《Seeker of the Lost》Chapter 26
The moon shone huge in the sky, lighting the way for Lianne, Amra, and Faolin. Hooves clopped on the dusty ground as their horses galloped fast toward the mountains. They had traveled all day and the night had already set in. Everything bathed in the moonlight, shining with an otherworldly glow.
The mountaintops loomed in the distance, reminding Lianne of the goal they had chased ever since leaving their home village. Seeing them on the horizon heightened the sense of urgency but also made the journey feel longer. They had taken breaks here and there but otherwise traveled as far as they could that day. They had divided the traveling between calm trotting and fast galloping to preserve the horses' energies. The goal was right in front of them, but still so far.
"Let's slow down!" Lianne yelled while pulling on the reins, slowing down back to trotting. Their horses had been able to cover a lot of distance that way but soon they would have to take a break again.
"Why do I feel like we're not getting any closer to the mountains?" Amra asked as Sol slowed down too. She wiped some sweat off her forehead, her pale face showing that the day's travel had made her fatigued. "Are they running away from us?"
Lianne grinned. "They probably want to get away from you," she said with a teasing voice as she glanced at Amra, who laughed.
"Might be. Or your bad cooking," Amra retorted back, her voice clear over the clopping of the hooves.
"Maybe," Lianne laughed, watching the mountains ahead. Even if they reminded her how long they still had to go, at least they were heading in the right direction.
"Hey, what do you think Clandmere will be like?" Amra asked casually.
"To be honest, I have no idea what to expect," Lianne said as she corrected Luna's path.
Amra's face lightened up. "It has to be some kind of a grim and dark place. Maybe a demon's castle where everyone is actually dead," she said, letting her eyes wander on the horizon as she imagined what it would be like.
Lianne looked at Amra, knitting her brows. "You think it's like that?"
"Why not?" Amra shrugged.
"Might be, but it sounds ridiculous," Lianne said amused. "Maybe the sun never shines there and it's always dark?"
"What if it's inside a mountain?" Amra continued.
"Maybe it's underground? To keep it hidden," Lianne pondered. Without wanting to, she got pulled into Amra's guessing game.
"I think it is only an ordinary town and nothing more," Faolin said nonchalantly. "Sometimes the best place to stay hidden is in plain sight."
"Sounds plausible," Lianne nodded and Amra sighed.
"That sounds boring."
"Sometimes not standing out is for the better," Faolin said, his horse neighing as if it was agreeing with him.
"Do you remember what the seer told us?" Amra asked Lianne, who nodded.
"He said that the place is close to a mountain, in a valley where the fog meets the ground and the dead meet the living. Whatever that actually means."
Amra shrugged while focusing on the distance again. "We'll figure it out when we get there," she said, still strongly believing that they would get there. Sometimes Lianne wondered if she actually believed that or was it her mantra that helped her go on despite everything.
"Right, one obstacle at a time," Lianne said as her thoughts shifted to Kendel. The others didn't know it yet, but they wouldn't even have to find Clandmere on their own. Kendel would lead them, even if Lianne was still hesitant about how to fulfill her part of the agreement.
"Do you think we'll find Yugtrass there?" Lianne asked Faolin, who seemed to think, squinting his eyes as if he could see the answer to her question.
"I do not know, but I have been counting on it."
"What will you do after you've broken the bond?" Lianne asked curiously. Faolin hadn't talked about his plans for the future before.
"I must admit, I have not thought so far. My goal has been to break it and nothing more," he answered honestly while shrugging.
"What if you can't break it?" Lianne asked, looking at Faolin's reaction. To her surprise, he didn't react at all. He kept on staring at the distance, only focusing on the way ahead. "Why did you-" she started asking when Faolin suddenly interrupted her.
"Look," he said while pointing at something glimmering in the distance.
"Water," Amra said while smiling. A small river flowed across their route. Its surface reflected the moonlight clearly, brightening up the night. They never knew when was the next time they would see water, so every opportunity felt special.
"Let's rest for a bit," Lianne said as they rode to the water and stopped. She jumped off the saddle and walked to the edge of the river. She crouched down and tried the water with her hand. It felt cold but refreshing, the slowly moving stream glimmering in the moonlight.
Amra groaned as she got down from her horse. She walked to the edge of the water and sat on the ground. She shifted a couple of times, trying to get a good position before she stretched out her legs and hands. Faolin pulled Myrin to the edge to drink before he walked by to the river, scouring the surroundings.
Lianne let her hand rest on the river, immersed in her thoughts and the cooling feeling. The running water felt restorative and even comforting as it calmly lapped at the edges. The bubbling sound filled the air, echoing clearly in the otherwise silent night.
Lianne realized that she could see her own reflection from the water. She stared at her own eyes and gasped at seeing the image looking back. Not only had her hair turned ashen, but her eyes had changed too. They looked darker than usual, almost foreign. They were empty and her face haggard as if she hadn't slept in weeks.
