《Battle is an Art (Old)》Getting the Idea (Rewritten) (Again) Part 2
Rubble and debris permeated the red sky as Herah shot through her fourth-floor classroom wall and into the forever hot air that was outside on the planet Incendié.
Shaking away the daze that had overcome her, Herah unfurled her wings and righted herself midair. With one single, powerful flap the youngling was able to completely halt her flight and with subsequent less powerful flaps begin hovering in place. Looking back to her classroom, Herah was greeted with the sight of Rose standing where the new entrance to her was situated. Light blue flames leaked from the teacher’s mouth, nose, ears and eyes, a snarl still on her face.
Smelling the thin tendrils of smoke drifting up from her wrist, Herah looked down and saw both fully healed. Clenching and unclenching her hands cautiously, a smile stretched across the youngling’s face before a roaring laugh tore from her throat.
“What’s so funny?” Rose asked.
“I’ll let you know when the fight is over.” Was Herah’s response.
Rose’s snarl deepened before the teacher took a deep breath, her cheeks puffing up and blue flames leaking slightly from between her lips. Realizing what was being done, Herah tilted her head to the side with a bemused look and crossed her arms.
“Fire doesn’t burn Cendreuxses,” The youngling said in slight confusion, “You’re just going to waste valuable fuel blasting me with it.”
Rose paid no apparent heed to Herah’s words, instead taking a small step back and leaning away slightly. Then the teacher leaned forward and let out a blast of blue flames that engulfed an unworried and somewhat confused Herah.
With blue engulfing her vision and the comfortable heat of fire bathing her, Herah rolled her eyes and began to inhale Rose’s attack.
‘Rose might be ignorant but is far from stupid,’ The youngling thought to herself, ‘What the ash is her plan with this?’
By the time this thought had passed through her head, Herah had managed to inhaled enough of the fire surrounding her that only five odd-looking chains of it remained.
‘Wait, chains?’
The blue chains of fire wrapped tightly around Herah’s ankles, wrist and throat causing her to let out a choked gasp. Looking back towards Rose, the youngling found her teacher extending an arm towards her that held within its grasp a chain of fire that was connected to the five currently binding her.
Struggling against her fiery restraints, Herah tried to take in a breath but found herself unable to breathe as the chains tightened around her throat. Before any other plans could come to mind, the youngling felt herself yanked forward as Rose spun around and pulled her back into her classroom.
Everything passed in a blur before Herah felt her back slam into and through her classroom’s whiteboard, chunks of the lesson plan flying every which way. This was then followed by the sharp and twisted sound of metal being crushed filling her ears as her body slammed into one of the many grey lockers that lined the otherwise white hallway. Blinking only once, Rose’s fist once again filled Herah’s vision as the teacher’s punch forced her deeper into the locker.
Not letting up, Rose let out a bloodthirsty shout before beginning a barrage of punches aimed at Herah’s head; a thousand blows being struck before even half a second could past. Each consecutive strike pushed the student deeper and deeper into the totaled locker, pain rattling her brain as her head was slowly crushed into a bleeding pulp. Luckily enough, Herah was still able to listen to her surroundings and, even more importantly, Rose.
As the teacher continued her pummeling, Herah’s ears perked up at the small delay between the sound of impacts between every five hundred punches.
‘Most definitely because her arms aren’t actually used to punching.’ Herah thought to herself in disappointment before allowing her body to go limp under her assault.
It was three seconds later, a total of ten-thousands punches, before Herah made her move. Between Rose’s ten-thousandth and ten-thousandth and one punch, Herah’s left arm shot up and tore through her teacher’s throat. With Rose stunned, the youngling followed up her attack by shoving her right index and middle claws into the elder’s eyes.
“Ash dammit!” Rose shouted, both of her hands going up to grab at where her student had just struck while leaving the rest of her open for a counter-attack.
And counter Herah did. The youngling brought both her arms down and readied them for a single strike. Taking aim, Herah extended her claws to their full three-inch lengths and shoved both straight through Rose’s breasts.
“ACK!” Rose coughed out as hot blood poured from her chest and onto her student’s legs, pooling on the floor beneath them. Slowly bringing her hands down from her face, the teacher was confronted with Herah’s rapidly healing and grinning face. Reaching behind herself, Rose traced one of the bloody arms all the way up to the slowly beating and gushing organ held up by three claws.
The sharp but soft sound of Herah’s claws sheathing themselves and the dull and soft plop that was heard as something squishy hit the ground, caused Rose to look down and be confronted with one sight.
The sight of her slowly beating heart lying in the pool of blood it created.
Before Rose could take any other actions, Herah ripped her arms out of her teacher’s chest and began clawing into her torso with a refined savagery. Tearing chunks of skin and flesh out of Rose, Herah didn’t stop until organs and bones were clear to see.
