《Blood's Curse》A Deadly Beginning
“And you better not disobey your teachers, young man. I don’t want to have one call about you.” instructed Marvin’s grandmother for what Marvin felt was the millionth time.
The day of their leaving came. Marvin stood outside his house waiting for his grandmother to finish her goodbyes. Waiting in a car parked outside was Eobard Kon. It was expected for a parent or guardian to bring the students to the airport, but Minerva Norrinson’s health wasn’t exactly at a place where she could take him herself. Which is why Eobard Kon volunteered.
After a surprisingly quick discussion between his grandmother and the principal it was decided. In any other situation he would be embarrassed to show up to the airport with the principal, but this wasn’t a normal situation. And they weren’t going to the airport.
“And don’t forget to visit your uncle’s house. Little Anna will be so happy to see you. Godspeed my boy, godspeed.”
Not three months ago she wished him the same as he was going to his new school for the first time. Truth be told Marvin was still hesitant about keeping this whole situation a secret from her. In truth he was keeping many secrets he didn’t want to. Between this and Amdis, he wasn’t as truthful as he would like. After a goodbye was shared between grandson and grandmother, he joined Eobard in his car. It was completely black with tinted windows, a far cry from the orange convertible Kara had arrived in not so long ago.
“Your grandmother is a nice lady.” he commented as he started the car. “I’ve agreed to call her at least once a day and keep her updated on you. I plan on saying you’re well, don’t make me out to be a liar.”
“Going up against some of the deadliest creatures of legend. Of course I’m well.” shot back Marvin, causing Eobard to sigh in annoyance.
“You won’t go up against anything. Your mission is to scout things out. Even if you do fight anyone it will be small-time thugs that are aiming higher than they can handle. Plus, that’s no way to speak to your school’s principal.” smiled Eobard Kon,
“I forget that you actually are our principal, you seldom show yourself-sir!”
Eobard laughed at that, reassuring Marvin that when not in school, he didn’t need to keep such formalities. Eobard had talked to all of them about the mission ahead beforehand. Doppelgangers, sorcerers that had disguised themselves to look like the four students had taken their place. When their part of the mission was over they’d switch places with them, and continue as normal. The only problem was that this gave them a time limit of five days to investigate. It was fortunate enough that they were taking a school trip in Marvin’s old home city of Atlanta. That way Kon himself would be close enough, alongside Kara and Chiron who went there earlier to help organise the backup from the IDA. If not for the wild factor of Amdis, Marvin would have no worries.
“In the glove compartment is a gift from Kara and a letter that you need to travel.” instructed Kon after a few minutes of silence. Doing so, Marvin realised that in it was a lighter that had a circle identical to the one he used every time he trained the Ignis spell. He also took out a wax sealed envelope with a stylised R in the seal. He assumed he was not meant to open it, so he simply took it and the lighter, the latter of which he stored in his pocket.
He'd guess that they were supposed to help him, but he didn’t exactly understand how.
The confusion must have been evident in his face as after a few moments Kon explained it to him as best as he could. “She couldn’t be here, so she sent this. Apparently it helps with your magic. The circle’s already drawn, but beyond that she said that you’d understand when you used it. As for the letter, it’s needed for your transportation.”
After a few more minutes they arrived at a part of their little town that no one visits in this early hour, stopping in front of a dark and sketchy looking alleyway. Marly and CB were there already,each holding similar looking envelopes to Marvin’s. Eobard motioned for the dark haired boy to exit the car.
“Once Lacetro gets here your mission begins. Scout out, and call the school if you discover anything. Say only ‘Code Three’. Your part will be done then. Understood?” All three of the students present nodded yes, and Eobard left them to their own devices. It was a bit abrupt in Marvin’s opinion, but the man had a school trip to get to, so he understood he had to leave quickly. At least they would be in the same general area, which means they could maybe ask for help if need be. Or at least that’s what Marvin hoped.
“Took you long enough.” said CB in the way of a greeting, prompting Marly to chuckle.
