《Cid Rellah (Complete)》Chapter 13
Steven found out that Cid had broken free from the blacksmith, but it didn’t matter to him. He had planned to let him go free not long after he slept that night, simply because he didn’t want to go quite that far. He might go as far as taking possessions and locking people up, but he was not a murderer. It seemed a good time to change things, as he thought about the person he was and even for a moment found he disliked it but…It was gone moments later and he was the man he ever was once again. He was a rich heir, someone with a business, a thriving business!
Perhaps if he had not suffered such a humiliating experience of being dumped by a Princess, Stephan may have had a chance to change at this time…But humiliation can do such things to a person…As well as that of being afraid of change and what would happen if one does change…
For Steven, this is only the first time and it won’t be the last time of not only feeling the chance to change and feeling disgust within himself but also that for humiliation…
It was Leonard that even had the inclination to continue to come to Pauletta and Benjamin’s house to look around, like a sneaky, old man!
As far as he was aware, his ‘son’ had gone missing and as a ‘good father’, he had to find him and bring him back home! Of course, Leonard had a suspicion that a certain ring was done by a certain someone, but he had absolutely no evidence! He played the caring and doting father on the outside, so that no one would question his actions but…When no one was looking, he was swearing and growling at mainly Benjamin, who continued to stand in the way!
Whether the ring was done by Cid or not, Leonard had to get him back! It wasn’t just the prospect of perhaps being the father of the person who may marry the princess but…It was of course about his own business! He needed Cid back simply because his business was already showing signs of slightly less of a profit!
It would only be a matter of time before Leonard’s faithful customers realize that there isn’t anymore ‘Cid like’ new productions coming and might end up turning their heads…No! Leonard had to get Cid to return and work for him again, even if he had to chain him to the desk!
Benjamin did have other work to do and really should tend to it but keeping Leonard away from Cid was more important!
They were so close to making it so that Cid can never be touched again by the cruel people, so Benjamin was willing to put everything on the line!
The ring needed to be made, it needed to be finished and then taken all the way to the Princess, it had to be done!
David, on the other hand, was in charge of Cid’s safety, when he wasn’t at their house, and did a great job!
If there was one thing that David knew, it was trouble and that people were trouble themselves! He played what he called ‘little tricks’ to deceive and basically made Cid something that was non existing…
Cid found it remarkable that he could even travel down a normally busy main walkway, to never been ‘seen’, simply because David had created a fight or something else, not too far away.
Seeing David smirking, seeing him having fun, gave Cid the shivers while remembering some tricks from the past.
“That time, when something happened not far from where we met up with the Princess…” Cid started to ask.
David interrupted him, “Yes, that was me! I’d already realized then then you liked her and gave you some alone time!”
For a moment, Cid was angry but…He got over it extremely fast…
While they continued to walk like ghosts, Cid smiled, “You knew much earlier than myself.”
“That’s because I’m smarter than you.” David stated, so simply and bluntly that Cid glared at him!
On times that David didn’t have much to do, he did go and see the Prince but that had not happened as often as it used to, simply because he was still annoyed at the Prince for telling his father that he worked in the black market.
He wasn’t angry anymore, just annoyed. His father brings it up on occasion, talking to him about it. How can he remove himself from that place? How dangerous is it?
It was…Annoying!
Then, on top of that, the Prince wanted him to do things like a servant!
There was no ‘Please’ or ‘Thank you’, when it came to that man!
‘Go and search out the noble family of blah blah blah’!
Yes, Your Majesty! I’ll just go and expect absolutely nothing in return!
Being his friend...Is too much!
What no one expected, was the big line up at the palace.
There were so many people with rings, claiming to be the Princess’s new fiancé!
Was half of the capital here!?
Upon Cid seeing this, with minimal work left to do on the ring, he was dumbfounded.
Actually, the ring would have been done by now if ‘engraving’ had not had to be done. Cid calls it ‘engraving’ simply because he didn’t want the words to disappear…He wanted to engrave the words into her heart, forever…
But yes, that is what was taking so long. The new idea of making the ‘engraver’ was made from scratch and Cid was just about to engrave words on this day…
“So many…” Cid muttered.
These were men that wanted his bride!
“Whoa! Make your ring and she’ll only be yours then! Fighting today is not a good idea!” David stated, knowing himself that a brawl had already been started the day before and those men were now not allowed to line up any longer. “They say that a real master is the one seeing to the rings and not someone of the royal family. It’s…Supposed to be fair…”
It also seemed…That there was another type of way that things will be done now, as lining up seemed to be a problem. Well, he could be wrong but to him, lining up was not working and they needed to make things better!
As he was watching, to see what was happening, David tripped and knocked into a woman.
“Sorry, sorry!” He uttered, noticing that she hadn’t really moved.
Was she a rock?
A big rock…
Looking up at the woman, David could tell straight away that she was not from here…
“Do you want to know what I do to men who bump into me?” The woman stated, looking at him with so much…
Stunned, David stood there, staring at what he would call ‘the feminine core’. She was oozing out the charms of a woman completely!
