《The blood wars》Siblings, sibling what you gonna do.
Lexy groggily woke up to Varikin barking at her “ugh what you want?” Varikin rolled his eyes “really? Remember you have a morning watch today! Now get up I don’t want to get into any more trouble than we already are in.” Lexy up out of bed, “ugh fine you win, let’s go.”
She got up and put on her favorite blue hoodie with a pair of black baggy pants and her special red goggles. She then pulled out from under her bed her mech and emergency backpack along with her knives.
Varikin and Lexy head out of her bedroom, through the hallway, and downstairs.
Lexy looked out one of the large windows, the sun yet to even she’d its life-giving rays on the girl. She then spotted one of the butlers and walked up to them “excuse me but could you please tell Thokath that I went to the forest to play again?”
The butler nodded “very well young Lexy” Lexy gives a soft smile and begins leaving.
Varikin shortly behind her “thank you!”
Lexy bolted out the doors, Varikin easily kept up with the girl, “what’s the rush?” Lexy turns and the two enter the forest. Lexy gave out a sarcastic laugh “rush? You said it yourself, do you want to be late with anything to do with Jackson let alone angering him?”
Varikin shrugged, “eh touché”
The two reach the waypoint though Lexy did have to stop because of the lack of light and then have Varikin help her.
Lexy touches Varikin’s scruff and thinks of the rebellion’s door. Within seconds she smelled the stall air it brought. Lexy looked at the moon while she walked into the door. The moon glowed brighter than a star. The two enter the dove's base and the two are greeted by the sight of Katie making food with her usual smile.
Jackson eats breakfast with Fendres, Jennie, Miko, and Kuma accompanied by Magi who has a troubled expression. Left lost in his own thoughts of why he couldn’t bring himself to leave.
Jackson was first to notice Lexy and Varikin. “Oh, I was wondering if you were going to come. Have you had food yet?”
Lexy shook her head “no not yet”
Jackson's eyes narrow down a bit, “grab some food for you and Varikin. Then I’ll bring you to your post”
Lexy nodded and walked up to Katie, Varikin by her side “hi Katie.”
Katie’s eyes brighten up “oh hi Lexy I don’t usually see you in the mornings this early. So, what can I get you and your partner?”
Lexy tilts her head at the statement “partner?”
Katie quickly gains a shocked expression “oh, you aren’t. I thought you were. Well what can I get you we have mushroom soup with biscuits and for drinks we have ail but I don’t think you should. Beyond that we have water.”
Lexy turned to Varikin, “so what do you want?”
Varikin turned into his human form, “I think I will take mushroom soup with some water. You?”
Lexy shrugged “same” Katie nods and begins to dish up their food into wooden bowls. She grabbed two mugs after dishing up the soup and put water in.
Katie handed them each a bowl of soup and a mug of water. The two take their breakfast and walk up to Jackson.
Jackson stood up along with Magi and Miko, “ok follow me” Jackson led the four out of the base and began leading them to the town or fortress that the rebellion made of a village. The village now has opened roof watchtowers around it and fortified gates.
Jackson led the group to the closest one of these towers and stopped “your station is at the top of this tower. I will come and get you once I deem you have been up there for an appropriate time. If you spot a monster or intruders, you ring the bell, and then you may try to stop it. Furthermore, if you find that an intruder is a specialist or higher ranked you send off a flair. There are multiple flairs and lighters up on the tower. Got it?”
Lexy nodded “got it to captain” Jackson sighed “good with that I’m off”
Jackson then leaves the two while Lexy looked at the tower and noted the stairway was on the outside of the tower instead of inside like she expected. “ok let’s go.”
The group carefully gets to the top of the tower due to a lack of railing. Lexy and Varikin look around the top of the tower, a shelf of weapons to their left, and next to it were two crates. One consisting of flairs the other of flint and steel. In the center of the area was a small table with four metal chairs.
The two sat down at the table and began eating. Lexy drinks her mushroom soup with a quick go while Varikin just drinks slowly and took his time.
Magi looked around, “huh so I brought a deck of cards to want to play Miko?” Miko nodded and the two sat down and started playing a card game.
Lexy, now finished, goes and looked around from the tower. She can see the rock formation that the base is hidden in. Beyond that, she saw stone paths and crop fields of cactus plants? After the crop fields, she just saw plains of dirt. But there is a moving object she just can’t make out
Lexy sets down her bag and opens it to pull out a spyglass. Varikin turned to see what Lexy was doing “what is that?”
This caught Magi’s and Miko’s attention, “what is what?”
Lexy extended the spyglass and begins looking thru it, “it's a spyglass it lets me see stuff far away that I usually can’t”
Varikin took a drink of his soup, “and what do you see right now?”
Lexy hummed and looked around a bit better and that is when she saw a tall lady. Wearing a tattered lab coat that goes to her feet. Her hair was in a long braid that goes to her feet and deep green. She also has small elk-like black horns coming off her head.
