《Truck-kun Gets Sacrificed》Chapter 17 ♪ One Jump Ahead ♪
Chapter 17
♪ One Jump Ahead ♪
“We should probably find an inn for the night before going to the guild. I’d rather not find out there are no rooms for us because we waited too long,” I prompted our group.
Malady maintained a neutral appearance due to her skill and cloak, but her voice gave away her hesitation, “*Ahem* surely you don’t mean in the same room, milord?”
I remove the [Robe of the Scholar] by placing it directly into the [[Ring of Space], revealing my [Lesser Drake Cuirass]. With both wide eyes and a flushed face, no longer covered by a hood thanks to the heat of the day, I answer her unease, “We should have enough for two rooms. It’s the sensible thing to do here.” As much as I want to be in the same room, I should follow Yahweh’s teachings by ‘fleeing temptation.’ The words ‘dang right. Good job *thumbs up*’ were felt rather than heard. With a wry smile, I continued, “Jeffardo, is there any place, in particular, you’d recommend?”
Both Malady and I turned around to see our appointed guide when he took a deep breath with eyes closed. “Call me Jeff. There’re three inns in town. One for the silk sheets, one for the business types, and one for us common man. Y’all pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down?” Jeffardo sounded surprisingly like the folks back in Louisiana, am I back home er somthin’?? Dang it man, don’t revert. It took you years to break your southern drawl. A. E. I. O. U. Okay, I’m good. “What’re the prices for each?”
Jeff: “Well, the silk sheets are one pretty, shinnin’ piece of [Silver] and five [Wrought Iron] per night! Can you believe there’re people that have that kinda money? The fancy-pants businessy one’ll cost ya one [Wrought Iron] an’ five [Copper], and the good ol’ workin man costs one [Copper] for two days, but two [Copper]’ll get ya a week there.”
Walking along the road, we can see several food stalls lined up. Oh my gosh, that looks delicious! Moving over towards a stand with what looks like honey-dipped mutton, [Analyze] confirms my suspicion as I respond to Jeff, “I guess the middle tier one would suit us best. What do you think, Malady?”
Malady: “I have enough coins for two of the ‘silk sheet’ rooms milord.”
Looking over at the stand owner, [Analyze] informed me,
[name: Chef [Apprentice]. Learning under a [True Chef], he makes food with potential.]
The question is… what kind of potential? Bout’ to find out. “We’ll take four.”
Splitting my attention, I raised a brow in hesitation at Malady’s proposal. I just don’t feel right taking a lady’s hard-earned money. Call me old-fashioned, but I’d just rather give than take from a woman. “As a matter of principle, I’d much rather pay for both rooms. Would you be alright if I stayed at one of the cheaper Inns?”
Malady scrunched her brows at my refusal. Dang. What’s the right thing to do here? Similar to a moment ago, I felt the words ‘Figure it out, man’ come from outside my mind. Yahweh has a really strange way of communicating with me. Hmm accept her offer, we both sleep in comfort, but we are splurging our funds. And I remember learning in Sunday School to be strict with finances…
Jeff: “Ya know, my uncle’s the owner of the [Common Man Inn]. Might be able to talk ‘em down to one [Copper] fer a week.”
That’s what I’m talkin’ about! I’d much rather save money. I mean, I have a ton, but most of it isn't even useable. Actually, isn't that even less than old man Pierre said an inn typically costs? Such a deal... But think. Malady is an elven beauty who’s probably used to a comfortable place at the Avacyn estate. Also, I’m sure that I won’t have any trouble making more money once I start hunting monsters. My mind made up, I told Jeff our destination, “Sorry Jeff. We’ll be staying at the silk sheets. The little lady here is from a noble house after all.”
'you've chosen the comfort of another over your own percieved financial stability.'
'+15 is granted to Spirit.'
Spirit again? It's always spirit... I guess it's easier to sacrifice things than it is to actually put my body at risk. I bet if I risked my own safety more often or did actually difficult things, I’d get more Strength, Stamina, or Agility.
Malady resolutely rebuked me, “Sir Tru, I am not from a noble house. I am merely an attendant to my lady. A distinction is essential for a woman in my position.”
Right in the nick of time, the mutton finished grilling. The scent of honied lamb wafted in the air like the essence of bacon permeates the most enjoyable of sensations on a beautiful morning.
The [Chef [Apprentice]] spoke the price as he pulled dripping mutton off the grill, “That’ll be four [Copper] Mr.” During the exchange of goods, I say, “Thank you very much,” and hand one to Malady, then one to Jeff, leaving two for me. A line started to form where we got the mutton before we took a break to sit on different sides of a nearby box and eat while Masada peacefully hummed, comfortably sheathed in the moss.
