《Grand Magus: Reincarnated with the Engineer Element》New beginnings


'Figures there's no such thing as heaven,' thought Bruno as he stared at the abyss surrounding him.

'I would've thought that the abyss would be colder, but it seems kind of warm in here,' he thought to himself as he tried to stretch his body.

'Oh right, I don't have a body, I forgot. So this is my final resting ground? Am I stuck here for all of eternity?' wondered Bruno.

To be honest, it didn't sound as bad as it seemed. He could spend eternity resting in this warm place, and although it could've done with some light, he was okay with the darkness.


A few months passed by, and the once infinite abyss began to feel smaller and smaller. Somewhere along the line, Bruno could actually feel its walls.

'Kind of feels slimy,' he thought to himself before going back to sleep.


'What the, what's going on here?' struggled Bruno as he felt the void pushing against him.

'I can't even get to rest in peace?'

He was still surrounded by darkness, however, recently it felt as if he could feel his body. He knew that it must've been his brain playing tricks on him, but he was almost certain that he had legs.

'Oi, Oi, don't touch me,'

He felt the distinct feeling of something like a massive hand pulling on one of his legs.

Before he could figure out what was going on, he was suddenly jerked out of the abyss, an intense bright light shining upon his eyes.

At the same time indiscernible shouts and cries rang in his ears, confusing him further.

The sudden flood of sensory information, accompanied by the fact that he could not even rest in peace overcame Bruno, causing him to weep like a baby.


'Isn't it enough? You won okay. I give up, why do you still torment me," cried Bruno, but all that came out were wails.

*"It's a healthy baby boy,"* said an old woman, before wrapping Bruno in a towel.

"What the hell is going on here? What kind of language is that?" shouted Bruno, however all that came out were more cries.

'Why is everyone so massive?' he thought as his vision finally came into focus.

He was in a wooden shed, and an old blanket had been wrapped around his body.

"I said what the hell is going on here," shouted Bruno once again, trying to push the old woman away.

However his arms felt weak, all he could do was lightly tap on the sides of the blanket.

'Huh? Wait, am I a baby?' he finally realized as the old woman looked him in the eyes.

*"I'm sorry Neel, it doesn't seem as if your child was blessed with magic. However it's too early to conclude that now, perhaps the boy will grow a talent for it later on,"* said the woman, before placing the baby next to a woman lying limply on the bed.

"What the fuck! Why am I a baby! Just let me rest, why are you doing this to me," cried Bruno, it seemed as if he would never be allowed eternal rest, life had brought him back to take everything away from him one more time.

*"It's okay baby, it doesn't matter if you can't use magic, I still love you,"* said the woman gently.

Although Bruno couldn't understand what anyone was saying, he could feel a comforting warmth radiating from the woman.

'That, feels nice,' thought Bruno, before falling asleep.


'It's been one month, and I think I've finally gotten the gist of what is really going on here,' thought Bruno as he hung from the harness behind his mother's back.


'I seem to have been reborn in another world. That, or my world finally learned how to use magic,' he thought as he watched his mother use wind magic to clean the house.

*"Aristo'*" she chanted, before a series of white translucent, circular disks floated in the air in front of her, rotating like clockwork.

'I never get bored of seeing that,' he thought to himself as he giggled.

*"You seem to really like magic, don't you Arya,"* said the woman, a kind of sadness audible in her voice.

'It's a shame I can't understand their language yet. But I've been making steady progress in learning a few of the words,'

'Anyway, if life thinks I'm gonna let the same things happen to me twice, it will have another thing coming.'

'With the magic in this world, there are endless possibilities. All I have to do is study it closely, and who knows, maybe I'll get to see Randy and my mother again.'

Although it wasn't healthy to be so attached to the dead, it was the only thing that Bruno had reason for living for.

He had never made any other bonds, in all his best memories these two were the only ones he had ever loved. It was a sort of obsessive disorder he had, that prevented him from genuinely seeking relationships with other people.

"Mom, dad's calling you outside," shouted a black-haired girl, who looked to be six.

'That's my older sister, Streya. She's not the only sibling I have, there are two others, both are boys.'

*"Take care of Arya for me while I head out,"* she said, before taking Bruno off her back.

*"Okay mom,*" she replied, holding the baby Arya in her arms.

Once his mother had left, Streya began talking to Arya.

*"I don't know why mom and dad had another child when we're already struggling as is. Sigh, but I have to admit, you are a cute baby,"* she said, before playing with Arya's nose.

'Please don't do that,' Arya thought embarrassingly.

(AN: ** means Arya can't understand what they are saying)

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