he'd have something better for it, but he wouldn't get a better string, or a chain, for it now.

Now, he simply slipped it onto his finger. He could've done it years ago, but he didn't because it didn't feel right. He didn't understand why, but he felt as if he had to put it on. The necklace was something for a younger him, but he'd grown out of it. He wasn't a boy anymore. The ring was a reminder of Mr. Lee, and he'd wear it pride.

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