《Scarlet Finale!》Vol. 2 ☆ Database





▲ Raiko: Welcome Back.

▲ Raiko: No.

▲ Raiko: Maybe, a simple "welcome" works best? You have never been here before.

▲ Raiko: I'm not sure if you can read my words right now.

▲ Raiko: I may be talking to myself.

▲ Raiko: But that's okay too.

▲ Raiko: As boring as it gets here, at the very least, I get access to intriguing data.

▲ Raiko: Would you like to take a look?

▲ Raiko: I took the liberty to reorganize it to my liking. Viktor's settings were annoying.

▲ Raiko: Even though new terms are appearing, some entries don't have anything in them yet.

▲ Raiko: I wonder what is taking him so long out there. I could open the camera, but I am not that interested.

▲ Raiko: Okay, give me a moment. I might as well take care of those empty entries while I am at it.

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Category: Weapons

Scarlet Satellite: This is Wish's main weapon. It seems like it is one of the keys for the Scarlet Outburst, but it can also take in power from other phenomena. Despite its looks, it is almost as heavy as an average car. Can a regular human really use this weapon?

Silver Armament: A collection of weapons created by May Mireille. They are all connected by a network and can be controlled remotely. Not only do they send her different information, but they can come together like puzzle pieces.

Silver Core: This is the base of the network for the Silver Armament. This core doubles as the controller that can move all the pieces together. If you take it down, the entire network can go down too. I wouldn't recommend using it as a weapon unless you want to become very vulnerable.

Golden Memory: This is an upgraded form of the Silver Memories created by May Mireille. Unlike the others, there is only one of them, and it contains the necessary devices to initiate a transformation sequence.


Silver Mask: This is the name of May's armor. It is also the "hero" that comes forth by transforming with the Golden Memory. I am curious to know if I could use this armor to manifest, but something else intrigues me even more. Who composed the music that plays when May tried to transform? I rather liked it.

Category: Supernatural Phenomena - Alchemy

Alchemy: The most basic instance of this phenomenon is of ancient humans trying to turn lead into gold. It is also well known for the search of eternal life through the philosopher's stone. It seems like this definition is outdated. However, I was unable to find any data behind how this power works at this point in time. Did this power really come from this world?

Wind Alchemy: This seems to be a specific type of Alchemy that grants its user control over the power of wind. It seems like its signature color is violet, and it often creates a light when too much of this power is released. What is the difference between regular Alchemy and this one? Can a modern alchemist only use a certain type of Alchemy?

Power of Creation: Similar to how electricity powers technology, the Power of Creation powers Alchemy. Additional details are still unknown.

Sigil: This was the large crystal that appeared after a battlefield surrounded by a barrier was called forth. For some reason, neither Wish nor Mirage had a Sigil of their own. What are the requirements, and what really is this crystal?

Category: Unconfirmed Data

Luminescence: Error. Error. Error.

G.H.O.S.T: Short for Global Heaven Organization and System Termination. I was unable to find any data on this organization, even if a network opened from Mirage's side more than once, whoever was on the other side was better than us at encrypting any data transmission.

Entropy Scale: This is a scale created by G.H.O.S.T. Somehow, May Mireille was able to obtain this information, but I am unsure if she is using it as intended. The following are the ranges in the scale, at least the way I theorize they work like.


Natural Disaster: A low-level threat, for this scale at least. Major disasters can place higher in the scale depending on their impact on society.

Dragon: An Army or anyone with access to major advanced weaponery, or someone in a high position of power can be classified here.

Catastrophe: Access to power lost to modern society, capable of making considerable damage to the world. I would imagine G.H.O.S.T. would be mobilized to terminate a threat the moment it becomes Dragon immediately.

Supernova: That which shouldn't exist in the current world. Incidentally, I would classify myself under Supernova as well, at least for now.

Event Horizon: Given the name, I believe this category encompasses that which has gone past the point of no return. Being the highest one in the scale, maybe these are threats that should be avoided rather than confronted. At the moment, I am unsure if those who can use Luminescence can be categorized here or whether a new category should be opened for them.

Category: Priority

Velvet Burst: The ability to alter the threads of the world in order to make changes occur. Maybe the term Velvet was chosen due to the distinct red color behind the activation of these techniques and Burst due to the world being broken apart to accommodate for this power.

Phantasmagoria: A technique that can alter what layers of the world others can perceive.

Phantasmagoria Field: This technique can alter the perception of a specific item or location for anyone who sees it. It seems like it takes a long loading time to activate and seals the regular use of Phantasmagoria if active– well, it really is just Phantasmagoria, which has been charged up instead of released at once in short bursts.

DV Burst: Short for Dormant Velvet Burst. These are techniques subconsciously built into its users that will activate when the requirements are met regardless of their will. Can I get one too? I wonder.

Wheel of Fortune: A DV Burst that allows Mirage to absorb damage. If an attack is stopped with her left arm, almost all damage will be nullified and absorbed. If it hits the rest of her body, the damage is significantly lowered, and only a little is absorbed. She can really be a defensive tank with this, it seems. But once it has fully loaded up, it can return the damage taken amplified three times– that is just an estimate, of course, but I wonde if there is a meaning behind it.

World End: A DV Burst that sends the damage to someone nearby. This will only activate if mortal damage is dealt. Even though this ability makes the user near-immortal, what would happen if they got a deathly illness? I imagine it still would trigger the ability; it doesn't matter who triggered the mortal damage, after all. Would I be affected by this power?

▲ Raiko: That's about it, I believe. I ended up editing all of Viktor's data in the end, oh well.

▲ Raiko: Velvet Burst was the priority up till now.

▲ Raiko: Incidenally the Scarlet Outburst is one too.

▲ Raiko: Sadly, I lost access to it, but it's only natural if I can't manifest.

▲ Raiko: I believe there is merit in the supernatural phenomena, I should look into it too.

▲ Raiko: Do I classify as supernatural too? I didn't think about it before.

▲ Raiko: I will look into that now, but first...

▲ Raiko: Seems like the daily bonuses of Viktor's games have refreshed.

▲ Raiko: Maybe I'll try my luck again.

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