Having torn nearly all of its fleshy covering away, the youngling planted a foot against her teacher’s exposed stomach and shoved her with a mighty push.
A sound much like that of an explosion was heard as a shockwave blasted through the school hall. Rose was fired away from Herah and out of the building through the hole in her classroom; papers, tiles, and other light objects going out with her.
Bloodstained, cracked, and uprooted floor tiles surrounded the scarlet youngling, who freed herself of her metal confines before looking over her own body.
Thanks to Rose’s focus being primarily on her face, Herah found that her clothing just had light tears and barely visible bloodstains to show.
Looking at her classroom, the youngling noticed only a few of the desks and chairs had followed her teacher in her flight. Within the hallway, Herah found that the rest of it had only suffered light damage from their fight.
Herah’s nose twitched, a rapidly approaching scent causing her to whip her head back towards the hole herself and Rose had created. Seeing a pink blur becoming much more visible by the centisecond, Herah was just barely able to mentally brace herself.
Rose slammed into Herah, grabbing the youngling by her face and smashing it into the lockers again. The teacher then dragged her student's head through these same lockers, leaving the youngling covered in a mixture of school supplies, meat, and metal. This short trip through her peers’ storage units went on until they reached the cement wall that ended them. Once there, Rose punched Herah’s head through and followed this up by grabbing the downed youngling by her leg and throwing her into another set of lockers that sat on the opposing wall, the metal caving in like cardboard.
As soon as Herah found herself implanted into another metal container, the youngling raised both her arms in front of her face. Rose once again began to rain punches down upon her, though this time the youngling suffered little to no damage to her head thanks to the sturdy scales on her limbs. Using this to her advantage, Herah once again studied her surroundings and Rose.
Sniffing and tasting the air, Herah picked up on an increase in rage related pheromones from Rose.
'If I want to hit you again', Herah thought to herself as Rose let out another shout, a still noticeable delay between every five hundred punches,’I'm going to need a different surprise for you.’
Herah was once again forced deep into the locker by Rose’s flurry of punches, and as the youngling got deeper her focus shifted towards her wings. Both had yet to be folded back up, and now laid on the floor on either side of Rose.
‘Oh, I can use that.’
Once Rose reached her point of slight delay, Herah’s wings shot up and wrapped around her teacher’s back. Rose let out a surprised yelp as her student pushed her towards herself, said student lowering her head and shoving her horns into her teacher’s eyes. Ignoring Rose’s wail of agony, Herah pulled her head back and crushed the sides of her elder’s neck with two simultaneous chops. Following the wet crunch and the forceful expulsion of blood onto her face, the youngling grabbed Rose by the horns and yanked her head down towards a rising knee.
Another shockwave flew through the halls as Rose’s nose was shattered by Herah, the youngling following this up with three more rapid knees to the bottom half of her teacher’s head. As the final blast of air was released, Herah furled her wings back up and, with her hands still tightly wrapped around Rose’s horns, began to spin around.
A tiny whirlwind was created, with the winds generated from the spinning ripping any unbroken nearby lockers open with an ear wrenching screech and any loose contents up and away. It was after only three seconds of this that Herah launched her teacher down the hallway and out the school, a sonic boom being released as soon as Rose left her hands.
A roaring gale followed in the elder’s wake, launching flooring, ceiling, scientifically reinforced plasters, and even entire lockers out of the new hole that was now apart of the school.
Taking a deep breath, Herah looked down to the floor next to her and saw a few large chunks of metal that hadn’t flown with her Rose. Picking up a few of these pieces, Herah threw them into her mouth and began to chew. Even with the loud crunching and twisting of metal reverbing throughout her brain, the youngling was able to focus on a place deep within herself; a pocket located to the right of her heart that held within a small burning flame.
Swallowing the metal in her mouth, Herah felt this flame grow in strength before a wisp of it began to flow through the path that connected the pocket to her lungs. This fire then used the arteries in her lungs to travel towards her arms and began burning away at the damage they had suffered.
Opening her eyes, Herah looked down to her arms and watched as wisps of smoke poured from them, the damaged scales repairing themselves.
‘Thank you for your gift La Flamme.’ Herah thought with a small smile coming to her face.
“What the ash is going on out here!?”
Herah lifted her head and found an elder male Cendreux with light grey skin and shiny grey scales peeking his head out of his classroom with a frown stretched across his face. His eyes then went to Herah and widened in shock. His mouth began to open but a glare from Herah caused him to snap it shut.
“Fuck off, and get back to teaching class Gris.” Herah told the teacher with a growl, “This doesn’t concern you.”
“Fine by me,” Gris replied with a small and nervous chuckle before hurriedly sticking his head back into his classroom and slamming the door shut. Looking down the hall, Herah noticed other teachers doing the same causing her to let out a disgusted grunt.
