《Field of Stars》Chapter 6 – Unspoken Confessions
For the first time since Kaito moved to Hakone, he smiled on the train to school.
He recently rediscovered an old playlist of songs his mother used to listen to.
She used to say that “a good tune can always lift the spirits.”
She used to be a music teacher and only began working a corporate job during his teenage years. It was around the time Kaito started misbehaving, so he didn’t know exactly what her job was, and neither did he ask her.
After days of skipping class, smoking, and getting into trouble, he would come home to a drunk stepfather and a mother who seemed to always force a smile on her face. He hated what they both had become, but instead of doing something about it, he tried to ignore it and them. He thought the problem would just go away if he just stayed in his room and felt sorry for himself…
No more hiding!
But no more. To honor the memory of his mother and become the brother Yui deserved, Kaito decided he needed to change. He needed to become a better man, and there was no better day to start than today.
The train doors slid open, and he could see Touma’s cherry-red hair pop out from the crowd.
Touma humorously announced on the platform, amid the waiting crowd of people: “Hey-ey! Himari, look! It’s the world famous, record-breaking long-jumper! Mr. Kaito Igarashi!”
“Shut your pie, To-to!” Kaito mocked.
Before Touma could object, Himari high-fived Kaito. “Nice one, Kaito!” she said with a giggle.
With the friendly banter out of the way, Touma asked Kaito if he had had the time to consider joining the Music Club.
“Hmm… I don’t know,” Kaito said, scratching his chin, “does that mean you will boss over me because you’re the club captain?”
“Well, ye—”
“Then, no.”
Kaito patted Touma’s shoulder. “I’ll come have a look today, okay?” he said with a smile.
And with that, the three of them headed to school. It was a decent day by all accounts, and Kaito did not feel like his gloomy self. It was as if the lovely spring weather was warming up his heart.
The day breezed by, and soon, Touma was dragging him to the school hall where the Music Club practiced.
It was Kaito’s first time inside the school hall, and what he saw definitely left an impression on him. The hall was enormous, complete with a stage and second-floor gallery. Basically a replica of the theaters in which his mom used to perform.
There were already a bunch of kids practicing their choreography on stage, others fitting costumes, and some just sitting around chatting.
Kaito spotted Riku, the black-haired boy from his class, sitting behind a drum set drumming to the beat of a song only he could hear.
A pretty voice came from center stage: “La la la la la la laaaa.”
Kaito looked up and saw a beautiful girl standing gracefully in the middle of the stage with her shocking pink hair. He instantly pictured her in a fancy dress with the stage lights beaming down on her.
She must be the star…
Seeing Kaito’s gaze turn to the performer, Touma pointed out, “That’s Sara. She’s amazing, isn’t she?”
The look on Touma’s face was proof enough for Kaito that Touma had a huge crush on her.
“Don’t stare at her too long though… I already called dibs!”
“I wasn’t looking at her; I was looking at you!”
“Well… I don’t know what to say, Mister Kaito, but I don’t exactly roll that way,” Touma said laughingly.
“Wha— No! You… Ugh!”
I hate you!
“Don’t worry To-to! I was just enjoying the song. My mother sang this in the very last play she performed.” Kaito scratched his head. “The play was called ‘Wish Upon,’ right?”
“You know it! Well then, you’re in luck because that’s the play we’ll be performing in front of the entire school!” he said with a giant smile. “Come! Let’s get you settled in.”
“Aye, aye, captain!”
But the calmness in Kaito quickly turned to nervousness when Touma called for everyone’s attention.
“Listen up guys!” he yelled. “This is Kaito, and he’ll be joining us, starting today. Just take it slow and introduce yourselves one at a time throughout practice, okay? Don’t scare him away!”
A few kids laughed at Touma’s comment, but no one seemed too interested in Kaito.
Kaito let out a sigh of relief.
Not as bad as I thought it would—
“Oh! One more thing, guys! He will also be the backup lead vocalist in case anything happens to me before show time.” Touma rushed the rest of his speech when he saw Kaito’s stare, “Okay, thanks, everyone! Let’s have a good practice session!”
“What the actual f—”
“What is wrong with you, you nerd! I never said I would do th… tha-a…” Kaito stopped when he sensed what felt like two of the softest, warmest pillows prodding his arm.
