《Repentance》Chapter 3: Guiding from the Grave


The ghostly whisper sent chills down his spine in the overbearing heat of the room, slowly turning around Shin stares at the shallow grave where the corpse of his friend lay. Slightly expecting her to rise from the dirt he waits in anticipation.....

"Nothing." He says releasing a breath, the chill still lingering in the air.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me? Do you want me to haunt you for the rest of your life, answer me! Or are you too scared to talk to a dead girl?" The demanding disrupting his heart.

Looking around frantically for the source all to no avail. "Sen is that you? Where are you?" he mutters, his tongue feeling thick in his now dry mouth. His pulse slowly starting to accelerate from the unknown entity that was before him, his head spinning from the unexpected ambush.

"Obviously I'm in the ground, well at least my body is, time hasn't made you any smarter has it Shin?" The ghostly whisper says, in a familiar mocking tone. Even when dead she poked at him in a playful way, sending ease to his chaotic heart. Walking towards the shallow grave the air seems to get cooler with each step, his mind in a daze.

"Why can't I see you?" He shouts, finding his voice.

"No need to yell, I'm dead not deaf". The arrogant voice barks back, the air vibrating with every word. "You are still too weak to see me, you should be grateful I gave you such a lovely gift instead of complaining." The mild mouth girl hadn't lost her bite in her passing, which is something Shin hadn't expected. After all the undead rarely came back friendly, at least that's what he picked up from the horror movies he had watched in a past life.


Frowning, Shin's mind swarms with questions, knowing his friend would berate each one he asked. That was after all who she was. Hardening his resolve he replies, "You said I'm too weak to see you, what exactly are you? A ghost?"

A sigh floats through the air, be if from annoyance or pity Shin didn't know, he never could tell with her. "Until you purified my remains, I was a ghost. A lost soul you could say, slowly eroding away, but enough of that we don't have much time your SE will run out soon and until you replenish it I won't be able to help you."

Spirit Energy the ability he unlocked not too long ago, Shin had no clue how to access this ability or any of his abilities he had discovered. It's not like he didn't attempt to try, however, his primary concern was to get above ground. Trying to understand Cosmos intent was something he was slightly afraid of, he did end the world after all. "How am I suppose to replenish my SE, or use these skills?" Shin utters,

"Just go to your User Shin, start using your brain a little. How I died and you're still stumbling around alive I will never understand. Also, you should swim upstream through the water, what kind of idiot goes down stream looking for an exit?" Her voice beginning to fade, as she continues to scold him. Another thing that hasn't changed about her, he wished they had more time to talk like they use to.

"The next time we speak you better be stronger." a warmth flickering in her voice, Shin smirks while picturing Sens face always with a wicked grin. "Or I really will haunt you." She whispers before silence enveloped the room.


Although she was dead, hearing her voice put his mind and heart at ease. In a twisted way, knowing she was already gone made him worry less, then not knowing anything at all. Not hearing her voice left him a little lonely, but he knew she was still around willing to help him if the need arose. Now it was time to focus he thought, before shouting in his mind.

"My User!"

Name: Shin A.Venge Title: One who Denies Death (Active) Maturity: 1 Inactive: Water Mutant Health: 68/100 Regeneration (1/ min) Discoveries: Purify II, Clairvoyant Spirit Energy: 0/100 Regeneration (1/ min) Passives: Chemical Resistance Stamina: 70/100 Regeneration (1/ min) Vitality: 14 Strength: 7 Agility: 8 Intelligence: 5 Wisdom: 5 Fortitude: 20 Will:17

A picture his popped into his head as if he imagined it himself, showing all of his information. To put it bluntly, skills were mediocre, almost laughable to the point he wanted to cry a little. The only noteworthy levels being his fortitude, will, and vitality all related to him being dead in a cesspool until the gem saved him.

Looking at is Spirit Energy the rate of regeneration was only one every minute which meant he had to wait 100 minutes before he talked to Sen again. Only having 11 minutes to talk every 100 seemed like a shit deal, but he figured it was better than never talking to her again and dropped the thought.

Searching his discoveries he focuses on purify, another picture appears, this time with more information than before.

Purify II: Mastery: 70% Description: Cleanse any sickness, illness or disease Speed: Slow Consumption Rate: 20 SE/ per use

Why wasn't this information here before?" Contemplating it and closing the windows, Shin walks over to the now contaminated water looking up at the area he had fallen from not too long ago. Between the time he first tried the skill in the tunnels and now only one thing changed.

"I hadn't discovered Spirit Energy when I first got this skill, so the information changes based on the abilities you're capable of. Anything related to the discovery is hidden until it's unlocked, so you never fully know if your using all of a skills capabilities."

What an irritating way to make a system, it's completely inconvenient to everyone. Shin thought as he scratched his head from a headache starting to form. It explained why he couldn't use the skill before, no matter how many times he tried. The recently added information was in relation to the newly acquired ability. "That puts some of the pieces together, I'll have to ask Sen about the rest later."

With a determined look in his eyes, Shin smiles before diving into the cesspool of water, a light shining at the bottom as the water morphs back to the pristine clear blue. Bursting through the surface and swimming upstream, an inspired shout can be heard echoing through the cavern.

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