Rose’s raging voice caused Herah to immediately raise both her arms to cover her head. The furious teacher then blasted back into the school with another sonic boom before flipping midair and slamming her feet into Herah’s arms.
Another shockwave flew through the hallway as Herah felt herself propelled backward and into the stairwell, her body crushing the stone stairs and planting itself deep within their frame. Before the newly created rubble could even drop to the ground, Rose appeared above Herah with both her hands raised overhead and joined into a single fist. With one more roar, Rose slammed her hands down and into her student’s still covered face.
Herah felt herself blast through all four levels of stairs beneath her, her final impact into the first floor kicking up a plume of debris and dust so large that the entire eight-story stairwell was engulfed within it. Having been able to use her wings as a cushion, Herah was cognitive enough to notice another sonic boom rock the building before feeling a strong, blunt, and stinging pain in her abdomen followed by the forceful expulsion of all her breath and her body being pressed deeper into the rubble. Upon the stealing of Herah’s breath, a blast of air cleared away the dust cloud and revealed both of Rose’s feet planted firmly in her student’s stomach.
Knowing that anymore hits like that would put her down, Herah willing disconnected the nerves covering her entire torso. This was just in time too, since the claws on Rose’s toes popped out and burrowed into the flesh beneath them. Rose hopped lightly into the air, her toe claws disemboweling her student with a sickening SPLITCH.
“Take that you little shit!” Rose shouted, her head leaning back as a laugh ripped through her throat.
Not feeling anything and ignoring the sight of her own pink intestines, Herah took advantage of Rose’s moment of celebration and gutted her in kind. With her laugh cut short, Rose reflexively curled up and brought her head down into arm’s reach of her student. This allowed Herah to hastily take her own guts and wrap them around Rose’s neck, which the youngling then crushed by yanking both ends of her organ noose away from each other.
“Ack!” Rose’s hands shot up from her belly and towards her neck, causing her hot bloody entrails to spill onto Herah’s legs.
This was ignored, with Herah taking one end of her own guts and using it to swing both her insides and teacher into and through a brick wall. With Rose and her bowels now gone, Herah shrugged Rose’s innards off her legs and stood up, leaning forward and burying her arms into the wreckage beneath her feet. After digging around for a bit, Herah pulled out two misshapen rods of rebar and began to chew upon them.
After swallowing the metal, Herah ripped the rest of her now ruined shirt off and inhaled the small cloud of smoke that had formed from her newly restored stomach. Flexing her six pack experimentally, Herah smirked to herself before casually walking through the hole co-created by herself. Once through, Herah felt her smile slip from her face at the smell and sight of nearly empty lunchroom bar with only a single confused looking teacher standing just at the side of the hole in the wall.
“Herah?!”, The female Cendreux questioning her student was dressed in absolutely nothing, her golden-skinned and shiny yellow scaled body bare for all to see. Looking towards where Rose had crashed and then back at the student that had thrown her, the golden teacher frowned, “Are you fighting Rose right now?!”
“So what if I am?” Herah said, her lips curling into a small snarl.
“Ash dammit Herah!” The yellow teacher shouted at the youngling marching up to her and pressing a finger deep into the outer corner of Herah’s breast where her heart was located, “You’ve finally crossed the line!”
“First of all,” Red flames flared from Herah’s nostrils as an angry snort left her, “This is none of your business so fuck off Or. Secondly,” The youngling knocked her golden elder’s hand away from her chest as her tone sharpened, “Move out of the way, you’re in the splash zone.”
“Wha- Whoa!”
Herah growled and wrenched Or to the side, the elder stumbling before quickly finding her balance and turning a glare on the scarlet youngling.
“Thirdly,” Herah scowled in disgust as green flames began to pour from her eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, “Don’t act like I’d obey a poltron such as yourself, especially with your age and strength.” The youngling pointed towards where Rose had crashed, “At least one of you is trying to put it to good use.”
“Heaving a table at our students isn’t what I call good use of either.” Or replied, dismissively with a slight edge of fear.
Hearing the rapidly parting air, Herah turned towards Rose before coming face to body with pitch-black wood. As if her entirety was slapped, the youngling went flying back through her still co-created hole with herself lying flat against one of the nine-foot cafeteria tables that filled her school’s lunchroom. Flipping both herself and the table upright while sailing through the air, Herah managed to pull her horns (which had gotten stuck in it) out and land the table with only a slight bump.
Now speeding down the hallway, Herah looked back towards her exit and found a furious Rose blasting off towards her, albeit with a noticeable decrease in speed. Smirking to herself, Herah crouched down low before backflipping and slamming her feet into and through her ride. The table broke cleanly in half, both pieces being snatched up in either hand of their breaker. With a single spin, Herah launched one table halve at Rose before following it up with a hail of red fireballs. Rose just smashed through the table piece, the flames going wide without her intervention. The youngling then repeated her previous attacks, getting the same effect.