Sara had wrapped her arms around him, and Kaito simply… froze.
Ta-dum. Ta-dum.
Kaito’s eyes found Touma’s, but it looked he was just as shocked as Kaito was.
“Welcome to the club, Kaito!” she said with the energy of a bouncing bunny. “I’m Sara! And I can’t wait to perform with you!” she squeezed even harder, pressing her voluptuous chest against his arm.
What’s happening?
Please don’t tell me I have a…
… Okay, no. We’re good.
Before Kaito could formulate a sentence, she had already skipped off, back to the stage.
Touma looked even worse than Kaito.
He’s as pale as a ghost!
Kaito felt bad. “Don’t worry, buddy! You called dibs, remember?” he patted Touma on his back, trying to reassure him.
Kaito was glad he came to the Music Club practice; he was loving it.
The stage really suits him!
Touma was hilarious on stage, and his voice was good enough to keep up with Sara’s.
At times, Kaito felt like singing along but kept himself in check.
I’m not on any painkillers today; there’s no reason to randomly start singing in public again!
After practice, Touma and Kaito met up with Himari, who had just finished with handball practice. She mentioned something about a fireworks festival on their way to the train station, but Kaito was distracted, still singing songs in his head. And he vaguely remembered giving her his phone so that she could add her Shine ID.
The last thing Kaito heard her say was: “I’ll send you guys some more info soon, okay!” The rest of the exchange was dreamy—his absent-mindedness had kicked in, in full force.
When Kaito arrived home that day, he made his way upstairs so fast that he forgot to remove his shoes. As he entered his room, he heard the lovely sounds of Miyu’s guitar emanating from the crack in his bedroom wall.
“Good afternoon!”
The sounds stopped abruptly.
“Wha—! Oh! I’ll never get used to this, I swear!” she beamed. “Hey, Kaito! How are you today?”
“Actually… pretty good to be honest. It’s been an amazing day so far… and you? You kinda… disappeared last night?”
“Oh, that! Yeah… Let’s not talk about that just yet! Instead, tell me about your day! I’d love to hear about your amazing day!”
Let’s not talk about that Just yet? Hmm…
“Let’s see, I’ll make you a deal, okay?”
“Okay! I’m listening,” Miyu said.
“I’ll tell you all about my day—”
“If I tell you why I disappeared last night?” she cut in.
Kaito had to laugh at just how quick she caught on. “Well… Yes.”
“Hmm… Why don’t we just play a game of Ten Questions instead?”
“Do you mean like, we each get to ask the other ten questions? No matter what they are?”
“Yes, exactly! One for me, then one for you… back and forth; or are you scared, Kaito?” Miyu giggled.
“What? No! I’m not scared at all! In fact, you can go first.”
This is going to be interesting…
“Yay!” Miyu approved. “Okay, question number one: What made your day amazing?”
Clever girl…
“Well, after my sister, Yui, got really upset at me last night, I decided I needed to stop hiding from opportunities, and I, well… joined the Music Club at school. I actually really enjoyed it; plus for some reason, Yui really wants me to sing… so, I’m sure she’ll be happy when I tell her.”
“Well, you have such an am— Err... I mean, such a good voice! Why wouldn’t you join?”
“Nah, ah! That’s two questions in a row, young lady!” Kaito joked, trying his best not to translate the temperature of his cheeks into sounds.
“Young lady!? You don’t even know how old I am!”
“Okay then, how old are you?”
“S-sixteen...” she confessed. “And you?”
She sounds so cute!
“I’m seventeen… young lady!”
“Very funny, Kaito! But you’re still just a boy yourself!”
Kaito breathed in deep.
“So, Miyu… Are you gonna tell me?”
He instantly regretted asking.
A few moments of silence passed.
The tone of Miyu’s voice went from happy to extremely gloomy.
“It’s my dad…”
That’s what I thought…
“He is just so… so unbearably strict! I can’t go anywhere! He has gotten extremely overprotective since my mom passed away, and it’s gotten to the point where I’m not even allowed to step foot outside of this house!”
“What… the hell? That’s horrible!”
“Just imagine his reaction if he somehow figured out I was talking to a boy from within my room,” Miyu’s words shuddered. “He would… FREAK OUT!”
