《Souls Hero Academia》Chapter 4: A Show of Might and Heroism
"Finally, I'm here," Izuku thought as he approached the gates of U.A. while observing the other examinees. "Funny… How I dreamt to be here in the past, now…"
"DEKU!" Izuku was brought out of his soliloquy as an abrasive blond strode towards him with a fierce look in his eyes. Izuku paid no attention and kept on walking, ignoring the explosive blonde in the process.
This infuriated the blonde, although he stopped and shook his head.
"I'll get him later, for now, focus on the damn exam…" Katsuki muttered as he strode towards the building where they would have their written exam. While Katsuki went ahead of the emerald teen, Izuku strode to a halt as he sensed someone tripping right beside him.
In a quick series of movement, Izuku grabbed the person beside him and righted them up in a flash.
"Sorry 'bout that, but falling down means bad luck," Izuku said, recalling the experiences he had in Lordran about falling down. There was the time when he fell down a cliff, the other time when he stumbled because of a tremor then it led to his death via giant hammer by Executioner Smough. Let's just say that Izuku had bad memories about falling down. "Can't have you having any of those in the test after all."
"Ah!? T-thank you, whoever you are," the person that Izuku saved was a brunette teen, probably the same age (physically) as him, with permanent blushes on her cheeks. If Izuku wasn't so detached to his emotions when with others (excluding his mother), he would've blushed furiously. But his time in Lordran made sure that he would have an incredibly hard time forming expressions with strangers. Izuku also noticed some sort of pads on her fingertips.
"My name is Uraraka Ochako," the brunette said to Izuku as he continued to ponder on those pads of hers on her fingertips. Noticing this, the brunette shyly explained about her quirk. "Oh, these pads? They're my quirk, I can nullify the gravity of anything I touch with these pads."
"… Wonderful," Izuku praised with utmost respect. How he wished he had this kind of quirk back in Lordran. It would've been extremely useful there. Getting to out of reach places quicker, descending down without the fear of damaging one's body, then there are the enemies that rely on their feet to fight…
How he wished he had that when fighting against that asshole of Capra Demon. Do not mistake this, the Capra Demon was not that difficult, the difficult ones were the damned dogs! Those mongrels that chip away at your sanity and health while the Capra Demon smash you with its large machetes. Then, there was the Bed of Chaos... or the Bed of Bullshit! How many times had he died because of falling through a hole when that damned arm smashed him to kingdom come!
All in all, the most frustrating situations he had ever faced in Lordran. Nito was not that hard, once Izuku knew that Nito could literally kill his summons with a swing of its sword, or a blast of its spell.
Anyway, back to the present. Ochako blushed at the praise she got from the emerald teen. Sure, she had been praised before for her quirk, in fact, a lot of construction companies tried to scout her, but she was deeply loyal to her parents' company. That, and she loved them very much.
But then they said for her to follow her dreams, so she aspired to be a hero, to help her parents live it easy.
"Y-you're also awesome! How you moved to pick me up! It was like 'fwoosh!' and then 'bam!'" Ochako returned the praise with a compliment to how Izuku remedied the incoming incident. Although, Izuku had question marks popping over his heads on the description on how he moved.
"Am I a comic book character?" Izuku mentally thought as he imagined the scenario with the aforementioned onomatopoeias. Izuku then shrugged then checked the time. "By the way, if we stay here any longer, we're going to be late."
"Oh my god you're right! See ya, hope ya pass!" Ochako then dashed, letting slip her hometown dialect due to her rushing. Izuku then shook his head and sighed, then continued on towards the building.
Izuku was now inside the orientation area after their written exam. It was dark… Not as dark as the Abyss, but dark nonetheless. There were countless of examinees occupying the entire area, each seated in their designated seats.
"And only about 40 can make it in the hero course…" Izuku sighed, then looked beside him. It wasn't Katsuki, thank goodness for that. It was someone he didn't know, but he know where he studied. "Divided by school? Probably."
The room then went silent when a loud, blonde man stood at the stage. A mike in his hand with a speaker strapped to his neck, this man is a Pro-Hero known as Present Mic. Before, Izuku would fanboy at the thought of seeing one of the Pro-Heroes, but now, he just ignored the fact that he was a Pro-Hero.
In Izuku's eyes, everybody here is human. Nothing more, nothing less. Not to be racist, but to be factual. As an undead, or a God, who knows, Izuku didn't understand how souls are supposed to work. What he just knew, is that everybody here has limits. Case in point, if someone from here was to be sent to Lordran as they are, no doubt they would hollow in just about a day or so.