The lady was talking to terrifying-looking creatures that look familiar to Lexy. They have large steel-like claws, scales, and long whip-like tails. Yup, they are the same monsters that attacked her and Alcore when this all started. But the only difference is these look much, much bigger
Lexy feels her blood run cold as the lady then points to different towers sending the monsters at the watchtowers including Lexy’s. She immediately put away her spyglass and throws it on her equipment. She pulled her cord, her black and gray wings spread. She grabbed Varikin, Cody, Magi, and took off into the air just in time to watch one of those monsters run into the tower. Reducing it to rubble the creature looked up and saw Lexy who was struggling to hold on to her teammates tightened her grip on them.
The creature stood on its hind legs taking in a huge gulp of air and then shooting fire at them. Lexy barely dodged it to the point she could feel the heat from the attack, “sorry Varikin but I think breakfast just got cut short”
Varikin stared at the monster for a bit and then the realization hit his face “That’s a drake! A subclass of dragons is very strong, very fast. They were bred by the empire to be used as weapons against demonic warfare though I never knew they could get so big.”
Lexy watched as other watchtowers fall and fire erupt from other locations. “they're invading the city!” Varikin changed to his ferret form and climbed up to Lexy’s shoulder. “Then let’s kill some drakes.”
Magi noded, “yea and besides how long are you going to be able to keep us in the air like this?”
She dodged another fire attack and lowered in altitude. “Not long and no, the others will be arriving quickly to take care of them. We have to go to the source. These drakes are being commanded. It's like a beehive if we want to win, we must kill the queen otherwise it won’t matter who we kill. They will just keep coming.”
Varikin noded, “alright you have a point.” Lexy nodded “thank you” with a flap of her wings she moved forward with the green-haired lady as her target.
She flew past the horde of drakes heading toward the village and the green-haired lady “ready?”
Varikin chuckled, “ready as I’ll ever be.”
Lexy landed by the green-haired woman. Varikin hoped off Lexy and turned into his giant wolf form. Growling and snarling at the lady. Lexy readied her knives. Miko summoned a water dragon while pulling out his twin blades and Magi pulled out the short blade, he got from the Capital
Magi now closer recognized this woman, “you’re the blood king’s sister.”
Lexy glanced at Magi, while the lady turned toward the group and smirked, “yes I am but I am the second youngest. I am the second youngest sibling the mistress of monsters!”
The ground rumbled around the four and the ground began to rise. Lexy turned to the rest of the group, “Jump!” The four quickly jump off the rising ground.
Giant pieces of the ground rose and shaped into a rock-like giant that was five stories high. With the mistress on its shoulder, It turned towards the group and roared in their faces sending dirt on them.
Lexy’s eyes widened after she wiped away the dirt from her face “the hell is this thing!” The monster goes to punch Varikin who with a burst of speed dogged and headed over to Lexy, Magi, and Miko.
Magi frowned “it’s a rock golem, a mindless monster that is summoned by someone to act as a puppet; their common weakness is water. Miko and I can focus on this thing while you go after the mistress.”
Lexy nodded, “got it, divide and conquer. Varikin, will you aid me in this battle?”
Varikin smirked when he turned to his ferret form and hopped onto Lexy’s shoulder “that even a question?”
The group leaped into action. Miko sent his dragon made of water at the golem while Magi murmured a few words and launched into battle with his hands red hot as he punched the golem cracks form from the impact.
Lexy spread her wings and took to the sky while Varikin hung on to her shoulder for dear life when she flew up to the mistress of monster’s level. She quickly tackled the woman and she pushed her to the ground with a thud as the mistresses’ heads clashed with the ground.
Lexy huffed as she stood back from the green-haired woman on the ground. Varikin growled when the woman chuckled and stood up, shaking herself off. The mistress pulled out a rod and with a press of a button, it expanded to be a speer.
Varikin turned to his giant wolf form. Lexy looked up to see the golem staggering back and was about to step on her and Varikin. The mistress stepped out of the way and Lexy pushed Varikin out of the way.
Lexy and Varikin stand back and once the golem moved again the blond can see the mistress on the other side of the golem smirking when Magi was bashed off the golem and crashes into the ground in front of Lexy now unconscious.
She rushed up to Magi and to her relief he’s breathing. Lexy felt anger bubble through her veins. Miko lands next to her and quickly types on his device “Water isn’t working I’ll take him to the medic and I'll come back. Can you last that long?”
Lexy nodded “yea I and Varikin can last you take Cody we’ve got this.” She said with an angry glint in her eyes.
Miko nodded picked up Cody and summoned up a horse made of water, got on, and began to ride to the village.
Varikin watched when the golem picked back up the mistress, “you fools did you really think you could beat me? You just sent half of your friends away.”
Varikin looked at Lexy nervously, “do you have a plan? Please say so because they have a point.”
