Infinite Ocean.
The Infinite Ocean is athe Ocean which connects to worlds. The world that is mostly connected to the Infinite Ocean is the so called One Piece World since there is an on going hunt for the treasure called One Piece. There are also countless islands with all sorts of life. There are many treasures in the Infinite Ocean and are sought after by Pirates. To combat pirates, the World Marine Government was created from the by the World Government from the One Piece World.
There are Devil Fruits across the Infinite Ocean. Which grants supernatural powers or ability. It was sought after by both the pirates and the navy. It is said that there are three categories in Devil Fruits. The three categories are Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia.
Paramecia grants a random power, example is the devil fruit of the wanted pirate Buggy. It is said that his body can be cut and rejoined without dying after he ate the Chop Chop Fruit.
Zoan grants the power to transform into an animal. An example of a Zoan user is the pirate Marco of the White Beard Pirates. It is said that he have the power of a phoenix.
Logia is the rarest Devil Fruit that grants the user the power to turn into an element. One example of a Logia user is Admiral Kizaru. It is said that he can summon light attacks and is invurnerable to physical attacks. His body can also turn into light when he wills it to be.
I am telling you this since I am now seconds away from being a Devil Fruit User.
I am Sam Smithson, 18 years old, and I am from the long standing Blacksmith Family. My Mom died when I was born, while my father died when I was eight years old due to a pirate attack. I was then raised by my Grandfather, Dave Smithson, and my Master Yun Long. Grandpa Dave is a rank 6 Blacksmith and was sought by both Pirates and Marine Officers.
Master Yun is someone from an immortal world. He was an Ancestor in the Five Elements Sect and was chased down until here in the Infinite Ocean. He was already at the Peak Martial Monarch when he was fighting the other Ancestors from different Sects. He defeated his opponents with the price of the destruction of all his meridians and the cracking of his Dantian.
He was rescued by my father when he was fishing when I was still a baby. He then decided to teach me the (Meridian Expansion Breathing Method) and (Yin Yang Five Divine Elements Exercise). Master said that I have the Yin-Yang Five Elements body which was a rare body but was usually discarded by those born with it. They usually focus on one element since it is much easier to advance in cultivation. And I also have full five elements spiritual roots, which is considered as trash roots since it meant that I cannot just discard an element because it will disrupt the balance of the spirit roots and can even cause me to die. And the thing that made me master's disciple is my rank 9 Fenrir Martial Spirit. Cultivation was easy since our island does not have any cultivator. Due to the small amount of cultivators in the Infinite Ocean, the Qi in the atmosphere was thick. Master created a Qi gathering platform which sucks out all the Qi in the 100km radius.
I was cultivating and practicing smithing all my childhood years. I was introverted and have few friends in the City.
And right now, I'm in front of my Grandfather who was in his deathbed.
"Sam, remember this my boy. *cough* *cough* Your father dreamt of adventuring the Infinite Ocean and the countless isles. *cough* We have a secret that you should know. *cough* There is an underground workshop under our Smithing room. Push the bookshelf and you will see a trapdoor leading down to it." Grandpa said as he was suffering from poisoning from the saber of Greg the Copycat Pirates.
"But, but what would you like me to do know Grandpa?" I asked in confusion
"I want you, my boy, to travel the Ocean.*cough* *cough* I don't have anything to teach you my boy. With my death,I hope that..*cough * ...*cough* you don't get blinded by revenge. The Copy Cat Pirates are a viscious group. They will kill and pluder in a drop of a hat. *cough* Their captain, Greg, is a Devil Fruit User. He have the Copy Copy Fruit which let him copy abilities and weapons. *cough*
"Grandpa, don't talk too much. You can still be healed Gramps!!" I said as I sob
."No my boy, I don't have much time left. If you want to battle that son of a bitch Greg, I have a last gift for you. *cough* Your father and I are a Devil Fruit user! We have the devil fruit [Build Build Fruit].*cough* All of its use is in one of the books in the bookshelf in the under ground workshop. Live a life of happiness and make a lot of friends" Grandpa said with a smile with tears streamin down in his face
Grandpa died with a smile in his face. As I feel his life slipping away in my hands, a bright light appeared in his chest. A fruit starts to float and I grasp it with care.
I covered the body of grandpa with the bedsheet. Master Yu then go inside the room and comforted me.
"So what is your plan now? Are you going to have your revenge?" Master asked as he took a stool in Grandpa's room
"No, Master, not yet. I know that he have many men undee him. After I master the ability of my Devil Fruit, then I will kill that guy. I know that he already set our city as his own stronghold, however that is his greatest weakness." I said in a grim tone.