“You’ve never been to the Caelum Terra, have you Marvin?” asked Marly, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“I don’t even know what it is!”
“Turns out I might have some fun then after all!” she smiled in response to. A bit more than Marvin would have liked, but based on their previous mentions of it he didn’t believe there was anything too dangerous ahead. Just enough to shock or scare him. Truth was his blond haired schoolmate enjoyed his bafflement a tad too much.
He also realised that the both of them had brought backpacks along, Marly’s being accompanied by a long case that most likely held her sword. Everything Marvin packed was in a suitcase. A suitcase that he left with Kon. His items were certainly safe, but it didn’t occur to him that he wouldn’t get to keep his things for the following week. He just wished he had something other than a lighter and his clothes with him.
“A shame I don’t have a sword of my own. We could continue practicing.” he said in an attempt to make conversation with Marly. He would try saying something that CB could also invest in, but he knew almost nothing about the dark haired giant. And even if he did, he doubted that it would be of much use.
“You think there’s only one sword in here? You won’t get out of me kicking your ass so easily, Perlie.” responded a smirking Marly
“Don’t forget, the underdog pulls through in the end.” shot back Marvin. Granted it was a mostly empty threat-for now at least-but seeing Marly’s shocked face was more than worth it.
The sound of a fist cracking against a wall brought them out of their rapport. Turning they saw a mad looking CB with a glare that would kill if it could. “What’s wrong with you? Did you forget why we’re here? I expected Marvin to not take this seriously but you? She’s your sister for crying out loud!”
At this Marly looked as if she was in the process of deciding on whether or not she wanted to shoot back at CB with maybe a little more than words-their size difference might be a lot, but Marly makes up for that in her speed-or break down crying at the accusation and mention of her sister. Marvin also found himself upset at the accusation that just because he didn’t know Ava before he wasn’t invested in saving her. Before anything could be said however, he placed a hand on Marly’s shoulder.
“I know what you’re feeling. Both of you.” he began, granted talking to people wasn’t one of his strong suits, nevermind comforting them, but he felt he should at least try. “I don’t really know Ava, nor do I know any of you nearly as well as you know each other, but I do know I have felt loss-look just-I think this is a real chance for a new beginning. For all of you.”
CB looked at Marvin with something resembling fondness for the first time since the two met, while Marly looked down. Be that in anger, sadness or even shame, Marvin did not know. She suddenly placed her hand over his on her shoulder. She smiled at him. “Don’t think this means I won’t kick your ass in training”
CB sighed and Marvin chuckled. No one other than her was capable of switching between so many emotions. At least whenever she was like this it was a sign she was feeling better about herself.
“I honestly don’t know if I am glad to see you’re getting along.” lightly stated a new voice, belonging to Adam, the only one outside of Marvin to not have anything with him other than the envelope.
“The IDA spent many resources adjusting the trip so we don't cause suspicion. There are even sorcerers disguised as us on the school trip. Let’s not have it all go to waste. For Ava.” said CB, going in the dark alleyway. The other three followed him, and a few seconds later they appeared in front of a worn down door in the alleyway. Adam knocked on it seven times. It was opened by a man wearing a long trench coat and a ring with a glassy stone that appeared to be a mix of red and purple.
“Marvin Perlie, Marly Mallory, Adam Lacetro and Cézar Boitumelo Smith?” he asked in a faint french accent. “Good. Show me your tickets then.” he stated before any of them could respond. The four teenagers did so, Marvin a bit reluctantly although since no one else seemed to be peeved by the man he went along. Still he clutched the lighter in his left pant pocket, just in case.
“Are we good, Mr. Nick?” asked Adam, looking down at the man who was closer to Marvin’s height than Adam’s.
“Bon voyage.” smiled the man-Mr. Nick-opening the door fully before stepping inside, prompting the rest to follow.
Adam and CB went first, whilst Marvin seemed hesitant. Marly put a hand on his shoulder mirroring his previous gesture. “I was planning on having a bit of fun with your shock at this, since it’s not exactly a pleasant experience. But I think I changed my mind. Together?” They nodded at each other, and went in, together.
