《Brave World Online》First Shift Chapter 16 – Forest's Wrath
Darkness... where is this place....? A small thought wandered in her dazed mind. However... it's not that she did not remember.
It all started that day. That night when she had been waiting for a lost child like a mother waiting for the arrival of her son. It was in fact, a rare side she had shown after ten years of marrying her husband.
However.... it was understandable for Margaret was a woman who was not blessed with the duty as a woman. She... was unable to conceive a child due to a disability she had acquired before she was born.
It was not a joyous story. Only a tragedy which happened before she was in her mother's womb. It was said that her mother was captured by bandits alongside her family... and, the woman foolishly claimed no harm ought to be done to them. That resulted in the poor woman to be violated and tortured by the bandits until helps arrived.
Margaret was not one who would judge despite knowing she was born as a criminal's child. At that situation, even she would do the same. Although... she had wished that it never came to that point.
That was why she wanted to see Yuuya. How is he doing? Is he doing well? Has he returned yet? I wonder if he get worried once he found me missing…
Margaret softly exhaled. She knew her wish would not be granted, but she missed the boy with lonely eyes. Even though she knew that Voyagers would live forever, she missed him. The youth who flared her desire to care for him. The boy who ignited warmth as if she had finally been granted with a new family member. Even the thought of adopting Yuuya spread uncontrollable warmth in her body.
But suddenly—a voice of a man resounded.
"Ah, looks like you've woken up, Lady Margaret."
"......Duke Vagni..."
Her lips quivered and displaying a scowl. Within the darkness where the source of light was brought over by an obese old man with gaudy clothing in the form of a torch, Margaret could only perceive herself deep within an underground prison if not a Dungeon.
The woman had endured the dirty life inside this prison for nearly a month. Without decent food and water, she was even forced to sleep without clothes and was chained to the wall behind her.
Any sense of shame disappeared once she realized the true nature of the noble who governed the town she lived in. Margaret recalled the Duke's mad laughter sometimes here and it was accompanied by shrill voices of agony. Be it man or woman, she heard those voices which rend her heart asunder.
"What do you have to say now that you are trying to declare rebellion against the Brigade of Knight, Duke?"
"Hah ha ha.... If I had nothing then even badmouthing them would spell my death.”
"......you won't get what you want even if you used me."
The Duke laughed once again. It was disgusting how Margaret felt she was being violated through observation alone. However, this time, the laughter carried different weight as Vagni settled down.
"Did you know that those who are imprisoned here are all Voyagers...?"
"...what... did you say....?"
The Duke smiled. His round face showed a malicious expression and dark intentions swirled within the blue pupils reflecting the torch's light.
"I hate them, you know? These disgusting Outsiders simply barged in and they have no shames to do as they please. Even most of them thought of us something not human."
"And... you, the one who did all the inhuman things in this god forsaken place... may as well be human?"
"Hoh, I am human. At least, I can die unlike those crazed people who laughed at death by reviving infinitely."
Vagni shrugged. The torch he held wavered for a moment as he examined his prisoner from outside the iron bars. But his malicious smile returned the moment his next words rolled off from his mouth.
"Although... it's impossible for them to live as sane people after being tortured and violated in the worst possible manners every single day."
Margaret shuddered as realization dawned upon her. Her shocked expression could not be hidden any longer.
"You...! Don't tell me you...!!"
"Aah, fear not. I have not laid my hands on your husband yet. But..."
Her heart thumped faster. A sense of foreboding arose within her as despair began to crawl into every single cell of her body. Margaret feared what she would hear but Vagni possessed no mercy against those whom he loathed.
Therefore, with a smile, the Duke said.
"Yuuya was it...? The Voyager you dearly doted on. Now he's being hunted by my men. It will be a matter of time alone for you to meet him again..."
"....no... it... it can't be...! Why are you doing this!? Stop it! That child has no relation with you right!!?"
Indeed, Vagni acknowledged. He once again added a "But..." as if he had been waiting for the cue.
"All Voyagers must be exterminated. And you will SEE your dearly beloved child tortures until he lost in madness of oblivion!!"
"Just count your days... you will receive the same treatment later. Of course, that is when I no longer have any use of you other than being a prisoner and as my plaything. Hi ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!"
The Duke waltzed off. Darkness returned into the prison. But amidst the eerie silence...
"No... no....! Why... Why is this happening....!? Yuuya.... Yuuya...!!"
Beads of tears fell from her cheeks. The librarian who was stripped off from her position and dignity as a person... cried all alone in the dark prison.