Lexy nodded, “yes do you think you can do your giant bird form while I attack the mistress?”
Varikin noded, “as of right now yes.” Lexy nodded and pulled out her bow and arrows.
With that the two launches back into battle. A glow surrounded Varikin when he changed to his nevermore form and began to fight with the golem.
Lexy hopped from portal to portal when she climbed in altitude and loaded up her bow with a normal arrow while trying to doge Varikin and the golem fighting. She reached close enough for the mistress to see her and the woman re-draws her twirled sword.
Lexy released her arrow at the woman and instead of hitting like she expected the mistress deflected the arrow with her blade. However, the magic from the arrow stayed and began spreading over the blade. The sound of breaking metal was crystal clear.
The mistress hissed in frustration when she cast her blade away and leaped at Lexy in a blind rage. The blond had not expected to be thrown off balance and the two began to plummet. Lexy quickly got back her sense of balance and begins to push the mistress down to the ground faster.
Within a second and a loud crash the two collide with the ground. After letting the ringing in her ears subside. She saw the mistress was unconscious and her bow was broken.
Lexy sighed, whipping away the sweat from her head, and heard the loud sound of the golem falling apart. The blond looked at Varikin who was in his giant wolf form and was standing above what is left of the golem with a proud look on his face.
She sighed, “alright let’s tie her up, go get Alcore or Jackson and then come back.”
Varikin nodded off the rubble and walked over to Lexy while he transformed into his ferret form. “Alright, let’s get this over with.” With that, he hopped into her backpack.
With a flap of her wings, she was back into the air and was flying toward the village. The fires that were once there are now gone and Lexy didn’t see any more alive drakes. She spotted Jackson and Alcore talking amongst each other. She slowed down and landed by the two.
Lexy folded up her wings “hi” both Alcore and Jackson jumped.
Alcore turned back to Lexy, “hi Lexy did you see the Drake’s?”
She nodded, “ya while you were busy with that I and the others had to fight a giant rock golem and the mistress of monsters. More like the mistress of crazy” shock fills both Alcore’s face and Jackson's.
Alcore came a little closer to Lexy “did you win?”
Lexy smirked “of course we did I even tied them up”
Jackson and Alcore look at each other. Jackson was next to talk “can you show us?”
Lexy nodded “yup”
Alcore pressed his lips into a fine line, “alright you lead the way” Lexy nodded, she pulled her black cord and her wings spread open yet again and she took off first then Jackson and Alcore.
Lexy spotted the large pile of golem remains and a black carriage with two kelpies attached. The three lands by the carriage to see the blood king picking up his younger sister and gently putting her in the carriage. Alcore’s expression changed to a snarl.
The blood king turns around “oh hello. You surpassed my expectations today, good on you. But rest assured that I will win this.” Like a cat examining its prey, he gazed at the rebels.
Lexy felt anger and frustration bubble from her veins and steam through her skin. “No, you aren’t so why don’t you fight us now or are you scared? You know where to find us if you’re looking for a fight.”
Alcore glared daggers at the king, “go back to the hell you came out of and I may consider not killing you and your family!”
Within a flash the blood king was holding Alcore by the throat. “understand this here and now you’re only saving grace and your comrades is the Raven if she wasn’t with you, I would love to find out just how many times I could throw you into the fire till your death is permanent. Then take your remains and irradiate them off the plane of this very existence! So be a good pawn and shut your bloody hole for a maw!”
The king threw him down leaving Alcore gulping for air, “ta-ta I can’t wait for the next turn.” With a sudden smile on his face like he’s an angel the blood King stepped into his carriage. The driver snaps the whips and they're gone. Leaving behind only a cloud of dust. The four cough a bit.
Varikin came out of Lexy’s bag, “right when you think the world can’t get weirder it doubles back at you and slaps you in the face.”
Lexy frowned and looked at Jackson, “so quick thing my bow got broken in the fight. I have a spare bow at home. Do I head to Leo or?”
Jackson hummed, “You help save the dwarves see if they're willing to help with that, and then head to Leo.”
Lexy nodded, “got it thanks, Jackson.” With that Varikin hopped back into Lexy’s bag and she took off.
Alcore sighs “I’m going to lead the attack on the militia in the slum zones with the thunder Pixies. Will you oversee this base while I’m gone tomorrow?”
Jackson nodded “yes I will.”
Lexy landed in the middle of the town. She looked around at the people passing by to fix things that were damaged. When a dwarf suddenly came up to her “oh great mistress I and my brothers never got to say thank you for freeing us. From the tyrants. How could we ever repay you?”
She hummed and put her hand to her chin “ Could you please make me a new distance weapon.”
The dwarf nodded, “one more thing mistress about the armor. We dwarf-like to base armor of battle names. Do you have one?” Lexy hummed “no sorry I don’t have one.”
The dwarf nods “Then well just base it off of magic. I will go and talk to my brothers meet the same time tomorrow?”