He could see her arms, he could see a tattoo! She really wasn’t a lady at all yet that was the word that sprung to his mind…Feminine…
Already, the bird part of the tattoo made him like her a lot…She was a free, feminine core!
In just a split second he was then punched directly on the face and he took two steps back…
The woman sat down and put her feet up on the table and laughed, alongside to what looked like…Pirates…
She…Was a pirate?
Dam…They had a lot of guts…Right near the palace too…
Where she hit him finally became known as he felt it. She really was a rock! A hard, big rock!
David quickly got his ‘senses’ back and found Cid, running back to him like nothing happened…That there was nothing that existed like ‘the perfect, free, feminine core’!
What woman punches other men!?
What woman is a pirate!?
Yet…He looked back once and could not help but sigh…From a distance, that was indeed what she was to him…Even with her feet on a table like that…
Really? Was that his kind of woman!?
No way!
Cid finally finished the ring the next day.
He had a steady hand and had taken his time, just like his father had told him too.
This ring, well both of them now, was his best work, work that he did not rush in the slightest!
There was a difference though, and he hoped that that wouldn’t matter!
One will be bigger than the other because…One was for her and one was for him…
It was his initial idea anyway but, will they claim that it is not right?
He didn’t want to lose the Princess simply because one ring was bigger than the other!
With one more wipe, Cid put the ring in a small box, then sighed.
It had been a long couple of days!
Now that he didn’t have to return back to the blacksmith shop, Cid bid his farewells and promised the boss again that he will not forget to tell upon which blacksmith was behind making the ring that seemed to be the most popular object in the kingdom right now!
The fact that so much time had already passed by since the declaration was made, still didn’t mean that the subject was no longer talked of!
There was still quite a line up at the palace, now that people have come from other places outside of the capital, and then there were people were just hanging around, talking…
As Cid took a deep breath and added himself to the line, he held tightly onto the ring in the box, now hiding in his pocket.
He had wanted to just charge ahead, being filled with enthusiasm upon finishing the ring, but now…Now he felt like he needed this time to tell himself of what was going to happen.
Apparently, the ring was all that was needed, and he and the Princess would become engaged. He’d heard it from so many people! Rumours on the streets, from Pauletta and Benjamin, even from Leonard who had yelled it past Benjamin to where he was hiding inside their house.
It still didn’t seem real though to Cid. He felt like he had to be someone that could duel a thousand warriors and walk across a desert!
Taking another deep breath, Cid walked forward.
The line only took a long time because of pleasantries and people who demand more after the ring is told to be not the right one. The line could be faster but, it was going too fast for Cid!
He was so nervous, so very nervous!
Making the ring, it was fine! Doing his best, pouring in his effort of his love for her, that was fine! Now…Now, in person, giving her the ring in front of so many…Why…Why can’t they do it in peace, I mean…By themselves?
With the sudden memory of the Princess kissing him, Cid suddenly changed his mind and thought it was better to have people around!
Just, why can’t he calm down. She wasn’t going to bite his head off!
Cid took another step closer and heard a voice.
This voice came to him in so many different ways. Angry, stubborn, happy…
Right now, it was…Bored…Totally indifferent!
Cid smiled and could picture her face. She could also have her arms crossed over her chest and maybe even going to the extreme of tapping her foot!
Ah, the dear, how will I keep her happy?
“Bring in the next gentleman.”
With all the ideas of her voice and how her face would look like, Cid didn’t even know how close he was getting to the front of the line!
“The ring is missing at least two distinguished features of the Princess’s choice ring, would you like to look, Your Highness?”
“Send them off…”
“It’s there, the…The features are hiding or…Or those features aren’t real!” Cid heard from inside.
“Another…I can’t keep repeating what I have already said.” Said the Princess, the voice being bored and upset.
“I can be a good husband for you, Your Highness.” Stated that same voice again.
“Repeat my words.” Said the Princess.
Then what seemed as the servant or person looking at the ring said, “The Princess has claimed to only marry the person with the exact ring as I have expected and appraised, mind you, I also have the Prince, Prince Elton behind me…Oh and Her Highness, the Prince is behind her as well of course! She is not suited for another as it is a promise that had to be made to change the will of a King. As a Princess of a country, she must keep her word and does not mean any ill intent or to be discourteous in any refusal. Please, good sir, take your leave.”
With what seemed like stomping feet, Cid finally saw a man well dressed and obviously very angry.
“Don’t bother!” He stated, before leaving.
Yet inside there were voices too.
“You still need to shorten it, sir.”
“Yes, yes, Your Highness, you are completely right!”
Cid shook his head, how could he leave! Just to hear her being bored and upset, how could he leave her like that?
“Bring in the next gentlemen.”
Wanting to make a specific person smile, Cid calmly walked in and removed his hat from his head, to smile at that lovely face of hers.
Straight away she jumped up and ran to him, nearly falling over the hem of her dress!
“You are finally here! You kept me waiting!” She stated, pushing her dress down again, after having to pick it up. “Show him!”
Cid let out a small laugh and gave the small box to the men, who then looked up at Cid. “Very nice and elegant!”
“Thank you.” Cid stated. It really was just a box…
Both the Princess and Cid heard the intake of breath after the box was opened and the Princess smiled at Cid.
