《Blood's Curse》Breaking Down
Walking through the Caelum Terra was one of the most surreal experiences in Marvin’s life. A large diverse cast of people and werebeasts roamed the streets, and even the buildings themselves seemed to get older in design and age the further they went in the city. From houses and shops you could find in the modern world, to medieval and Greco-Roman looking ones.
The wonder of the sights was only matched by the awkwardness dominating the four teenagers. Revealing the information he held was not a wise move, but it just slipped out in the moment. Still, this was salvageable. They could still rescue Ava and overcome Amdis. He could fix this. He would fix this.
A few minutes later they reached another river within the city.
“This is our way out. CB and I will go first. You two wait a few seconds before entering. If there’s trouble on the other side we fight together.” said Adam. Without leaving time for any objections he jumped in the water alongside CB, leaving him and Marly alone.
“I once told you that I have your back.”
“What? What does this have to do with anything?” asked a surprised Marly.
“I meant it. I’ll tell you the truth, and we’ll save Ava.” replied Marvin. For now this was the best he could do. He just hoped this reassurance was enough.
“I’m still a little mad at you. But, and I know it may sound silly, I still trust you.” With that she jumped into the river.
Figuring there wasn’t much left for him to do other than follow suit, he throws himself in the clear water. Suddenly he feels himself being pushed down the unseen depths, the pressure on his body increasing like when he was getting here, only this time he had the added burden of being underwater. Once again he was forced to close his eyes. Almost immediately he felt relief overtake him, before he fell on the floor. A floor that felt completely solid, so it wasn’t the Caelum Terra.
Opening his eyes he realised he was in a dark room, the floor of which had an encircled square with the elemental alchemical symbols each facing a different direction. The heptagram in the middle made it obvious to him that magic was involved here, but he doesn’t have time to dwell on it now.
Heading for the door, he realised he was in a narrow alleyway similar to the one they came in where Marly, Adam and CB-in their human forms-were waiting for him.
“Are we-”
“Yeah, we’re in-wherever this is. Now take us to your uncle’s place.” demanded CB.
“What CB means to say is that we are all grateful for your help. He’s just anxious for everything to be clarified.” added Adam, motioning for Marvin to lead them out of the alleyway.
Taking the lead, Marvin led everyone out at the heart of his hometown: Atlanta, Georgia. In all of its hot, humid, big-city glory. Granted it was April morning so it wasn’t that bad, but Marvin himself would rather not stay there for longer than necessary. Leading the group through the roads, Marvin found himself impressed, and kind of scared, that the Association managed to land them so close to his aunt and uncle’s house. To his old house that they took over when his parents passed.
But he didn’t have time to get upset over that right now. Not much at least.
After about half an hour filled with these thoughts and very little small talk, they moved from the busier parts of the city to the house filled suburban area where they eventually reached their destination. Marvin’s old house. A house that, on the outside at least, looked similar to the other hundreds of houses next to it. The aforementioned dark haired teenager prepared himself to knock on the house’s front door, when it opened up on its own.
“Hello?” The door opened revealing a young brunette woman that couldn’t have been more than a few years older than the group.
“Um-hi.” lamely responded Marvin. Normally he would use his ‘I am a person that can talk to other people easily’ voice here in order to appear more confident, but he didn’t exactly have the energy for that now. “I am Marvin. Old resident of the home, and nephew of the current residents? These are my friends, Adam, Marly and CB. I’ll be honest, I was expecting my aunt to anwer.”
“Oh yeah!” The girl’s eyes lit up in recognition. “I’m Maria. Mrs. Claudia said you were going to pop by. She had an emergency at work, so she called me to take Annie to school. I'm her babysitter. I’d just forgotten my notebook here.” she explained, showing a notebook in her hands as proof.
After exchanging goodbyes, more awkward than Marvin would admit, Maria left the house while the quartet entered it. The inside was mostly how Marvin remembered it. He had not actually been inside since he lived here, always staying in hotels when he and his grandmother visited. The less contact he has with these people the better. If not for Annie, or this mission, he wouldn’t be anywhere near this place. Mostly because of the memories, and the fact that it should have been his place. The only thing left from his parents.
