《Ability》Vol.1 Chapter 2- A Black Heart, Pitiless Tears
Author’s note- IMPORTANT!!!
I am changing the heroine’s name, Zoe, to Chloe. Small change in pronunciation, but I’m still changing it. The reason is I took inspiration from a person in real life to make that character. I also took the name... Looking back, I feel stupid for making such a noobish mistake, but, hey, nobody’s perfect. However, this will not happen again.
A Black Heart, Pitiless Tears
Man in black- “Nathaniel, you’re not the only one with an ability.”
Me- “How long was I out?”
Man in black- “About an hour or two, enough time for you to awaken your ability.”
Me- “You mean this?”
The surrounding area turned cold, and a flame circled around my body. But the man jumped back even before I activated the ability. He looked scared.
Man in black- “Whoa now! I’ve seen what you can do with that thing! I’m not your enemy! Here, take this.”
He grabbed a pamphlet from his pocket.
Man in black- “It’s a job recruitment offer. Although you are currently a minor, we can easily pull some strings. And I’m sure the terms are not something you can resist, so check it out and give it some thought. You’ll have to decide by the end of the day, as we’ve already pulled the trigger in terms of your ability.”
Me- “How will I contact you?”
Man in black- “The code name’s Daydream. Mention it when you call the number on the pamphlet.”
Me- “And if I say no?”
The easy going look disappeared, and a sharp glint appeared in his eyes.
Daydream- “You don’t want to say no. I would think it over carefully.”
Daydream put on a pair of glasses, adjusted his tie, and he was back to the amiable man that he had been when we first talked. He then walked away, and turned a corner while I stood there, pondering.
Reaching a decision, I opened the pamphlet and looked it over. The terms and conditions were as follows.
1: The mission is the biggest priority. Any defects or acts of rebellion during a mission will be punished accordingly
2: C.H.I.B.I. is to remain confidential to the all unrelated persons unless otherwise stated by a superior. Any and all violations to this order will be punished with both a fine and a disciplinary period.
3: Outside of work purposes, you can use your ability as long as it is not discovered. Consequences of being discovered will result in punishment, unless by a special circumstance. This includes the use of a passive ability, a confrontation with an enemy, or a family member is in identifiable danger. Outside of these circumstances, punishment will vary according to the number of witnesses and the visibility factor of your usage.
4: In the circumstance of meeting an unidentified ability usage, the closest 3 correspondants that are off duty must arrive at the area as quickly as possible. Blatant disregard for this rule will be punished, but compliance will be rewarded with 1000 dollars. Additional funds will be added according to the difficulty of the situation. And in the likely event of it being a newly awakened, they must be recruited within a week. If they do not accept within the designated period, the awakened will be registered as an enemy.
5. Regular people cannot be harmed by your actions unless specified by a mission. Disciplinary teams will return the harm in full back to the user. For example, if a person gets a scratch from exploding debris, you will also get the same scratch that happened to the person. Resistance will be met with death.
Those rules and conditions were the bare bones of C.H.I.B.I., and there were no areas that listed an obvious benefit, or terrible detriment.
The organization worked on a contract basis, but from the examples listed I could see that they payed out some pretty heavy cash. But this was not the reason I was going to accept the job.
By rejecting their offer, I would be classified as an ‘enemy’. Any member of theirs could hunt me down, and they would be provided a massive amount of information about the target, me. And the minimum bounty was 5000 in cash. If I did not accept their offer, I would probably be dead by the next day. They left me with no choice.
Fortunately, one only had to accept one mission per year, and the only situation a person had to do something was the emergence of a new ability user.
And the conflict between the dates of a week in the pamphlet and the day I was given by Daydream were most likely because of certain contingency plans that would take effect if I refused. But needless to say, I would not take that risk.
Looking at the bottom of the card, I saw the number listed in bold. I memorized it, and then burned the paper to ashes. Leaving something like that in my possession was like holding incriminating evidence in front of the cops. They may not recognize it at first, but sooner or later the consequences would catch up to you because of the evidence in your hand. It was better to destroy the evidence, and get off scot-free.
And just as the paper had finished burning, the bell rung, signifying the start of a new period. However, I had lost track of time within the illusion, and I didn’t know the current period. So after wandering through the crowd a little bit, I finally spotted a familiar face. Chloe!
Waving a hand to grab her attention, I walked forward to her in the crowd. And in a moment, I had reached her. I decided to ask her directly, as there was no real way I could explain the circumstances.
Me- “What period are we going to currently?
Chloe looked at me strangely.
Chloe- “Fourth period. Remember? We have gym together this period.”
Me- “Yeah sorry, for some reason I needed a prompt to jog my memory.”
Chloe showed an understanding look, and the topic changed.
Chloe- “So, I was wondering, what do you think we’re doing in gym today?”
Me- “I don’t know for sure. I heard we were playing dodge ball.”
