《The blood wars》A proven secret


In the morning Lexy woke up to Varikin barking. She sighed,

“I’m up.” And he stopped.

Lexy got dressed in her usual hoodie, pants undershirt, and goggles. She grabbed her bag of equipment and walked out of her room to see Varikin waiting for her outside of her bedroom.

She sighed,

“Alright, let’s see what Jackson has in store for us today.”

Varikin gave a soft growl and huff at this. The two head downstairs and see no one was up yet or they're already gone.

Lexy sighed,

“Well grab something to eat at the base.” With that Lexy and Varikin exited the mansion the sound of the doors closing echoed around the house. The duo enters the forest in the morning sunlight hitting their eyes when it seeped through the canopy of leaves.

Varikin turned into his ferret form and hopped onto Lexy’s shoulder. Lexy closed her eyes and thought of the rebellion's door. She opened her eyes and the two were in front of the door.

Lexy and Varikin head through the doorway and unlike how there are typically people going about their day moving supplies. Instead, there are groups on the side and a buzz of energy in the air when many of the people have large papers with writing on them.

Lexy and Varikin enter the main building and head into the cafeteria. Only to see everyone passing around the same large papers Lexy saw with the people outside. But the strange thing was the writing, she didn't recognize it.

Varikin smiled his pearly white teeth showing,

“Oh boy, the mission made the paper.”

Magi and Miko entered the room from a hall and saw Lexy and Varikin. Magi and Meko then walked up to the two,

“hey did you just get here?”

Lexy nodded,

“yup. Hey quick question, can you tell me what the papers say?”

Magi blinked,

“oh did you try reading it?”

Lexy shook her head,

“no, why?”

Miko grabbed a spare news article and handed it to Lexy. Lexy grasped the paper and watched in awe when the writing changed to English.

Magi smirked,

“They do that so they can reach more audiences and it saves them money.”

She nodded and began reading it out loud,

“Anawrath times address.

Sabotaged show.

Yesterday our beloved king attended his favorite opera. The show went well at the beginning only to be intruded upon by a bunch of evil ruffians! Be wary citizens and make no mistake these are not fellow countrymen, these are monsters and demons, sons of Orien. If you find one, report it immediately. Remember in fear we trust.

Church heroes,

Yesterday the twenty missing children from the local village Charter were returned after being rescued by the white sword. Many were horrified to learn that the children were stolen by dark apostles. Who brought the children to a cave due north of the town. The church discovered the base but many of these criminals are still at large.”

Lexy sighed and shook her head knowing this probably will only be the beginning of such hate speech.

“hey Lexy”

Leo greeted her while he came up behind Miko and Magi who jumped slightly at seeing Leo.

Lexy looked to Leo,

“Hi Leo, do you need something?”

Leo scratched the nape of his neck when he glared at Miko and Magi. This look of ill deal with you later was clear in his expression.

“yes actually Jackson told me to do a test in how your magic works I already have some simple tests set up and they probably won’t hurt”


Lexy raised a brow at the probably and shrugged,

“sure why not no harm in learning more about me”

Leo nodded,

“Ok, Magi, Miko come,”

he then turned back to Lexy,

“All I need you to do is stand in the combat room and try to use your magic for this first one, follow me please”

Lexy followed Leo to the combat room that had four large pillars in a square formation in the middle of the room. Leo, Miko, and Cody check monitors while Lexy stood in the center of the pillars,

“OK, Lexy I need you to stand in the center of these pillars, and then when I tell you try to use your magic ok? Oh, and Varikin please come to the side here”

Lexy gave a thumbs up and Varikin quickly rushed to where the other three members were. Leo pulled a switch on a panel with glowing buttons that was hooked up to the four pillars. The pillars glowed a gentle blue and gave a soft roar.

“alright Lexy try to use your magic”

Lexy nodded and closed her eyes. She focused on the other world, the flours, and deer in the meadow. The four pillars began flashing red and discharging strands of magic towards Lexy.

Leo and Miko began frantically pressing buttons. In a moment of terror, Magi and Varikin watched as Lexy suddenly vanished.

Lexy opened her eyes and found herself back in the forest instead of the Rebellion’s base. Lexy huffed and began thinking of Leo and the combat room and found herself back in the combat room with a terrified Leo and around her were now the dusty remains of the pillars.

The four looked at Lexy with worry and Leo was the first to talk,

“oh my gosh Lexy I thought I killed you, but you used your magic that is not.”

Leo rubbed his chin,

“That's not possible unless. You're a”

Leo paused and looked at Lexy with sadness in his eyes. He then put on a fake smile but the sadness in his eyes never left.

“You don’t use your own magic that you produce, you absorb the magic around you and reuse it. Yes, that must be it, how else could we explain what just happened.

These pillars are supposed to make anyone in their field unable to use magic by storing magic inside them from the surrounding area. On that subject, you might want to avoid directly absorbing any type of magic from someone. It could cause irreversible damage to you mentally and physically.”

Lexy scratched her neck,

“I think I will take your advice on that. Any more tests?”

Leo shrugged,

“No, this is going to take me a while to clean up.”

Lexy exited the dusted area to be greeted by Varikin. He gazed at her with worry in his eyes.

“Are you ok?”

Lexy gave a confident smile,

“ya, I’m fine.”

Jackson entered the training room while he drank from a clay cup and Saylis, who was in her human form, was shortly behind. Jackson dropped his cup and it shattered on the floor,

“What in the seven hells happened here?”

Leo looked at him,

“well, Jackson Lexy is.”

Leo paused as if he himself struggled with what he discovered,

“She broke my machines and would every time.”

Jackson paused and he gained a solemn look in his eyes when he looked to Lexy. Jackson walked up to Lexy,

“Alright, I have one more exercise for you kid.”


