《{The Dragon Within}; Daughter of Storm》Ch 7 - The Shaman


Clarence stood pale-faced in line with the rest, a rude and horrifying awakening prior.

Kei terrified him, the captain’s granddaughter yet as she paced before them all she greatly terrified him more than the old drunk.

“It’s been a week, so let’s see what you’ve all learned. Go on.” Kei gestured at the area behind her, saying nothing more.

The trainees glanced at one another briefly, but Clarence understood what she meant, she wanted them to go over their usual morning ritual. Clearing his throat to gain the other’s attention, he moved to the edge of the corner they were at, as they had done all week.

Seeing this, the rest understood, moving after him the entire group of twelve recruits began their morning jog.

A full jog around the entire training grounds, then a sprint for as far as you could make it. They began slow, nice and steady, keeping their breathing even and controlled.

Barely half-way, Clarence was already losing breath.

Damn, I hate this part!

He always had poor stamina, causing him to fall back and one by one behind the rest for the next half. As ahead of everyone Liz lead the way.

Bloody muscle-head.

Clarence thought to himself, grinning through as his gaze lowered to her behind, then rising back to meet with deadly ember eyes.

Oooh, terrifying.

He thought to himself in amusement, keeping her gaze with a smirk till she looked away in frustration.

Taking in deep breaths, he briefly glanced up at the early morning sky, tall treetops barely giving way to it.

Ahh, father I’m going to kill you, one of these days…

He yearned, glancing down then at a fellow slacker as she fell behind the rest. Long blue hair and golden eyes that sparkled with the rising sun, also at a loss for breath, but while he lazily fell behind not to stress himself she pushed to go faster.


A fierce expression upon her face, Erika pushed her untrained body.

“Hey, slow it down.” He whispered to her, as she seemingly ignored him, or perhaps didn’t hear him?

Heh…I don’t exactly stand out.

He thought, pushing a little to meet her pace, “Yo, slow down, no need to put your all so soon?” He offered, as she offered a chill when her gaze turned to meet his, ferocity in her eyes much akin to a beast.

“If I don’t give it my all now…then when will I?” Erika muttered out, pushing her pace to surpass several others and almost catch up with Liz.

“Ahh, there she goes…” Clarence sighed, “That’s not what I meant…” Glancing over then to Kei, he had heard from his father what happened every week…

“Well, can’t say I didn’t try to help.” He mused, twenty whole minutes having passed at their quickened pace, Liz finally reached the end where she suddenly broke out into a dash.

Barely dripping a drop of sweat, Liz ran forth, as behind her the rest sprinted after her one by one after Erika.

Feeling the air now turn to wind around him, Clarence dashed ahead too, grinning as he surpassed Erika who collapsed onto her knees breathing heavily.

Then the next…and the next, only the three stamina monsters of the group had gone further than he had. As he himself victoriously collapsed onto his back, hands and legs wide open over the thin grass.

Smirking, he glanced back at Erika, who ended up dead last from overworking herself before the sprint.

She won’t make it long.

He thought, before collapsing back for the brief respite he’d have, as did everyone else.

Everyone, but Erika, who pushed herself to stand back up. Regaining her breath as she walked, everyone watched as she moved on to the next task.

Or maybe…not?




Lizbeth growled as she pulled herself up, ashamed of having to watch a non-lycan move on before her, albeit weary she stomped over to the next task. Coming to stand face to face with Erika, “We have yet to face each other, have we?” She asked with a grin, after a jog and a sprint it was time to spar.

“You all know the drill,” Kei mused, “One on one, no weapons, no Lycanthropy. Build up your body,”

“Build up the hunter within.” They all added in unison.

It is all Erika said, as she met Lizbeth’s ember gaze. As Liz took up a stance, right fist forth and a left open palm close to her chest.

All twelve found an opponent to face, Clarence coming to stand before the largest of them with a cocky smirk as his opponent raised a brow.

Erika stood still with arms low, as Lizbeth before her held her stance steady.

Lizbeth was raised a warrior, father and mother and beyond, a bloodline of fighters born to protect the clan.

And as she stood there, she swore.

I won’t let an outsider join the pack…Never…Not on my life!

She swore to herself, appalled by this indecency.

It is an insult…

Liz thought, as Kei clapped once, signalling for them to begin.

An insult to the clan…

Immediately Clarence’s opponent rushed in, fist rising forth as he came in close. Even quicker Clarence avoided, falling low and onto his hands, left palm pressing into the muddy grass. As a massive fist glided over him, he rolling to the side, replanting his palm.

Then he spun, both legs kicking about and in unison, toppling the giant of a man over who’s back slammed into the ground. Swept off his feet and breathless, his opponent tried to rise, only to be met with a swift fist to the throat.

Coughing and almost passing out from the sudden inability to breath, a pebble bounced off his forehead, as did many others after Kei threw them, marking the losers.

Five pebbles she threw, as one still lay in between her fingers. Her glance resting upon the final clash, “Well, what will it be you two?” She asked.

As Liz faced Erika with wide eyes, meeting her own.

Within she saw gold, not bright nor shining but dim, archaic gold. Something old, rested within Erika’s eyes, a power old and fierce. As Liz’s own eyes grew bright, the power of her bloodline surged forth at the sight of those eyes.

Darkness filled her sight as from that void she saw a growing light, streaks of blue spread wide, sparking into further tendrils much alike lightning.

A blaze came alive amongst the bolts of energy, spread like a span of wings preparing to take flight with the lightning as its limbs. The colours took the shape of a large monstrous beast, a great serpent donning wings.

Then she felt it, the cold hard touch of ground hitting her back as she watched the draconic image dive down towards her and exploding into a flash of light.

Clearing her sight, Liz found herself on the ground and with Erika standing above her, her left hand holding her shoulder whilst her right hand hovered over her formed like a claw.

Her eyes, her archaic golden eyes focused like two serpent’s slits, like a hunter finishing off its kill.

When, a pebble bounced off Liz’s forehead. Snapping the both of them out of their daze.

“I said, no Lycanthropy, that includes you too Darkmane.” Kei announced, watching fur disappearing from about Liz’s hands as the both of them took in surprised breaths.

Clarence whistled, “How’s that for a takedown.”

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