Well… definitely don’t want that to happen!
“That… I don’t know what to say. That just sucks. And you can never leave your house?”
“No, not even to visit my mom’s grave...”
Kaito could hear her sniffle and knew she was shedding tears. He hated having a wall between them. All he wanted to do was give her a hug, but that was simply impossible.
I’m such an idiot! I should’ve just left it…
“Miyu…” Kaito wasn’t sure what to say. “I’m so sorry, Miyu… I should’ve just left it.”
“No! Don’t be!” she said. “It’s just really frustrating, but I think having someone to talk to helps… quite a lot.”
“You think?”
“I know...”
A few quiet minutes ticked by as the two of them sat alone in their rooms, but somehow they were connected, and in that moment, they both felt a little less lonely.
“If you could have one wish, what would it be?”
“I guess… I’d wish for the ability to turn back the hands of time.”
“Do you mean… because of your mother?”
“Yeah. I think if I had more time, I might’ve been able to save her...”
“I’m not sure what happened, Kaito… but I think,” Miyu cleared her throat, “I think that life is too short and time is way too precious. You might just end up regretting spending too much time thinking about the past.”
Her words rang inside Kaito’s body. He knew what she’d said was true, but he just couldn’t help feeling like there was something he could’ve done to save her.
“Thank you, Miyu. What about you? What would you wish for?”
“Hmm! I’d definitely wish for my freedom!” she blurted out. “But one thing I’ve always wanted to do is… go to Lake Ashi at midnight!”
“At midnight?”
“Uh-huh! I read that if you go there on a cloudless night, the reflection on the lake looks just like a field of stars!”
“Wow! That sounds amazing!”
Hmm, that really does sound cool…
“Will you… take me there one day?”
“Wha—! Me? I… err, yeah, of course, I will!”
“Promise me!”
“I promise, Miyu,” he said softly.
What was that about?
“Shoot! My dad is calling me! I ha—”
“You have to go again?”
“Yeah… I’m sorry.”
“No need! I just wish we could talk more… Maybe I could text you?”
“I’m not allowed a phone, Kaito.”
Of course not!
“I really gotta go! Bye, Kaito.”
Aaaand, she’s gone again.
Kaito got up from the spot on the floor where he had been sitting and walked over to his bed. Just as his head hit his pillow, he felt a strong vibration in his pocket: VZZZT! VZZZT!
What the…
Touma’s face appeared on Kaito’s phone with a bunch of messages running down the screen.
TOUMA: Kaito, you there?
TOUMA: Kaitoooooo!!!
TOUMA: Just wanted to ask you what you think of Sara?
Is this guy for real…
KAITO: Who is this?
TOUMA: It’s me, Touma! I installed this app on your phone remember?
KAITO: Touma who?
TOUMA: Haha very funny…
KAITO: To-to, listen up! I think Sara is pretty cool but I don’t like her in that way!
KAITO: Besides, I think there is someone else I like…
TOUMA: WHAT! REALLY!? Who is it???? Do i know her?
TOUMA: Is she cute? What does she look like? Send me a picture!!!!
KAITO: I don’t know…
TOUMA: You don’t even know what she looks like?! That’s a big no-no buddy!
He’s right, I don’t know what she looks like…
But I still like her…
TOUMA: You still there??
KAITO: Just mind your own business! Why don’t you just tell Sara how you feel already?
TOUMA: I’m working my way up to it!
KAITO: It’s okay, I have her number. I’ll just message her and let her know about the huge crush you have on her.
Kaito didn’t have Sara’s number, but he thought it was funny hearing his phone constantly vibrate for the rest of the evening until the battery died.
Spring was in full bloom with the sun shining longer and the days getting warmer.
“Do you guys have plans for summer vacation yet?” Himari asked.
Touma and Kaito looked at each other and shook their heads.
“Why?” Kaito asked.
“No reason! I was just wondering,” she said with a smile. “Anyways, I’m off to class; I need to have a quick word with the professor.”
Kaito didn’t pay much attention to what Himari was saying. It was starting to get uncomfortably hot, and the one thing Kaito was grateful for was that he wasn’t required to wear a uniform at this school.
“That’s it!” Touma said.
“What’s it?”
“I know what we should do this summer!” he said with a huge smile on his face.
