《Truck-kun Gets Sacrificed》Chapter 13 ♪ I'm The Map, I'm The Map, I'm the Map! ♪
Chapter 13
♪ I'm The Map, I'm The Map, I'm the Map! ♪
“So what business brings a strapping young lad like yer' self to MY smithy?” Kimrul Irontoe said after introducing himself.
I answered with a question, “So, are you aware of the situation that brought me here?”
Kimrul began stroking his long red beard along its braided center when he replied, “Aye! Ya saved little lady Avacyn from a band of ruffians, did ya not?”
Me: “Exactly. Thanks to that, I came across some loot and potential equipment materials. Think you could have a look and appraise the stuff?”
Kimrul: “Ba-hahaha-! 'The stuff' he says!” Whipping a false tear from his eye, he continued, “Oh my hammer, I've been round elves for too long if I'm so amused at that. Anyway, I like ya! Yer speech isn't so stuffy as the fairer race. I'll certainly look at your wares, if not for the little lady's sake.”
Well, he's pretty lively, “Great. Where do you want me to put all of it?”
Kimrul: “Hooo? Ya talk like there's a lot, but don't look to have much on ya.”
Me: “Never mind that. You'll see soon enough. So where can I put it all?”
Ignoring my impatience, he strokes his beard again while staring intently at the [Bracelet of Hearth] on my arm and began to mutter to himself, “It couldn't be... I can see the spatial enchantment on that bracelet... It couldn't be a storage item... Could it?”
Masada rolled his eye and closed it without a word like he just decided to go to sleep. I similarly rolled my eyes and took out a sword from the [Ring of Space]. Kimrul's whole body twitched and he went to a defensive stance, or at least what he thought was defensive. His mouth dropped and his eyes popped open.
“WOAAA!” Kimrul yelled, acting overly excited while lightly trembling. “Is... Is... Is that... That is...”
This is already getting old. I'll have to be more secretive whenever I use this thing to avoid freaking people out so dang often.
Placing the beat-up sword back into the ring, I explain, “Yup. This is the [Ring of Space]; a storage item. But I'm not wanting to make too big a fuss. Think you could pull yourself together man?”
Kimrul: “*Ahem* of course, of course,” he said while shaking his head with his eyes closed. “It's not like I haven't ever heard of em' before.”
An audible gulp from Kimrul could be heard when a smaller dwarf strode out of the shop with swagger. The teenage-looking dwarf, well, teenage except for a gloriously full beard, said, “What's all the commotion, pops?”
Understanding that he can't make a fool of himself with his grandson around, Kimrul collected himself and said, “This here is Sir Coon, a customer. Could ya show 'em to the delivery hall, Kimrak?” Kimrak responded with, “Sure. This way then,” as he turned to walk inside while waving his arm towards the door.
As soon as I entered the workshop, a thick screen of metallic air caused me to subconsciously stagger back. With a twisted face, akin to a kid who ate a warhead candy for the first time, I complain, “What on Earth are you cooking?”
Kimrak: “Uh, [Starmetal] at the moment I guess.”
Glad he didn't ask about my Earth reference, I ask, “Any chance y'all have any gas masks I could use?”
Kimrak: “Uh, not sure what that is. You wanna breathe in gas?”
Ugh, this is nigh unbearable. Whatever. Suck it up, buttercup. I needa hurry and sell this junk.
After I didn't respond, we continued through the smelting room to what looks like a meeting room unsuited for such a filthy work area.
I suppose the sign said [Irontoe Industries]. It's probably a family chain shop.
Kimrak gestured towards the table and said, “Take a seat. I'll go fetch gramps.” After leaving, he shut the door and a ventilation system kicked in, to my relief. Not long after, Kimrul showed up, inviting the assailing scent back into the room and much to my dismay, not closing the door.
Let's just get this over with.