Lianne stared at herself, her mind going blank. The water flowed forward, rippling the image that stared back. Those were not her eyes anymore, and neither Amra nor Faolin had said anything about it. She resembled the people who told her about the Shadows a while back. Her hair was similar to theirs and her eyes were close to becoming like theirs too.
"Is the water nice?" Amra asked but Lianne didn't react to her voice yet. Not until Amra raised her voice. "Lianne? Is everything alright?"
Lianne snapped out of her thoughts and turned to Amra. "What?" she asked baffled.
"I asked if the water was nice? You've been dipping your hand in there for a while," Amra said while pointing at Lianne's hand still in the cooling water.
Lianne nodded and pulled her hand out of the water, the rejuvenating effect instantly leaving her. "It is," she said while clearing her throat and casting all thoughts aside. She had changed and there was nothing she could do about it. She shouldn't dwell on it now, or otherwise it would only bring her down.
Lianne got up and walked back to Luna. "I might as well try to wash my clothes if we're going to stay," she said while digging her bloodied clothes from her backpack.
"Go ahead," Amra said while looking closely at Lianne as if she tried to assess her feelings. She must have caught Lianne staring at herself from the reflection.
Lianne took her clothes and a bar of soap before walking back to the water. She put the shirt in the water and let it soak thoroughly, hoping that it would soften the stains. Even if she knew it would be unlikely to get them off, she wanted to try. In her mind, she was washing off everything that happened on the night she got those stains.
"I liked that shirt," Amra suddenly said, her voice only a whisper, barely audible above the small bubbling of the river. "I wish it would still be as it was," she added while looking at the water, her expression clouded with sorrow. Usually she tried not to show her grief, but Lianne knew how much everything weighed on her.
"Me too," Lianne said while taking the soap and starting to rub the shirt with it. Foam gathered on the water's surface and soon floated away with the running river. Even if they were seemingly talking about the shirt, Lianne was sure they were both thinking about the time before the journey.
Lianne scrubbed the shirt hard with the soap, the fabric already starting to tear. As the soap dissolved into the water, the stains remained no matter how much she tried to get them off. Those were the kind of stains that were never going to get off. They were engraved to her soul now and would stick all through her life, unable to wash off with a bar of soap.
"Lianne. Amra," Faolin suddenly called out their names in an urgent matter. He was standing on the edge of the water, his back straight and his posture alert. He looked at the distance as if he was sensing something there.
"What is it?" Amra asked, seeing the change in Faolin.
"Come here," Faolin said, glancing around, signaling them to come to him. His voice was silent but loud enough for them to hear.
Lianne didn't hesitate but instantly got up. She left her clothes and the soap on the edge of the river and rushed to Faolin, Amra instantly following her.
"Do you see something?" Lianne asked when Faolin kept on looking ahead, his eyes squinted.
"Someone is coming," he answered, focusing on the distance, concentrating only on sensing what he saw. Lianne tried to follow his line of sight but didn't see anything out of the ordinary on the horizon.
Suddenly Faolin reacted. He took the bow from his back and instantly nocked an arrow from the quiver. He pulled the string back while pointing it to the distance, straight in front of him.
Faolin's actions made Lianne's body immediately tense up. Even if she didn't see anything, she followed Faolin's example and started gathering energy in her hands. She focused only on the flow inside her, ready to use her magic if needed. Amra also pulled the knife out of her belt, squeezing it in her hand.
"Faolin, what do you see?" Lianne whispered, but Faolin hushed her silent.
At that moment everything went silent, the bubbling of the river and the wind disappearing as if everything had stopped moving. Tension filled the air, making Lianne nervous.
A figure of a woman started taking shape in the moonlight, coming toward them from the distance. She walked with a horse next to her, the reins on her other hand. Her hips swayed in the light as her determined steps grew closer to them.
Faolin tightened his grip on the bow, his muscles tense. He pointed the arrow at the approaching woman. "Who are you?" he yelled while closely aiming at the stranger.
The woman didn't reply but kept on walking toward them. Her horse neighed, the clopping of its hooves filling the air.
"Answer us! Who are you?" Faolin yelled again, demanding an answer. But the woman only kept walking closer, not answering Faolin's questions.
"Do not come any closer, or I will shoot!" Faolin yelled, and the woman finally stopped, close enough for them to see her better. Her face was shadowed by a hood but the moonlight revealed a slim figure and an unwavering posture.
"Answer me!" Faolin demanded, his voice threatening.
"Put the bow away," the voice of the woman echoed in the silent air. Lianne didn't recognize the voice but saw how Faolin slightly flinched at the sound.
