《'Daikon' Ball》Chapter 4 - Start of a Story
“Come in Sergeant Towa. Your report is late, give me a status report… Goddamn it something happened. Everyone form up on the ship and prepare for battle!” Lieutenant Arvpa called out over the scouter to his remaining eight men, preparing for whatever took care of Towa.
“What the it couldn’t have been that could it?” He checked his scouter to find the one responsible and noticed the same power from before heading towards them. What confused him was that it was still at a thousand, it shouldn’t have been able to beat Towa let alone five others so he was understandably worried.
The soldiers waited five tense minutes for something to happen, they took up positions around the ship one took position in the top cannon. The cannon fired and seconds later there was a large explosion over 200 metres away.
“Holy bejeezus that was massive, that would have hurt hehe. Oh hey” A sweet voice called out from above the turret, it’s owner then looked down at the turret operator, his eyes went wide at the sight of a scantily clad four year old girl floating above him with a malicious grin. “Bye now.” Was the last thing he heard before blowing up.
“Ah crap I shouldn’t go and blow holes into my new ship, do any of you know how to repair this thing?” She asked out to no one in particular.
“Men attack! Do not relent.” Lieutenant Arvpa called out, wakeing his men from their stupor. Though Alea was too fast for them to hit. She was in front of one of the men and picked him up by the scruff and flew off into the trees.
“Tell me who repairs the ship and if there isn’t anyone tell me how?”
“All right all right, there’s an automated repair function for the ship in the engine room just got to flip the blue switch on the wall. Now please let me go.” He pleaded.
“Hmm… No.” Alea replied viciously and killed him with a ki blast. She then flew back to the ship and began beating the remaining soldiers. Jumping from one to another she quickly dispatching the remaining soldiers, she would break the necks, stab her hand into through them and blasted them away. Until only Lieutenant remained shaken from seeing all his men dispatched so easily.
“You, how can you be so strong yet so young?” He asked
“Talent and good genes really nothing much. Why are you so weak?” She replied coily, tail waving around.
“You may kill me but you won’t kill Lord Freeza. You will be like a delicate flower before a mighty storm. He will end you and your pathetic race.” He said trying not to show his fear.
“Bitch I am the Storm! Now with your cliche last lines out of the way I’m going to kill you.” Alea shouted incensed, before boringly stating the rest before firing off a ki blast killing the Lieutenant. Done she ‘hmpfed’ and went back to the city to collect her food sack. Placing her sack in the ship’s bridge, she went to find the engine room.
“This space ship is massive, why haven’t they labeled the rooms or got a map for it. So inconsiderate of them.” She said shaking her head, moving from room to room in search of the blue switch.
“Huh.. Could it be?” She ran into the next room and picked something up, held it up and spun around face filled with glee. What she held was the standard RIT armour that was synonymous with Saiyans. The gold shoulders, white body and blue spandex, her eyes were glittering. She stripped quickly and was about to put it on when she smelt herself and ran to the showers. “Oh god I reek.”
Tens minutes later she came out, skipping towards the armour and got dressed. “Hiyaa!...Ha!” She called out throwing punches and kicks while flying. “Hehehe this is so great and it feels so snug.” She says while hugging herself.
In her new armour she skipped through the rest of the ship looking for the engine room. “Ah ha there you are you arrogant switch. Did you really think you could hide from me? Now take your punishment like a man.” She said in an over dramatic manner before flicking the switch. Soon after a computer activated and ran a diagnostic check on the ship, then a large drum opened and little machines crawled out and their way towards the damaged area.
“Huh nanobots, neat.” She shrugged and went back to bridge and began taking food from her sack and sat in the captain’s chair and began eating.
“Ship repairs complete.” A robotic voice called out from the wall.
“Wahh? What’s that?” Alea waking up from her slumber. She curled up in the chair holding her tail.
“Ship repairs complete.” Again the robotic voice called out.
“Cool, now what to do? I could head to Earth and take part in Goku’s childhood shenanigans. Nah to dull, I think I will find some empty world to train on, learn to control the Giant Ape then in a few years head to Namek and make a few wishes. Hm hm.” She ended with a nod.
“Computer take me to a habitable planet that has no people on it and strong creatures. Oh and only one moon. Then disable any tracking functions in this ship.” With that said she went off to look for a bed.
“We have arrived at planet 174. Zero inhabitants. Gravity 15 Gs. Three continents. Three Class B species.” The computer called out waking Alea from her sleep.