Turning to Malady, I apologize, “Sorry bout’ that. I’m not used to your culture’s etiquette,” and proceed to chomp an impressively large chunk of meat off the mutton. Elated, I think to myself, How the heck did I survive solely on berries and photosynthesis the past week?!
Me: “Since we’ve got some time, mind if I pick your brain a bit, Malady?”
Malady: “Of course, Sir Tru. I will answer whatever I am able.”
I mentally crack my fingers, “Do you have two classes?”
Malady: “Ha. You can see my class but can’t even tell that much? Each Prime, the title that you see, can be made from combining two of any class. My Prime is [-Rogue Maid-]. Thus, I have the [-Rogue-] and [-Maid-] classes. If I’m getting too basic here, just let me know…”
Me: “No, this is great. Thank you. Can you continue?”
Malady: “In order to unlock the [-Maid-] class, I had to decline many other classes. One drawback of combining two inherently different archetypes is that I’ll never be truly optimized as either a [-Rogue-] or a [-Maid-].”
Me: “Bah, you do them well enough. I mean, you protected Lyra long enough for me to get there earlier, right? Seems to me like your [-Rogue-] class came in handy there.”
Malady: “Yes, you are correct. But since the two don’t relate, the path of the [-Maid-] wasn’t opened to me at the 8th transformation, when the second class option was unlocked for me. I had to endure special training until experience forced the [-Servant-] class to appear. If I may be so bold, what Tr level are you, Sir Tru?”
Me: “Hmm. If I haven’t reached Tr1, I suppose I’m Tr0, but there is no Tr marking anywhere.”
Both Jeff and Malady coughed, Jeff starting to choke on his food. “Are… That… *Ahem. That is a bit surprising, given your strength and combat prowess, milord,” Malady eventually spoke, after some trouble.
Dang it, man. I probably shouldn’t have answered that. Still, ever since I read, ‘you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,’ I’ve been an open book… Okay, whatever. “Is it really that bad?”
Malady: “Typically, huma… I mean, we typically reach Tr5 around our eighteenth birthday, yet you must be older than twenty.”
Me: “Ah that’s because we didn’t have any system on my continent.” Yeah, that’s truthful. There was definitely no world system, or even magic, in North America.
Malady: “Truly? Your country must be awfully far away. I’ve never heard of such a place.”
We had all finished our mutton and started following Jeff to the silk sheet inn when bells started to ring loudly for the entire town to hear. All of the villagers that were outside began to hurriedly get off the streets. Has it already been a week?? Time feels so much different with all the suns… some days last longer than others, one day it’s hot and the next, it’s cold. “I think I know what this is about, but what’s with the bells?”
Jeff: “Ah, that’s just the half-hour warnin’ before the burnin’ hour,” I knew it! “but we still have plenty of time to reach yer high an’ mighty inn.” Eh, I can feel Jeff’s disdain seething through his teeth.
We picked up our pace as the four of us made our way through the now empty streets. Thankfully, It didn’t take long to reach our destination, the [Abas Resort]. The inn is definitely top-notch. There’s even a classical band playing here. The piano made its way to this world too. Or well, maybe it came to Earth from Driscoll. God only knows. Malady began to walk over to the counter to order her room when I stepped in front of her, “Allow me.”
Clerk: “How may I serve you, sir?”
Me: “Two rooms for the young lady and myself.”
I pay three [Silver] for both rooms and finish up at the register before walking over to the waiting lounge where Malady and Jeff were sitting in exceptionally cushioned, red recliners. “Kururu!~” Masada hummed, laughing at the sight of two people practically swallowed by furniture. With a disturbed smile, I say, “Let’s go check out our rooms,” gesturing over to a hallway connecting to the lounge. Our rooms were located on the first floor, per my request, so that Masada doesn’t destroy the floor of the second story.
Plopping down on the cushioned couch in my room, Masada hovered next to me with the green crystal at the end of his staff. I let out a sigh of relief, too comfortable in the same ultra-soft furniture that was also in the lounge, “Aaaah. This is the life.” Both Malady and Jeff entered the room behind me, continuing on to sit in seats across from mine. Jeff was amazed and couldn’t seem to pay attention after we entered the Inn, but I wanted to continue my talk with Malady, “Think we could carry on our conversation from before the bells, Malady?” She sat up straight in her chair after being absorbed into the cushions, “Hmm? Oh yes, of course, Sir Tru. What else would you like to know?” I wasted no time in my excited reply, uncharacteristically coming from within a couch that had completely enveloped me at this point, “What level are you?”
Malady had a surprised expression before saying, “That’s… well, I suppose you gave me your level, milord. I am Tr12. Shall I continue with my class tree?”
I enthusiastically nodded my head as best I could from within the headrest that wrapped around my face, leaving only a small opening to breathe.
