《Reincarnated as a Wolf monster in another world?》Part 3: "training"
I was shocked then I was terrified then I was angry then I was terrified again in the very short amount of time that is 1 second. I looked around for any escape routes I could use to get the hell out of here but unfortunately, the only exit was blocked by that terrifying wolf.
Damn, he probably stood there on purpose too! I continued looking for any way out of here but that was the only exit out of this stupid fucking cave!
The wolf looked at all our terrified faces and smiled or at least I think that was a smile. The wolf looking ready for more growled "Next!".
This was bad I was fourth in line and with one down that means it's my turn to get sent flying after 3 more wolves get their turn to sent flying. I don't think I can survive a hit like that and if I do then surely the resulting impact will affect me permanently in some way?!
Thinking about this I look over at the wolf who got hit first expecting either a severely injured or dead wolf. But I didn't see either. Well, that's not completely true as the wolf is definitely injured but the wolf doesn't even look angry. The wolf looks confused. I didn't even know wolves could look confused.
My thought process is interrupted when the big wolf growls "Next!" once more. at first, I think he's referring to the wolf in front of me only for me to see there isn't one. I look around and see the other 2 wolves...Corpses!
I didn't think he would actually kill us! Shit, I'm too scared I can't even move my legs. The wolf looking angry growled Far more fiercely than before, "NEXT".
But I'm not budging an inch. The wolf's facial expression is telling me he'll kill me if I don't. Fuck why the Hell do we have to do this! I bite my tongue hard enough for blood to drip from my mouth. I take one very small step forward.
The wolf tired of waiting walks towards me and extends his claws. I can't take this shit! In a pointless effort to get away I start to run to the side only for him to move so fast I can't even see him at all.
Shortly after I feel an extreme force hit my side and I go flying into a wall. I open my eyes hazily and see my vision as suffered as I can't see shit. For about 5 seconds I felt nothing until my mind caught and reminded me I was gushing blood from my side by giving me a sensation that feels as someone is hammering hot nails into my bleeding guts. I unconsciously start to whimper in pain.
As I'm busy with that I hear a message in my head.
Requirements to gain [Skill: Pain Resistance] have been met, gained [Skill: Pain Resistance Lv:1].
As I'm now thinking what the fuck that is my pain feels slightly better. then almost instantly after the first one, another message appears in my head.
Requirements to gain [Skill: Slash Resistance] have been met, gained [Skill: Slash Resistance Lv:1]
As I'm still thinking what the fuck I try to get up only to slip in a pool of my own blood I then collapse on the floor. looking around it seems I've lost a shit ton of blood. My vision starts to get worse than it already was. now I'm trying to resist the urge to pass out as my vision completely fades. I can't even hear anymore.
Fuck was I going to die. Screw that piece of shit wolf. It's far too hard to keep myself awake at this point and as I begin to pass out I see another message pop up. But before I can so much as read the first syllable my concinnous slips and I finally feel myself pass out.
Requirements to gain [Skill: Bleeding Resistance] have been met, gained [Skill: Bleeding Resistance Lv:1]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Bleeding Resistance Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Bleeding Resistance Lv:2]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Bleeding Resistance Lv:2] has leveled to [Skill: Bleeding Resistance Lv:3]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Bleeding Resistance Lv:3] has leveled to [Skill: Bleeding Resistance Lv:4]
I didn't sleep well I know that for a fact. The second I woke up I had a slight hope the whole thing was a dream. But It wasn't when I found myself in the same place I almost died. And of course in my new body. I checked the place that had been hit but all that remained was a claw-shaped scar. 4 fingers cut right on my side.
After I finished inspecting my wound I looked around the room(area in the cave don't really know what to call it) to see there were several others in my situation. They all had similar-looking scars on them too. All though I don't know how it turned to a scar so fast. Maybe my species has some sort of enhanced healing trait. But all that really mattered to me was the fact that the wound closed and I didn't bleed to death.
As I was pondering this I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I look over and see it's another wolf though an older one. As I look closely I realize it's a male. I was confused about how I knew though. Before finding out about the scary wolf's gender I had to...well I'm sure one can guess. Anyway now I can simply look at one and know what Its gender was. This was confusing.
The wolf approached me rather quickly. before I could do anything he smelled me and said: "Healthy follow me". I was pretty confused but followed him. Along the way, I was hoping I could ask some things but when I tried to speak I realized I didn't know-how. I tried vocalizing some words but they seemed to out wrong. The wolf looked at me and started to chuckle if wolfs could do that. He then said: "You'll get the hang of it".
