《Queen Of Alcaria》Chapter 19 - Kindhearted Governor



Talia sent another trainee flying to the ground causing a loud bang to sound once again throughout the room.

The other trainees seemed used to this occurring, as they only stared at the young trainee groaning in pain on the ground in pity.

It has been a bit more than an hour since she began her first spar with Ritson, and since then she had sparred the remaining top five within the class.

As Ritson was ranked as the third strongest, the two above him was indeed more formidable, however, in the end, they still fell to she-demon as none could match her monstrous physique which enabled her to hunt them down around the ring.

To Talia, she found that the spars against these young trainees were useful as the two above Ritson although their physique was weaker than his by a tad they still had possessed swordsmanship which was a few levels above her own which was exactly why they were ranked above Ritson.

It also could be seen why they had such good swordsmanship in comparison to the class as both of them were two noble scions which meant that from a young age they had the background to train them in the mastery of numerous weapons, so of course, their skill with the sword cannot be bad.

Yet their superior skill in the blade could do nothing against a foe who seemed to never tire whilst also being both faster and stronger than them.

The only thing which made the duels competitive was their excellent skill, which in end wasn’t enough as Talia was like an unrelenting beast with each of her strikes being equally powerful.

One would expect the strength of her attacks to wane the longer a fight goes on due to fatigue, however, the young trainees who made an effort to stall in an attempt to tire her out, soon found out this was a fools dream as Talia seemed to have endless stamina and never grew tired even once.

Even though they used their finer swordsmanship to create opportunities for themselves within the battle, Talia’s extreme reflexes and speed seem to get her out of trouble every time she found herself in one.

Nonetheless, even though Talia didn’t lose a duel despite her lacking skills with the sword in comparison to the trainees she faced, she still felt that she had learnt a lot and they were beneficial to her as she learnt many new things through the duel from the young trainees which she felt could be adapted into her own swordsmanship.

She also fixed a few mistakes and errors she had found after being tricked by the young trainees a couple of times as they successfully managed to bait her into some awkward situations, so overall she felt that Sir Gregory bring her here was a great success.

After she had defeated the most recent trainee, the next one who was supposed to step in to face her seemed to have a hopeless look on his face as he stared at the she-demon *cough* Princess with fear at being bullied again by the monstrous young girl.

However, that was when the drill sergeant suddenly announced, “We are done with sparring for today, everyone falls back in!”

The trainee who was about to become Talia’s new victim breathed a sigh of relief as an extreme smile of happiness filled his face from the thought of being saved by the drill sergeant enabling him to escape from death.

Talia who was about to drag the trainee into the ring for another spar disappointedly lined up with the rest of the trainees and upon discovering the smile of joy on that trainees face, wondered ‘Why is he so happy for? Is he some sort of masochist?’


She shuddered at the thought of such a thing, but why else would someone be so overjoyed in an extreme training session meant to be torture for trainees.

The only reason she survived was her extreme physique granted by the system, the other trainees were just regular humans who trained their bodies normally if it was her before she would die doing such a training session and this guy was smiling like a maniac!

Deciding to stay clear from the possible strange trainee in the future she became resolute in her mind at this possible red flag, maybe if the trainee himself knew what Talia was currently thinking he would be extremely aggrieved by her thoughts thinking, ‘What do you mean masochist? I’m just relieved to escape from your evil claws!’

Yet this weird misunderstanding was just fated never to be cleared in the end.

“We will finish this session with a circuit, then everyone accepts the Princess will begin the daily cultivation in unlocking their essence channels to take a step further into their route to become a Warrior!” Declared the drill sergeant.

Afterwards, the group of trainees began running laps around the circuit, although Talia was confused why she was excluded from the meditation using the cultivation method of this World, she figured that it may be a result of Sir Gregory or a reason she didn’t know off.

It didn’t truly matter to her anyway as she knew that she would continue to grow stronger within unconventional means with the game world, so she would only further grow stronger even without needing to cultivation in according to this worlds cultivation system.

When she finished the circuit with the rest of the trainees, she bid farewell to the rest of the young men as they all respectfully talked to her before she left.

Although the young men had not completely cleared their doubts on the whole rumours of her being the cause of the recent troubles in the Kingdom with the hike of taxes and so forth, they still gained a higher impression of her before.

Some such as Ritson had changed their perceptions of her completely as a result, because to him someone with such a straight forward fighting style and has seemingly great work ethic did not seem to fit the type of person to be dishonest about being responsible for all the things she caused according to the rumours.