Lexy nodded, “sure, tomorrow I will bring the plans for the weapon I have an idea for”
The dwarf began to run off “will do miss!”
Lexy turned her head toward Varikin who had his head sticking out of her bag, “well that was random but next on the checklist delivering some presents”
She opened her wings and took off to the rebel’s base. She reached the rebellion’s door in less than a minute. She looked down to see Fendres talking to some of the renegades.
Lexy landed right next to Fendres. Fendres turned to Lexy “oh hi their kid. What do you need?”
A big smile found its way to Lexy’s face, “I have a present for you” she opened a portal big enough for Fendres’s hat to fall out. Right above her hand. The hat falls out and Lexy closes the portal. Lexy turns to Fendres, the hat in hand.
With one look at the hat, Fendres immediately begins to cry, “you found it I never thought I would ever see it again!”
Fendres gently took the hat and put it on, “oh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I never thought I would see it again!” Fendres brings the blond into a tight hug and then lets her go.
Lexy did not expect this reaction. Nonetheless, she gave a smile, “you are welcome but if you don’t mind me asking. What’s the story with you and the hat?”
Fendres nodded, “fair enough, I’ll tell you the whole story. This whole thing started when I was ten. The hat originally belonged to my older brother. My family lived in-between the desert plains and the dunes.
My family was barely scraping by due to one main reason. My family refuses to give my brother up so we were enslaved to go into hole and mine for materials. The more we found the fewer whips we got.
This was a blessing compared to what other families got. I know that sounds bad but at least we were together. My brother hated it so one day he started a riot and freed me and my parents.
I remember what he said to me that day. He said something like this after he broke the heavy chains on my wrist. Go be free and let your heart guide you. If you have something to say and never stand down. He then took off his hat and placed it on mine. I remember telling him, I’m not leaving without you. '' He said, `` I still have work to do.”
The tears turn to rivers going down her face “I went up the cave a bit so I could see him come out with the others only to watch him die with a sword through the heart and him smiling at me whispering, be free and touch the sky. The only things I have left of him are my memories and this hat.”
Fendres wiped away her tears. “thank you Lexy I really mean that, for this hat is invaluable” she says as she puts the hat on her head.
Lexy smiled. She now understands why people do charity a lot better, being nice can be addictive. “yup just doing some good” Lexy put away her wings and headed into the base Varikin hoped out of her bag and began to walk with her “who do you think we should do next?”
Varikin gave a smile “how about Leo?”
Lexy nodded “alright Leo it is.”
She headed through the base and entered the lab. To see Leo working on the book from the capital, “hi guys.”
Leo flinched and sighed pinching his brow “Lexy, what have I told you to knock but what do you need.”
Lexy set down her bag. “well I don’t want anything from you I just have a gift that I think you would like”
Leo raised a brow “something for me? What is it?” Lexy smiled and pulled out the box with Leo’s invisibility cloak and the book of blueprint and notes.
She walked up to Leo and handed him the box. Leo tilted his head, “why to give me a box?”
Lexy giggled “just open it silly”
Leo shrugged, “ok” and opened it “uh theirs- “he cuts himself off when he puts his hand in the box, “My invisibility cloaks how did you? Never mind what else is in here.”
Leo’s eyes sparkled when he pulled out his two-and-a-half-inch thick book of science. “How do I even begin to say thank you Lexy.”
Lexy gave a confident smile, “by doing what you do best” with that Lexy left the lab with a speechless Leo and out to the cafeteria. To see Kuma watching Kanki play.
She opened a portal and pulled out the ring and Kanki’s fairy doll. She walked up to the two with a smile.
Kanki looked at what Lexy had her eyes widened, “My mommy doll you found it!” Kanki ran up to Lexy and she gave Kanki the doll. “Thank you!” Kanki ran back over to Kuma “daddy look she found my mommy dolly; Now I can play with mommy again!”
Lexy walked up to Kuma's ring in hand. Kuma looked away for a short moment to wipe away a silent tear, “hi Kuma I actually have something for you too. I found It back at the abandoned base” Kuma scratches his head confused “uh ok.”
Lexy handed him the ring, “There you go” Kuma’s eyes widened and tears began to silently fall as he looked from the ring and back to Lexy. A smile formed on his face and hugged her just for a short second.
Lexy sighed “what’s up with people hugging me lately?”
Kuma let her go “maybe because your good person”
Lexy smiled and turned to Varikin “ok who next?”
Varikin shrugged, “how about Jackson?” Lexy smiled and nodded, “ok then, next up Jackson.”
Lexy bolted into Jackson's office only to find he was not there. Lexy shrugs “I’ll just leave this for him” Lexy opens a portal and pulls out the photo of Jackson and his brother. She sets it on his desk and then leaves his office.
Varikin hummed “I think that leaves Jennie and Alcore”
Lexy smiled and nodded. “Alright let’s go. I think I have seen her in the cafeteria” Varikin nods and the two head down to the cafeteria.