Dodge ball was a sport that I was better than average in. I could catch most balls, and my power in throwing was among the top. However, my accuracy was mostly dependent on luck. And I only had about a 30% chance to hit my target. Conversely, I had a larger body size, so I was an easier target for others. This also resulted in it being harder for me to dodge than the common body type, short and skinny.
Chloe on the other hand, was usually average in the sport when she played. She could hit the areas she aimed for, but her power was weak. Furthermore, she did not have much of a competitive desire to win. And along with the addition of her now injured ankle, I didn’t have much hope for her participation.
Chloe- “Hey, Nathaniel,” Chloe said, her words coming out slowly, “what would happen if I told you that I didn’t have a doctor’s note for gym today. Would you protect me?”
A string of an unfamiliar feeling welled up in my heart; a kind of gentle tugging that made me incapable of saying no.
Me- “Do you even need to ask? Of course I would!”
Chloe gave off a cute smile and grabbed my hand, gripping it tightly.
Chloe- “Thanks.”
We walked together until we got to the door of the girls locker room, where I reluctantly let go of her hand.
Chloe- “See you in gym.”
I then turned to walk back to the gym, but in my way was a group of girls. They giggled unpleasantly as I frowned. I remembered them from my first day at school, when they were gossiping about another girl as I was walking past. This gave me a bad impression, and as such, I was questioning their intentions. Why were they in my way?
Blonde in the front- “So Chloe finally found herself a date huh? Tired of her anime, so she decided to reach for the stars?”
They all burst into laughter.
Girl in the back- “Helen, no need to exaggerate so much. This guy is from the anime/manga club as well!”
Helen- “Oh my goodness, like really? I should have expected as much from her.”
Again, they burst into annoying giggles. And my facial expression grew darker and darker. Things were about to get ugly.
Helen- “Don’t get mad at me~; It was all true! And I think, you should stay away from her in the future. She’s only interested in anime men, not people. So the further away you are from that weirdness, the better. Chiao!”
She then walked past me, and the group filed behind her. And just as she went into the girl’s locker room, she blew a kiss at me. Was she trying to flirt with me!?
I turned my head and briskly walked to the boys locker room. Words could not describe how disgusted I was with that woman. I murmured darkly,
Me- “Helen, was it?”
I burned the name into my memory.
(Author’s musings: Man, I’m so pissed at her right now even though I wrote the freaking character! Ugh! How does that even happen!?)
Within about 5 minutes, I had gotten changed into my gym clothes and was ready for the day. And I hoped Helen and I were in opposite teams. That, would be a pleasant turn for the day.
As I opened the gym doors, I saw Chloe in the middle of an argument with the gym teacher. The contents were immediately picked up within my ears.
Chloe- “...But that’s not fair!”
The gym teacher- “I’m sorry, but your ankle must be good enough to play if you don’t have the doctor’s note. School regulations. And plus, I remember that paper. The term should have ended today. Are you trying to slack off?”
Chloe- “But you know how my ankle got hurt again! Nathaniel and I were working on the roof for the play, but the roof fell down. And trying to escape, my ankle got hurt-”
The gym teacher- “Lies! Get to work, or I’ll fail you for the week!”
At that point, I couldn’t stand by any longer; I came to her defense.
Me- “Excuse me, but what Chloe said was true. I can verify. And as a gym teacher, it is your job to improve the physical fitness of the students. If you, by ‘chance’, ended up causing her injury to grow worse, you would be failing as a gym teacher.”
The gym teacher- “Shut up! When did it become your job to criticize me, Mr. Belair? The fact still stands that she does not have a valid doctor’s note. And as such, I am not obligated to let her slack off while getting a good grade. You have no grounds to argue any further. Now get in line!”
Defeated, Chloe shook her head and walked down to her place in line. And seeing as there was no use to argue further, I walked back to my place in line as well, ignoring the mocking sneers I got from from Helen’s group. And in the next moment gym had started.
The gym teacher- “Due to a selfish disruption earlier by a select few, class is starting late. You can thank them later. But for now, let’s start the activity. Nathaniel. Go get the dodge balls and line them up in the middle. Don’t delay us any further.”
I knew this was revenge for earlier. But petty provocations such as these were not enough to get me started. I put the dodgeballs in the middle, and then I tossed the bag over to the side. I started walking back as everyone was ready and primed to dash.
The gym teacher- “Go!”
She called the start right as I got to the starting line, giving me a disadvantage in the area of getting to the ball. I ended up rushing to the line, but others had stolen the balls and were now running back to the wall. I would need to catch one to get a ball, as I doubted anybody would be willing to lend me one.
The first ball hit someone on my side, causing them to get out. Wait, how was Chloe doing? I ran over to her, as she was limping around in the back.
Chloe- “Thanks. I knew I could count on you.”
She sat down and rested while I stood guard. And as I predicted, someone thought they had found an easy target. They hurled a dodgeball at Chloe, and that was when I stepped in. An easy catch.
Me- “Out!”