“Argh one more minute, one more minute.” Alea rolled around in her duvet enjoying its warmth. Then she lazily floated out of bed, in the full body blue spandex, towards her armour. Putting them on whilst still floating and she began floating out of the room to her food, sniffing around as she did.
Burping she pat her belly while walking out of the ship to look upon planet 174. “I did not expect purple trees, wonder what kinds of fights I’ll have here. Well better get going. Think i’ll find myself a good fight before trying to control the Great Ape.” Crossing her arms she flew off in search of a fight.
A little later she came across a dark cave and decides to enter. “Oh dark creepy cave, there’s gotta be something in there worth my time.” Skipping in not taking note of the atmosphere she began whistling.
As she entered she heard the sounds of scuttling and got into what felt like a defensive position and waited. With a screech they came, out of the dark small creatures the size of cats moved at high speeds with their mandibles snapping and antennae twitching.
“Oh god cockroaches!” Alea jumped back and kicked a jumping bug, turning it into green goo. She followed up with shoot ki blasts at them. Like a tsunami they kept coming from all directions, piling over one another to get to their prey. This was an intense fight lasting over an hour, the bugs managed to bite her numerous times tearing through her armour. She was covered in blood and sweat but despite the mortal peril that she found herself in she fought on with a strong determination and no fear at all. Though she did have a large gash on her left shoulder seeping a green liquid, likely a toxin.
Finally punching her fist through the last bug Alea dropped to her knees panting, soon dropping to her hands. “That was a terrible idea hahhah, really need rethink hahhah how I do this training stuff once I’m good and healthy. Maybe investigate locations instead of charging in blind.” Getting up she wobbled out of the cave back to her ship.
The sun was setting by the time she got back and headed towards the healing tank, stripping off her armour she opens it up and crawls in. “Computer begin healing sequence.” Then she put on the breathing apparatus and closed her eyes as the pod began to fill.
*A-Nom nom nom nom* Could be heard through the quiet swamp, the sound moving at a quick pace never in the same place for more than a moment. Alea could be seen flying just above the treetops flying with little attention to her surroundings, she was eating leg of grilled meat from some poor creature she ran into.
It was as she did this that long thin tail shot out of the swamp and wrapped around her leg and then pulling her down with force. She collided with a tree and smashed through it and then skipped over the water before coming to a stop with the water at waist height, now drenched in the murky water and with glare on her face.
She took a stance began observing her surroundings turning in a circle, looking and listening for any disturbances. Then five metres away from her the water rippled in all directions before a creature burst out, jumping at her while hissing. It was only one metre tall and two metre in width, but it had a flat body with six legs opposite of each other with three, inch long claws each, three whips like tails waving from the top of its body and small head with mandibles and fangs.
As it jumped its tails once more caught Alea and flung her into a tree breaking, but as she fell down she grabbed a large piece of debris and flung it towards the monster and charged after it. As the wood exploded in the monster’s face her fist shot out hitting it in the chin and snapping its head back but it appeared unperturbed by this. And struck out with its claws scratching Alea, she pulled back from the pain and the monster went in to bite her shoulder.
“AAHHH! Bastard!” Alea cried out pulling its head off her shoulder, which only exacerbated her wound. Then span around kicked one of the front legs breaking it before jumping back avoiding the three tails that tried to grab her.
She bounded off a nearby tree and dived under the monster and struck out knocking it into the air and eliciting a cry from the monster. She rolled out from underneath it and got behind where she broke the two back legs. With only three legs to stand on the monster turned very slowly to try and catch, its tails of little use as it couldn’t see Alea.
Speaking of Alea took the chance to grab one of the flailing tails and yank it off the monster. She did so with such force that she pulled the monster down, taking this chance she went around and pulled off another leg with great force. This was when the monster struck out again stabbed one of its remaining claws at her body stabbing her all the way through.
On pure reflex she brought down her left arm in a cutting motion severing the leg, then used a ki blast to cauterise the wound after pulling out the leg. With her vision fading she got up and moved to a tree and knocked it down, then she picked it up and threw the trunk at the monster like a javelin piercing the monster and staking it to the ground making it unable to get up.
Finally bringing an end to the fight she took a moment to steady herself and then with the remainder of energy she took to sky and slowly flew back to her ship hoping to make it back before she passes out or dies.
“And now we see Alea stepping up to the tee, lines up her shot. This is a very difficult course having a three shot par hence why she’s taking her time.” Alea mutters to herself as she stands before a boulder half her size with tree trunk in her grasp.
