《Field of Stars》Chapter 10 - A Dazzling Display
A week flew by, taking with it the last of the cherry blossoms. Kaito stood in his room, arm stretched out toward his bedroom wall. Softly, he ran his finger down the crack in the wall. The sharp edges pressed against his skin, reminding him of the last conversation he had with Miyu.
Why can’t I hear you anymore…?
He had repeated their last conversation in his head at least a thousand times that week.
Was she really that upset that I asked her?
Or did something happen to her?!
“Miyu… are you there?”
“Touma is here!” Kanna called from downstairs.
Kaito grabbed his wallet, sprayed on some cologne, and made his way downstairs.
“Dude!” Touma said as he wrapped his arm around his neck and whispered in his ear: “Why didn’t you tell me your aunt is so hot?”
Kaito pushed him off and ignored his question.
It’s gonna be a long night tonight…
“Can I get you boys something to drink?” Kanna asked.
“No, thanks, Mrs.… uh...” Touma scratched his head and smiled.
“Miss,” corrected Kanna, “Igarashi. My sister insisted on keeping our family name when she married. I’m so glad she did...” Kanna was clearly lost in thought for a few moments before she added, “…but call me Kanna, please.”
“Sure thing, Kanna!” Touma beamed.
“Alrighty, we have to get going,” Kaito said as he gave Kanna a quick hug, but then, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Yui peeking at them.
Kaito approached his little sister, bent over, and pretended to be serious. “Didn’t Mama teach you it’s rude to stare at strangers?”
Yui kept quiet, but her face said more than her words could.
She looks just like an adorable puppy with those huge eyes and floppy ears…
“Pfft, fine! Go get your jacket,” Kaito said.
“Really?!” Yui jumped in excitement.
“Only if you promise you’ll listen to me!”
“I promise! I promise!” Yui immediately bounced all the way to her room and back.
After a couple of waves and hugs, the three of them set off on their way to the train station.
Vzzzt-Vzzzt. Vzzzt-Vzzzt.
Touma reached into his pocket and took out his phone. “It’s Himari!” he held out his phone for Kaito to see.
BUBBLES: We are on the train. Where are you guys sitting?
“You call her Bubbles?” Kaito asked, surprised.
“Uh… Well, she’s only called that on my phone… Think she would flip if I called her that to her face!”
“Why do you call her Bubbles then?”
“‘Cause of her bubbly personality!”
Kaito laughed. “That’s rich coming from you! You must be like… King Bubbles then!”
“That’s beside the point though!” Touma said with wide eyes and worried wrinkles on his forehead. “Himari and Sara are already on the Train... That means... That means we are super late! Aw, man, she is gonna be so mad...”
Yui giggled at Touma’s overreaction, grabbed his hand, and then she said, “It will be okay, To-to!” she looked over at Kaito, “Isn’t that right, Kai-kai?”
“Yip, we’ll just have to catch the next train.”
Touma looked surprised at first, but he was soon carrying Yui on his back while she frolicked with his hair.
I guess she has two brothers tonight!
Lake Ashi wasn’t that far from the town, but because Mount Hakone was nestled nicely in between the city and the lake, a train ride there took just over thirty minutes.
After about fifteen minutes into their journey, Kaito could see the start of Lake Ashi for the first time. The lake quickly spread out until it reached the horizon.
Wow, it’s huge!
“It’s huge!” Kaito said out loud as he tugged on Touma’s shirt.
“Oh yeah. It’s the first time you see Lake Ashi, right?” he asked.
“Well… yeah.”
“Wait till you see the Shrine and the fireworks… Man… it looks gorgeous! Not to mention all the girls in their Kimonos!” he said with his usual goofy smile spread across his face.
Kaito laughed, shook his head, and continued enjoying the enthralling sights: Lake Ashi on his right and Mount Hakone on his left.
Shortly after, they arrived at the station. Kaito and Yui were in awe when they got off the train. Tiny lights flickered around them, blinking goodbyes to the setting sun. Kaito grabbed his sister’s only free hand as they set off, following the lively atmosphere and swarm of people headed toward the beach.
In front of them stood two beautiful girls, both of whom donned Kimonos. Kaito barely recognized Himari. Her usual messy brown hair was now smooth, straight, and folded in an elaborate bun, which sat on the back of her head. Wrapped up in a pretty pink Kimono, Himari waved at them.