Lamenting her powerlessness. Despairing over someone who she considered as a son no matter how little times she had spent with him.ads of tears fell from her cheeks. The librarian who was stripped off from her position and dignity as a person... cried all alone in the dark prison.
Lamenting her powerlessness. Despairing over someone who she considered as a son no matter how little times she had spent with him.of tears fell from her cheeks. The librarian who was stripped off from her position and dignity as a person... cried all alone in the dark prison.
Lamenting her powerlessness. Crying for someone who she considered as a son no matter how little times she had spent with him.
Abruptly, Vane cast Alice aside. The large figure of the Warrior moved as he raised his arm in front of the huge black shadow which looked as if the maw of death had arrived in front of the slave.
*CRUNCH!* --and blood splattered. Vane's arm protected with gauntlets crushed as easily as snapping a twig with a hand.
"Vane!!" --Ririan screamed in horror.
As if he had heard her voice or because he wanted to resist the extreme pain, Vane yanked his arm off the large shadow with Vermillion orbs wavering at the center of it. However, he realized that the shadow would not allow him so he gritted his teeth and pulled out a short sword from his inventory.
The Warrior chopped off his useless arm. Once again, blood splattered and Vane shouted out as he jumped back while snatching Alice from the spot.
"Now! KAREN!!"
Following the flash of crimson, blazing bolt struck the large shadow. It wavered as the magic consumed its shape and lighting the dark forest with red hazes. Its screech reminded anyone of a cricket... of an insect which writhed in the hellish flame. However--
"What...!?" Vane exasperated. Everyone present gasped in shock, including Alice who had personally discovered the extent of this forbidden labyrinth.
Nobody had expected it.
No one could have anticipated its arrival.
Not even a soul could have noticed that abnormality which spawned on them from the very beginning.
The Shadow stood at the height of dozen meters high with a large and unbalanced body made up by barks of a giant tree, it was as if the monster was clad in a full body wooden armor despite its humanoid figure. Crudely crafted and raw as it stuck to the black flesh spewing miasma, the ashen colored wooden armor created a grinding noise as the large arms made a stride.
The eyes were purple without luster yet Alice shuddered in terror. She knew well what kind of gaze could petrify her as if the claws of a Grim Reaper gripped her heart tightly.
It was an absolutely indifferent gaze which desired only to get rid off everything in its sight. An indiscriminate gaze which differed nothing as it desired to erase everything.
As a mage opened her mouth wide at the monstrosity in front of her eyes, her trembling eyes gazed at the crimson crystal above the monster which illuminated the panel where its identity was exposed to all.
"Hah... haha... Ancient Treant... Level 75...? You've got to be kidding me..."
It was so ridiculous one could laugh. From the back of her mind, Karen heard a whisper of insanity and declaration which told her clearly that she was going to die even if she escaped.
At the same time, the Ancient Treant moved. It bent down its gigantic body and raised its arms to cover it's head. Then it swung down the arms as a screech which blasted everything away in the radius of 100 meters emerged.
Trees flew. The ground was leveled. There was no mercy as all who could stand up against it was nowhere nearby, resulting in the small party of three with an NPC thrown far away.
But during the time she was thrown away from the spot she was in, she felt a warmth which was foreign to her. Then darkness as well as impact struck her body.
"Gaa......!" --the slave gasped. Air left her lungs and she was suspended in midair.
Alice bounced off the grounds several times, then her back crashed onto a tree which cracked her bones and twisting her body in a strange way. The girl helplessly fell down with her face kissing the hard ground. Again, she felt like something had went broken but she was alive.
"Agh.... gah... Haa...!"
What was that... what the hell was that thing?! Her mind could not comprehend it. Everything jumbled together and she couldn't even draw a line among the chaos which had started to rampage in the corner of her vision.
Alice tried to raise her body but she helplessly fell down. She sensed the burning sensation coming from her right arm and when she glanced... she found both the hand and the arm was twisted beyond recognition. Even a couple of broken bones protruded from the flesh as blood and white fragment mixed in with the exposed flesh and muscle tissue.
".......!!" --Alice exasperated in horror and tremendous pain, but she heard a low groan coming from nearby.
The moment the girl raised her head... she found a mage hanging with a sharp branch of a tree piercing through her chest. The girl was like a doll nailed on a wall as crimson liquid gushed forth from her wound. Dirtying her porcelain white skin. Staining her clothes and cloak.
Alice's mind went frozen at the sight. What is this? What's going on? What happened? As the sudden realization that a person was dying in front of her, she recalled the very short moments she had with Karen.