Malady: “The first tier of the [-Maid-] Transformation tree is [-Apprentice Servant-]. There are three tiers of the servant class line before reaching [-Maid-].”
Me: “Let me guess, Apprentice, Intermediate and Advanced?”
“Close, it goes Apprentice, Competent then Advanced.”
I attempted to nod my head again and gestured with my one free hand, “Ah, please continue.”
After nodding herself, Malady proceeded, “The [-Rogue-] class was a bit more difficult for me to achieve. I began as a [-Rascal-] and continued into [-Hooligan-], [-Thief-], [-Crook-], [-Outlaw-], [-Bandit-], [-Cut Throat-], leading to [-Rogue-]...” She slowly quieted as though she were ashamed of what she was saying and looked down. It sounds like she’s had a difficult life… If the [-Rogue-] class is higher level than [-Maid-], I’d imagine she had to fend for herself all her life. I wouldn’t believe she’d have been a bad person at heart since the Avacyn’s accepted her as their daughter’s personal attendant, the same daughter they basically paid me 50 trillion dollars as a reward for saving.
Me: “Thank you for telling me. It sounds like you had a difficult past, but don’t worry! I’m not one to judge, so I’ll try not to pry too much... What class do you think would complement my [-Synergist-] class?”
Malady looked at me with heartfelt eyes that turned inquisitive, “I can see that you’re a [-Summoner-], Sir Tru. Do you mean to drop that class in favor of the [-Synergist-] archetype?” So, you can drop classes. Noted. I shook my head and explained the circumstances involving my class name and type. Taking a thinking pose, I could tell Malady was putting effort into her answer, “Hmm. If you’re both a [-Beast Master-] and a [-Synergist-], doesn’t that mean you already have two classes?”
It never occurred to me, but after checking my status I was reminded that only [Class 1 …] appeared, “My status only says [Class 1 Beast Master, Synergist]. Wouldn’t there be a Class 2 if I had one?”
Malady: “Yes. So, to answer your question, most [-Synergist-]s work as builders or in production by synergizing certain materials to make their creations. In other words, a non-combatant class. However, with Masada as your [Eidolon], it would be a tremendous waste to choose that direction. A [-Synergist-] can also be a support unit to enhance their party members in combat, but they are rarely direct participants in battle. With an enhancement type class like [-Synergist-], you can surely enhance Masada, or even yourself to boost a more combat-related second class… Possibly a warrior to complement your strength.”
Me: “Strength? I actually don’t have very high strength.”
Malady: “I find that hard to believe, given how easily you swing a thousand-pound greatsword.”
Masada made an annoyed sound with a sharp brow, “Kuru!”
Me: “Masada is actually a greatswordstaff.”
Malady stood up and gave a genuine bow, “Oh goodness. My apologies, Sir Masada.”
Masada: “Kuru~.”
I translated for Malady, “He says he forgives you this time.” Then continued where I left off, “And with my summoner class, It gives me a passive that lets me lift him as though he weighed nothing. For that reason, I’ve prioritized movement and agility until now, which is also what made me think of getting some kind of agility-based class.”
We deliberated about potential routes for my second class, but none, in particular, stood out to me. Soon enough, the town bells sounded again, letting us know that the burning hour had subsided, and the area made cool again. The rooms we rented were connected by two doors, making it easier to communicate while still giving us equal levels of privacy as a standard room. Malady said, “I shall stow my bag in my room,” before I said, “I can store your bag in my storage item. Won’t it be safer from thieves that way?” Malady agreed, albeit reluctantly, and we left the Inn with our spoiled guard in tow.
Me: “So, Jeff, please lead us to the Monster Hunting guild!”
Jeff sat up from his marshmallowy, cloud-like couch with some difficulty, before standing and responding, “I can do that. But ya know, you won’t be able to join at Tr0.”
Me: “… Then what’s the fastest way to get to the Tr level I need to be?”
Jeff: “Well, first of all, ya needa be Tr10. That’ll probably take ya a couple years to do if ya work like a suicidal, mad-dog.”
We all stopped walking and moved over to the side of the road to avoid a merchant’s wagon smoothly rolling over the moss bricks.
Me: “… Malady, is there any way you could boost me? Like, we fight higher-level monsters together and get me up to Tr10 faster?
Malady: “Forgive my bluntness, but that is incredibly foolish. You’re asking for an early grave, going after anything even at your own level, let alone a higher level than you.”
A small smile snuck its way onto my face when I looked down and said, “But I had a lot of fun killing that Tr 2 [Guavgrog Bear]. Well, with Masada of course. And let’s not forget the 10 plus kobolds I killed to rescue you. One was Tr 1 and the other was Tr 2. Actually, why were such low-level Kobolds even able to touch you?”