"I didn't come alone," the woman spoke again and Lianne realized that more people had gathered around them. She had been too focused on what was in front of her eyes to see the other ones arriving. A couple of people appeared on their right and a couple more on their left.
"They've surrounded us," Lianne whispered to the others. "Who are they?"
"Look at their clothes. They are Yugtrass' people," Faolin whispered.
Both men and women stood around them, their features shrouded by darkness. They all wore the same kind of clothing, the markings of a beetle engraved on their chests. Lianne counted ten people surrounding them, all standing next to their horses. It was a puzzle to her how they couldn't have heard that many horses approaching before.
None of the people made a move, almost as if they were assessing the situation and them. Lianne felt her palms tingling with the energy she had gathered. Amra tightened the hold on her knife and Faolin stared at the woman, ready to shoot at any second. The tension could explode even from a single move, making everyone attack.
The woman finally stepped forward and took off her hood, revealing an elf underneath. Her long dark hair framed her face and her piercing eyes stared at them unceasingly. A long scar ran along her sharp features, from her eye to her cheek.
Faolin inhaled sharply as soon as he saw the elf. He squeezed his fist tightly around the grip of the bow, the fire in his eyes lighting up. He looked at the elf closely, small beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
"I didn't think I'd see you again, Faolin," the elf said in a low voice, making Lianne's eyes widen in surprise. They knew each other.
"Who is she?" Lianne asked Faolin, but he didn't reply. He kept on staring at the elf, his focus solely on her.
"Tasar, what are you doing here?" Faolin asked, his voice tense.
Tasar took a step closer to them, but Faolin instantly tightened the pull on the string, making her stop. "I would not come closer if I were you," he said through gritted teeth. "I will shoot if necessary."
"What a welcome," Tasar sneered annoyed while pulling out a sword from under her cape.
"If you do not like it, you can leave," Faolin said firmly.
"I can't do that," Tasar said before glancing at Lianne and Amra, her mouth widening into a mischievous smile. "Why don't you introduce me to your friends," she asked intrigued.
"No," Faolin said, never taking his eyes off Tasar. "What are you doing here?"
"What do you think?" Tasar asked before letting out a long and frustrated sigh. "I got the most annoying task of them all. To stop you."
"Did he send you?" Faolin asked.
"Truth be told, I actually wanted to deal with you. I always hated you, you know," Tasar said, disregarding Faolin's question.
"Tell me. Did he send you?" Faolin asked again, this time more firm, his voice threatening.
Tasar let her hands fall to her sides as she rolled her eyes. "Of course he did. Who else?" she replied, her voice full of disdain.
Faolin fell silent. His eyes scoured the surrounding crowd as if he was assessing them. "If he sent them to stop us, he feels threatened. That means we are getting closer," Faolin whispered silently but loud enough for Lianne and Amra to hear.
Tasar moved the sword in her hand, the moonlight reflecting from the blade. "If I were you, I'd put that bow down and surrender without a fight," she said while raising her voice, indicating that the stalemate would be nearing its end.
"I will not!" Faolin answered, his whole demeanor as tense as the string on his bow. He clearly wanted to shoot the elf but didn't let his impulses take control of him now.
"You're outnumbered!" Tasar replied, brandishing her weapon.
Lianne felt the tension nearing a breaking point. The air was still and electrified, the neighing and clopping of hooves echoing loudly in her ears. The pressure would trigger from even the smallest of movements from either side. The situation needed solving or it could develop into a full-blown fight.
Lianne's whole body tingled with the strong energy moving inside her. She could use that magic to control Tasar's blood and break the stalemate before anyone would attack. She could stop her first and then everyone else around them. The darkness would not take her since she had already been able to use it without giving up control.
Lianne stared at Tasar, imagining the blood flowing inside her and how she would control it. She wanted to feel her blood and to see it flow out of her. Lianne's breath became heavy as the magic flowed through her, making her feel good. She concentrated only on the pulse of her veins she heard clearer all the time. She could kill Tasar easily.
"Lianne, don't," Amra's sudden whisper broke her concentration.
Lianne glanced at Amra, the pulse of Tasar's blood quietening down. "What?" she whispered while frowning.
"Don't use that magic," Amra said, quiet but firm, a stern look in her eyes.
Lianne stared at Amra. How could she have known what she was about to do? "Why not?" she asked annoyed. "I could stop this now."
"No. The darkness will take more of you," Amra snapped at her.
"No, it won't," Lianne disagreed. Her hands tingled so much and she wanted to feel the blood so bad. "It can't control me anymore. I control it now."
"Yes, it will. It already has," Amra said, emphasizing every word.
Lianne felt annoyed and frustrated by Amra's words. She knew she could end the situation, and she wanted to use the magic. "I don't care if it does," she replied anxiously.
Amra's eyes widened as she stared at Lianne. "How can you say that?" she asked baffled.