"Ah... ah... Aah....!!"
Tears welled up. Alice was struck with dizzying nausea and horrible urges to vomit, but a screech of a certain monster stopped her from feeling anything but cold terror.
It's approaching. It's advancing... it's coming to us...!
The threat was without a doubt... impossible to defeat. With its voice alone it obliterated a group of Voyagers. What could a mere slave do against that kind of monster? Alice's heart beat so fast it was going to explode as the very same adversary was advancing to her.
Why did it appear? Why did this behemoth emerged? Why is it trying to kill me?
The girl was unable to think calmly. Sweats streamed down her dirty cheeks. Blood leaked from her wounds. Her adrenaline was pumping and yet all she could do was staying silent.
Truly... a coward. As realization dawned upon her, she heard a cough followed by a saying which sounded more like a dying whisper.
But she heard it. She inevitably heard it.
"...run... please... run away... and live..."
Freedom returned. Her body suddenly becoming light and Alice stood up. Clutching her broken arm, she escaped at a speed matching a sprinter without being capable of looking back.
Tears streamed down. As she abandoned one fate to death, her mind occupied her with the sole intention to survive.
Run. Run away. Run away. Run away. Run away. Run--
Another shockwave spread around the dark forest. Alice lost her balance as the ground shook heavily and she crashed down pitifully. Her body knocked off the ground several times, and once she stopped she struggled to rise only to stumble down.
My... legs...! Alice turned to see that blisters and sprains forced her ankles to not be able to support her. Even the legs were full of cuts and dirt but the girl minded not a thing other than surviving. She tried to stand up, dragging her feet and yet she sensed the murderous gaze from behind her nearing as quickly as the wind.
"No... no....! No!! I don't want to die...!!"
As she despaired, she heard another roar from behind. Alice recognized this voice for it was...
*SMASH!!* --a battle axe smashed down and created cracks which blasted rocks and boulders at its target.
However, as if it was nicked by mosquito bite, the Ancient Treant proceed to approach Alice. Another angry roar echoed as the same attack which had pulverized a group of kobolds assailed the behemoth.
Alas, it was no use. Vane spewed loathing breathes out as he gripped his axe with a hand. With only an arm remaining, the axe faltered and was not even held correctly.
Even so--
The Warrior howled angrily as he attacked the Ancient Treant. his efforts were in vain when he exhausted himself and letting the monster slipping of his reach.
"Damn..! Then how do you like this!?"
The Voyager raised his axed above his head, and from the top of his lungs, a word carrying power was let loose.
"[Berserk Howl]!!" Vane's voice amplified, and a shockwave which did not lose to the Treant's reverberated.
Alice saw the behemoth stopping, and she saw the unperturbed eyes shaking with ominous glimmer. It's angered?
Almost instantaneously, the Boss Monster turned its body and faced Vane with its menacing aura multiplying several folds. Then the Ancient Treant swung down its gigantic arm.
*BOOM!* —the ground shook as if earthquake had happened but appearing from the clouds of dust and flying pieces of rocks, a lone warrior roared.
He brought down his battle axe, it's sharp blade tearing its way into the wooden armors and visible cracks appeared.
"[Great Reaver]!!"
Following after his skill activation was a spreading crack it reached all the way up to the Treant's right forearm. It went on and once the cracks stopped, green blood burst out from the wounds inflicted by the warrior's destructive skill.
Alice heard a screech which nearly destroyed her eardrums. However, she saw the Treant swinging its arms around to throw away the pest which dared to harm it. And it succeeded.
"Gaa...!!" Vane spat out blood. His body arched to the front before reversing in midair as he bounced like a ball after being thrown off from the Ancient Treant’s arm.
Then the surrounding darkened. The Warrior frantically rolled to the side with his axe dragged along the way. Saving his life from being stomped and flattened like a paper. Then he taunted the monster with strings of insults and curses.
The monster howled angrier than ever as it rushed to Vane who dashed in the opposite direction Alice went to. However—
A low rustling could be heard from the darkness behind Alice. She gasped, thinking it was impossible but the shadows confirmed her doubts and realizing her nightmare in the form of a horde of shape-shifting tree monsters. Blocking her hope as firm as fortress wall which prohibited anyone from passing through.
A/N: Wow, mishaps after mishaps. And now there's chaotic turbulence in the plot. I honestly am unsure where this story will go to but let's proceed onward. By the way... there's an announcement after this so prepare yourself, readers.
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