"Oho, how so?" Master asked as he rubs his long white beard
"He will be seiging the city to gain control of it, however it will take some months before he can break through the city." I said as I imagine the possible outcome." By the time that I master my devil fruit ability, he might still be fighting for the city. With his battles, he and his men will most likely be exhausted." I said confidently as I analyze the situation
"You know, you are a martial arts genius right? So are you going to do a frontal attack?" Master asked as if trying to test my plan
"I won't be doing such a stupid move. Although I am already a Level 9 Foundation Building Cultivator, their numbers can still cause me some damage. I will assassinate him in his sleep, with the help of Fenrir's ability." I said without any remorse
"Why assassinate? Don't you want honor? If you fought him in a duel, you will earn fame." Master asked again
"Can I eat honor? Will I get stronger with fame? Will it protect me from a life and death situation? The answer is no. I don't care about fame and honor. All I know is that assassinating is the most optimal way to win against someone with around 350 pirate crew." I said confidently as I look at master in the eye
"Hahaha, good! My teachings are not in vain. Although we are from the Good Way Sects, it does not mean that rightousness is the best answer. Although assassinating is under handed, it get the job done efficiently. Remember that usimg your mind is better that brute strength." Master said happily as he pats me in my shoulder
Infinite Ocean ch 2
Three months have passed since I trained using my Devil Fruit. I was able to fully control my Devil Fruit Abilities.
My Devil Fruit granted me the ability to know how things are built. It gives me the blue print amd step by step process on how to create something. For example, if a knife touched my skin, I will know what components it take to smelt the metal. I will also know how to forge it. It also improved my memory to the point that I don't forget a blue print.
Another neat ability that I gained is the Modification Creativity. It is an ability which is under the manufavturing ability of mine which let me know the blueprintvof all things. What Modification Creativity does is a very essential to the manufacturing ability of mine. It actually lets my mind to think of the possible ways to modify an object. It will make a logical way for me to create what I want, given that I have the knowledge it needs.
The second ability is that it let me store all things that I made, as long as I contributed something in its structure or components. For example, I tore the corner of the page of a book. So if I touch it again, the tearing of the page will be added in the step by step process and I can now store it. I can the summon it at my hand or in any surface that I touch. If I made a dagger and store it, I can then summon it on top of the table even if I am just touching the leg of the table.
Another ability that I learned is that if I touch something, I will understand on how it works. When I touched a book, I immediately understand its contents.
I am also granted ideas once amount about something to build. In the past three months, I got the idea on how to build a cabinet, a shuriken, and a arc reactor with the bonus of the miniature version.
There are all sorts of blue prints in the under ground workshop, but the most amazing thing is that Grandpa and father created an Queen Mary 2 which can carry a thousand people and can run upto 30 knots. However, it is not fully furnished, but the rooms are solid and are livable. Which is way faster that the normal ships that go about the average 5 knots when there is a favorable wind.
The problem is that it runs on a thing called gas fuel, which is very rare. Good thing that I earned the arc reactor which can power it. The amazing thing is the fact that master have some of the necesscary metals to create the arc reactor, so I begged for it. Unfortunately, it have zero weaponry. Its design is that for a merchant or transport vessel. I then stored all the things including materials that can be used to craft things.
Which was a move that I was able to make with my obervation. I realized that I can not take raw materials since it needs me to manually tamper with it. So I removed all the contents of boxes, but I mistakenly stored a chest with unmarked contents. Then I discover that I can store thing on a container before taking it inside me.
After 3 months of practice and crafting, I am now ready to kill that mother fucking Greg. I gathered information in the city and sneaked inside their ship to know where his room is located and how it was guarded.
"So are you now ready to kill that Greg?" Master asked as we are eating supper
"Yes master. I am planning to kill him tonight at 3 in the morning. I believe that he will be sleeping deeply at that hour so I will take advantage of it. Since Fenrir gave me the ability to sneak, I can do the job easier." I said confidently as I finish my meal
"Good luck then,my disciple. Make sure to take his body with you. I heard in town that he got 15 million crystals in his head." Master said with a greedy expression
The mission was actually simple. I just need to sneak at the deck, before going straight to the Captain Cabin. Greg was arrogant enough to actually stay on the room on the deck.
I wear a full black suit before leaving our house. The ship is docked at a cove at the south of the island. There are guards at the entrace but I observed that they are actually slacking at the time.
