《Summoned》Chapter 4 – The Journey Begins Part 2
The months came and went faster than I would've liked. It seemed like just a second ago, I was staring out at Iris from the treetops for the first time. Now, my one-year deadline would end tonight. My mom didn't know that though, so she continued to blast me with instructions.
"Stop getting distracted! Silent casting is not something one can do without focus!" she griped. It was purely out of concern, but the constant babying was getting annoying. I was nearly eighteen now! Double that if you counted my life as a human.
For the past twelve months, I had been learning 'Mana Manipulation'. In simple terms, it allowed one to use magic without the incantation. The skill was incredibly hard to learn, not to mention extremely dangerous. One wrong move and I could accidentally kill myself or someone else if I didn't completely understand what type of spell I was casting. This made it nigh impossible to cast complex magic; however, for simple spells, the benefits outweighed the risks with proper training.
"I am focused, Mother," I replied, reaching my hand out in front, fingers splayed. Two rocks, nearly half my size, raised into the air, then crumbled as I used the ambient mana around them to exert a crushing force. It was like using force crush, just infinitely less badass than Vader.
Alexia looked with discerning eyes before responding, "I suppose you were." She waved a hand in surrender, "All right, it's been eight hours. Go finish up with your father."
My face broke into a grin. The majority of my days were spent with my mom, and my dad only got to teach me for an hour or two. The window was brief, but I got to unwind a bit. I wasn't cramped, reading magic texts for the majority of it like my mom's teachings.
I gave my mother a quick goodbye, speed-walking to where my dad would be waiting. Veylin walked past me, dragging her feet behind her like a wet cat.
"How was it?" I asked, a shit-eating grin on my face.
She gave me the finger and walked by without a word. I laughed; some things never changed. Our bond had strengthened to the point where I didn't even need to ask how she felt, I just knew. In fact, I didn't need to ask verbally either.
'Seriously though, are you okay?' I shot the question down our telepathic link.
'I'm fine.' she quipped, before severing our connection completely.
The faint sense of annoyance I got from her disappeared, leaving me alone. It must have been a grueling session if she went as far as severing our bond. It was almost the same as a pair of conjoined twins being separated. Except, of course, our connection could be reattached.
Deciding it was for the best to leave her alone, I walked into the clearing where my dad was supposed to be. A single practice sword, leaning on a rock, was the only object in sight. I picked it up, looking around for my absent instructor.
Did he leave or something?
This had happened several times before, so I began running through the various forms to warm up.
Jeez, what's taking this old man so long.
My arms shook, and my breath was uneven. I had practiced nonstop without mana for an hour, and he still hadn't shown up.
"Fuck this." I threw the sword next to a tree and took a seat under it. I leaned my head back, intent on taking a nap. If my father wouldn't bother to show up, I could at least sleep. My fatigued body made sleep easy, and I drifted off in only a few minutes.
The gentle rustling of leaves, almost imperceptible, woke me up. I kept my eyes closed, careful not to alert my attackers. Instead, I pushed my mana outward in pulses, feeling for life like some bat using echolocation. Two enemies were approaching me, one from the branches above and one directly behind me. The micro-movements their bodies made clearly signified hostile intent.
I slowly inserted mana into my limbs and body, strengthening them and creating an aura to deflect damage with the Enhancement techniques my father had so vigorously trained. Then, with an explosive force, I grabbed my sword and narrowly blocked the blade that swung for my throat.
"Hi, son." My dad grinned, "It seems you were able to stop my cut. Very good. But, what if I..." He directed three more slashes at me, aiming for my chest.
I narrowly parried the barrage and grinned back, "I know you're trying to distract me while Veylin looks for an opening." I delivered three strikes of my own.
"Was it that obvious?" Heron frowned, blocking my attacks with little effort.
"Yes." I blasted a purple ball of raw mana into the trees above. A pleasant yelp was heard, along with the sound of breaking branches.
Veylin nimbly landed on her feet, a scowl on her face, "Hey, magic's cheating!"
"Sneaking up on me is cheating." I smirked, forming another ball of mana in my hand, "Be grateful. I could've blasted you with something deadly." I threw the second ball at her, aiming center-mass.
My father took this opportunity to close the distance, delivering a strike to my ribs. The practice sword swung fast. Even with my magical aura absorbing and redirecting it, the sheer strength and speed of my father's attack stung.
I jumped back with a wince, covering my side, "Ow."
My father grinned, "You're hurt, not dead. And remember the technique I taught you to absorb mana. In a prolonged fight, you'll need all the strength you can muster."
I facepalmed internally, I had forgotten all about the technique my father had been teaching me: Mana Cycling, the constant absorption and refining of mana without meditation. It wasn't even a quarter as effective as proper cultivation, but every bit helped. I immediately employed the technique.