Now that confused me. not his words but how many he was using. When I first met that terrifying wolf and heard him speak if wolves could speak then it was only short 1-2 word phrases because of low intelligence or some other reason. But this one seems to be proving that theory wrong.
I tried to vocalize again but only got another failer. The wolf looked at me and said: "I'm guessing you wanna know what happened or why it happened".
"Well to put simply, our pack has a tradition of doing what you just went through," He said
"If you couldn't survive the hit then your not part of the pack and you don't get your name," He said.
"and you die obviously," He said with a dark look in his eyes. I looked at his body and sure enough, found one of those claw-shaped scars.
"There are other reasons too though, I'm sure you noticed the voice in your head," He said
"those skills you got if you didn't get them you would have died," he said
"Actually Raff thought you were dead when he originally hit you," he said
As I was hearing all this I got pretty pissed. Basically, they tried to kill me for a tradition, and who the fuck is Raff!
I tried to vocalize it again but I was so pissed it came off as a growl.
"Mad huh, I was too," he said. "any way that's the gist of it," he said this at a perfect time too as we got back to the cave entrance.
I looked around and saw about 8 other pups. there were also about 18 other wolfs here too.
As I looked around I realized something pretty quick there weren't many females. Nearly all the wolves were male except for 2. The 2 females looked like a tired mess. I read in a book once that wolf pacts usually consisted of one male and female and they're young so why were there 16 males and only 2 females. Or maybe I was wrong because as I said I don't know much about wolves despite being one right now. Hell, this world may not even follow the wolf rules from my world as I'm pretty sure wolves don't have the ability to communicate like we are.
The wolf that left me here returned with the other 10 young. I was confused about why he didn't just bring them with me. He then gathered us Started talking he gave the other wolves the exact explanation he gave me. And also explained who Raff was. Raff was the scary wolf. Right now he was sleeping or something. Then he started to talk about the messages which quickly took all of my attention.
"Now I'm sure all of you are curious about the messages you saw, most likely right before you passed out," he said. "You all got pain and slash resistance skills didn't you," he said.
"You also got the bleeding resistance skill too, of course, that was the important one," he said
"the others were bonuses but that's the one you needed If you didn't get it your dead and not in this room," he said. "It may seem harsh but if you didn't get it your gonna die anyway," he said.
"If you got deep wound you would have bled to death to death right then and there but with this skill, the process slows down, and hopefully you don't die," he said enthusiastically. Some of the other wolves had grim looks on their faces.
The more I was around the wolfs the more I was able to understand the speech pattern thing and notice features on the wolves.
I guess to a wolf different humans might look the same well it was like that vice versa. Before the different wolves simply looked the same though I could still tell them apart by smell. But now I can easily tell them apart. I understand how this process could happen but so quickly.
The Wolf started talking again "anyway basically you needed it to hunt" he said
Hunt? I looked around and saw wolves eating various things why did we need food. It seemed as we had plenty.
One of the pups who had seemingly gotten the hang of talking pointed this out.
The older wolf smiled but not as if finding this funny it was a sadistic smile.
"That's the food they got by themselves, go get your own...by Yourself", he said.
huh? he's joking right. get by ourselves we were only born about 3 days ago. Some of the pups growled. But the older wolf seemed to find this funny.
"That's how it works right now, the males go out and hunt some small fry and bring it back," He said.
"and that food is theirs no one else's. unless it's a major threat or facing food problems we usually go it solo," he said
What the hell!! I'm pretty fucking sure that's not how packs work!! We already survived the Lineup thing!
"Well I'm not that cruel you can form groups of 3," he said. Don't come back unless you've killed something that could kill you.
"If you stay here you'll starve, oh and right by the exit is a lake so you can get some water if you're thirsty"
I suddenly realized how thirsty I was after all I hadn't had any liquid in 3 days. 3 days that's all it's been so far yet I'm growing really fast. I was so confused. Having been thrown into this world this situation. That Fucking bastard did this. That thing that threw me into this world. Turned me into a wolf. KILLED ME.
Yet for some reason, I'm not mad. this whole situation should be hell. I should be longing to return to my world. yet I wasn't. deep down I was excited. I was enjoying this. Finally leaving that boring routine. Life back there wasn't fun. This Was Fun! I can do whatever I want.
I left the cave and walked to the lake. It was crystal clear. I could see my own reflection. I wasn't a human anymore I was a wolf. I looked into the forest behind me.
"And a wolf needs its prey". I said
Chapter:3 end
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