I also know that he already made a copy of himself which is also staying at the ship, in a different room. He was actually stupid enough to have the copy of himself at the same boat.
Two unsuspecting pirates are guarding the deck. The boat was lit up to prevent assassins, but they aren't lighting up the cove. I used some rope to get to one of the opem windows at the side of the ship.
There are three men sleeping at the room which I killed sillently by stabbing their throats before their hearts.
I felt sick as I feel their lives ending at my own actions. I held up my puke with the thought that they killed, raped, and plundered many villages. I know that they are not good people so I convinced myself that I will finish Greg with few killings of other people.
I hardened my resolve and continued my way at the ship. I know that Greg kept his copy at the bottom room of the ship. Good thing that there are few people awoke but mostly are drunk. Going down to the bottom room was uneventful.
I arrived at the room of Greg and entered it silently. He was sleeping soundly with three women. All of them are nude which meant that Greg does not have any protecting treasure. I believe that the Greg that I am seeing is the original Greg, so I need to kill him fast. I held a dagger and drove it down to his throat and heart. He was awakened by the pain, but ultimately died. All three women are awakened by the struggle of Greg and screamed at the bloody scene. I atored his body in an empty chest before I left the room.I heard many pirates coming down the hall. I quickly found a way to blend with the crowd by going to a room with pirates before knocking them out and exchanging with their clothes.
All of the pirates starts a hunt. As I was going with the flow I realized something. I realized that there is no devil fruit that came out, so it means that the one on the deck was the real body.
I dashed to the deck and found Greg shouting at his crew. I again joined in the hunt to blend with the crowd. It was already dawn when Greg decided to go in his room with five heavily armed men. There are two men guarding the door which I knocked out before dashing inside the room.
There are five men armed to teeth at the room together with an armed Greg which seemed to be waiting for me.
"So you are the one that killed my Copy. You are a brave boy, considering that you actually tried to kill me." Greg said as he brandish his poisoned Saber
All five guards attacked at the same time from different dirrections, but sadly failed in harming me. I used my Martial Spirit ability which allowed me to increase my speed 100% at the huge cost of my qi.
I stabbed all of the guards at the throats, before going to where Greg was. He was clearly surprised by the sudden turn of event that his Saber was still on its sheath.
"No, please don't ki---" Greg begged but was immediately killed by me
A bright light appeared at the position of his heart. A fruit started to float. Which I immediately put inside a chest before storing. As I scan the room, I realize that there is a huge vault in the room. Of course, I slashed it with a dagger to mark it.
As I was still in my pirate costume, my hands are not covered, so I immediately touched the vault.
Which rendered immobile for five minutes as I face the vault with my back facing the door. As I regained my senses I was already surrounded by Greg's crew.
"Where is the fruit?" Pirate 1 asked as he pointed his blade to my neck
"What fruit? I came here the earliest and saw a man in black which then shot a dart at my leg. I was paralyzed and was carried here by the assassin." I said in a panicked voice to sound convincing.
"You're lying! If what you said is the truth, why is there no dart at your leg." Pirate 2 shouted as he prepared to stab me
My cover was blown so I was forced to fight. The room was carpeted so I immediately touched the carpet and summoned daggers at the feet of all pirates. The were all hurt by my attack so I took the chance to summon a big chest and put Greg's corpse in it. I then used a smoke bomb to reduce visibility before taking the vault away with me.
They were slashing each other in confusion which provided me the chance to go break the floor. After I broke the floor, I ran back to where I came in and escaped.
I was chased down by the pirates, but I was able to hide in a cave. After a couple of hours of hiding, I was able to out run my pursuers and got to our house safely.
"You're finally back. How is your mission?" Master said as he was calmly drinking tea
"Hehehe, I finally did it!! I revenged grandpa!!" I shouted happily."But I felt horrible when I looked at the faces of the ones that I killed." I said after remembering the men I killed
"That's good then. You see, when you feel horrible when you killed someone, it means that you have a good nature and it was against your will to kill. Always remember that life is precious." Master said in a calm tone
"By the way master, how can I break through to the Core Formation Stage? And can you accompany me in sailing the world?" I asked since Master is the closest person to me
"Are you sure that you want an old man like me?" Master asked jokingly
"You know that you are a grandfather to me, Master. I want to have someone to talk to when I travel the Oceans. Plus, I am still going to the world you came from, Master." I said happily
"Hahaha, if you insist my boy. However, do you have a boat to sail with?" Master asked
"Yes master, remember when I begged for alot of metals back then?" I said while I took a seat
"Yes, that was quite rare for you to beg me for something." Master said with a smirk
"Well, I used it to create something to power our future Ship. I only need to assemble the ship and we will be sailing in 6 months tops." I said confidently
Infinite Ocean Ch3
After 6 months of building, I finished the Queen Mary 2. It was a very huge ship which was way bigger than the current common pirate ships.