I bet he’s up to something again…
“And that would be?”
“We’re going to Odawara this summer!!” Touma responded, bouncing with excitement. “We can visit the castle, museum, and the beach!”
“Hmm… Sounds like there would be a lot of people.”
“Oh, come on! Don’t be such a Freddie Frowner!”
A Freddie F—
“A what? You mean— Ugh, never mind.”
“Just think about it! Girls in bikinis everywhere!”
“Touma… You have just that one thing on your mind, don’t you?”
“Ah-ha! In my book, a pair counts as two, my friend!” Touma cackled as if he was some villain in a comic book.
Such a funny guy…
“Oh, shiii—” Kaito felt a stab in his side “Dude, come one! We’re gonna be late for bio!”
“Huh? Oh, yeah! Sure.”
A few moments later, the two boys stumbled into the classroom.
Professor Yoshida’s voice silenced the snickering classroom: “Mr. Maki, Mr. Igarashi. I’m glad you could join us. Today we are discussing the Great Hornbill,” said the professor, stroking his gray beard.
The two boys stood rooted, staring at the professor. Kaito thought the professor looked oddly calm, but judging by the look on his friend’s face, he should have been panicking as well.
“Can either one of you tell me anything about the Great Hornbill? Hmm… No?”
Both boys shook their heads vigorously.
“Then I would suggest taking your seats and paying close attention. The two of you will stay after class and do a pop quiz.”
Kaito had hoped he could talk to Miyu again after school.
Annoyed with himself he fell into his chair and let out a loud sigh.
“Have I made myself clear?” Professor Yoshida asked.
“Sir, yes, sir!” Touma responded instantly.
The entire class broke out in laughter. And Touma could only relax when he saw that the professor joined in the laughter.
Gregarious. The word just popped into Kaito’s head. A word his mom often used to describe certain people. The word perfectly described Touma.
Professor Yoshida continued with his lesson: “The Great Hornbill is a large bird; it is the heaviest, but not the longest, Asian hornbill...”
Kaito tried his best to pay attention, but he couldn’t get Miyu out of his head.
I promised her I would take her to Lake Ashi…
How the hell am I gonna do that?
“...during the breeding season, great hornbills become very vocal. They sing loud duets, beginning with a loud kok sound given about once a second by the male, to which the female joins in.”
Will she be there when I get home?
“...and they choose their mates for life.”
There must be a way I can see her…
Kaito pulled at his messy hair and tried to switch his focus to the professor.
The sooner I ace this pop quiz, the sooner I can go home.
“The female hornbill would build a nest in the hollow of a large tree trunk. She remains imprisoned there, relying on the male to bring her food.”
The professor droned on and on until finally, the school bell chimed. The squeaking sounds of chairs and tables rang throughout the entire school. Bright faces and smiles vacated the classroom, but two frowns remained behind.
The professor started writing out a bunch of questions on his blackboard, and Kaito wrote down the answers as fast as the questions appeared on the board.
When he got up from his chair, Touma’s puppy-eyes were fixed on him, imploring Kaito not to leave him behind.
Sorry, buddy, not today.
Professor Yoshida quickly scanned Kaito’s answers. “Good job, Kaito, now you can go to her!”
Shocked, Kaito asked, “Excuse me, Professor, what did you say?”
“I said you did a good job, Kaito, and now you can go home!” the professor answered, looking at Kaito with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, yeah, sure. Thanks, Professor!” Kaito nodded, slung his bag over his shoulder and broke into a run.
Kaito knew he had to run to the station at full speed to catch his next train. Hakone was a small town, and the trains there didn’t stop as often as they did back in Tokyo.
With about a minute to spare before the train departed, Kaito made it to the platform. Panting heavily, he spotted Himari and then made his way over to where she sat.
“Aww, Kaito, did you run all the way here for me?” Himari asked in a high-pitched, teasing voice.
“You wish, little girl!” he jested while taking a seat next to her.
“L-little g-girl-”
“Relax, I was just kidding!”
Ah, man, I should stop using this joke. No one finds it funny.
“Kaito… I don’t know how to tell you this but… that’s a very rude thing to say to a girl from this town!”
Damn… She looks seriously offended…
“Oh.. wow. I didn’t know! I’m so sorry, Himar—”
“HA! You believed me! Huehuehue!” Himari was laughing so loud she had to cover her mouth with her hands.