What followed next was the most intense battle with my father I'd ever had. My ability with the blade had grown, yet it paled in comparison to the skill of my father. Adding Veylin to the mix complicated the fight even further. Even utilizing my magic to create wards for better defense than Enhancement could ever offer me, I was hard-pressed to defend myself.
Eventually, my dad broke through the aura and wards I had placed on my body, cracking me across the wrist. My sword went flying, and I dropped to my knees in exhaustion, clutching my left hand.
My father rested the spine of his wooden sword across his shoulders, "Not bad. You managed to hold both of us off for two minutes and three seconds. A new record."
Veylin nodded with this assessment, agreeing, "Yes, you performed well. If you utilized offensive magic, you might've won."
It was true. I didn't utilize any magic other than the two mana blasts at the beginning and the few wards throughout. The thought comforted me a bit, but I was still disappointed, "Maybe. My ability with the blade is still less than yours though." I directed the latter part at Veylin.
My dad clapped me on the shoulder, "Of course it is! She's trained much more than you this past year. But don't beat yourself up too hard. Not everyone has your gift with magic."
I sighed, giving a half-hearted agreement. I then wrung the rest of my mana dry healing their injuries-- well, Veylin's injuries. My father didn't even look like he was sweating. A splitting migraine sunk in after I cast my spells, letting me know that I went over the limit of my focus. Using mana all day with my mother, then expending it even more with my father had drained me dry.
There was a faint nudge on my consciousness as I walked back to the house.
'Didn't I tell you not to drain yourself like that? Veylin chastised me immediately after establishing our connection.
'I'm fine, just a faint headache.'
'Are you an idiot? I can tell when you're lying. Here-' She placed my hand on her lower dantain, which was located right below her navel; this was the best place to absorb mana, according to my mother, at least.
I took the cue and absorbed the energy from her body. A pleasant cool filled my mind, and the pain from the migraine receded. I removed my hand, sending a feeling of gratitude through our bond.
Veylin hummed mentally with pleasure, leaving our connection intact this time.
I noticed the curious look from my father, who was eyeing me knowingly.
I tapped on his consciousness with my telepathy that had manifested a few months back. After he realized it was me, the thick, mental walls he always seemed to have up dropped.
"[It's not what you think, Dad. Veylin and I aren't like that. We're just... close. It's hard to explain since you don't have a bond, but just believe me.]"
"[Whatever you say, son.]" He kept up his best passive expression, keeping it the entire way through dinner. My mother glanced between us suspiciously but said nothing.
I excused myself when I was finished, walking up the steep steps to my room. I took a shower under an enchanted stone that produced hot water; technology was developed in its own way here I had realized. The mirror was foggy by the time I was done, and I stared into it. The silver markings from the bond now swirled all the way to my left pectoral. I had worked hard over the past year to better myself so having a physical reminder was a great parting gift.
The fog on the mirror, as if waiting for this moment, began expanding to encircle me. My vision grew dark, and I breathed a sigh of disappointment. Here I was again, stuck back in the body of Andre. There was a ding in my head as new screens materialized.
Your skill(s) have improved.
Primordial Language (Intermediate - Low) -> (Intermediate – Intermediate) – speak, read, and write Primordial
Swordsmanship (Low – High) -> (Intermediate – Low) – skill with the use of a sword
Spearmanship (Low – Low) -> (Low - High) – skill with the use of a spear
Bowmanship (Low – High) -> (Intermediate – Low) – skill with the use of a bow
Mana Cultivation (Intermediate - Low) -> (Intermediate – High) – the ability to increase and purify mana in the body
Mana Application (Intermediate - Low) -> (Intermediate – High) - the ability to control and shape mana with the Primordial Language
Skill(s) have been created.
Mana Manipulation: (Intermediate – High) – the ability to control mana non-verbally
Mana Cycling: (Intermediate – Low) – the ability to absorb ambient mana while moving
Unique Trait(s) have been created.
Telepathy: Ability to peer into the minds of others. Useful for extracting information and sensing surroundings
You have met the requirements for the sub-class: Magus
Since no other sub-classes are available, the sub-class will be automatically applied.
-All mana costs are reduced by half
-Mana regeneration is 50% faster
Your attribute(s) have increased.
+1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +1 Attunement, +2 Mana
Name: Vandlind Cyprus
Alias: Little Elf
Titles: Tenacious
Height/Weight: 183cm/190 lbs
Race: Royal Fae
Class: Mage (Magus)
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Strength: 16
Agility: 16
Endurance: 17
Vitality: 17
Dexterity: 18
Reflexes: 18
Intelligence: 23
Wisdom: 21
Attunement: 9
Enhancement: 6
Mana: 27
Charisma: 14
I wonder why telepathy was a race skill? According to what my mom said, any mage worth their snuff has the ability.