Unfortunately, the appearance of the girl standing next to her dwarfed hers. Sara looked simply stunning, and judging by the look on Touma’s face, he was thinking the exact same thing.
Kaito elbowed Touma. “Close your mouth, idiot!”
Her ocean-blue Kimono was folded perfectly to underline her curves and crevices. Not to mention her professionally-done pink hair, which made her stand out even more.
“Kaito! Touma!” Himari called, waving them over, then her eyes spotted Yui, “OH MY GOSH! Who is that cute little girl?!” she said as she started running toward them.
Yui quickly grabbed hold of Kaito’s arm and looked at him with a face that screamed, Help me!
Kaito found Yui’s expression extremely funny and couldn’t help but laugh. “This is Yui, my little sister. Go say hi, Yui,” he gave her a small nudge forward.
“You are sooo adorable!” she beamed. “Kaito, you’re so lucky you have a little sister!”
Before long, and much to Yui’s annoyance, Sara joined Himari as they admired and played with Yui’s hair, clothes, and anything else that intrigued them.
While all this happened, Touma was in a world of his own—speechless and focused on Sara.
He really likes her huh… I know!
“You guys look amazing tonight, Himari, Sara. What do you think, Touma?” Kaito asked as he prodded Touma, snapping him out of his trance.
“Hmm? Oh! Yeah… Y-you look amazing t-tonight, Sara.”
Himari shot an angry glance in Touma’s direction but quickly turned her attention back to Yui. “Come Yui! There’s a bunch of games we can play before the fireworks start!” she said as she took Yui’s hand in hers and lead her down to the beach, where there were a bunch of stalls set up.
The beach was packed with people. It felt like the entire population of Hakone was there. Kids, parents, and grandparents were either scurrying from stall to stall, catching up with old friends or enjoying the delicious varieties of foods being sold.
Amazing smells filled the air around the Lake and Kaito could feel his belly already rumbling.
I wonder why Kanna didn’t come…
I guess she will enjoy a nice, quiet evening at home…
Kaito breathed in the atmosphere around him. The smells, the sights, sounds, and the blinking lights all came together like an orchestra playing in perfect harmony.
Such a beautiful melody…
Not long afterward, the group had involuntarily split up, and Kaito soon found himself at the edge of the lake, alone with Sara.
Sara looked at Kaito and walked up to him. “This is Lake Ashi, Kaito. Beautiful, isn’t it?” she said, smiled and turned to face the lake.
Her arm… Is brushing against mine?
Kaito was stunned by her radiating aura, and at that moment, he understood why Touma was so taken by her. He couldn’t help but stare at the moonlight dancing upon her face.
Sara turned to face Kaito, and he quickly jerked his head away, pretending to be very interested in the lake. “Hmm, yeah, I agree! It sure is beauti—”
Horror ran down Kaito’s face and cropped up in his throat. Sara had locked her arms around his, and her voluptuous chest hugged his arm.
What! What! What the…
Kaito’s voice squeaked as he tried to say something, but no words came out.
“Aww… Are you shy, Kaito?” she giggled. “Don’t you… wanna… kiss me?” she asked seductively, moving her lips close to his ear. The sensation feeling of her hot breath so close to him gave him goosebumps.
Sara used two fingers on Kaito’s chin to pull his face toward hers, and that was when it struck him:
This isn’t Miyu…
He snapped out of it and pulled himself free. “Sara, what the hell?!”
“Huh?” she asked with complete shock on her face, then she pulled up the shoulder part of her Kimono which she had pulled down to aid in seducing Kaito.
“Why are you doing this?” demanded Kaito. “You know how much Touma likes you!”
Before Kaito could say anything else, she clasped her small hands around his face, leaned in, and planted a kiss on his lips.
Kaito pushed her away, but before he could process what had just happened, Touma had appeared out of nowhere, standing only a few meters away from them. “Touma?” called Kaito with big, shocked eyes.
Touma ran and slammed into Kaito. They both fell to the ground and rolled over a couple of times.
Touma’s fist slammed against Kaito’s face as the red-headed boy sat on top of him. “I thought you were my FRIEND!” he raged.
