《Black flame Devil》Chapter 1 : World End


currently Yù Tian was taking a walk in the garden of his university a sience university in pekin ,

being bored and having no interest in this world ,the only thing

that keep him distracted is his training in martial arts

and him being very skilled but he was always

sensing that he had a dark feeling in the bottom of his heart that is supressed

a beast that is struggling to free himself in the world .


cursing his boring life suddenly Yù Tian heard an explosion the sound

was so loud that his ears hurt , turning to see the source

he was shocked to see the scenery in front of him several buildings got destroyed

and half of the biology building destroyed to pieces , many cries rang here and there

corpses lying everywhere blood splattered , the strange thing was that Yù Tian was not affected

and he himself was not aware that he was smiling

suddenly a loud noise in his head can be heard and a voice out of nowhere began to speak

was changed into something that will surprise you

for I'am a God that want to see you battle in a world of fighting specially

for the strong you have no choice but to become stronger

to live , to live in a world of power, in front of you a box will appear,

it contains a basic first weapon that materialize randomly

may you struggle for your little lives HAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!">

immediatly Yù Tian body began to tremble not from fear but

from excitement , his desire to have an interesting life was delivred

in front of his eyes the box appeared like the supposed god said ,

slowly walking to its location he took it and started to to analyze his

surroundings . what he saw was astonishing things that are supposed to be


in movies , creatures that are popular "Zombies" . they began to attack

all that was moving people yelled in agony due to the zombies bitting

them in their neck and eating them alive it was exactly like

movies what died resurrected as a zombie, quickly making his decision

Yù Tian ran toward the nearest building it was the dorms of the girls , he

entered the first floor and pulled a random room fortunately for him it

was empty he sat on the bed and opened his aquired box , a light shot from it

quickly taking a shape Yù Tian didn't believe what he saw the light became a japanese sword

"a Katana" !!!!

the deadliest and most sharp sword forged in the history of Asia but his surprises didn't end, a flow of informations in his head appeared


Lvl: 1

Name : Yù Tian

Age : 20

Gender : Male

str : 10

vit : 10

Agl : 10

stm : 10

sKills : (none)

job : (none)

experience : 0/20


Yù Tian laughed at the amusing change in the world that became like

a game then took the katana and made some swings with it ,

it took less than 10 minutes to master it completely , he was a genius

martial artist so it was fast ,after completly adapting to the weapon

he took a look at the situation outside by looking from the window

it was complete chaos zombies and blood everywhere students fleeing

Yù Tian immediatly began to think of a plan to escape of the university

suddenly the door of the room with a bang

exploded 2 zombies enterd the room struggling

to grab him however he was as calm as an undisturbed

river then drew his katana he rushed foward

making a sudden movement then with a stroke beheaded

the two zombies, black blood splattered on the walls


Yù Tian with a swing removed the blood on his sword , two floating numbers escaped the two corpses then entered inside his body

accompanied by a slight noise

( Congratulations on reaching the level 2 !!! you have unlocked two points ,please use them on your stats )

Afeter taking a look at his stats a final time he immediatly

took some bottles of water from the fridge, grabbed a bag

and left the room. he killed another two zombies in the way ,

this time they dropped some red coins with a skull emblem ,

he believed that they are some currency , grabbed them and put them in his bag

he made a sprint to the principal door of the dorm, he hide behind it and took a look outside to see

a possible way out but what he saw is only chaos and hundreds of zombies , this time

Yù Tian firmly believed that the world that he had known has truly met his end.

End of chapter .

note : thanks for reading ^^

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