I laid out all the dead Kobolds, who [Analyze] now dubbed,
[name: Kobold. Descendants of the unholy union between the [Chaos Snake Dragon], Marduk, and the [Empress of Praole], Zarpanitu. Dwell within volcanic and desert regions.]
I guess it makes sense that it would change to their race after they're dead. They're basically just material objects now, not living anymore, so the class would be totally useless. They're either far from home or there is a volcanic/desert region nearby.
Analyze provided a short-lived distraction from the stench that permeated the room at this point.
“Can I get anything for [Kobold] materials?” I ask.
Kimrul: “Aye. I'd reckon I could make decent light armor out of it for ya too, if y'er interested.”
Me: “That was another thing I wanted to ask about. But before we reach any conclusions, take a look at all the stuff.”
Crossing his arms, he nodded at me and I stored the bodies back into the ring to make room for the [Guavgrog Bear]. Thankfully he hadn't been overly surprised at the bear.
Kimrul: “That's a mighty fine specimen. These things are hard to preserve, ya know.”
Me: “So what can I do with it?”
Kimrul: “The pelt can be made into quite a lot, but the most common is a satchel... I'd wager it would pair nicely with the kobold skins to make [Medium] scale armor... A pair of boots with [Cold Resistance] could also do ya good if ya go further north too. What're yer' stats, though? This kinda gear can only be worn by a Tr 2 or higher.”
Me: “Eh, I guess I won't be able to use them immediately then. I don't think it'll take too long for me to hit Tr 2 though, maybe. I'm relieved to hear you say stats. The elves called it Spiritual Power... Anyway, Would those boots be a bit too hot to go south with later?”
Our exchange didn't go much longer before I decided to go with the satchel and boots with kobold light armor. Even though all the Kobold's gear was in bad shape, I still got a few [Silver] and [Wrought Iron] coins for the lot.
It's too bad that I'm not currently at a high enough level to wear the [Boots of the Guavgrog]. They have a pretty sweet effect though, so makes sense that I can't use them yet. But why could I wear the [Nimble Tabi] then? Whatever.
Kimrul: “This shouldn't take long, but when were ya hoping to have it by?”
I guess business is slow. “As soon as possible actually. I'm hoping to be on my way to Valleyport today. Would that be possible?” I ask, hoping I don't have to just sit around until tomorrow.
Kimrul: “Aye! With me and ma' family, we will likely have it done within the hour! It'll cost ya 14 [Gold] pieces soon as it's done, lad.”
I flip a [Light Gold] coin to the dwarf and say, “I can only pay with this. Think of it as an investment in your shop. We can negotiate the details another time.”
And with that, I darted out of the fumes engulfing the smithy, leaving behind a flabbergasted Kimrul, mouth agape. My ol' pal, the [Red Guard] happened to be outside waiting in the fresher air and I requested, “I'm glad you're still here. Think you could take me back to the Library?” The [Red Guard] saluted adamantly and confirmed, “Yes, sir!”
Our walk was another relaxed one, which led me to think, If it takes roughly 30 min to walk there and 30 back, by the time I'm done, my gear should be ready. Things seem to be going swimmingly today.
When we arrived at the library, Pierre started to give his typical 'welcome' spiel, “Ah a customer! Welcome, welcome to Pierre's Bookshop! I am Pierre and I... am happy to see you return, Sir Coon! I recently heard of your exploits, and may I just say, it is a true honor to do business with a gentleman of your caliber.” His shuffling hands and that look are just plain creepy man.
“I am actually about to make my way over to Valleyport and join the Monster Hunting guild. First, though, I wanted to seal our agreement.” Placing one of my [Light Gold] coins on the desk was enough to make the old man physically giddy.
“Calm down now grandad. Let's at least pretend to be professional,” Pirra criticized.
Pierre: “Yes, yes dear. Well then, Sir Truck Coon, you're officially the owner of [Pierre's Bookshop] as the largest stock owner!”