Entering the room Marvin quickly felt a lot of pressure on his body, a feeling similar to the one when he was first using magic. His letter disintegrated, while his whole body felt like it was being destroyed from the inside. Looking next to him, he noticed Marly was barely better. She looked back at him, touching his arm and grimacing in a way Marvin thinks is supposed to be a smile.
Shutting his eyes from the pain, Marvin suddenly feels himself being underwater, floating upward with significantly less pressure. Opening his eyes as he reached the surface, Adam helped him to the ground. Only it wasn’t really ground? It looked like the floor was entirely made of dense clouds. Marvin’s eyes widened. It felt odd. This shouldn’t be enough to support their weight but still did. Next to them CB and Marly were in a similar situation to them with the girl smiling at Marvin’s shocked face.
Standing back, the dark haired boy looked at the river that they emerged from, for the first time realising that he wasn’t wet at all. Along the side of the river emerged a lot of humans werebeasts, and dhampirs. Many passed the quartet, and went down to what appeared to be a series of stairs. Looking down the staircase he saw one of the most impressive sights he’d seen.
A giant encircled heptagram with other symbols around it, drawn out of a river system connected to the one they came out of and what seemed to be other similar ones-although it was too far for Marvin to see even with his glasses. At its center was a large castle with various buildings ranging from ancient looking to modern in its body, and patches of forest and other environments at the triangles outside it. Silver and golden monoliths decorating its tips and every place the lines were connected.
“The Caelum Terra. Land of the sky.” commented Adam, as he came to Marvin’s right, Marly on his left, and CB next to her. For the briefest moment it all felt serene, in spite of their mission or actual method of coming there.
A loud roaring noise broke everyone out of their thoughts. They barely managed to dodge the lunging creature that came at them, a large beast, as big as CB, had struck them. Its face and legs were those of a bull, while its humanlike body was deathly pale, and eyes a crimson identical to Marly and Amdis. The civilians cowered away, while the IDA trainees who stood their ground. Another vampiric hybrid. Remembering Amdis’ word about wasting a Hybrid to get Marvin, the dark haired boy realised the mistake he made by not mentioning his encounter.
They had already sprung his trap.
The beast charged at them, and by extension the civilians, but CB met him in the middle. Only he was in his werewolf form. A dark gray and black creature, contrasting the pale skin and white fur of his opponent.
Adam morphed as well, a blue tailed lizard form, charging at the struggling beasts alongside Marly who’d taken up her sword.
CB dove out of the way as the duo of Adam and Marly fought against the beast so synchronised you’d think they were fighting like this their whole life. Adam displayed incredible speed and agility, using his tail with his other limbs to hit the opponent and balance himself, while Marly expertly swung her sword. After CB joined the fray once more, delivering heavier hits and holding the creature back, the fight looked to be as good as won.
Until the hybrid jumped. It went at least eight meters straight up in the air, displaying more power than before, and slammed into the ground sending cloud dust and his friends flying backwards. They all got back up and fought once more, this time barely keeping up with the beast that seemed to be holding back before. A crowd had gathered but they did nothing except watch.
Then again Marvin wasn’t any different.
He shook his head to get himself out of whatever stupor had overtaken him. He couldn’t be frozen here, now. He couldn’t fail.
Right now, his shield was useless. With the way they were moving, his bow was too risky. Reaching his left pant pocket he found the lighter left to him by Kara.
He had a plan. A stupid, risky plan, but better than nothing.
“Make sure his chest is open!” he shouted at the trio.
As he neared the battleground, Adam used his tail to bind the hybrid’s left arm, and Marly threw her sword through the right, while CB barely grabbed it in a chokehold. Marvin had one shot at this, he needed a lot of luck and tremendous timing.