"That's because Royal Fae can learn the skill regardless of their class. Most races can't." Restia answered, appearing directly behind me.
I expected it now, even after a year, so I shrugged, "I see."
Restia frowned in disappointment when she failed to provoke a reaction. The pouting face was strikingly familiar.
"You really do look like Veylin." I rubbed my chin thoughtfully, "Anyway, is there anything I need to know? You always tell me something new when I get pulled back."
"Straight to the point as always, huh? What if I told you I didn't have anything new for you?" She crossed her arms and raised her perfectly sculpted eyebrows.
"You'd be lying," I replied flatly.
Restia clicked her tongue, "I am a goddess, you know? Most people treat me with respect. Whatever. Yeah, I have some stuff to tell you. Once you go back, you'll automatically be placed directly in your body at the age of thirty. From that point forward, Andre," she motioned to my body, "will cease to exist, and Vandlind will be all that's left. You'll still have your memories, so don't worry about that. You'll also have access to your system as an added benefit. Lastly, when you visit a temple or a shrine, you can speak to one of the gods to redeem your contribution points."
"Does it matter what god I ask?"
"No, not at first. But eventually, the actions you take might draw one of the god's attention. If one of the gods take a liking, it would be wise to visit them instead of the others. Also, how many points are awarded can be influenced by the deity you go to. For example, killing criminals would make Zaria give you more than Lyros would." She named the deities of death and life respectively.
"Why? Is there any benefit to going out of my way and kill criminals just to get the goddess of death to like me?" I didn't want to be limited to any one being if I could help it. What if I ended up in a place that didn't have the shrine of the god I needed?
"Yes, there is. Each god has the ability to make an Arbiter, Executor, and Sovereign: individuals that are blessed with the power of their god. The Arbiter interprets the god's will, the Executor initiates the god's will, and the Sovereign reigns over Iris as the embodiment of their god."
Huh, so pretty important.
I mentally filed away the information, then asked: "Anything else?"
"No, that's all," She brushed her silver hair behind her head, "I... suppose this is the last we will see of each other. For a while, at least."
I let out a smirk, "Gonna' miss me, goddess?"
"You were plenty entertaining these past few decades..." she said carefully, "Perhaps I will miss you... but only a little."
"Now, now, don't make me blush," I replied with a flat face, not feeling remotely close to blushing.
We stood silently for a bit, so I approached the goddess for a hug. I thought she might pull away, lecturing about respecting deities, but she simply hugged me back. Her body felt soft and warm, surprisingly so. I let go a few moments later, not wanting to make it awkward.
"I guess this is goodbye." I attempted to break the silence.
"Yes, I believe so," Restia responded solemnly.
The goddess raised her hand and the fog started to shift erratically, "Goodbye, Andre. I expect great things."
The memories of another dozen years began bleeding into me. The sensation was quite familiar by this point, so I focused on trying to retain as much information as possible. Try as I might, most of the information my parents taught me was incredibly difficult to grasp. I wondered if they would think me strange for progressing so erratically. They never said anything before about the topic. Perhaps the gods' meddling had something to do with it? Whatever the case, my parents didn't seem to mind.
The progression of time began to slow dramatically the closer I got to my thirtieth year. Usually, this meant I would soon take control of my body, but this time, it seemed as if I was just watching at a normal pace.
I – well, the version of me on autopilot -- was in an argument with my parents, complaining about being secluded for so long. I was almost thirty years old, yet I had never seen anything other than the trees around me. My mother scolded me, saying the world was dangerous and harsh to us.
My father watched quietly, having not taken a side the entire time. After listening to our banter for several more minutes, he spoke, "Honey, you know as well as I do that Vandlind is capable of handling himself. He deserves the freedom to, at least, choose."
Alexia shot her husband an unsubtle look of anger, surprised that he had sided against her. Another few minutes of fierce argument took place, until finally, Alexia gave her verdict, "No, absolutely not. I refuse to endanger the life of my only son, even if it makes him hate me."
"Honey, please-" Heron tried to reason but was cut off by another glare from my mother.
Well, this doesn't seem to be going according to plan.
My avatar gave a snort and walked up to my room.
The movie-like sequence sped up once more, stopping about a week in the future. I had avoided the topic with my mom but had been tirelessly coming up with an argument to win her favor. The endeavor had been mostly pointless when I finally tried it. So, by the end of the day, I climbed a tree to blow off some steam like I usually did.
The sun hung barely over the horizon, illuminating the forest with a pinkish glow. I scanned the familiar scenery: forest, forest, forest, mountain, and... more forest. I sighed heavily before preparing myself to scurry down the tree. I reached for the nearest branch, stopping suddenly.