Cid smiled back, having completed his objective as…She was now smiling…
It took another moment for the man to check the entirety of the ring and afterwards he nodded, “It gives me great pleasure to have finally found you!”
Cid nodded politely and looked at the Princess, “I didn’t want to rush making it, only to ruin it.”
“Indeed! I am a ring maker and was picked because…Well nonetheless, I am so honored to have meet you! May I know your name?”
Suddenly, the fact that the long-lost maker of the ring being found was forgotten, as a professional ring maker was beaming at what he thought was another professional ring maker.
“Cid, Cid Rellah. I used to do jewellery crafting with my stepfather but have now broken away and started my own jewellery crafting.”
Cid put out his hand to the other man’s outstretched hand and felt quite shocked to the strength he had.
“Very glad to have met you! I wish to get together to exchange ideas, that would be…”
With a loud sigh, the Princess then interrupted them, “Can we please take this to my brother now! It would be unkind of me to not send the people outside off when there is no reason for them to be there!”
“Yes, yes of course, Your Highness!”
Before another word was said, the Princess took the ring from the man and led Cid away from the room.
Cid stopped her when they were away from sight and smiled at her. He had words to say but didn’t know how to speak at that moment…
The Princess smiled back and walked to be right in front of him, “You’re late!”
“I know…” Cid stated, putting a hand gently to her face, “I’m sorry.”
She let out a laugh and lifted the heals of her feet up and down briefly.
Smiling like idiots they just stood there…
All their dreams had come true!
“Send her in!”
“Come on!” The Princess quickly led the way once again and raced through the corridor and through the door.
Prince Elton frowned, “A Princess…”
“Shouldn’t run, I know! Look, it’s the ring, it’s Cid! Cid is here!” She stated, putting both the rings down and pushing Cid forward after.
Seeing her so flustered, Cid held onto his laugh, and as much as he could, his smile as well.
It was so obvious that she was happy, and that made him happy in return…
Life…Life was good!
“So it is.” Was all Elton stated as he looked at both of the rings.
“That means we are engaged now, right brother!?” The Princess stated, boldly taking Cid’s hand in hers, right in front of her brother.
Prince Elton stared at their hands and the Princess let go, going silent.
“You are to hold the conduct of a Princess…At least until you are married and out of sight of everyone!”
Cid put his hands up and hurriedly stated, “I…I am an honorable man, Prince Elton. Your sis…Her Highness and I…”
Prince Elton stood up then and walked to be in front of Cid, “I would have known otherwise, Cid.”
Cid blinked and didn’t know how to respond, whilst Elton looked from one, to the other.
He just quite simply didn’t understand…
Was it that Cid liked his sister because she was a Princess? That’s what he had heard from many of those in the line these days…
But he knew…He knew that it wasn’t that for Cid. But then what was it?
“By tomorrow the two of you will be engaged to be married.” Prince Elton stated and then went to walk out of the room.
“Brother, please, can we get married soon?” The Princess asked, almost begging.
Prince Elton stopped and turned, “Why so quickly?”
Cid watched the Prince and found that he had not changed at all in so long…Detached…Alone…
He always thought that Prince Elton was this way because of the responsibility of his status but for once, for once Cid wondered if Prince Elton really didn’t feel much outside of his status. Did he really not know how to love someone?
“…An uncle!”
“What!?” Both males said, while looking at Princess Bethany in clear shock.
“Since that is on your mind you will wait even longer now to be married!” Prince Elton stated, almost angrily.
The Princess glared at her brother and crossed her arms over her stomach, “Are you not human, this is what we do! If you don’t marry us properly in two months’ time…We’ll do it ourselves!”
Both Cid and Prince Elton continued to be stunned!
“…You will not!” Prince Elton stated back, losing his normally cold face, to that of anger.
“Then I suggest you state that we are to be married then!” The Princess stated, while grabbing Cid’s hand, “You have two months, brother!”
After they left the room a loud noise was heard and the Princess held onto her chest with a hand, “Wow, I haven’t gone that far before!”
Cid was hopeless against her, “Was it worth provoking your brother?”
The Princess frowned, but then a moment later smiled, “I know what I want, now I just want to live my life.”
Kissing her forehead, Cid heard her say, “I was…I wasn’t…What I said, in there…I meant it.”
Once again, not knowing what to say or what else to do, Cid kissed her forehead again.
Was he ready?
Was he going to be a good husband, father?
Well, he knew the alternative, of not being with this woman, this girl…The stubborn girl that fights everything…It wasn’t what he wanted.
Then…It seemed he can only do what makes her happy…Isn’t that after all what made him happy too?
Cid decided to keep things simple, if he didn’t think too much into things and remembered how much he loved her and loved being with her…That was all that mattered.
He will do what he can to protect and cherish her to the rest of his days!
Diamond in the Rough is about Prince Elton and Alison. One is currently a thief, the other a Prince. With a chance to find out more about what happened years ago, both end up on the same wavelength and even with a bit of what they think of as an out of reach wish…
Based on ‘Aladdin’ but in reverse and no ‘magic’.
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