Holding his breath he whispered the word ignis whilst activating the lighter. Burning colours dominated the circle. In the instance before the flame came up he concentrated everything he had on it, a golden glow encompassing his leg, the flame that came out of the lighter growing large enough to cover the beast’s centre, bringing it to its knees, and Marvin with it.
His body ached with the magic. He saw disappointment in everyone around him. For keeping such a secret. For not acting fast enough. He tried but it wasn’t enough. He wasn’t enough. Logically he knew it’s part of the backlash, but it-it was never like this before, so-so why now?
“Marvin?” asked Marly softly, bringing him back to reality. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine.” Looking up at their faces he realised he wasn’t fooling them. Even CB’s angry-and somewhat offended-look made it clear he wasn’t believing him. “No, I’m-I know who was behind this.
“I know who has Ava.”
- In Serial130 Chapters
Eli is an ancient man sentenced to death for the crime of surpassing the sacred number of 32.8, which is the allowed percentage of increased mental ability from the use of AI chips. As he journeys through death and into a world of fantasy and magic, he finds himself approaching never before seen heights of magical power and ability. Powers that will shape the world and would see him go down in legends for generations ever after. But just because someone acquires magical abilities, that doesn't mean magic is suddenly the most important thing in their life. Some people aren't looking to be all-powerful gods, have the world bow at their feet, or spend their days obsessing over accumulating ever more power. Some people just want acceptance, stability, and the warmth of their loved ones to drive away the cold loneliness of the night. And in a world where magic is the bedrock of society, where magic is what determines who is preferred for siring children, where people with high magical ability are destined to live in great luxury and those without magic simply live to make due, this difference in values and perspective could not have a starker contrast. As Eli and the people around him navigate the misconceptions and deceptions of this world, he will represent a great and magnificent future for the human race. One where humanity will stand above the elves, dwarves, orcs, fairies, and all the horrors of the world. Sadly, men's tools are as fallible as the people who make them, and in a society where the potential of an individual is determined solely through their magical level, this seed of promise may yet turn venomous. Note: This fiction is also allowed at webnovel under author skalnor This book is now available on Amazon, Ebook coming soon: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B08N3K5D4G Discord Server: https://discord.gg/wP5ehQjeFz
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Zeroth Knight re: Dawn
Isekai, fantasy, with the core themes of Identity and Fate. Story contains a, mostly, lesbian cast. Updated twice a day. Evangeline Sayagawa makes the ultimate choice at the cost of the ultimate sacrifice: She decides to leave her world that she fought so hard to return to, and return to Arsea in hopes of saving everyone. Little was she aware of just how bad things had gotten. The world she was returning to was cast into chaos and on the precipice of being destroyed. She awakens in this new kind of Arsea, after having witness the end of a dear friend. The world now belonged to the monstrosities of old, the Beta, and their corrupted human warriors, the Eld. With her fake identity, that which defined her in this world, being stripped from her, she now has to navigate a darkness in which not even the women she loves recognize her. This is book 2 of the Evangeline Sayagawa "Zeroth Knight" story, with book 1 being found here. The first "chapter" posted here is a hyper-condensed version of volume/book 1, in case anyone needs a generalized refresher of events, or for those who wish to start with this book instead as it is faster paced and more action-packed than the first one. Suffice to say, but most of the details from book 1 are lost by doing this; however, enough of the more-important information is present to allow one to understand the general idea of what is going on. This book features a mostly lesbian cast and deals more so with fate and crises of identity more than anything else. However, there is much more action in this one than any of my other stories thus far and brings about the end of Evangeline Sayagawa's story arch... sort of. I have another story up, a short story drama with light yuri and supernatural themes: "Escape The KNIGHT" Share the story if you think it's good. And please rate some stars and leave reviews guys. It will help encourage other people to take a chance with the story and get to know this wonderful journey with us. Also, a friend has made a Discord for the "Zeroth Universe" if anyone wants to join and hang out to talk about the stories, theories, or just general fun chats with us! https://discord.gg/f3Bc4TR Follow me on Twitter @Ozefen0 to stay up to date on my stories and what have you.
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