He would rather believe that the untrustworthy nobles would the cause than the Princess belonging to the Royal Family which was loved by the common people greatly.

In the end, the reputation of Talia’s parents' benevolence was too great for the Governor to destroy the good feelings for the Royal Family completely, even with his best efforts there was still many who would still support Talia over someone like the Governor replacing her.

Talia left not knowing that such a change had occurred in the trainee's former opinion of the Princess before they had met her, but Sir Gregory, on the other hand, had a slight smile on his face after he noticed the difference in the young trainees.

He knew that even if the Princess did not notice it himself but just her very interactions with them, how she seemingly treated both the noble, commoner trainees alike equally, with great respect and decency went a long way with gaining their goodwill.

As to them, it felt amazing for a member of the Royal Family to be so down to earth when speaking to them so casually as if she did not care about her status at all.


It went a long way with showing the true personality of the Princess was nothing alike the rumours, greatly diminishing their suspicions of her before the training session began.

‘Ah! This reminds me of her parents, the great potential of being a ruler for the people is once again being shown by the Princess, if only the accident had never happened she wouldn’t have to grow up in such terrible conditions. But, now it seems she will have to mature greatly as the world seems to not want to allow her to grow in peace like a normal child.’ Sir Gregory thought inwardly as he escorted the Princess, but just as they were about to head towards their quarters they come across two familiar faces, both the Governor and his son Edward.

Talia stared at the Governor in complete surprise as she saw his outfit, as in comparison to the lavish clothing he had worn in the Official Meeting he was now dressed humbly without a hint of the usual jewellery on his person.

Similarly, she also stared at the Edward opposite who had also seemed to have replicated his Father in clothing but this still did little to hide the pompous expression on his face as he haughtily stared at her.

The two guards in black which she had seen within the official meeting seemed to have grant Edward great confidence as compared to the past when he stared at Sir Gregory meekly and full of nervousness, he now stood straight looking at them instead provocatively without the slightest hint of fear.

’Trash will always be rubbish in the end.’ Talia thought disdainfully as she saw that the boy begging for forgiveness from her and Sir Gregory is already acting so arrogantly again in front of her seemingly not learning any lesson at all from the previous meeting.

“Ah, hello Princess! Who would have thought we would be meeting you here, how about joining us for a walk among the streets of the City, you must have not been able to interact with your people so long, so I have to insist that you follow us as we go for a little tour.” Said the Governor threateningly indicating clearly that this was not an offer but a demand.

Sir Gregory hand reached over his sword as if preparing for a fight, whereas straight away the two men in black did not back down at all as they stared ruthlessly at the knight.

A heavy pressure seems to descend upon the small group but surprisingly Talia readily said, “Sure, we would love to join you for a relaxing walk I could do going out more after my recovery.”

The Governor's eyes widened in slight disbelief at how unhesitant Talia was in agreeing to his proposal, a hint of alarm filled his mind of the Princesses intentions but after thinking there was nothing she could do to him he decided to go along with whatever she was planning and said with a pleasant smile on his face, “Sure, going for these types of walks were after all your parents favourite past time, so I’m sure that your interests are no different.”

Talia just smiled back in reply, not biting at all at the clear provocation in mentioning her parents, thinking, ‘It looks like you have cut all pretences now, right? Well, a guy who loves his face as much as you is going to love the surprise I have in store for you.’

Both the Governor’s group, Talia and Sir Gregory left the region of the Palace as they began walking along the cobbled pavement as they began walking through the city, soon enough it caught the attention of numerous citizens who stared at their with great attention as they saw the young princess once again emerge from the palace.

From the rumours, they had long heard of the Princesses terrible reputation, but since a year ago she had seemed to disappear from the public eye and the effect of her repeatedly appearing with the Governor dressed extremely luxuriously seemingly dispelled a bit after it seemingly supported evidence that the Princess had indeed been suffering from an illness for the past year, otherwise, why would she not make a single appearance?

However, now once again seeing her in perfect health roaming around with the Governor so carefreely had once again reignited that spark about the stories about the Princess being a wastrel who cared more about the expensive decorations surrounding her Palace than her actual people.

Anger filled the eyes of the many citizens who’s lives have much increasingly difficult living within Alcaria’s Kingdoms capital these past years thanks to the exorbitant rise in prices which have been supposedly funnelled into the Princesses pockets.

