《Dungeon Code》Ch 09 Watchdog


Excerpt from Encyclopaedia Multiverca:


1. n. Battery, or other energy storage device.

~ phone: device which depletes cells rapidly without purpose.

~laser: device which rapidly depletes cells to burn / mark things.

Cable glanced at the HUD; it showed the broken outlines of humanoids moving into the cavern. They had fearsome appearances from what he could piece together, and there wasn’t one without a visible scar.

“Nova, we really need a better detection system for next time. Let’s wait for now, and see what they do. I have a trump card lined up, it’s just a question of how long it takes to summon.”

“Very well Admin Cable, but please note I don’t trust them. They look like mercenaries or bandits. They are both greedy types of people, always chasing money.”

The leading humanoid strolled to the center of the cavern, and held his torch up to look around.

“Brats, we hit the jackpot! Now you know the drill, get in quick, grab the stuff and get out faster!”

“Aye Aye cap’n.” A small humanoid with a swinging tail and gleaming eyes glanced around with careful apprehension.

“Shut yer trap and get movin’! That mage isn’t shelling out coin for nothing, we have to be back before that pansy decides to start experimenting on us instead!”

“Boss, boss! Look at this one! It’s glowing brighter than the others, look, it’s flickering! Ooh, it’s shining - “ A small feathered humanoid with what looked like folded wings picked up the dungeon core and held it up.

“Featherbrain! Put that away and get the rest!” the big one snarled.

Cable looked at Nova, and nodded. “Time to stop this. Last thing I want is to end up in a magic lab.

Set target(enemy): leader humanoid.

Set target(neutral): small humanoids.


Set priority1: target(enemy).

Set Priority2: target(neutral).

Set condition target(enemy): if present, then target and fire.

Set condition target(neutral): if intelligent, negotiate.



The dungeon core flared with light, revealing the startled feather-kin and cat-kin. Green, blue and golden motes of mana streamed out, rapidly solidifying into the shape of a daschaser. Quickly turning towards the leader humanoid, it started whining with increasing pitch as the laser charged. Half a second later, a golden beam of pure energy phased through the targeted kneecap. As soon as the brigand hit the floor, another beam phased through his head.

* Ding *

Congratulations Compilation Dungeon!

You have made your first creation: Daschaser!

This mechanically realistic design has been awarded: -15% costs.

* Ding *

Congratulations Compilation Dungeon!

You have crippled and killed your first in self defense.

Title acquired: Defensive

You will know type, location and number when enemies enter your dungeon.

* Ding *

Congratulations Compilation Dungeon!

You have earned the badge: “I’ll chew your kneecaps off!”

Attacks on knees +50% more likely to cripple the target.

* Ding *

You have acquired the following slaves:



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