Touma was about to land another punch, but Kaito quickly grabbed Touma’s arms and used his legs to push him off of him. “Calm down, then we can talk about it!” pleaded Kaito.
“ARGH!” Touma lunged at Kaito again, but this time, Kaito was prepared. He sidestepped, and as Touma dashed past him, he gave him a little smack at the back of his head.
Touma came to a halt, fell to his knees, his arms dangled against his sides, and his eyes stared blankly out into the distance.
“Just forget it,” Touma said, got up and disappeared into the crowd of people.
A few moments later, Himari and Yui came running toward Kaito. “Kaito!” Yui cried out as she wrapped her little arms around his waist. “Are you okay, big brother?”
“I’m fine, Yui, really!” he hugged her. “I’m completely fine; don’t worry about me, okay?”
“But why did To-to do that? Doesn’t he know—”
“No, he doesn’t, Yui, but I’ll go tell him, okay?” Kaito patted her head.
I need to find Touma…
I need to explain!
As if she could read his mind, Himari beckoned Yui over and hugged her. “Go! Find him!” she told Kaito.
Kaito planted a quick kiss on his sister’s little forehead then ran into the massive crowd of people. “TOUMA!” he called out to his friend, “TOUMAAA!”
Touma sat with his lower back pressed against a tree, his face buried in the crevice created by his arms being crossed over his knees. Kaito, out of breath, made his way over to where his friend sat.
Is he crying?
Kaito heard his friend sniffling as he approached. “Touma… I’m so sorry!”
“I know...” Touma mumbled, wiping his tears away.
“She kissed me...”
“I know.”
“I didn’t make a move on her or anything! You have to believe—”
“I know!”
“Then why the hell did you punch me?!”
“I… I don’t know,” Touma sobbed.
“You don’t know?” Kaito laughed at his friend. “You idiot!”
Touma started laughing as well, still wiping tears from his face. “I’m so sorry I punched you! I— I just liked her a lot, you know? I thought I was in love.”
In love?
“Just what is it that you like about her?” Kaito asked, taking a seat next to his friend. The coarse tree bark pinched his back, and for a moment, he forgot about the throbbing pain on his cheek.
“What do you mean? She’s the most beautiful girl in the school!”
“And… She, err… has an amazing voice!”
Kaito could see his friend pulling his face in several different directions as he tried to find words that described Sara and why he liked her so much.
Just as I thought…
“She’s good looking, I agree. But the thing is, she knows it as well… And she is extremely good at using that to her advantage,” Kaito said, resting his hand on Touma’s back, patting him. “You know love is a deeper connection than just physical attraction, right?”
“I know,” Touma sighed.
“At least, that’s my opinion!” Kaito said, looking up at the night sky, which has started to fill up with stars. “Besides... she’s a floozy!”
“A… What?” Touma giggled.
“A floozy! Something my mom used to say. It’s just another word for a girl that’s kind of… You know...”
“Loose or easy…”
Touma’s smile faded, and he sighed. “Yeah… I guess you’re right, Kaito.”
Poor guy…
“Listen, Touma...”
“If you like her that much, or you think it might be love… None of this should matter though, just be honest with her and see what happens.”
“Nope. You were right… I don’t even know her; I just liked what I saw,” he said, shaking his head. “It definitely wasn’t love.”
“I’m sorry...”
“No! You’re kidding me! I’m sorry! I just punched my best friend in the face without even thinking twice… I’m sorry, buddy,” he said, jumping up and extending his hand toward Kaito.
Best friend?
Kaito grabbed Touma’s hand. “Don’t worry about it… You punch like a girl anyway!” he kidded.
Touma smiled, and in one swift moment, he pulled Kaito up. “I need to ask you a favor.”
“What’s up?”
“I need you to replace me… in the musical.”
Kaito gasped. “What? No ways!”
No, please don’t make me!
“Please… I can’t— I don’t want to sing with Sara. I know I’m being petty, but I just—”
I can’t believe I’m doing this...
“I’ll do it.”
“You will? Thank you so much!” Touma said. “And, Kaito… I really am sorry.”
“Well, you’re gonna feel even worse when I show you this.” Kaito lifted his shirt to reveal the scar that ran down his chest.