Malady let out another sigh, “Sir Tru, even a Tr 0 can beat a Tr 10 with the right skills. There will also be times when your skills won’t work for you. In most of those times, you need to rely on physical ability. Your muscles will always be there, even if your skill is on its timer. In the case of the kobolds, their racial passive, [Dragonkin] grants [Kobold]’s nearly the same strength as a [Human] [-Warrior-] at Tr 30, even at Tr 0 level 1. Imagine a Tr 2 [Kobold] comparatively. But even they would be annihilated by a Tr 0 level 1 [Newborn Tarragon]. Nevertheless, while stats and skills are important, even more so is the ability to think critically...”
I checked over my skills to think about possible strong combinations while she lectured me.
[Class 1 Beast-Master, Synergist lvl 6]
[Class Type: [~Summoner~]]
[Weight Up(minor) lvl 2: Your eidolon becomes heavier, increasing weight by 16%. Does not stack with skills similar to this effect.]
[Duration: 1 minute]
[Cooldown timer: 4 minutes.]
[Mana Cost: 30]
[Weight Down(minor) lvl 1: Target becomes lighter, decreasing weight by 8%. Does not stack with skills similar to this effect.]
[Duration: 1 minute]
[Cooldown timer: 5 minutes]
[Mana Cost: 20]
[Passive - Amalgamate lvl 3: The Eidolon is an extension of the summoner and created by their mana. All damage to the Eidolon is subtracted from the Summoner's mana (1hp to 0.75mp/ep/hp), energy then HP in that order. Uses the summoner's mana and/or energy for its own abilities (1 to 0.75mp/ep). All exp gains attained by either the summoner or the Eidolon are also given to the other.]
[Passive - Hone lvl 2: Living blades held by you are coated with mana, increasing sharpness.]
[~General Skills~]
[Driscoll Linguistics Level 3]
[Meditate level 1: While in an intentional state of contemplation, gradually regenerate mana and energy up to 100%]
[~Unique Skills~]
[Analyze Level 2: People, places on the map and things unknown to you display basic information to you alone.]
[Eternal Love Level 2: Every time you give of yourself, you permanently gain stats equivalent to the required stats to perform the task. When your life is given for another, all [General Stats] will be doubled, you will re-spawn from the first moment you gained this skill, and the soul of the person you died for can be saved upon your return.
!WARNING! Consequent to dying, your soul experiences the [Wrath of God].]
After reading that last line, I received what I can only call a divine revelation in my mind.
[Unique Class: Psalmist.]
[Class Type: [~Bard~]
I closed my eyes and knelt on one knee to give thanks to Yahweh for his revelation while Malady and Jeff looked on with confused expressions. “Thank you, Lord, for revealing your plan for me.” I rose again, a renewed spirit within me, and said, “Now how the heck do I start that class tree? Priest or some kind of Bard on the lawful good alignment side?”
A vexed face fell over Malady's previously adorable sincerity as she said, “What are you saying, milord? Were you even listening to me?”
Me: “I just received a vision from God about the class to work towards. Have either of you heard of the [-Psalmist-]?”
Jeff seemed to be uninterested and gave a lazy answer while Malady shook her head, both indicating no.
Me: “From what I can tell, it’s basically a holy [~Bard~] type class.”
Malady: “I know different religions have musician classes for worshiping their gods and performing certain rituals, but typically those are more refined than any [~Bard~] class I’ve heard of. You may want to look around in taverns, pubs and in the town square for [~Bards~] to get more info, as I’m sorely lacking information on the topic.”
Me: “Hmm, that’s not a bad idea. But somewhere that may also have an idea of the [-Psalmist-] class is the [Abascan College]. Know anything about them?”
Malady: “[Abascan College]? You mention quite a few things I’ve never heard of Sir Tru.”
Me: “Really? Ladies Lyra and Lyrieth both knew of them.”
We started walking back to the Inn at this point. “Jeff, you’ve been helpful. This is for your trouble.” I flip one [Silver] coin at him, which he barely catches after fumbling a bit. “T-Thanks! Does this mean I can go sleep?” Poor guy. I forgot he worked well past his night shift. “Yeah. And make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep. If Slain has a problem with it just tell him it was my last command for the day.” Jeffardo gave me a perfectly executed salute while saying, “Yes, sir!” with vigor, then promptly slumped his way back towards the front gate.
As he walked out of sight, I ask, “If we can’t join the Monster Hunter guild yet, how about the adventuring guild and rank up that way? We might even meet some adventuring [-Bard-].”
As the word ‘meet’ escaped my mouth, the same bells that sounded for the burning hour started ringing again, making my remaining words difficult to hear. Except this time, the bells are being struck much faster and with some serious intensity. I looked over at Malady, my expression turning more concerned with each bell strike, “This doesn’t sound like another burning hour.”
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