She and Varikin entered the cafeteria only to bump into Jennie. Jennie gave a shocked expression “oh hi Lexy. I didn’t see you there. Do you need something?”
Lexy smiled “yeah actually, well it’s more of a present” Jennie's eyes sparkled “oh I love presents!”
She opened up a portal and pulls out Jennie’s double-bladed spear and handed it to her. Jennie’s expression of interest charged to one of confusion “Wait, I recognize that my parents gave me this before they tried to force me to join the military. That didn’t work out well for them.
I remember that. Leo, he’s my little cousin. His parents were going to send him off at the age of five. My parents however had already sent my sister to the militia and I saw what really happened to people there and so I ran away with Leo and ended up with the rebels. It's kind of strange to see it again but thank you Lexy”
Lexy nods “hey do you know where Alcore’s office is I have a present for him to”
Jennie nodded, “Yeah I know where it is but what type of present is this?”
Lexy gave a smile “I found his father’s sword, so I want to give it back to him” Jennie nods and smiles “ a kind heart is rare these days.”
Jennie leads Lexy to Alcore’s office. “ok you see if he’s here and if not just leave it in the drawer of the desk.”
Lexy turned towards the door, “Alcore?” no response. So, Lexy opened the door and no one was there. She entered the room and saw the desk. She opened the largest drawer and opened a portal. Lexy then pulled out Alcore’s father’s sword and put it in the drawer.
Lexy looked at Varikin and smiled, “I think he will like the surprise. “
Varikin nodded, “you have a big heart just be careful who you open it up to not many are used to kindness here but yes I think he will like it.”
Lexy shrugged, “eh to each their own, ok let’s go back to the mansion I’m beat.”
Varikin nodded, “I could not agree more.” The two leave the room to see Jennie. Jennie smiles “All right with that done see you later.”
Lexy nodded and waved “alright let’s head back I have some stuff to print out.”
Varikin nodded and then tilted his head “yeah but what’s a print?”
Lexy chuckled, “print is the action of a machine making images on paper for you.”
Varikin noded “oh ok”
The two left the halls and entered the cafeteria to see Magi sitting down with a bowl of soup. She walked over “hey Cody?”
The redhead looked up “yes?”
Lexy smiled “do you think you or Miko could look this over?” She says pulling out the phone she stole from the guard.
Magi’s eyebrows furrow; he's seen these small devices around before and to say he is not a fan is an understatement. He looks back up to Lexy “Lexy do you know what this is?”
Lexy nodded, “yes we have them from where we came from.” She says picking the device back up and pressing the power button right as Fendres was passing by.
The small device burst with a loud gentle melody and then said in a feminine robotic voice. “Version of the future of technology. Welcome, user.”
Fendres immediately, eyes wide, pulled out her crossbow and loads it with an arrow pointing towards the phone, and shouts “DEVIL BOX!”
Everyone else in the cafeteria jumps up, weapons pulled out and on edge.
Lexy’s eyes widened and stood up “Hey, ok everyone calm down this is NOT a devil box it’s a phone two entirely different things.”
Fendres frowned with a glare, “ok but if I hear it talk again, I’m sending it back to the seventh circle of hell of where it came from.”
She lowered her crossbow and everyone else calmed down. Magi sighed and picked the device up, “All alright I'll see what I can get out of this. But don’t cross your fingers this stuff is difficult to take apart.”
Lexy nodded “understood thanks, Cody.”
Magi smiled “yup any time.”
Lexy smiled and waved goodbye to Cody, Varikin shortly behind her when she exited the base. She leaned forward and touched Varikin. She closed her eyes and thought of reality. Within a flash the two are back, in reality, the trees gently swaying with the warm summer wind.
Varikin resumed his pace until they saw the mansion. He stopped and let the small bond hop off his back. He then changes to his smaller form and his allusion is back. Lexy and Varikin entered the mansion to be greeted by Mina and Misa “hi Lexy and Lexy’s doggo”
Lexy eyes the duo suspiciously, “yeah okay what are you up to this time? Glitter and glue? Balls in the toilet?”
The two shook their heads, “no what would make you think that but not the point. We were going to ask if you knew where some deer skulls are since you’re always out in the forest.”
Lexy raised a brow, “yah sorry to disappoint you but no, I have not seen any skulls just laying around. Anyhow with that done, I have a question for you two. Do we have any printers and something I can use to find pictures?”
Mina nodded “ya actually it’s in the entertainment room. Come on, I'll show you.”
Misa shrugged, “oh it’s ok I’ll go look while Mina shows you that” Misa leaves and Mina begins leading Lexy and Varikin to the entertainment room.
The three entered and to no one’s surprise Axle was playing video games while munching on chips. Mina smiles “hi Axle”
Axle waved but doesn’t take his eyes from the game, “hey sis and Lexy and Lexy’s dog”
Lexy smiled, “hi” Mina led the two to the back of the room. It had a large desk and cabernet next to it.