Touma’s eyes matched the size of his open mouth.
“I had a lung surgery about a year ago,” explained Kaito.
Touma remained speechless.
“Don’t blame yourself, okay? It’s my fault for not telling you sooner,” Kaito gave Touma a reassuring smile. “Just… promise me, next time, we’ll talk before we figh—”
“I promise!” Kaito had barely finished his sentence when the words blurted out of Touma’s mouth.
The two boys made their way back down to the buzzing crowd of people. The stall lights illuminated the entire beach and revealed Touma’s eyes, which matched his hair color.
Touma turned to Kaito, his head hung low. “There’s one more thing… Can you apologize to Yui for me? I… I know it’s weird, but I feel like I disappointed her.”
Kaito smiled at his friend. “It’s not weird at all. She has two brothers now! But I think it’s best you tell her that yourself, don’t you think?”
Touma lifted his head, relieved. “You’re right! But first, I’m gonna go find Sara. I need to clear the air between us. After that, I’ll come to find you guys!”
“Good luck,” was all Kaito could say before Touma disappeared.
The strong smell of fried foods clung in the air making Kaito’s stomach roar with hunger. He scanned each stall as he walked past. All of Kaito’s favorites could be found there: Skewered, grilled chicken pieces, called Yakitori; fluffy pancake balls filled with octopus; grilled squids on sticks, deep fried chicken, piping hot potatoes and corn; bananas covered in chocolate and sugary sprinkles, shaved ice. The choices were unending.
I should find Yui, quick!
Not long after, Kaito found her sitting on a stone bench, next to Himari. They were already busy eating something.
They are eating…
Looks like Yakitori!
They waved at him as he approached. “Thank you so much, Himari!” Kaito said, bending over to hug his little sister.
“It was no problem at all! Yui is the sweetest little girl ever!” she said, and the two girls smiled at each other as if they were hiding some secret inside joke. Himari turned to face Kaito again and asked in a frank tone, “How is he?”
Must be hard on her…
Seeing him freak out like that over another girl.
“Oh, he’s just fine! We talked it out and... And I think we’re both feeling better.”
“Where is he then?” she asked.
“He, err… He had to go talk to Sara…”
“Of course!”
Himari got up from the stone bench with a fake smile plastered on her face. Kaito was about to explain when a strong gust of wind swept through and drowned out any sound coming from his mouth.
Kaito could have sworn he saw teardrops running down her cheeks, but it was difficult to tell for sure because her mousy brown hair blew in all directions, covering her face.
When the wind quieted down, Yui had nestled herself against her brother and grabbed hold of his hand. She looked up at him as if she required some attention.
Kaito smiled. “Why don’t we go get some candy before heading down to the Lake? My treat! I think the fireworks show will start soon.”
“Sounds like a good plan, big brother!” Himari chuckled.
“I want the biggest ball of cotton candy they can make!” Yui demanded.
“Let’s go get some!”
Kaito, Himari, and Yui followed the line of stalls, down to the beach and toward the edge of the lake. They had drinks, chocolates, bags filled with candies in their hands, and Kaito had a small paper containing fried chicken nuggets, which he stuffed in his mouth whenever he had enough open space.
The lines of stalls illuminated the pathway, directing fun seekers toward the lake. Lake Ashi was indeed a giant lake. It stretched from left to right as far as the human eye could see. In front of them, the peaceful black mass reached the horizon where a line of tall, green trees was visible. Amid the trees stood a mighty, gleaming-red Shinto shrine; its glorious aura drew everyone’s gaze from across the lake.
I wish she could see this…
The thought of Miyu made his heart heavy and his face frown.
“Are you okay, brother?” Yui asked.
“I’m fine,” Kaito smiled at her. “And you? You’ve been so quiet tonight!”
Yui’s lip curled downward. “I just don’t like stupid people punching my brother!”
“I’m sorry you had to see that, Yui!” he patted her head. “But I’m fine... Besides, Touma punches like a girl!”
Yui giggled and stuffed her mouth full of fluffy pink candy floss.
She’s smiling again…
“Kaito...” Himari said while slurping on a cup of green tea.
“I’m truly sorry for inviting that girl. I should’ve known she would be up to her old tricks again.”