Me: “Oh really? Actually, I do have a favor to ask of my favorite employee then.”
Pirra responded too quickly for Pierre to get out a response, “And what can I do for my favorite boss?” Poor Pierre was overtly struck with woeful gloominess and lowered his head at the exchange.
Me: “Eh? What's wrong Pierre? Isn't it a position of pride to have your granddaughter spoken of with such high regard right in front of you?”
Pierre: “*Ahem* Quite right, Sir Coon. Quite right indeed. So how may she be of service?”
Me: “I was wondering if I could get a map of the surrounding area.”
Pirra pulled out a small scroll and unrolled it to reveal a map of the known upper shelf, “Of course, sir.” Ah so respectful. Being the boss is such a great feeling. As soon as she let go of the map in my hands, a notification resounded,
'The [Map] will be updated momentarily.'
Momentarily? Is this a computer simulation then? Maybe that would explain why I haven't needed to eat or drink since I came to Kulkne.
Me: “Thanks. That'll be a huge help. Actually, I had another question. Is there any reason in particular that I haven't felt hungry or thirsty in Kulkne?”
Pierre: “Ah yes, yes there is. Within the walls of Kulkne, all inhabitants are nourished via the skill [Reverse Synthesis]. The dryads of the [Red Eryn] trees help protect Kulkne as a result of a pact made in ancient times by the late Teostra Avacyn, the cities' founding father, and our continual nourishment is part of it.”
Ah, that's interesting. Convenient, but it takes away one of the great enjoyments in life! Maybe that's why the dark elves are so stuffy.
Me: “That makes sense. You're very informative, Pierre. I appreciate it. Well, I'll be on my way again shortly, but I'll be sure to pop in for a visit whenever I'm in the area.”
My two new employees said their farewells to Masada and me as we left the library. [Red Guard] in tow, we made our way back to the blacksmith.
Upon arrival, the air was practically uncontaminated compared to before. Kimrul seemed to be awaiting our return like a butler earnestly waiting to open the door for us. The sight was comical, his hair slicked back and beard neatly combed with an untameable mustache. He made his best attempt to stand straight, but his unruly nature wouldn't allow it.
I don't want to make him feel too uneasy about his obvious discomfort for the sake of impressing someone, “Hey, man. You don't need to put on such airs when I'm here haha. It's not like I'm a noble or anything.”
Relieved, Kimrul slouched back to his normal posture and purposely scuffled his beard. “Aye, I was hoping you'd say that. But the wife pressed me with how 'mportant a person ya are, being such a prominent investor. Anyway, Let's go in and show ya our work.” Ah, so it WAS because of me. I gesture with my hand towards the door and say, “Lead on.”
Cleaned by a true professional, the smithy was unrecognizable to how it was when we last came here. The fragrance had a tinge of citrus, giving the shop an atmosphere closer to a restaurant than a smithy.
I didn't see Kimrak or any other person in the shop except for Kimrul for that matter. We entered the meeting room to the sight of a manikin dressed in red scale cuirass, gauntlets, pants, and chain belt with a satchel across the chest and shaved furry boots.
[name: Boots of the Guavgrog.]
[description: Requires Tr 2 or higher. Warm, comfortable boots with [Medium] armor. Grants the skill, [Slick Path].]
[~Item Toggle Skill~]
[name: Slick Path.]
[description: Activate to slide on any surface. Deactivate to step normally.]
[name: Lesser Drake Cuirass.]
[description: Smooth kobold scales provide high glancing protection at the cost of being brittle to direct impact.]
[type: Light Armor]
[name: Lesser Drake Gauntlets.]
[description: Smooth kobold scales provide high glancing protection at the cost of being brittle to direct impact.]
[type: Light Armor
[name: Lesser Drake Grieves.]
[description: Smooth kobold scales provide high glancing protection at the cost of being brittle to direct impact.]