Lianne frowned. She wanted to use that magic and didn't quite understand what Amra was saying. "I've already lost a lot. Why should it matter if I lose more?"
"I don't want to lose you," Amra whispered, now fully facing Lianne. Her hand on the hilt of the knife had loosened, her whole body almost limp. "You never would have said anything like that before."
Amra's words hit Lianne straight to the heart. She was right. The whole reason for leaving on the journey was to prevent the darkness from taking full control over her. She had definitely changed too much since she was able to disregard that so easily. She didn't want to change thoroughly but something was screaming inside her to use the power.
"She is right. You do not need to use the magic. We will find a way out of this without it," Faolin also whispered, trying to make Lianne give up on controlling Tasar's blood. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, a mix of sorrow and fear clear in his gaze.
Lianne's heart started beating fast, the magic almost burning in her hands. She wanted to release it all, but while looking at Amra and Faolin, she hesitated. The darkness screamed inside her but something was calling her louder. They had helped her through the journey and they were right. She couldn't let the darkness take out every last bit of her. She had to fight whatever was screaming inside her.
"Stop whispering! I see that you have no intention of surrendering," Tasar yelled as all the people around them readied their weapons, knives and swords.
"They'll attack soon," Lianne said to the other two while letting out a frustrated sigh. "There's too many of them."
"We have to retreat," Faolin said surely. "I can only kill one before the others will attack."
Lianne glanced behind them and saw the horses standing between them and the people. "I'll create us cover so we can flee," she said and started to focus on her flowing energy again, gathering it more into her hands.
Slowly and as unnoticeable as she could, Lianne started releasing some of her magic, the wind picking up around them. A small gust brushed her hair aside as her fingers tensed up, the tingling in her palms starting to burn. Amra tightened her grip on the knife again and Faolin tensed up his bow.
"On three," Faolin said while inspecting the crowd around them.
Lianne nodded, concentrating on all the energy she had gathered. Her every vein flowed with the magic, ready to burst out. She was going to release all the magic in one huge whirlwind.
"One," Faolin counted, pulling the string to the max. "Two," he said and Lianne held her breath. "Three," he said and instantly released the string from his fingers and shot the arrow towards Tasar.
Tasar barely evaded Faolin's arrow as it swooshed past her head. At the same time, Lianne released all the energy she had gathered. Her palms burned as her magic quickly raised a strong gust of wind.
A huge whirlwind instantly rose around them, swirling like a tornado. It lifted sand and dust from beneath their feet, obstructing visibility. Amra and Faolin covered their faces, their clothes billowing in the harsh wind that roared around them like thunder. They lost sight of the people and Tasar as the sandstorm created them cover.
"Go!" Lianne yelled and they all ran to their horses, hopping on the saddles. Lianne took the reins and snapped them hard, wishing that the sandstorm would keep their enemies at bay.
They started riding away from the scene as fast as the horses could go. The wind and the sand surrounded them, making visibility poor. Lianne squinted her eyes and lifted her shirt to shelter her mouth and nose.
Lianne conjured more of her magic as they galloped away. The wind picked up around them, upholding the cover for their great escape. Amra rode on her right and Faolin on her left, even if their forms were barely visible through the flying sand.
A gust of harsh wind hit Lianne's face and sand got in her eyes. She cursed aloud as her eyesight blurred, making riding more difficult. She tried to rub them clean but only made her eyes hurt and water, making the sand stick on her face.
Lianne lifted her shirt and wiped her face with it, needing to see ahead. She was able to restore some of her sight but instantly realized that she had lost the others in the storm. "Amra!" she yelled to her right, but her voice got drowned under the harsh wind. "Faolin!" she tried to her left, but couldn't hear a reply.
Lianne snapped on the reins again, trying to make Luna go as fast as it could, despite the sand. Another harsh gust hit her, almost making her lose balance. Little rocks flying in the wind scratched her face with sharp stinging, but she pushed through it.
When Lianne thought she had ridden far enough from the river, she stopped conjuring her magic, letting the wind die out around her. She grabbed the reins with both hands and crouched down on the saddle. She needed to get as far away from the people before the storm would dissipate and they would see her again.
The wind started to calm down and the sand fell back to the ground. The way forward became clear again and as Lianne emerged from the dying sandstorm, she saw Amra and Faolin still riding close to her. They were heading in the right direction, straight toward the mountains.
As the dust still floated in the air, Lianne glanced behind them. The air cleared and not long before the people jumped on their horses and dashed after them. Tasar lead the crowd, galloping fast on her horse, her sword ready.
"They're coming!" Lianne yelled before she coughed hard, the inhaled sand prickling her throat. She jerked on the saddle but kept herself together, snapping the reins once more. "Move!" she yelled at Luna as the horses galloped full speed. If they didn't want to fight those people, they had to outrun them.
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