“Don’t be silly… It’s not your fault!” Kaito replied. “I’m sure it was harder on you than me,” he carefully added.
“Huh? What?” Himari blurted out, “What do you mean?!”
It was clear as day that Kaito had struck a nerve.
“Are you seriously gonna play dumb?” Kaito asked with a lifted eyebrow.
Himari looked away and stared into the depths of the lake.
“I know you like him...”
She let out a sigh and shook her head.
Is she upset?
“Don’t worry! I won’t say anything!” Kaito gave her a soft, reassuring pat on the back. “But you should—”
“There you are!” came Touma’s voice from behind them. “Jeez, this lake is huge! I’ve been walking, looking for you guys for the last half an hour!”
“Glad you made it! I think you’re just in time,” Kaito responded.
“Yeah, I know. The show is just about to— Yui! There you are!” Touma said, then he dramatically dropped down on one knee and took her small hand in his. “Yui… I’m so sorry for my behavior tonight. Please, will you forgive me?”
Kaito laughed and shook his head.
This guy is crazy!
Yui giggled. “I forgive you, To-to! Kai-kai said you punch like a girl anyways, so it didn’t even hurt him!”
“I’ve got a plan!” he said, smiling from ear to ear. He swiftly picked Yui up and perched her on his shoulders. “Comfy?” Yui giggled.
The three friends gazed at each other for a moment. And in one simple look, a hundred words were said, leaving only bright smiles on their faces as the first bunch of fireworks shot up to the sky.
Thousands of flickering colors filled the night sky in a brilliant display of glittering gold, acid green, sapphire blue, and fiery red flares that resembled flowers bursting at tremendous speed.
A chorus of excited “oeh’s” and “ahh’s” came from the crowd, and the beautiful display above was reflected in the waters of Lake Ashi.
“Uh-huh! I read that if you go there on a cloudless night, the reflection on the lake looks just like a field of stars!”
Kaito wanted, more than anything, for her to be there. He tried to imagine what it would be like if she were there. It was difficult; he didn’t even know what she looked like. His heavy heart turned into a physical pain that seared in his chest. He clenched his fist, trying to keep his tears locked up in his eyes.
“Kaito… ”
“Will you… take me there one day?”
Kaito’s sparkling eyes reflected the flickering lights in the night sky. He felt the lines burn their way down his cheeks, some teardrops rested in the corner of his lips leaving behind a salty taste in his mouth.
He wiped his face dry with his shirt, he didn’t want them to see that he cried, but when he sneaked a peak, he saw that the three of them were fully consumed by the beautifully orchestrated fireworks display.
What a night!
A couple of hours later, full bellies and a passed-out Yui, who was being carried by Touma, the four of them made their way back up to the train station to catch the last train home.
“I should go find Sara,” Himari said. “We did come here together after all...”
“Oh, yeah! She asked me to let you know she would be leaving early… So, no need!” Touma smiled.
“Oh yeah! Get this…” he looked at Kaito excitedly, “when I found Sara—”
“Hmph! I’m gonna go find us some seats so long,” Himari said, she then stormed off leaving behind the clueless boys and their shocked faces.
“That was weird...” Touma said. “Anyways, when I found Sara… she was already busy locking lips with another guy!”
“Ahahah! See what I said! She’s a—”
“Floozy!” Touma grinned. “Yeah, I remembered that one!”
“Don’t worry, buddy!” Kaito said, patting Touma on the back. “I have a feeling you’ll find someone special real soon.”
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Mr. Harsh & Her
Alexander Viotto-Ashford is a man of mystery. He goes through life with an intense glare, not caring who he hurts. Constantly on the move to manage his many businesses around the world, he doesn't have a place to call home or a family to call his own. He has all the luxuries a person could dream of, but not a single soul to share it with because of his harsh nature. However, when he sets his eyes on one particular maid in his grandfather's mansion, they don't seem to move. Rachel Harrison is a beauty that has the power to turn harsh to soft. Struggling to lead a fulfilling life after being dumped by her mother, Rachel doesn't have much to lose when the handsome billionaire asks her for a life long commitment.* * * * * *-COMPLETED-This story is rated mature because of the strong language and sexual scenes. -This book is partly edited, not fully edited.
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