"That is one huge ship! How can your Grandpa and Father create this." Master exclaimed as he saw the ship in its full glory
"This took me hours to assemble! Good thing that most of the parts were already stored by Grandpa. I only knew now that all of the stored things of the previous Build Build fruit users were passed down." I exclaimed as I talked to Grandpa
"Some of the nobles in the city wants to steal the ship from you. They even called an a Marine Captain to confiscate the boat away from you." Master said with anger present in his voice
"I know that and I plan to talk to that Vice Admiral about the bounty that I will get." I said with a greedy smile
"Is the corpse still in you? And where is the Devil Fruit of that guy?" Master pointed out as we are looking in the interior of the Queen Mary 2
"Now that you mention it, I haven't eaten it. Wait, I haven't opened the huge vault from the Captain Cabin." I said as I summon a huge vault with the size of a room with a small chest on top of it
I opened the vault with the help of master. And I was dazzeled with the contents inside. There are around 3 Million crystals inside. There are jewelries which I estimate totals to 1 million crystals and a chest. The chest was actually a special chest that require Qi to open, and after inputting almost all of my Qi I was way shocked by its contents way more than the rest of the treasures that I saw.
There is an egg with black flames protecting it. It gave off a dreadful feeling that I almost wanted to close it as soon as I opened it.
"That my boy is a Black Phoenix egg. That is a rare Rank 13 Magical Beast which reigned the 6 Elements. It was said in some old stories that once a Black Phoenix flapped it wings, a tornado of black flame will destroy the lands. It is one of the ultimate monster that can only stopped by monster of the same rank. It is listed along the Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and the Black Tortoise." Master said with awe and fear present in his voice
"But how do I hatch it? I mean it look like its already a lump of rock now. And what are the Six Elements?" I asked as I see its real appearance
"To hatch it, you will need a treasure with great vitality. As it is right now, it is at its hibernating state due to lack of the Five Elements Treasures and it was trapped inside the egg from a long time." Master said as he observe the egg
"So I need a treasure with great vitality and treasure with Five Elements Qi? But what is the sixth Element?" I asked as I picked the egg up without my gloves on
My mind was immediately raided with how it was stuck inside a volcano for a million years before being born in the Immortal World. As it was about to be born, the Four Saint beast Sealed it inside the chest that it was stuck at for another million years. It was stored in an independent space before it was sucked by a Dimensional Rip. It was then found by a fisherman under the ocean. And was then passed from one man to another.
I then waked up inside our house. I loomed at the calendar and saw that it has been 2 weeks since then.
"So you are finally awake huh. You're ability is sure a hassle sometimes. You fell unconscious as soon as you touched the egg and was wrapped in a the same black fire. Good thing that I was there when you blacked out since you will certainly burn the whole island if you are left alone. Oh, and by the way the sixth element is Space and Time." Master said as he sighs
"So how come I didn't burn the island, Master?" I asked as I felt my back get drenched in cold sweats with the thought of burning an entire island
"Good thing that I can still somehow use my Five Elements Lion. I materialized my martial spirit and summoned it the whole two weeks that you are in deep sleep. You are one lucky guy since the Infinite Ocean can provide me a steady amount of the five elements Qi. If this happened in the immortal world, I can never sustain the toll of materializing my Rank 11 Martial Spirit with broken meridians and a cracked dantian." Masted said in a tired tone
"Thank you master for aiding me back then. So where is the egg now?" I asked since I don't see the egg in the room
Master pointed at my chest, which I immediately took away as I tried to observe it. It was burning lightly but I don't feel any burn or heat from it.
"It already form a Spirit Contract with you so it doesn't hurt you anymore. I am amazed that you are able to have a contract with a Rank 13 Super Magical Beast. I remember when I still have my best companion in my younger days. I have a Rank 10 Golden Monkey as a beast companion. Unfortunately he died protecting me." Master said with a big sigh
"Did the Marine Captain arrived already? I hope not." I asked Master to change topics
"He already arrived and he already saw your huge boat. He even put some marine officers inside it. He arrived last week and went here several times." Master said while shrugging his shoulders
"Man this is bad. I can't just give my ship up!" I shouted as I think of a plan to take my ship back
"Master, can you create fire in town at night? I want to create a commotion in which the marines will be forced to aide and leave the ship alone. After they leave the area, I can sneak back to the Ship and store it." I said firmly as I planned the situation
"When do you want the fire to start?" Master said with a mischievous tone
"Tonight!" I said with a sly smile
Infinite Ocean Ch4
Master started a fire at the nobility area of the city. With the commotion of the people with high standings, the Marine Captain was forced to aide in putting out of the fire. Almost all of his units were called up and was tasked to fetch water.