The faintest sight of movement caught my avatar's eyes: a convoy of wagons was rolling through the forest. How they managed to navigate this forest with the plethora of wards my mother had placed and the natural mana causing strangers to get lost, I didn't know. However, that didn't matter. This was my chance.
I leapt off the top of the tree, using a quick burst of mana to cushion my fall. I sprinted towards my parents, telling them the great news, "Mom, Dad, there's a small group of wagons heading West!"
"What? How? This entire forest is warded." Alexia's mouth was agape. She quickly ran into the house, coming out with a bowl of water. She chanted a spell; I recognized it immediately as a scrying spell, and the water's reflection shifted into an aerial view of the forest. A few moments later, and the rolling wagons came into view.
"Are they Xandest's men?" Heron asked; his hand gripped the pommel of his training sword, and his knuckles were white against his tan skin.
"No," Alexia replied, "At least, it doesn't appear that way. Unless Xandest started employing non-Fae these past few decades, but I doubt his pride would let him."
My father's death-grip on his sword relaxed, "Good. That is good." He exhaled slowly.
Who the hell is Xandest? I complained bitterly. I hated that I still hadn't taken control of my avatar yet.
My parents began discussing what action to take, ignoring any input from their son. I eventually gave up and strode to my room. If my parents wouldn't listen, I would simply do it myself.
Veylin, in her house cat form, poked a head out from my bedsheets when I entered, 'Do you actually intend on leaving?' The question was simply a formality. I had not gone to the trouble of masking my emotions when I spoke to my parents.
I opened a small closet full of supplies I had prepared for this day over the years. I began taking out everything I needed: leather armor, two long daggers, a shortsword, a recurve bow, a quiver with 24 arrows, and a satchel that contained survival essentials and useful items. Every item I had was enchanted to some degree. For example, the satchel I carried was hardly bigger than a pouch, but it contained enough space to hold several times more than it appeared. The beauty of magic.
I then began putting on my armor. I strapped the hard greaves over my boots and prepared to put on my torso armor next. I put on the padded inner layer first, a second flexible underlayer, and then finally the leather chest piece itself. The bracers came last, snugly fitting onto my forearms. My helmet remained in my pouch because I had no reason to put it on now.
I strapped the shortsword to my right hip, one of the daggers to my right leg, another dagger in the center of my back, and the bow I hung from the quiver on my back. Finally, I fastened the satchel to my left hip. I took a few steps over to my mirror, inspecting the craftsmanship. The dark brown armor hung impressively off my frame, and I couldn't help but feel badass.
On Earth, leather armor did jack-shit to protect someone; it couldn't even stop a blade most of the time. However, this wasn't Earth, and there just so happened to be a magical creature that I killed long ago with a lightning bolt. Drake leather was incredibly tough, not as strong as metal, but pretty damn close considering how light it was. Add in the reinforcement spells I'd placed on it, and the armor was freakishly protective. I silently thanked my father for commissioning or buying all this stuff for me by taking it to a town many days away despite my mother's protests.
My avatar took one last look in the mirror before closing its eyes. When it opened them, I was now in control.
Thank you, Lord. I'm finally in the driver's seat.
Watching myself but not myself got tiring after a while. Now, this body should be permanently mine, no more absorbing memories for years on end.
'How long are you going to admire yourself?' Veylin asked, flicking her tail in the reflection of the mirror.
'Only a little longer. I look really cool in this armor, don't I?' I absorbed a slight feeling of amusement at my reply.
I turned from the mirror, "Well, you coming or not? We don't have all day."
Veylin polymorphed into her human form, completely naked, "Yes, I suppose I am. Give me a minute." She strode from my room, excellent assets on full display. I briefly wondered if she did that on purpose or didn't care.
"Ah... Okay." I tried unsuccessfully to contain my wandering eyes.
'Like what you see?' she teased me, a provocative emotion in her message. Definitely on purpose.
'Just get ready.'
Veylin arrived a few moments later, clothed (thankfully) in armor similar to my own. The only difference was her weapons. Two thin, curved blades hung from her left hip, one longer than the other. Various sets of throwing knives were placed at convenient locations: left thigh, right shoulder, and crisscrossed along her abdomen. She also carried a separate bag of holding, worn on the center of her back like a backpack.
I nodded approvingly after looking her up and down, "All right, I'll cast an invisibility spell on us when we leave. But first..." I started writing a letter to my parents. It was simple, saying that I loved them, I'd be back in a year, etcetera. I placed the letter on the stand next to my bed, full of mixed emotions. Writing it had given me nostalgia I wasn't fond of.
Andre was no more, yet the memories of Andre still haunted me. I'd never thought there would be a day that I would be sad to leave my parents.
'Are you okay?' Veylin placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah." I said, gripping her hand with my own
Wait for me, guys. I'll be back in a year.
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