She's enjoying this way too much...
Blushing, Kaito scratched his head and tried to smile away all the stares from the people on the train.
Doesn’t look like she even cares about the people staring…
Wish I could be that carefree.
Or maybe she hasn’t even noticed.
“Kaito.” Her tone changed suddenly when she called his name.
“Do you think Touma has a crush on someone?” she asked while staring out the window.
“Ah. Um, I actually don’t know. He hasn’t mentioned anything...” Kaito was baffled by the question.
Does she like him?
“Uh… Why?” he asked.
Kaito thought she wasn’t going to respond, but then she said, “Oh, it’s nothing like that, Kaito!” she replied with a fake smile on her face. “I just want a bunch of us to go to the fireworks festival, and well if he has a crush... I could invite her as well!”.
Is she trying to convince me, or herself…
“Well, now that I think about it, he was going on and on about the girl with the pink hair.”
“Sara? Ugh,” she said pulling a disgusted face. “Guess I’ll have to invite her.”
Should I say something?
Kaito’s stop approached before he could come up with a better response than “See you tomorrow.”
Did she like Touma… more than just friends?
After knocking on his bedroom wall a couple of times, he realized that Miyu wasn’t there, so Kaito spent his afternoon relaxing on his bed, thinking of all the things he wanted to ask Miyu.
His time spent daydreaming came to an end with a loud knock on his door, followed by his sister’s voice: “Kaitooo-ooo! Are you awake? Aunt-mommy said you have to come set the table. KAITO!”
Kaito kept his eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.
I owe her for last time.
Kaito could hear her sneaking around him, and just as Yui extended her hand to tickle him, he jumped. “Whah! Mwahaha! Now I got you!” he yelled wickedly, waving his arms around.
Screaming at the top of her lungs, Yui ran out of the room.
Kaito burst out laughing.
Ah man, that was a good one!
Making his way downstairs, he had to wipe away the tears forming in his eyes.
“Guys, the whole neighborhood can hear you! Keep it down,” Kanna called out from the kitchen. “Otherwise I will get involved, and trust me, you don’t want that!”
“Oooh! Watch out, Kaito! Aunt-mommy is gonna get involved as well!” Yui yelled mockingly.
Kaito couldn’t help but laugh.
I’m surrounded by a bunch of weirdos!
Kaito did a cool-guy pose, and complete with a serious voice, he said, “Don’t worry, dear sister,” he then flicked his head to the side, “first, she’ll need to catch us!”
The three of them broke out in crying laughter. They sat on the kitchen floor, soaked in tears of laughter.
Kaito was happy to see his sister in a jolly mood, and by the look on Kanna’s face, he could tell she was thinking the same thing.
I hope I didn’t make Kanna worry too much these last few weeks…
While enjoying another one of Kanna’s delicious meals, Kaito asked her if she needed any help at the Coffee Shop in the summer.
“Ah, Kaito, you have no idea! I would appreciate that so much. That arrogant girl I hired last time just quit, and I’ve been running the shop by myself for a week now! I mean, can you believe that?” She shook her head and let out a sigh. “Do you still remember how everything works?”
“Is everything like the shop in Tokyo?” asked Kaito.
“It’s exactly the same. I literally had everything from the shop transported and installed here when I relocated, so no changes whatsoever.”
“That’s perfect! I should be fine. In fact, I have an even better idea then: I’ll bring my… uh… I guess my friend? Anyways, I’ll make Touma come with me, and then you can take a couple of days off.” Kaito had barely finished his sentence when he saw teardrops running down Kanna’s face.
She smiled, swallowed. “Thank you so much, Kaito!”
“Don’t even mention it,” he said, smiling at her.
“So, you have a friend?”
“Yeah, I guess I have two. Touma and Himari.”
“A girl?” Yui asked. “Is she your girlfriend?”
Kaito knew she was only joking around, but in fact, there was someone out there he wouldn’t mind having as a girlfriend.
I wonder what she’s up to…
Touma’s words were also still stuck in his head.
“You don’t even know what she looks like?! That’s a big no-no, buddy!”
There must be a way I can see her…
Wait a sec—
I got it!
I know exactly how we can see each other!
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