Still the open styled living room slash kitchen was there, with a mix of old and new furniture with the door to the backyard and stairway to the second floor next to each other in the back wall. The only major difference was a new bookshelf next to the TV where before there was...something, he didn’t remember every single detail, with books that most likely were never opened and family pictures Marvin didn’t send a second glance towards.
“I think it’s time for the aforementioned explanation,” said Adam. With a sigh Marvin supposed there was no other option. Sitting while motioning for the others to do the same, the dark haired boy found himself surprisingly anxious at this prospect.
“I-the day before we learned about the mission, I had a lesson with Kara. She has an office, lab. I'm not sure what exactly it is, but it’s under the school. After we finished, I left the school like normal. Waiting for me outside was-was a vampire.
“He said his name was Amdis, that he was the ‘villain in this story’ or something like that. He knew things. Things he shouldn’t. About the Association, my sorcery lessons, where and when they happened. He knew-he knew personal things. He knew about the mission before we even did, and he said that he had Ava. That if I kept this to myself you’d get to see her again.”
“And you just believed him?” asked CB.
“You just took the words of a vampire at face value? I’ve never met any, but they are known to be conniving creatures. Liars and manipulators. And you just believed him. He probably does have Ava, I’m not denying that, but that gives him reason to lie. He wanted to scare you, throw you off. And you fell for it. We could have been more prepared. But now, you’ve cost us our advantage, set us back! I knew you being a part of this mission was a mistake.” ranted CB, really tearing into Marvin for the first time since they met. And based on the tone of his voice, this WAS something he wanted to do for a while.
“CB, that's enough!” snapped Adam. “Thanks to Marvin we have the first halfway decent leads on Ava. We are so close to-”
“I’m sick of your crap. You think you’re so much better than everyone. Snarking about the people at school, me, Marly. Try getting off your high horse. That way you’ll probably realise that Ava’s kidnapping was our fault. No matter how old we were, how tense the situation was. And it’s up to us to fix it.” At this point the screaming guys had gotten extremely close to each other, both looking ready to shift into their stronger forms and tear into each other.
Marvin was about to intervene when he saw Marly herself get up. Just a few days ago things were relatively simple. He was content in spite of the chaos and danger he knew was lurking beneath the surface. Now he was trying to figure out the best way to make this soon to be three way standoff from resulting in the destruction of his childhood home.
“Enough.” muttered Marly, although she was not heard or ignored by the other two. “Stop, you idiots!” she shouted, this time managing to grab their attention. “Can’t you just try to get along for two minutes? Three years, three years I’ve been trying to get us here!” she continued, tears beginning to form in her eyes.
“I finally have the chance to see my big sister again. Talk to her, hear her voice. Bring her back. Either work with us or get out. I’m done trying tο get you to work together.” She sounded defeated. In the nearly three months Marvin had known her, Marly Mallory had never sounded like this.
Not that she didn’t have a point. This was the first chance she had to retrieve her sister. Her sister whom she was quite close with if all this was to be put in context. And this whole situation was doing anything but helping with that. He just never saw her breaking like that.
Before anyone could speak, she ran off to the second floor of the house. In any other situation Marvin would be a little critical about her running off in what was for all intents and purposes a stranger’s home, this was not a normal situation.
“I think it best if I leave.” said Adam, after a few moments of silence.
“No! No. We can work this out.” pleaded Marvin. This wasn’t going to fall apart. Not now. Not because of him. Not when he nearly had all he wanted. It might have been selfish of him, but he thought that, as time passed, they would accept him someday. And damn him for wanting that. To be enough.
“I’m going to head out too. We can’t fix this. Not today.” responded CB, strangely somber after everything he said.
“As much as I hate to admit it, CB is right.” added Adam, looking somewhat apprehensive. “We’re not in a place where we can just talk it out right now. Maybe after we have Ava rescued, when things are hopefully better, we can give it another shot. Plus I think you’re the only one Marly isn’t capable of murdering right now.”
“We’ll return though. You have ways to contact us, and vice versa. I meant it when I said it’s our duty to save Ava.” said CB. “I meant everything I said before. Still, even I have to admit you have mettle. Rescuing Ava is not a lost cause. We can agree on that.”
Marvin felt himself deflate a bit. Adam was right. Hell, CB was right. He couldn’t control these people, they had to fix things on their own terms. And he truly thought they could, in spite of everything he had witnessed. Nodding at the other two guys as they wandered off, he couldn’t help but feel a little lost.