Mina pulled out a printer from underneath the desk and set It on the desk. She then walked over to the cabernet and pulled out a smartphone. Turned it on and pressed a few buttons. Mina turned to Lexy and handed her the phone. “Come and get me once you found what you want to print”
Lexy nodded “yup thank you for your help”
Mina smiled “any time Lexy” that Mina exited the room leaving the blond to her own devices.
She looked at the phone and searched up blueprints for a gun she was familiar with and was the strongest she could handle. So, she searched for blueprints of an ar-15 assault rifle. Lexy found what she wants and sets the phone down
She then headed out of the room and saw Mina playing on a phone, “hey I found what I want to print out.”
Mina pocketed the phone and turned to Lexy, “alright” Mina and Lexy entered the entertainment room and Mina picked up the phone. She pressed a few buttons on the phone and the printer. The printer came to life and printed out the ar-15 assault rifle blueprints.
Lexy grabbed the paper and inspected it. She smiled, “alright that is all I needed thanks, Mina.”
Mina smiled, “sure thing oh and here take it I don’t need it”
Mina handed Lexy the phone, “Whelp see you later kiddo. Have fun in the forest, just be careful wolves can hide in all sorts of people, especially the ones you least expect, and sometimes you will find the most sweetness in the worst of people.”
Lexy tilted her head when she watched Mina left, “what did she mean by that?” Varikin looks up to Lexy and shrugs.
The blond smiled, “well who knows but really quick I’m going to put this up in my room and then we take these blueprints to the dwarfs as soon as possible.”
Lexy put the phone in her room upstairs and then headed back downstairs to regroup with Varikin. “Ok let’s go!”
The two lead into the forest with Varikin shortly behind eyeing how Lexy happily skips with the paper held tightly in her grasp like it gold “I think I have ever seen you this excited to make a weapon or anything really to do with stuff like that what is this thing anyway it looks rather strange.”
Lexy smirked, “oh you will see this can be of mass destruction”
Varikin tilted his head “I doubt that I saw the ones Thokath got you at most they look like a bludgeon how in the world are they going to help you. Your knives seem like a better idea than this but fine prove me wrong.”
Lexy grinned slyly with a hand on her hip “oh trust me I will”
The two enter the forest and shortly after reach the clearing. The blond leans down and touches Varikin’s scruff. She began to think of charter and within a blur, the lush greenery changed to standing outside of the entrance of charter.
The two enter the city, villagers walking around and bringing supplies to damaged buildings. It was after wandering around for a bit Lexy sighs and she looked around “I don’t see them. If I were a dwarf and considering earlier, I want to say that they would probably be at the weaponry.”
Varikin nodded, “probably the rebellion and the townsfolk did set one up, but I don’t know if it survived the attacks from this morning.”
Lexy looked around at the people passing by moving supplies to fix the damaged watchtowers. She walked up to a random villager, “Excuse me but I am looking for a large group of dwarfs. Have you happened to see them by chance?”
The elven villager hummed, “dwarfs you say I think I saw some go into the tapestry and then the enchantment shop.”
Lexy smiled “oh thanks so much. But would you happen to know where the enchantment shop is?”
The villager noded “ya it’s just across the street” he pointed to a store behind Lexy.
She smiled, “oh thank you. Have a nice day!” She made a three-sixty and jogged over to the enchantment shop with Varikin shortly behind. The two enter the store and saw two dwarfs bickering over something.
Lexy walked up to the two, “excuse me” the two stopped and turned to her “oh it’s the great mistress and one of her loyal servants. What can we do for you?”
She twitched at the comment to Varikin “he is not my servant, but I was going to ask what you two were arguing about?”
one of the dwarfs scratched his neck “well we were trying to decide what the third enchantment should be? The first is a silent enchantment. The second is a fitting enchantment and we’re deciding whether the next should be speed or strength?”
Lexy tilted her head, “what is it for?” the two dwarfs smiled “well it’s for the suit we're making for you but no one knows what color your magic is or exactly what it does. What is it again I can’t remember as well as my older brother?”
Lexy gave a smile, “well my magic color is a dark purple and I can create portals that’s all I can really do besides using some kind of weapon to channel it through.”
The two dwarfs nodded, “alright then I think speed and what we have.” They then picked up said enchantments and purchased them.
Lexy watches this thru and when the dwarfs begin to leave Lexy comes up to the two “hey where are you guys going?”
One picked up the box of enchantments. Which looked like a bunch of glowing strings, “we are heading to group up with the others to make your armor you can come with it would help.”
Lexy smiled, “sure come on Varikin” Varikin stood up and followed her and the two dwarfs to the other dwarfs that were at the armory.
The four enter the armory to see dwarfs gathering materials to use. Everyone stopped once they saw the four enter and stop everything. One of the dwarfs walked up to the four “good you too are back, and mistress hello”
Lexy nodded and they immediately began working with leather, feathers, and other materials she had never seen before. She walked up to one, “is there anything I can do to help?”