More bad feelings couldn’t help but arise in these people about the Princess as they couldn’t help but think, ‘So what if she’s the daughter of a great King and Queen? That doesn’t mean someone so incapable and useless should become the ruler just because of their merits. She can’t live on that forever, could it truly be so bad for her to be replaced by someone more competent?’

Delighted inwardly upon seeing the numerous different hostile expressions of the citizens staring at the Princess the Governor couldn’t help but think, ‘So what if you recovered from your illness? What if your parents are so great? In the end, everything of yours will belong to me!’

Nonetheless, Talia chuckled at seeing the Governor’s expression.

Do you really think that I will remain as the naive Princess that you tricked these past years?

You may be able to trick a young innocent girl who felt alone and isolated after her parents left her, but I will not continue to roll over and obediently allow you to get your way!

Like your face so much?

You want to use the common people to your advantage and use their opinions against me?

Then make your decision right now in maintaining your profits or choosing to keep the common people on your side!

“Governor I can’t help but make a decision at the moment… so I’m hoping that you can follow my commands like you always have done so before.” Talia suddenly loudly said alerting everyone watching their group.

The Governor who seemed completely startled at the fact that Talia would dare say something at the moment, responded, “Yes, your highness, as always this servant will always aim to fulfil your interests.”

“So this means you would carry out my orders exactly? Which you have obviously been doing for the past years despite my young age.” Said Talia.

“Of course, we have always been carrying out the demands of your highness.” The Governor replied, causing the people in the surroundings to once again feel a great deal of goodwill at the apparent full ‘obedience’ and ‘patience’ of the Governor despite dealing with an incompetent young girl.

Once again seeing that Talia's pronouncement seemed to instead support the rumours that he had been deliberately been spreading he thought that Talia was instead benefiting him despite her intent, so he laughed in his mind, ‘Your still too young to argue with this old man!’

“Oh! SO does that mean that you and all of the nobles will once again reduce the tax, and in fact, I have decided to reduce it even lower than it was previously a few years ago instead to make up for my oh so past years of foolishness despite your great and wise leadership!” Talia said acting like a stubborn young girl who had finally matured and learnt a lesson from the knowledgable old teacher who had been trying to teach her all these years.

The Governor couldn’t help but pause as a bit as he caught off guard by Talia’s comments completely.

When Talia’s words seemed too finally set in, his mind worked quickly as he began to think of a solution, ‘Reduce the taxes? That’s impossible my plans have been revolving around all the money I have been bribing those greedy nobles these past years, but if I don’t agree it will ruin everything that I have set out to achieve these past years in destroying the Royal Families prestige.’

From the viewpoint of everyone else, the Governor seemed to have gone from pleasantly talking with the Princess to freezing in shock at her comments as he seemed to remain standing still in disbelief not knowing what to say.

This caused the people which have gathered around to watch the group to feel a bit suspicious at how the Governor seemed to still not jump at the opportunity from the Princesses decision to reduce the tax despite the generous and kind-hearted image the Governor had created in the past few years, otherwise, if he was such a nice man who aims to serve the people, wouldn’t he be greatly pleased with the opportunity in removing the excessive taxes created by the Princess to support her luxurious spending?

Unless it wasn’t the Princess at all in the end and was instead a plan to besmirch her reputation?

However, after a while, the Governor seemed to recover from his disbelief and said, “Sure! We and the official council will do that right away, I’m just so full of happiness that the Princess had finally learnt from this Oldman after all these years…”

‘Sure you are.’ She thought after looking at the straining smile on Governor's face that looked like he was anything but delighted.

The crowd watching thought, ‘Oh so I guess we are thinking too much into it! The Governor was just so proud that he finally had gotten through to the Princess after all of these years, what a kindhearted man, he totally lives up to his name.’

Everyone seeing firsthand the ‘touching’ relationship of the ‘wise’ teacher and ‘rebellious’ student finally learning her wrongs felt it was a incredibly moving scene.

No one at all could tell that this supposed harmonious relationship was anything but, with the kindhearted teacher wanting nothing more at this moment in time to tear her into pieces.

Nevertheless, this could not be seen outwardly at all as the two had bright smiles on their faces at they greeted each other pleasantly.

It was a joyful and kindhearted scene as the group continued to walk around the City before eventually returning to the Palace, the news making everyone extremely proud at how greatly united the Kingdom is despite the passing of the rulers the people who had heard the news thought that the Princess was indeed fortunate to be in the hands of such a kind and compassionate man who had done everything to support her ascension to transform into a great ruler.

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