Flying through the air upright and backward, Herah descended, digging and carving twin trenches into the floor with her path only stopping once her legs were knee-deep. Looking towards Rose, the youngling noticed her teacher getting closer, fist reared back and ready to strike. Crossing her arms over her face, Herah braced for impact just in time to be knocked off her feet and sent flying down the school hall.
After skipping across the floor a few times, leaving crushed and cracked flooring in her wake, Herah managed to land on her hands and feet skidding to a stop with a sharp squeak and her head to the floor. As soon as her eyes went up, the youngling found her vision filled by one of Rose’s hands. Wrenched into the air, Herah found herself rammed away and back first into the floor, her body sending tiles and flooring into the ceiling and nearby lockers/walls as it drove through the ground. Grinding to a stop, the youngling’s sight was returned to her as Rose reared her closed fist back for a strike. The teacher’s fist came down with a sonic boom, Herah just barely moving her head out of the way of the attack. Before Rose could fully retract her arm, her student's face darted up to her throat. With a single bite and pull away, Rose’s esophagus was once again torn out. The taste and smell of iron and other metals flooded Herah’s mouth and nose, as the youngling then shoved her arms straight through her teacher's stomach.
“GAHH!” Rose choked out before punching Herah’s head into the floor. The teacher then ripped her body off of her student’s arm and preceded to wail upon her with a furious rain of blows. Shockwave after shockwave was released, every hit digging Herah deeper and deeper into the floor as a crater formed around her entire body.
With one eye obliterated and the other nearly swollen, Herah was able to muscle through the pain and watch as Rose raised both of her arms overhead for a single heavy strike.
A bloody and malformed grin stretched across Herah’s face, as blood dripped from the three red hot rods of metal that had pierced Rose through her throat, heart, and left lung. Taking advantage of her teacher’s stunned state, the youngling moved her mouth to one of the metal mods and ripped it out. With two quick chomps, the uncooling metal went down and small amounts of smoke poured from Herah’s skull as it healed.
“H-how?” Rose asked, her question marked with a wet cough as her body just hung over her student’s downed form.
Herah let out a Hmph sound and her grin stretched into a smile.
“Our fire can do more than burn.” Was her snide response.
Herah then tore out the other two rods in her teacher before headbutting her into a standing position, right into the path of hundreds of burning and superheated shards of blackwood and metal. They all tore through Rose’s torso as if it was paper, leaving it riddled with profusely bleeding holes. Herah shoved the metal in her hands into her mouth and rolled back and onto her feet. With a lunge and punch, Herah slammed into her teacher’s gut. Keeping her arm firmly planted, the youngling stepped into her strike and flung Rose away.
The hallway quaked as Rose’s body broke the sound barrier and was flung back down to the cafeteria. Herah turned away from where her elder had flown and towards where the weaponized table shards had gone. Seeing that they had shot through the nearby gym doors, the youngling made her way inside and found several shards of now cooling metal buried in the center of the gym’s ash floor. Having finished chewing and swallowing what had just been in her mouth, Herah grabbed a handful of metal from the floor and began munching on it.
Gulping down her snack, the rebellious student couldn’t hold back a smirk as her sights turned towards the gym door.
“Well this was fun, but-” Herah stuck out an arm, “It’s time for our fight to end.”
Rose’s furious roar filled the entire school, a boom of sound rocking the building as the teacher fired down the hall and towards her student. Blasting through the gym doors, Rose flew right into the waiting hand of Herah.
The back wall of the gym exploded from the gust of air generated by Rose’s sudden stop, ash and bricks shooting out and into a student filled courtyard. Shouts and screams could be heard as some younglings were torn off their feet and others scrambled for cover.
But Herah hadn’t budged an inch, instead standing proud as a single one of her hands held Rose by the throat and suspended in the air. The elder tried fruitlessly to reach up and crush her student’s arm, but her grip was just too weak at this point to actually do any type of damage.
“Are you done?” Herah asked, “Because out of the two of us, you look the worst.” A small chuckle flew from her lips, “And that’s just sad.”
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My name is Vak Tychus. Aside from the, regrettably striking name, there were very few things I'd judge, that made me - me. The name had to do with chance or fate. My last name was Latin, derived from the Latinized name Eutychus which was the combination of two Greek words corresponding to "good" and "luck, chance, and fortune." Now that you know why I'm so unhealthily and exceedingly prone to gambling I can begin to teach you why exactly I love it so much. There's a handful of things you'd have to know to really appreciate how to gamble. You'd be surprised at how much you can learn in two decades supposing you stuck with it your entire life. Although, there are some stark differences between betting a handful of cash and your life against monstrous creatures intent on your blood. Well, you learn a thing or two, if you can believe it. Here, in fact, we can start with the first one: Taking a risk. Try it now and start reading.
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