As the city fell into chaos, I immediately go out from my hiding place and equipped my diving gear that have the full ability to keep off the ocean water from touching me. I swam to above the propeller of the Queen Mary 2 and touched the ship without my gloves.
The storing took me seconds since I already know it blue print. With that being done, several naval officers fell dow from where the ship should have been. The only restriction of my storing ability is that I can never place a living thing inside it. They were obviously confused by the situation that they are swimming erratically.
As I swam far away from the scene, I saw some marine soldiers with torches surveying the area. I swam faster to avoid being caught and arrived at the cove where the ship of the Copy Cat pirates was anchored.
It was desolate and but was still in its top condition. It seems that the pirates were forced to leave the islands since there are no Ship's Tender left in the Ship. It still have its supplies and there are signs that the previous crew left in a hurry.
I decided then to hurry back to our home and slept until the next morning. Our house is located quite far from the city, so we were not affected by the fire.
"Why don't you have some breakfast Sam." Master said as he saw me
"Hehehe, I retrieved it master!" I shouted happily as I took one of the bread in the table and ate happily
"What do you want to do now? Are we leaving immediately?" Master asked in his usual calm voice
"Hehe, we will be cashing out our bounty. Plus I got to be act dramatically since my ship was lost. I know that the Marine Captain will invite us to the nearest Marine Outpost to cash our bounty." I said with a greedy smile
"But how can you be assured that the Marine Captain won't kill you and take the bounty for himself." Master asked in an intrigued tone
"Well, master. I have to gamble with the Marine Captain. If he lead me to the Marine Outpost, he might get some achievments and merits. However, I read in the city library before that if a Marine Personel accompanied someone who killed a pirate with a bounty, they will get double the usual merit." I said with a bitter smile
We walked to the city and arrived at one of the mansions inside the nobility area that is heavily guarded by the marines.
"Stop right there! Who are you two?" A Marine Officer shouted as a group of soldiers aproach us
"We are here to meet the Captain of the Marines. I am the builder of the big ship." I said in a calm tone
"Are you the creator of that ship?" A booming voice asked as a huge man walked from the mansion
"Yes, Captain. Can I know where it is now?" I asked as I took a bow to show respect
"It vanished! How can such a huge ship just vanish!" The Captain shouted as a he released a pressure equivalent to a Level 8 Foundation Building cultivator
I acted a liitle bit about how the ship was handed down from my ancestors, yada yada yada. Before bring up my bounty.
"Umm, Captain, can I come with you to the Marine Outpost?" I asked nervously
"Sure, but what is your reason?" Captain asked as he drinks some rum
"I am planning to take my bounty, Captain. You see, I assassinated Greg of the Copycat pirates. I am even planning to give their deserted ship to the you sir as a gift." I said in a serious tone
"Oho, so you took down that annoying pirate. But where is the Devil Fruit?" The Matlrine Caotain asked as me in a suspicious manner
"The Devil Fruit was taken away by the remaining crew of the Copycat Pirates. After I killed Greg, I was surrouded and was forced to give up the Devil Fruit." I said in a sad tone with matching expression to look pitiful
"And those pirate didn't take the body?" the Captain asked while looking at me suspiciously
"Well, I thought of that and decided to bargain the Devil Fruit for his corpse. Thsy were forced to give it up since they are pirates and they can't get the bounty." I said in a smug tone
"Hahaha, you are a smart boy. If I, Captain Brock, was in your position, I would have plowed those pirates with the power of my 《Obsidian Obsidian Fruit》. Since your ship vanished, I have no choice but to stop the investigation. Only powerful people can do something like that, and I'm afraid that I can't defeat them. It's not like its the only big ship in the marines. Plus there are no weapons in it so there is not that much value into it." Brock said with a huge smile
"When can we possibly leave? You see, were also planning on getting the Naval Business certificate. Is it possible to aquire it in the Marine Outpost?" Master asked in his usual calm voice
"You can definitely aquire it from the Outpost. Although its an Outpost, its only below a Marine Fort and he Marine HQ. We will be leaving tomorrow, so you probably should pack your things." Brock said with a smile
As we left the mansion, we are escorted by some marine officers. The town was not that destroyed, but a couple of houses were destroyed. I heard that no one was hurt since the Marines solved the fire.