Eventually deciding to go on the second floor to check on Marly, he went up the staircase. It’s wall was decorated with a few photos of his uncle and aunt with Annie when she was younger. A lifetime ago the family pictures featured him and his parents. Chuckling to himself he realised the irony of not entering this place for years because he felt too emotional, and having this be the first experience in it.
Reaching the second floor, it was immediately obvious which room Marly was in. Out of the four doors in the small hall it was the only one to be slightly open. It was also once his room.
“Hello?” he asked wearily as he opened the door, not allowing himself to hesitate. Going in his eyes widened to the point where he thought they would pop out of their sockets. The room was in the same condition he left it in. Just like all of the bedrooms it wasn’t that big, containing only his bed and desk on one side, with the wardrobe and a shelf on the other. The few medals he had from archery competitions were still on the shelves, mostly bronze and silver ones, with a golden standing out among them.
He found himself surprisingly happy with that.
Marly was sitting on his bed, holding a guitar-oh god his old guitar, he had buried those memories as far as he could-looking at it before turning to him with a soft smile.
“I feel lighter now, if that’s possible.” she said in a hard to read tone of voice, although her eyes were still red and puffy from crying.
“They are both still in this. It looks like you salvaged the team.” tried to reassure Marvin, even though this wasn’t exactly his forte.
“I don’t really know what I’m doing if that wasn’t obvious. Ava was older, the heart of her group of friends I think. Although I didn’t see them too many times. I just-I thought I could do it too.” she explained, some annoyance sipping into her voice as she gripped the guitar tighter.
“So this was your room?” she asked in what was clearly an attempt to change the topic.
“A long time ago. Before I moved in with my grandma, which led me to y’all and back here.” he explained, causing Marly to laugh. “What?”
“You-you said ‘y’all’” she responded, over pronouncing the word to make her point. “I didn’t know you had an accent.”
“Y-Yeah!” he replied sheepishly. He could see she was looking at him with something resembling a cross between empathy and sorrow. “Give it a few days and we’ll be back on track.”
“You sound awfully optimistic.” retorted Marly.
“After a certain point you have to think things will get better or you’ll crumble under the world.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?” asked Marvin genuinely curious
“For having my back.” replied Marly, smirking as she used the same words he had earlier.
They were set back, but they would recover. Looking at Marly he could see the determination behind her dual coloured eyes. Sitting on the bed to her he wasn’t sure what he should say, but as she smiled softly at him, he realised maybe no words were needed after all.
Everything was going to be fine. They'd make sure of it.
- In Serial70 Chapters
Law Of Karma
Yu Xiang had the good fortune of being reborn in this new world into a strong Sect. Now a fledgling Cultivator of his own, he seeks to go as far as his legs and soul will take him, hopefully causing the least amount of pain and misery possible to his fellow cultivators and mortal people alike. After all, with flying swords, reality-bending masters, and giant spiritual beasts running around, who knew if Karma was a thing here? Better to hedge his bets and be on his best behavior. If only it were that easy... ______________________________ Updates on Sundays. English isn't my first language so feel free to point out any weird sentences, or errors.