Jackson pulled out a crystal necklace and Varikin hopped onto Lexy’s shoulder.

Lexy raised a brow,

“and what is that?”

Jackson smirked,

“a test of limits.”

Varikin huffed,


Jackson put the crystal to Lexy’s head and she disappeared. Varikin eyes widened,

“what are you doing?”

Jackson’s smirk grew,

“This is her test, not yours.”

Jackson and Saylis touched the stone and disappeared.

Lexy looked around and to say this place looked strange was defying gravity. Around her were floating mini planets. Lexy heard a footstep from behind and she turned sharply and saw Jackson and Saylis.

“ok so how does this test of limits work?”

Jackson looked to her curiosity keen in his eyes,

“Well, I want to see how well you can control that destructive magic of yours.”

A stone statue of a person appears between Jackson and Lexy.

“All you have to do is destroy the statue's arm. Not the whole thing, just one of the arms.”

Lexy nodded,

“Got it.”

Within that moment, she set down her bag and picked up her father's knife, then concentrated her energy on the blade and the rune that glowed. Dark purple tendrils seep from the blade and the tendrils wrap around the blade and it grows in length by a few inches. Lexy kept her focus and went up to the stone statue and touched the tip of the blade to the carved hand.

The black and purple magic quickly seeped from the blade and began spreading over the statue. She tightened her grip on the blade and focused on her magic on just taking the arm. The tendrils curl back once they reach the beginning of the shoulder. With a crack and a crunch, the arm collapsed on itself and the magic seeped back into the blade.

Lexy sighed and turned to Jackson with sweat dripping off her face,

“Is that it?”

He shook his head,

“Nope, now we are going from small to big. This is a spare crystal and its dimension can be near to infinite. I want to see how far you can stretch your devouring magic.”

Jackson and Saylis jumped off and landed on one of the mini planets. Saylis hummed,

“I’m willing to bet five she gets half the planet destroyed.”

Jackson smirked,

“I bet ten that she destroys most of it.”

Saylis’s eyes narrowed,

“oh you are so on, Now let’s see.”

Lexy took in a deep breath and then let it out,

“as far as I can go... Ok, let’s go.”

Lexy stabbed her fathers’ blade into the earth and focused on destroying it, spreading all her magic around and absolute destruction. She closed her eyes and focused harder. Dark purple tendrils begin to come off in waves and begin spreading within the blink of an eye they have reached as far as she can see.

Jackson and Saylis watched in awe when they heard the crackling sounds of the stone breaking. They could only watch when the whole planet Lexy was getting consumed by the magic. Lexy huffed when sweat fell down her face and her head was beginning to feel light.

Lexy gave out a loud cry and all her veins light up a bright purple. She felt her hands burning when she pushed more magic through the blade. Having enough Lexy let go of the blade and looked at her burnt hands.

Within a moment a loud crash was heard and the planet was gone. This left a Lexy floating in the air. Her eyes widened when she looked around. Her breathing quickened when she tried to stay still but just flailed around like a fish out of water.

Jackson turned to Saylis,

“Alright, that’s enough for today.”

Saylis noded and with a flick of her wrist. The three are back in the test room.

Lexy exhaled,

“that- That was different.”

Lexy stood up and turned to Saylis,

“Can I have my bag?”

Saylis noded and with a snap of her fingers, Lexy’s bag was on her back. Lexy smiled exhaustion present in her features,

“Thank you.”

Saylis gave a smile,

“Of course young miss.”

Lexy put away her father’s blade and put it in her bag. Varikin hopped onto her shoulders,

“Alright, that took a while, what now?”

Lexy humid and turned to Jackson,

“Captain, am I dismissed?”

Jackson noded “yea you’re done for today.”

Lexy smiled,

“Thanks, Captain, see you tomorrow.”

He nodded and watched her and Varikin exit.

Lexy smiled when she went through the base only for her smile to fall as the two-headed outside of the rebellion's doorway as she saw the falling sun. Frantic, she closed her eyes and thought of the doorway to the mansion.

Lexy opened her eyes, the only light left in the sky was a soft twilight. The two entered the mansion to see Thokath asleep, his head on the table and his hair messy with leaves and twigs. Lexy sighed and walked up to him, guilt formed in her chest. Lexy gently poked his cheek,


Thokath immediately shoot up,

“Lexy!” he turned over to face her and hot tears began pouring from his eyes,

“oh my gosh Lexy I-I was so worried please, please don’t do that I was so scared of losing you”

Thokath pulled her into a tight hug,

“I- I can’t lose you please don’t go so long ever again you have to promise me please I ‘I”

Lexy surprised by his tears gave a soft smile and returned the hug “ya I promise, I promise I won’t leave for so long ever again so don’t cry I will come back every time”

Thokath parted from the hug and wiped away his tears.

“Good now I’m going to have to ask why you keep heading out there. I know it's fun but what’s so special out there that you were gone for so long?”

Lexy looked down not wanting to meet his gaze,


She looked him in the eyes,

“I go to a meadow and I close my eyes and imagine myself going on adventures with these magical rebels that call themselves doves, as we fight against an evil king and Varikin, is a loyal bodyguard that relies upon a magical wolf. I also have magic powers in this magical world to teleport and absorb magic around me and then reuse it to my ability.”

Thokath blinked and gave a warm smile. Worry was present in his ruby eyes but there was also something else that Lexy couldn't quite place,

“Uhm well that explains a lot sometimes can you show me this magic meadow I would love to see it also Lexy thanks for telling me the truth”

Lexy gave a fake smile feeling more guilt,

“ya um may I go to bed?”

Thokath nodded “yes, you may”

Lexy then headed to bed.

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