"Umm, Master, what is the Naval Business Certificate?" I asked as we are walking to our house
"Since we have that huge ship of yours, I am arrived at the conclusion that we should be Traders. I know that you will probably hate to be a pirate so I figured out that being a merchant is the best way to protect your ship." Master said in his usual calm tone
"How? I mean its just a business certificate right?" I asked confusedly
"It's not just a business certificate. Its a Naval Business Certificate, which means that you can register your ships and the Marines can't take it. It also means that you are protected by the Marines and If you are attacked by a pirate, the Marines will get revenge for you." Master said with a smile
"But how do we get that Naval Business Certificate?" I asked since such an important certificate might need some qualifications to acquire
"Of course it will cost a lot of crystals. You need to donate 3 Million crystal to the Marines before you can get one. After that your background will be checked if you are not a pirate. After that its all good. But if you just want a normal business certificate which have no Marine protection, it just cost a million gold coins. Of course with the current exchange of 100 gold into 1 Crystal, its far cheaper." Master explained as we arrived at our house
"Wait, if that's the case, how come Greg have 15 million Crystals on his head?" I wondered as I remember Gregs ability
"That is because he stole the Copy Copy Fruit from the Marines. After that, he used his ability to create a copy of himself and stole from numerous Auction Houses their main tresures in their auctions." Master said as he took some water
"One of the main reasons why his bounty rised up so high is because Greg beat up a lowest level World Noble. Due to his efforts, he stole numerous treasure with the help of his crew. He will take the treasure before giving it to his crew. After his copy was caught, and the treasure was stolen, the copy will then commit suicide." Master explained as he created his tea
"Which means that I was lucky enough that both the Copy and the Original Greg was in the same ship." I mused as I drank the tea
"Yes, you are quite lucky that time. I heard in town during the seige, that Greg usually hide his original body in a different ship." Master said while looking at the sunset
We then packed some clothes, while I then go back down to the underground workshop to check if all the things that our family owned was stored. Almost 75% of our family materials from my ancestors were used up or sold to build the Queen Mary 2. So there is not that much left when I stored it when I finished my training.
We were then fetched by some Marine Soldiers and we're taken to warship that is about 1/2 the length and height of Queen Mary 2. The ship was still being loaded with wine and other food with long shelf life when we arrived before we boarded the ship.
"This is the flagship of my own fleet. I have a total of 4 warships under me and this is the strongest one." Brock boasted as he shows us around the ship
The ship started sailing and I watched as our island vanished into the horizon. Our island was name Smith Island due to our family, but I believe that it might change names later. Surprisingly, the ship have the top speed of 8 knots, so it would just take 3 weeks of sailing, before we arrived at the Pearl Island where the Marine Outpost was located.
Infinite Ocean ch 5
The Infinite Ocean is really an amazing place. During the three week voyage, I saw numerous sea creatures. There are all sorts of monsters with shapes like that of a snake but head of a sheep and many more bizarre creatures. I spent my day inside my room as I practice the 《Yin Yang Five Divine Elements Exercise》.
The Yin Yang Five Divine Elements Exercise was the perfect technique for my body. It let me absorb all five elements and the Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang is literally Light and Dark element. When I was at the Qi Condenstation realm, I got stuck in the 9th level for some years before I was able to condense Five Divine Beast Images with the Yin Yang platform inside my Dantian. It was an ardorous process which needed me to imagine an Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, and a Divine Elephant. While the Yin and Yang are quite simpler since all I need to do is keep the balance in check as I abosorb Qi
As I advance to the Foundation building stage at the age of 9, I was then faced with the task of solidifying qi scales for the five divine animals. If not for the Supersized Qi gathering Formation and the ridiculous amount of Qi in the Infinite Ocean, I wouldn't be able to advance to where I am today.
Master gave me the ideas for the four divine beast and the elephant because he believed in my talent and perseverance.
The Five Divine Elements Exercise do not have any attacking moves created with it. So I was forced to try create some moves for my self. For the Fire Qi, I deviced a move where I summon wings made up of fire in my back which was named 《Soaring Phoenix》. I then created some basic fist techniques for my Metal Qi which was named 《White Tiger Fist》. I then used my Wood qi in creating a healing technique 《Azure Heal》. I then used my Water Qi to create a set of evading techniques which was named 《Slipping Tortoise》. And lastly, I used my Earth Qi to make an Earth Armor which have the design which don't restrict my movements and was named 《Elephant Armament》. As for the Light and Dark attribute, I designed a barrier technique which was named 《Yin Yan Barrier》.