The dwarf shook his head, “no we’re actually almost finished so if anything, we will need you to try it on soon.”
Lexy nodded and laid down on Varikin “what are you doing am I a pillow to you?”
Lexy smiled and buried her face in his fur on his back, “yes, yes you are.” Lexy sat up and looked back at the dwarfs.
They all stopped after an hour of watching them work and Lexy watched when one of the dwarfs placed the enchantments on a black tail coated outfit.
The outfit had the rebellion’s crest underneath the left shoulder. Both shoulders and the inside of the tail of the coat are padded with black long feathers.
On the waist of the outfit is a utility belt with a knife being held by it. The sleeves have arm guards and gloves have what look like containers or a small machine. Lexy also notices the bird skull mask and the hood. The pants have padding and like the top peace’s it’s black.
Lexy looks in as tears begin falling no one went this far for a gift, not even her own mother would. The only thing her mother would let her use and even then, she had to earn gun lessons and ammo. Her mother didn't buy the guns, they were just some old ones that were in the family from after the civil war. This led to her love of exploring forests and gun practice. It's something she had control over.
Tears come down in streams as she walks up to the outfit the dwarfs are beyond confused “do you not like it?”
She shook her head, “no it’s beautiful I love it. Thank you no one has ever done anything like this for me. Can I try it on?”
The dwarfs smiled all around, “yup here let me show you we end up adding some features we think you will find very useful.” One of the dwarfs pressed a button on the shoulder and the outfit changed into a cube that’s pocket size. He places it on Lexy’s shoulder, presses the button and the outfit forms itself onto her.
The skull mask on her face leaves her goggles dangling around her neck. Smiling ear to ear “I love it so much! Thank you! But I was wondering if you could make me a custom weapon? I even have blueprints of it.”
The dwarfs smiled, “sure thing” Lexy smiled and took out the blueprints from her bag by Varikin. She handed the dwarfs it and they looked at it. “My this is interesting. I love a good challenge. I’ll do it”
Lexy smiled “Thank you!”
With that, the duo leaves the dwarfs to their work and Lexy leaned forward and thought of the veil. Within a blink of an eye, the desert terrain changed to forest and lush greenery.
He resumed his pace until he saw the mansion. He stopped and Lexy hopped off his back and he turned to his normal-sized wolf form. He put on his allusion and the two approached the mansion in silence.
Lexy and Varikin stepped up to the front doors. Varikin looked at Lexy “hey the outfit.”
Lexy looked at herself and realized that she was still in her combat outfit. She pressed the button on her shoulder and the outfit went back to a little pocket-sized square. She put it in her pocket and the two entered the mansion. To be greeted by Leslie and Varic.
Leslie was in more casual clothes, “hello Lexy I don’t think I have ever gotten to spend time with you.”
Varic comes up to Lexy “so what do you want to do?”
Lexy hummed and a mischievous glimmer found its way to her eyes. “TAG!” she shouted when she touched Varic and bolted it. The shock would be an understatement for the two's expressions.
Varic smirked, “ok first to catch her wins!”
Leslie smiled “you are so on!” the two bolts after her.
Lexy quickly learned something from this, never challenging these two to tag. The blond gets pinned to the ground by Varic “captured you yet again. Me two Leslie one and you zero. I can see why kids like the game it’s fun”
Lexy huffed, “ugh I give up you guys are too good at this you win”
Varic smirked, “then that declares me the winner and as the winner, I tickle you!”
Varic tickles Lexy who bursts to laugh “no!” Varic stopped “oh ok what do you want to do next”
Lexy sat up and gave a tired yawn, “go to sleep I’m tired” Varic chuckled and pouted when he picked her up “are you tired? It’s ok we can watch movies with Leslie and Mr. Couch potato.”
Lexy really was tired. She doesn’t fight her to be able to fight against being picked up otherwise she would have been trying to get down.
Leslie walked up to the two “oh so you won dang it. Is she asleep?”
Varic looks at Lexy. Her eyes were drowsy but not closed. He shakes his head “no she still has her eyes open. Don’t you Lexy “
Lexy nodded softly, “ya I’m just tired my legs hurt you guys don’t play fair”
Varic chuckled, “fair is all a point of view but come on Leslie I still want to spend time with her so. I want to watch movies.” It was after that Lexy fell asleep.
- In Serial8 Chapters
Not Hurt by the Frost
Weekly updated new fantasy novel from SmaugBeiber. Underpowered rpglit.