"GOOD DAY EVERYONE! CAN I GET A YEAH!?" Present shouted into the microphone, trying to hype up the examinees. When silence is all he got, Present Mic mentally sighed. "It's going to be like last year huh?"
"I'LL BE GIVING Y'ALL THE RUNDOWN OF TODAY'S TEST! YA READY!?" he was met yet again with silence, making him grumble mentally.
A huge screen appeared behind the Present Mic as he explained. The screen portrayed three types of robots, Villains, for them to subjugate. Each of the robots had a corresponding number right over their heads.
"So basically, destroy them and gather points," Izuku concluded while muttering all the while, coming up with different tactics based on the designs of the robots displayed on the screen. The other examinees beside him were creeped out for a moment, but when he listed the weaknesses, they strained their ears just to get a bit more information from the low-sounding mutters.
"EACH ROBOT HAS ITS OWN CORRESPONDING POINT! THESE ARE CALLED VILLAIN POINTS! RACK UP A GOOD NUMBER OF THEM THEN WELCOME TO U.A! IF NOT, THEN GOOD LUCK FINDING ANOTHER SCHOOL!" Present Mic stated factually. Izuku could nod his head to this. Direct, straight to the point orientation, no other formalities, although Izuku had a feeling that they were leaving something out.
"Excuse me!" a blue-haired teen wearing glasses stood up with his hand raised above his head. Present Mic acknowledged the teen then he began speaking. "You say that there are three villains, but on the forms, it's said there are four. If this is an error, then this is unbecoming of U.A! We are here to learn from the very best! And you!"
Izuku tilted his head when he saw the blunette point his finger at him with a stern gaze.
"Quit you're muttering, you're disturbing the others! If you're not taking this seriously, then I suggest you leave at once!" the blunette teen stated with force, causing those listening to the emerald teen's muttering to despair. They weren't done listing all of the information!
Izuku just tilted his head even further, then began to retort.
"I could say the same for you," Izuku just stated with a deadpan. "Present Mic was just about to explain that fourth villain, then you had to ask a question about said robot then continued to bash the academy. If that's not taking this seriously, then I don't know what is, except… Are you trying to be a hindrance?"
This got the blunette to stand in shock, while the other examinees who heard the verbal jab snickered. This prompted for the blunette to bow his head in shame towards Present Mic and sit back down.
The screen turned black and all that was left on the stage was Present Mic.
The examinees erupted into cheers as they shouted the school motto.
Izuku arrived at Battle Center B after riding the designated bus. He was busy warming up for the physical activity. As always, to prevent any kind of self-injury, warm up the body first. While he was busy warming up, he was approached by a brunette teen, the same teen that Izuku met at the gate.
"Ah! There you are!" Ochako smiled when she saw someone familiar in this suffocating test. "Sorry for calling you out so suddenly, it's just… I'm so nervous."
She was nervous as hell, trying to find anything to use as something to relieve her anxiety, and lo and behold, the perfect solution.
A talking partner.
Izuku could understand. Back in Lordran, if he was anxious about the future, a talking buddy was always the solution. It could even lead to some good tips. Like that Crestfallen Knight always sitting at the Firelink Shrine.
Too bad he turned hollow in New Londo and Izuku had to give him mercy.
"That's not a problem," Izuku stated. "Nervousness can lead to mistakes, so learning how to lessen it is extremely helpful in the long run. What I do to lessen my nervousness is to stretch. It helps you know."
Ochako beamed at the advice. She did the same and felt relieved, knowing that someone she knows is here with her, even as strangers. She smiled, then laughed, thanking the emerald teen for the advice.
"START!" Present Mic's voice reverberated across all of the battle centers. Once Izuku heard that, Izuku shifted into third gear and quickly ran towards the open gates, confusing the other examinees, as well as Ochako. "THAT EXAMINEE'S GOT A GOOD HEAD! WHAT? THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL BATTLE! RUN! RUN LIKE HELL!"
In an instant, all hell broke loose as countless of teens scrambled towards the open gates, with Izuku way far ahead of them.
Izuku ran as fast as his feet could take him. The faster he could get in, the faster he could gear up and get his stamina back. Once inside the arena, he scouted the area, before finding a group of faux-villains at the center of the street.
"TARGET LOCKED-ON… VERDICT: ELIMINATE!" the robots shouted in unison as rocket launchers popped up on their shoulders. "FIRE!"
With a well-timed roll, Izuku dodged all of the missiles, while gearing himself up. In an instant, his whole body was covered in metal. A blue ragged cloak hung from his shoulders. On his head was a type of helmet, with cloth covering the sides, causing his face to be near unrecognizable due to the shadow.