When I showed master my self made techniques, he praised my creativity for coming up with some moves.
Recently, I'm in a bottleneck due to the fact that I haven't created the full image of the Divine beasts. When I am meditating, my I see my Dantian. It was a huge Yin Yang Platform with Five Divine Beast with Incomplete body.
Master told me that if I completed the bodies of the Divine Beasts, I will earn the power equivalent of 4625 adult mortal. I currently have the power equivalent to 2500 adult mortals, which was 5 times the average Level 9 Foundation Building stage cultivator. The main reason for the five times boost in power is due to the fact that I am equivalent to five cultivators. As of now, I am leisurely cultivating and strolling after a full session of the technique.
As I was in my room meditating, I took the Black Phoenix Egg from the chest that I was carrying and tried communicating with it with our soul contract. When I tried to communicate, I only felt that the Phoenix was happy to feel me and that it wants me to stay. I was able to stay for some hours before I was forced to leave my meditation.
Captain Brock invited us over for some lunch so I immediately stop my practice.
"Hahaha, you didn't tell me that you are the Grandson of Master Blacksmith David." Brock laughed as he learned about my origins
"Well, you didn't ask. By the way, how did you found out that I was his grandson?" I asked as I drink some water
"I know that your face look familiar. However, only now did I remember when I was cleaning my Great Sword. Your Grandfather crafted my sword and I think I saw you when you were still a kid." Brock said with a reminiscent expression.
" Hahaha, no wonder that you can build a ship that size. I was wondering before how you got the materials to build something as big as that, but it seems that your ancestors gave you enough ore inheritance to create it. Hahaha, Cheers! Why don't you come with me later to the Treasury, so I can show you some of the treasure that the Marines kept throught several generations. Hehe, this is the only way I can think of to repay you Grandfather. He was one of the few Balcksmiths who can create a weapon fit for high ranked Marine Officers. I was lucky enough to meet him in the Smith Island and he was kind enough to make me my sword." Brock said gleefully as he took some wine
I accepted Brock's offer and we talked for some time before we finished our meal. The Lunch was over so Master and I go back to our room to relax .After we arrived Master left the room to ask for some regular tea leaves from the kitchen, so I was left alone in our room. As I was bored waiting, I remember about Brock's offer. If I can somehow use the 《Copy Copy Fruit》 in the Treasury, I might get some amazing gains.
As I took the Fruit out, I removed my gloves. I tried touching it to see if my Devil Fruit Ability works on it and I was surprised that my ability worked. I saw the creation of 《Copy Copy fruit》from a branch at the bottom of the Ocean. I believe that it was part of a bigger tree since it was quite thin, and immediately retracted itself after the fruit matured. It then floated upwards, before it got passed on from different user.
I then know what its abilities are.
First, It lets you copy anything. However you need to know its components before you can create it properly.
Second, you can only Copy things and living beings if you are touching the original long enough.
Third, it will give you the Copy Eye if you activated it through focusing on your vision. It grants you a very high perceptive vision so you can copy an ability or move of an opponent if you can observe the full move. For example, you cannot carry a sword technique if you only saw half of the attack.
Lastly, you can only create a copy of an object or thing once a week. All of the copies created by the Devil Fruit will be stored inside an independent space, before it can be taken out. Its period of staying varies and can take a day or a month before a copy can be taken out. It also have a rule which prevents the user to create a Copy of a Copied Object which means that you cannot make a copy of a sword if the original sword is not with you. It also prevents the user to copy a Devil Fruit.
It is a really heaven defying ability since the copies will have 100% of the original. For example, if I copied a Magic Core from a beast, a copy created will still contain the same energy. Granted that you were able to know how it was formed. Which was a perfect match for the ability that I got from the 《Build Build Fruit》. I finished the whole《Copy Copy Fruit》although it was really bitter.
Master arrived with a bag of tea leaves and started to boil some tea.