8 155 - In Serial22 Chapters
Contact Through Voided Lenses
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Edit: Fixed some inaccuracies in the synopsis. The void is a vast unexplored ocean filled with various wonders and dangers all waiting to be explored by those brave enough to travel and record. Many souls do find themselves brave enough to face the vast distances, the various risks to personal safety and do the hundreds of task required on a craft. However, at times the void itself can be boring with absolutely nothing to do but as time pass and more and better technology is reached, things got better. The various trips got faster, communications became faster than light and you can be home to see your loved ones after only months now. Through the various planets whether rocky or gaseous, the various stars whether small or giant, the various systems both eerily similar or completely alien. As part of an expeditionary scientific exploratory survey craft, one could see that the void offers no reprieve from all the discoveries and wonders. At times, it can feel empty and silent where no soul can hear you scream and at others it can be overwhelming with sudden phenomenon that can overwhelm the brightest of minds. The void itself is a truly fascinating ocean where one must chart the various islands or drown in its deadly tidal waves. But the question still remained no matter how you try to hide it in of itself… is there truly other intelligent life out there? Are we alone in this ocean? Those very questions still haunt the minds of those on the crafts themselves as they brace for every jump ready for the unknown and the known. Many would try to explain that yes there is other intelligent life out there whilst other still say no after 2 centuries of continuous flight out of the home system. Still, those are questions that bury deep in the minds of the crew and those at home as the voidcraft jumps to a system with a single yellow star orbited by 8 other planets with one crowning blue jewel being the 3rd closest with its 5 oceans and 7 continents, a planet called Dirt which is inhabited by a primitive species called Humanity. Hello, author here and this is my newest dive into writing particularly for the Writathon currently in progress being my first one. I hope you give me story a try but in case you still want more information on what you’re getting into, below are some pointers about the story itself. First Contact: CTVL is a story about a first contact scenario between an advanced alien civilization and a slightly more advanced modern day humanity on their planet called Dirt. Characters: The story will take place mainly on the perspective of the alien visitors themselves though there will be human POV characters who will show how the rest of humanity react through media and forums. Action: It won’t be an actual alien invasion but you have to see for yourself how well first contact went. Sci-Fi: I will be very forward here, I WILL bend the rules of physics in order to add in parts of the plot and there WILL be parts that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Theme: It will be a brooding story talking about the futility of pe… Just kidding, it’s mostly wholesome stuff to be honest here. Alien: The aliens themselves will… actually why should I tell you, you have to go and read it to find out what the aliens are though I will draw a few things here and there to aid in the process. Extra tidbit: If you are a grammar nazi or someone who really wants a realistic scifi story... this story is probably not for you at all. Anyways, that’s pretty much all I can say before I spoil something major of the plot itself, the story is slice of life so make sure that type of story is what you like because I am terrible with anything else as I found out, anyways, have a good time everyone and good luck to the other Writathon participants.
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An open-source sci-fi novel by Wrannaman. Learn more at https://wrannaman.comFollow Kaiya Hikaya in this action packed, post apocalyptic journey set thousands of years after the singularity.Kaiya is chosen as the conduit to reunite the sentient AI that destroyed humanity. Watch her fight to save her friends from the Wrannaman-killing Sikkas and find out what happened to her mother.Seriously though, I wrote this to be a purely fun read. You'll enjoy this if you liked:- The Hunger Games- The Maze Runner- The Road- The Kingkiller Chronicles- The Amber Chronicles- Mistborn TrilogyWhat kind of world is this?- No Dragons / Wizards / etc.- It's set in the future, but not one in which technology progressed much further than where it is today.- There are guns, planes, helicopters
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White Rose - A Peter Pan Fanfiction
"Do you know what a white rose symbolizes?" Felix said, my eyes staring directly into Pan's. "No," I simply said, the clogs in my head pausing as I focused on the rose and his eyes. "Purity and innocence." Baffled, I pulled my gaze from Pan's and met Felix's. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, a tad too harshly than I expected. Felix just chuckled, tapping my chest. "He sees you as the light in his world of darkness." --- Serena wakes up on the mysterious island of Neverland without any memories and is instantly drawn towards the devilish Peter Pan. With his heart of blackness and hers of light, will love find a way or will it be destroyed by fate? A Once Upon A Time love story between Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) and Serena, an OC character I've cherished for years but only now bringing to the public surface :) I hope you all enjoy this as much as I have loved writing it!!
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Lancastre Academy
Parker Gray leads a normal, home-schooled life. Or so he thinks. He begins noticing some odd things happening around the house and then hears his parents talking about him behind his back. Before he knows it, he's being shipped off to a boarding school he's never heard of and won't be able to come home for six years. Right as he starts to accept this, his parents drop him off at an abandoned subway station that is supposed to take him to this new school. The next thing he knows, Parker is being led into a world he didn't know even existed right alongside him. He learns amazing new things about himself and that someone he doesn't know has been keeping an eye on him. I am still in the process of writing book 4 and doing some editing. It will begin posting in the near future.
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Samragni- The Empress
The story of a woman who is born princess and turned as a great ruler. Samragni, means Empress. Her sword is the answer to enemies. Her eyes reflect the kindness. She is the good student of a great teacher.. A lover to her heartShe is friend to a friend, Enemy to the enemy...For the people she love she is the 'SAMRAGNI'
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