On one hand, he held a greatsword with intricate designs. The blade was incredibly sharp as seen by how it punctured the pavement below it when it landed. Then on Izuku's other hand, a greatshield made of some kind of metal adorned arm. It was huge, but not that huge as it couldn't cover the head.
It was the Artorias Knight set.
In an instant, Izuku ran forward, two-handing Artorias' Greatsword and sliced a 2-pointer in half. With just a slice, the robot was cleanly bisected in two perfectly cut halves, but Izuku didn't stop to marvel at his work, instead, he continued with the massacre.
Grabbing his shield from behind, he held it in front of him, blocking two missiles that were about to collide with him. The impact was tremendous, and Izuku noticed that this particular shield was not fit for their types of attack, being most of it focused on impact instead of magic, so Izuku swapped his shield for another.
The shield he took was bigger than the last one. It completely covered his body behind its huge girth and height. It was like it was cut directly from a slab of stone, with chains strapped on its front. Just from a look, it was incredibly heavy, and Izuku was lifting it no problem!
This was Havel's Greatshield.
When the second barrage of missiles impacted the shield, the impact was noticeably weaker. Izuku retaliated, quickly switching to his two-handed grip, and bisecting another robot from the waist. Once he was done with destroying the robots, he made sure by stabbing it again, making sure it won't get up.
From there, it just continued.
Dodge, bisect, missile, blocked, bisect. He ignored the curious glances and continued with his work, as efficient as possible, without wasting anytime.
Aizawa Shota was just another teacher here at U.A. Another teacher being one that has the most expelled students on his resume. Right now, just like the other teachers, they were focusing on one particular examinee. Most specifically, an examinee wearing a suit of iron (titanite) quickly cutting down the robots in an efficient manner.
He didn't stop, he didn't hesitate, and most of all, he was incredibly brutal and efficient, only using one cut on a weakpoint to destroy a robot immediately. Most of all, he stabbed a destroyed robot again just to make sure it won't get up!
"… This is gonna be a fun year…" Aizawa thought tiredly as he stared at the file of said student.
Name: Izuku Midoriya
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Quirk: Dimension Storage
"It's time," an animal hybrid spoke up from his high chair. On its hands, a huge, red button. "All Might, would you have the honors?"
"Of course, principal," an emaciated blonde man nodded and brought his hand towards the button, and pressed it.
Izuku continued on destroying robots here and there. He counted about 67 points when suddenly, a huge tremor began to encompass the area. The examinees panicked, but Izuku just sighed. His gut feeling was that something huge was about to appear.
And would you look at that, Izuku's gut was true! After years of honing his instincts, his gut feeling was almost at 100% accuracy.
First, the ground cracked and gave away, next, a huge red sensor appeared, then next came the body… A huge body… It's getting larger… By Gwyn's balls that's huge… It's even bigger than a giant… Are they trying to kill the examinees!?
Izuku mentally exclaimed at the sheer ridiculousness that is the 0-pointer. Who could mistake it with a huge '0' plastered on its body? Its size was even bigger than a skyscraper! Izuku's instinct told him to run, so he did.
He ran as fast as he could. Dodging the other examinees trying to run away from the metal monstrosity. But then, Izuku heard a shriek of pain.
"HELP!" the voice cried, and Izuku told his brain to look behind. When he did, his brain stopped. The brunette he met earlier, also named Uraraka Ochako, was trapped underneath the rubble. Izuku told himself all would be okay, it's just a test, right? But when the huge robot cocked its fist back up high, Izuku recalled his friends back in Lordran.
Every single one of them which he failed to save.
In an instant, Izuku took off all of his armor, and equipped the Grass Crest Shield, as well as the Mask of the Child. He ran as fast as his feet could take him, and arrived just before giant robot could land its fist at the two teens.
Without hesitation, Izuku equipped his most, heavily defended armor in his entire collection, the Havel's Set. With the Dragon tooth increasing his defense even further, as well as the rings that increased his defense, which were the Ring of Steel Protection, and the Wolf's Ring to prevent him from staggering.
The huge metal fist met the shield, and a huge smoke cloud erupted from the impact. Ochako shut her eyes, accepting her death. But when she felt no pain, she opened her eyes, and what she saw took her breath away.
A huge figure towered above her, standing still with his shield refusing to budge from the giant's fist. The figure looked like he was covered in rock. He refused to move from his spot, all to save this girl behind her.
Izuku smiled. Knowing that right now, he has finally saved someone from death or despair.
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