8 166 - In Serial10 Chapters
Nether Gods
Underneath the City of Lights, immigrant gods fight for survival in a world who doesn't believe in them anymore. Ignoring her homeland's folklore, Rusanda and her friends descend to the ancient quarries underneath Paris during Saint Andrew's Night. A magical time, when the gates between the real world and the Realm Beyond stand ajar - and they get caught in the ongoing war. Three of them are now in an inexplicable coma, and nothing seems to obey the laws of logic anymore. Tortured by guilt, Rusanda needs to surpass her fears in order to find an explanation; but neither her or Axel, her underground guide and long-term friend, are ready for the hidden, mystifying world that unfurls in front of them. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 56 - In Serial318 Chapters
Lure O' War (The Old Realms)
Lure O' War starts where Touch O' Luck ends. It is a direct sequel and follows the story of Glen, the thief from Shroudcoast, now impersonating the grandson of the elderly Lord of Altarin and his colorfull companions. It tells of Lord Storm Nattas struggles, as he tries desperately to prevent the realm from falling into the pits of war, or failing that, make certain he escapes it unscathed. It will sing of gallant Sir Lucius Alden, 'Bloody tiger of the South' and his journey to the distant lands of Fetya, and the faraway 'true' North. A journey of hardships, danger, a desperate search for redemption and the road back to his beloved Regia. It will whisper of a Princess woes and triumphs, in the exotic continent of Eplas. It will speak of a 'demi-goddess' wanting what was promised and Dar Eherdir, the father of all assassins. [Royal Writathon April 2022 winner] [Royal Writathon October 2021 winner] The Old Realms series: Touch O' Luck (Finished) Hint O' Magic (Finished) Lure O' War (Finished) Wings O' Fate (Ongoing) There will be updates every 3 days. 3 chapters per week. or 2 chapters minimum at Fridays and Saturdays/Sundays 12:00 UK time + 1 chapter on Wednesday I) Chapter releases come twice a week, on weekends (Friday-Sunday). An extra chapter drop on Wednesdays/Thursday. I post around 10am normally, but for the summer when it may be a couple of hours later. So 3 chapters per week unless its a multi-part chapter II) multi-part chapters come usually within 48 hours for continuity (and because they are written as one chapter for the novel's original form), without being limited from the above schedule. Cover artwork by @IntheBlackveil Maps of the Old Realms are available here Greater Map of the Realms this is a very large image (thrice reduced in size from original, but still it might not load immediately) The Old Realms - Chapter specific maps The Old Realms All tags are relevant but most chapters are not too extreme. Fair warning dear reader, this is an 'unfiltered' story, sometimes sweet, others bitter, touching some heavy subjects or problems, like crime, war, betrayal, pride, politics, revenge etc set in a Epic Fantasy backdrop with shades of Grimdark. In its heart of hearts though, it is an adventure. The Old Realms saga is only published on RR for free. It is in the author's plans to publish it on Amazon and other platforms at some point. If you see it offered anywhere else, or someone tries to charge you for it, please report him. It is illegal to sell, or take advantage of intellectual work without the author's permission.
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Edenawe by Rulpra
A young man, after finishing his everyday routine, a powerful headache, a blinding white light and hearing a creepy voice suddenly get's transported into another world that has similar rules to an RPG.Will he find the truth about how he got here? Will he survive the trials that lay ahead? Will he ever return home?
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Ganda’lfr – The Left Hand of God
The eight year old Vectre lay unconscious in his bed. He collapse because of the sudden burst of information entering his brain. The memories of his past life was now unburied and he was being made to remember who he was. An inhabitant from another world. He was from a world where monsters and magic did not exist, where advance technology ran rampant. Huge amount of information are now being process by his brain. Including his ability.
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Living With My Bully
(Original Version, New Version in Progress that I suggest waiting for if you'd like) "I'm sorry for your loss." I hear and look over to see Oliver, "I've been in a similar situation, I may not have lost someone this way, but I definitely did lose someone. My family and I will be here for you and will help you get through this." He says biting his lip. I smile a bit. "Thank you Oliver, hearing you say that really means a lot to me." I tell him. I can barely see Oliver look back through my tear-filled eyes but then I feel two arms wrap around me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Meet Iris Mitchell, she's known as the nerd in school with her best friend, Kayla. Iris is also extremely stubborn and doesn't know when to shut her mouth. She also likes to watch Netflix 25/8 with Kayla. But in school, Iris is bullied by Addison Meyer and the one and only, Oliver Sullivan. Meet Oliver Sullivan, he's known as the bad boy in school but also the bully of many students in the school, and Iris is one of them. All the girls want him, except Iris and Kayla, they fantasize about famous actors and fictional characters. Oliver is mostly found hanging out with his friends Adam, Lucas, and Ross. But outside of school, Oliver is an extremely different person and no one knows. Well until Iris moves in with him, of course. Iris' father, Christopher Mitchell, dies in a fire, at his job, saving people on the top floors. With no mother or relatives to go live with, Iris needs to move in with a family, and her dad knew the Sullivan family pretty well. What's going to happen when Iris moves in with her bully? Read to find out!7-9-19//#18 in bully8-3-20//#4 in teenfiction
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