"Master, where is the best place to go after we aquire that Naval Business Certificate?" I asked as we are drinking tea in our room
"I also don't know my young disciple. All I know is that you need to get some water from the Infinite Ocean and keep it safe." Master said with a calm tone
"What for? I mean its not like the Infinite Ocean will run out of water." I joked as it feels idiotic to keep some ocean water when its everywhere
"Haha, no it will not. However, I heard in some tales and I also experienced myself the strangeness of the Infinite Ocean. You see, there are some worlds which is a totally far away from the Infinite Ocean. I was from that kind of world and I was just lucky enough to acquire a drop of the Infinity Ocean for a huge price. Which was the reason why I was chased down because that damn pirate told in the auction that the Infinite Ocean is a place full of treasure which cannot be found in our world. I traveled to the ocean and was the transported to an area shrouded with black fog that even blocked my Divine Sense. I was the struck by lightning which gave damage straight to my soul. It was painful but I persisted with my solid will to live. In the end I became crippled from sometime and I traveled this vast ocean, until a Sea King with the head of a horse and body of an eel destroyed the ship that I was riding. That was before I was rescued by your father." Master explained in a leisurely pacing
We arrived at the Pearl City without any obstructions at dawn. It was a really beautiful island which was double the size of our home island. It have a pearl white beach which might be the reason for its name.
There is also a huge Building at the beach with the word MARINE OUTPOST on its roof. Aside from that, the city was bustling with people and there are many ships in the docks.
"Welcome my friends to the Pearl City." Brock said as he came with us as we exit the ship
"So do I just need to present the body of Greg and I will earn the bounty?" I asked since me and master are not familiar with the whole bounty system
"You could just show the head or the full body to one of the Marine Inspectors at the Bounty Department. You see, the bounty department cannot be tricked by a fake corpse so you better be sure that you really bring the right pirate. They are all Magicians who knew Appraisal Magic." Brock warned as we were walking to the outpost
- In Serial25 Chapters
The New Form
One day, Blake wakes up in the body of a hummingbird in a mysterious new world. Follow Blake as he looks for a way to return to his human body and on the way conquers the world.
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The Path to Pacifism is Long and Paved with Blood
Felix is an adventurer. He likes to go out, defeat zombies, loot dungeons, all that good stuff. What he doesn't like is loss of life. That's why he became a cleric. This is a story about his journey on the path to pacifism.
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Immortal Bloodshed
The dark forests hide malicious creatures. Mountain tops and dark caves are lair to all kinds of beasts. When your only purpose relies on hunting those very beings, what else is left but to cause Bloodshed Eternal. So for a less Wuxia-type Synopsis: This is a story about a monster's evolution and most importantly its choices. Our snake will act in ways that humans cannot with our preconceived notions and social instincts. Its desires will grow from nothing but an instinctual attraction towards its element. One that has yet to and never should have come into existence. The element of blood. [Updates Monday and Friday.]
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The Ice Fairy
After the apocalypse a young fairy is born. The girl named "Ice Fairy" awakens in a world of ice. There she looks for her first none frozen love and tries to save the world by the way. It's a story about "love", fanatic tendencies and unique characters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am happy about every comment and/or suggestion. I hope you like my story.
8 435 - In Serial638 Chapters
Delicate as Glass
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Nuri, an [Assistant Glassworker], only has a single Skill. It’s really not fair. He’s worked in the hot shop his entire life, following in his father’s footsteps after his parents passed away, but he’s stuck. Despite possessing above-average talent as an artisan, he still hasn’t shed his [Assistant] status, gained a second Skill, or even leveled enough to reach the first Threshold. Besides, he’s bored; most days he daydreams of adventure and becoming a hero, or pines for the renown that’s sure to be his if he evolves his Class into a [Master Glass Smith], but nothing ever changes—until suddenly, fate strikes, and nothing is ever the same again. These days, Nuri sees more magic, prestige, and adventure than he can handle as he gets swept up in realm-shaking conspiracies and desperate fights for his life. Maybe a boring life wasn’t so bad after all. Disclaimers: 1) Names were mostly chosen through random generators and aren’t necessarily final. If they seem derivative or boring, blame RNG. 2) Skills, Classes, levels, and the entire system is currently a work in progress; please be kind if it’s not very well fleshed out yet. 3) This is the first full-length novel I've set out to write without a single plot point ready. I had nothing in mind other than a recent visit to a hot shop. Molten glass is pretty awesome. 4) Related, I know much less about glass than I’d like. I did some research, but mistakes are bound to happen. If you have a correction, thanks! Please be polite about it. 5) The prose is my experimental attempt at first-person, present tense. I realize it may not be everyone’s preference, but I hope you’ll give it a try anyway!
8 297 - In Serial30 Chapters
She's Ours
Hey guys sooooo...it's been a while heheUmm well I've been getting into more of horror lately So I decided to make a book on some of the slashers Enjoy!!Description-What would happen if all the slashers fell in love with the same girl?Not only the girl herself but with their pears as well
8 122