Holding the ball up as a prize, I pointed out the person I got the ball from. He went out, but the other team’s attention was now somewhat drawn onto me. If I showed a moment of inattention, 3 or 4 balls would immediately be coming in my direction.
Thankfully my years in martial arts had honed my reaction speed, and reading had increased my focus. I did not give them a single second of weakness. But then, I heard something I didn’t want to hear.
The gym teacher- “Chloe, what are you doing just sitting around like that? Help your team! If you stay in the back, I’m giving you a detention!”
Chloe’s face paled, and a couple people on our team looked back, their faces full of scorn. Well fine! I’ll just end the game early!
I walked forward with my ball in hand, then broke into a sprint. And when I reached full speed, I launched the ball carrying all my momentum. It flew out like a meteor. One down.
I ran around in an arc like motion and returned to Chloe’s side, waiting for another ball to come. And in a bit, I was targeted by another person. Another catch, another out. I held the ball out, and I noticed more gazes settling on Chloe and I. And in another moment, I saw a ball hurtling towards me. It was thrown by one of the other team’s best players.
That was a problem. Chloe was counting on me, so I couldn’t dodge the ball. And I couldn’t get out, because who else would help her? I had to catch it!
The ball bounced off my hands, but it was not over yet! I dove and grabbed the ball out of the air. Safe!
I held out the ball, and pointed to the guy who threw it.
Me- “Out!”
The guy thew down his ball angrily, and he went to the bleachers.
Smiling, I threw his ball as well, resulting in a satisfying sound. And before I knew it, the dodgeball game had entered it’s final stage. Chloe had manage to fake getting out by getting hit by a ball from the bleachers, and she was waiting for me to finish the game. Our team had me, and a few other people who like to loiter around the back. On the other hand, their team had a few average people and Helen.
Normally, they would of won. But not today!
I picked up two balls and calmly walked forward. And I had already decided on my next target, Helen. Focusing on her face, I suddenly sprinted, and I threw the ball forward, as hard as I could!
Headshot! She staggered backwards, taking serious damage. And the second one!
Right in the gut!
A satisfying oooohhhh, went through the crowd, and I watched as she walked to the bleachers. That’ll teach her to talk about Chloe.
I stopped and made a provocative gesture to the other team. But suddenly, 3 balls were thrown at me. Drop!
I ducked so far that my arms hit the floor, dodging all of them. I almost let out a sigh of relief, but then came the second wave. Roll!
I rolled to the right, and the balls all hit the floor. I was safe!
Me- “Hah! You can’t even hit a big guy like me!?”
The other team didn’t respond, but I wasn’t expecting one either. And as I went back to my side, one of the people on my side who never threw a ball, suddenly ran forward and chucked it at the other team successfully getting one of them out.
Me- “Nice!”
I gave him a high five, and proceeded to get 2 balls for the last two people. And somehow, I knew they were going to hit.
I threw both of them at the same time, and they hit the last two people at the same time! I had won!
And in a little while, gym class was over. And by my side was a fervent Chloe, who looked like the excitement had rushed to her head.
Chloe- “Hah! You got her good; Helen didn’t stand a chance!”
Me- “Yeah, she deserved it. But Chloe, tell me the truth. Has Helen been messing with you lately?”
Chloe- “Yeah, I can’t stand her! They’ve been getting on my nerves ever since the start of the school year, and it has gotten progressively worse since then. But- Oh look, here she come now!”
Helen walked over briskly, and she looked mad. And just looking at her let me know the reason, as there was a red, circular imprint right smack in the middle of her face!
Chloe grabbed my arm and stood off against Helen, while sticking out her tongue cutely.
Helen- “Who told you to hit me in the face!? Don’t you have any pride as a man? Hitting a girl like that?”
Some glances came in my direction; it was clear they were anticipating a fight.
Me- “When did this become about my pride as a man? What you said earlier about Chloe was absolutely horrible, and I thought maybe hitting you with a ball would shut you up for once!”
Busybodies in the crowd- “Oooohhhh!”
R.P. #1 (Random person #1)- “You just gonna take that lying down, Helen?”
R.P #2- “I thought you said you were gonna show him up!”
They had formed a circle around us, and Helen’s face was getting redder and redder. You couldn’t even tell that she got hit by a ball any longer!
Helen- “You and that slut! Why don’t you settle down in real life for once, and realize that you’re not all that! You think you fooled anybody by trying to tell the gym teacher that she really fell? She never tries in the first place, and everybody knows that you two are a couple now. Who are you trying to fool!?” She shrieked.
I stormed forward while she walked back hurriedly, until she stepped into a corner. Towering over her with glaring eyes, I whispered quietly.
Me- “Get. Out.”
I didn’t know whether it was my intimidating physique or the fact that I got her cornered, but she suddenly started trembling and burst into tears.
Me- “Yeah. That’s right.” I said coldly, “Let's go.”
Chloe and I walked away, leaving her in the corner. I felt no pity.
Author’s note 2- Nothing really to say, but see you later!
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