“Oh she takes the shot it looks like it’s going to make it and … OH AND WHAT A TERRIBLE MISHAP, it went hit one of the local fauna.” The boulder was sent hurtling through the air with a loud whoosh as the trunk exploded in a spectacular fashion showering Alea in splinters.
Though as it flew it hit the head of passing creature exploding like a fragmentation grenade knocking it over as cried in agony.
“God damn that looked painful hehe.” Alea then took to the air and flew towards her new lunch. As she did though a shadow fell over her, looking up she saw a large monkey like creature with clawed wings for arms.
It then screeched and dived down to her.
“Son of a bi-" Alea was tackled down into the ground by the beast as it tried to gnaw on her, only being kept at bay by Alea’s shaking arms as she held it teeth. She then charged a ki blast in her mouth and then fired it. With the beast off her she got up and charged it bringing her fist down on its head knocking it back again.
It was then that another screech was heard followed by more. Looking up Alea saw over 40 of the winged monkeys circling above waiting for the right moment to attack, her eyes actually widened at the sight before turning into a gleam. As her attention was drawn away the original monkey got up and attacked again finally clamping its jaws over Aleas head and biting down breaking the skin. “AHH! You fucker!” She shouted out punching it in the head to get to let go, learning from her last attempt to remove a mouth from her.
The beast finally relented and jumped back screeched calling the others down to attack as well. Alea’s face was now covered in blood and half her vision impaired, but wasn’t going to back down from the challenge. What ensued next was an all out brawl claws rending flesh, fists breaking bones. Slowly one by one the beasts fell to Aleas strikes but each time they were able to inflict some injury or another, weakening her more and more.
Until there was only one left, the two faced off against each other standing atop those that had fallen. They were both panting, exhausted covered in wounds and with many broken bones, bits of flesh torn off. They both knew that they couldn’t last much longer and were gearing up for a final assault.
With a yell the two charged following their instincts, Alea appearing no more than a mindless beast swinging in any way she could to inflict as much damage as she could, even tearing out bits of flesh with her mouth. It was a bloody mindless brawl that ended as abruptly as it began, the two beasts fell to the ground. Until slowly but surely Alea clawed her way up and began devouring the beast in an effort to heal herself, before once more passing out.
“RRAARRRGGHHH!!!!” A large ape roared out firing a large ki blast from its mouth, hitting a large two legged lizard with small arms in the chest knocking it back as it cried out. The ape jumped and brought its two fists down upon the lizard making a crater in the process, then kicked it in the head knocking out some teeth. The lizard's tail whipped out pull the ape off its feet, where it began biting the ape. The two rolled around biting and clawing at each other.
The came to a stop as the ape grabbed hold of the lizards jaw and began to pry it open until there was a deafening crack, the jaw fell loosely just swinging around. The ape then began wailing on the lizard’s head until it was crushed and its head exploding like a watermelon. The ape then cried out in victory beating it’s chest.
The ape then began to shrink it’s hair receding. Once small enough it turned into a little girl of eight years old with defined muscles, standing in a large clearing naked. She still had her unkempt brown spiky hair down to waist, a long tail waving around, blue piercing eyes and cocksure grin on her face. Though she had three scars upon her, one claw scar running from her left cheek half way down to her neck, another scar covering her left shoulder blade and one final piercing scar on the right of her abdomen.
She walked over towards the giant lizard’s tail pulled back her fist and punched, exploding a portion separating the two bits. Then she began to fly and carry the tail with ease heading off to the horizon.
Ten years had passed since Alea landed on this planet, she spent it all fighting. Everyday she would seek out a fight, high in the mountains, deep in the ground and across the plains. She had fought all over the planet, asserting her dominance over the world claiming it for herself.
Only three times did she fight for her life each one marked on her body with a scar. She chose to leave the scars on her as a mark of respect for a worthy opponent. After she recovered from each fight she was significantly stronger than before. Alea had embraced her Saiyan heritage quite firmly, reveling in the fights, always looking to get stronger and having a large appetite.
With a yawn she dropped the lizard tail to the ground and walked inside the ship to clean off the dirt and blood on her. In those ten years she had gained control over her Great Ape form, no longer would she go out of control and rampage she could even talk, though there was no one to talk to. Also with the lack of company she took to walking around naked, due to the fact that there was only one set of armour left still intact.
Leaving the shower drying herself she headed towards the bridge.
“Computer harvest meat from the source outside. When done run diagnostics of the ship and repair any damage in preparation for space travel.” She hopped up into the chair and curled up to nap a little.
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