[type: Light Armor
Armor is in a separate class from normal clothes like [Robe of the Scholar]. Noted. Kobold armor can't be the best material, being that each piece of armor has the same generalized description.
[name: Guavgrog Satchel.]
[description: A soft yet sturdy satchel made from [Guavgrog Bear] hide.
[capacity: 15]
This just became my baseline for judging bag storage limits. With this, I can also pretend to pull something out of the bag while un-storing an item from the [Ring of Space]. At least with smaller items, it'll give the illusion of not using the ring.
“I love it, man! The armor looks epic,” I complimented enthusiastically. “That'll go perfectly with Masada. Have you made this before?”
The dwarf scratched the back of his head with a close-eye'd smile, “Can't say I have. Just thought of it while I was makin' it. It's lightweight like ya asked, but isn't that a bad thing with such a huge weapon?.”
“Ah, not at all! Masada is weightless to me, so maneuverability is what's most important. It's perfect,” I said with a beaming smile and started putting it on. The scale chainmail had been fitted perfectly without even having any measurements to use. Eyeballing the size puts this smith on a totally different level. Unless 'size seeing vision' is a class skill.
The fit was snug, yet loose enough to move freely. The inner lining was leather from the [Guavgrog Bear], making it very soft. Doesn't leather take, like, days to tan and beat? A blacksmith's class skills are definitely coming into play here. I'm curious about that, but there's a chance asking about someone's class is looked down on in society. I'd imagine people wouldn't want their class secrets to get out.
Knowing that I shouldn't be able to use them, I still attempt to put on the [Boots of the Guavgrog]. I'm clearly able to move my hand around in the boot, but when I try sliding it on, my foot hits an invisible barrier. Ah, so that's what it feels like to equip gear above my paygrade... Meh, oh well. Gotta get a move on!
Resolved to move on and seek the life of a monster hunter, I accept the new gear and bid him adieu, “Thanks again for the quick work on this masterpiece! I need to be on my way though. The monster hunting guild beckons.”
“Aye. Ya better be sure to return for repairs when ya need 'em. I'm proud of ma' work, ya hear, so take good care of it!” Kimrul shouted while waving as the [Red Guard] and I turned around a [Red Eryn] with a final wave.
With new gauntlets, I punch my hands together and say, “So which entrance is closest to Valleyport?” The [Red Guard] answered tiresomely, “That'd be the south entrance.” Curious about why he seemed so burnt out, I inquire, “What's up? Why so tired?” His response made me feel kinda bad, “My shift ended 20 minutes ago and I still need to debrief the captain for the day.”
Me: “Well shoot. I didn't mean to keep you so long bro. I can find my own way, I'm sure. Could you just point me in the right direction?”
[Red Guard]: “Thank you for the consideration. It'd be that way, Tru. Just take a straight course and you'll get there quicker than taking the roads,” he said while pointing towards the south.
I'm low key relieved that he didn't call me Sir Coon, haha, I muse in my head.
Me: “Thanks for hauling me around all day. I'll see you later.”
[Red Guard]: “Yes sir. It was a pleasure accompanying you,” he said with a brief salute.
Me: “Oh and you never gave me your name.”
[Red Guard]: “It's Ryfon. Ryfon Keadi. Have a pleasant trip.”
He seems pretty beat, but I'm not gonna feel bad for him. I got him out of his normal duties and he sat around a bunch, I told myself while taking my first step towards the southern gate.
It had the exact same layout as the gate we originally entered Kulkne through. There was a singular building I understood to be a barracks with guards shuffling around, there's a massive, decorated hole in the [Red Eryn] trees, and [Spider Squirrel]s flying around looking like cuddly balls of death. The outside looked similar too, except the road is moss-brick-paved.
A well kept road is a good sign. It'd be a nice change of pace to see some practice monsters along the way. Hopefully, the past couple of days here haven't made me too soft.
Taking my first steps back onto the road, I pull up the newly updated [Map].
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