《Explosions/Shadows (Bakugo X Reader)》chapter two


I woke up and looked at the clock, it was 11:00 AM which meant the mail had already run. I run outside and get the mail. There was a hologram of all might. I ran inside and opened it up ''Greetings young Y/N. You got first on the exam with seventy seven battle points and ten rescue points. You will be in class 1-A. Congratulations!'' I scream in excitement and text Kirishima.

'Hey guess what? I got in and I'm in class 1-A!'

'Really?! No way, me too! This is gonna be awesome!'

'Yea it is'

'This is gonna be so manly!'

I put down my phone and decided to train.


I wake up early to get ready for school and I check my phone. I had a text from Kirishima.

'Hey wanna walk to school together?'

'Sure, where do you want to meet at?'

'How about at the coffee shop'

'Sure but I'm also gonna get some coffee. I'll be there in twenty'

'Yea coffee is so manly!'

After that I get up and start getting dressed, Suga was at a friend's house so I didn't have to worry about her today. I then head out to the coffee shop where I'm meeting up with Kirishima. Once I get to the coffee shop I walk in and order my F/F coffee and sit down, waiting on Kirishima. After like, ten minutes he walks in, orders, and sits with me.

''Hey Y/N, I hope you don't mind but two other people are walking with us too.''

''Yea that's fine'' I say, forcing a smile. The truth is, that means more people I have to interact with. I sigh as I drink my F/C coffee and talk with Kirishima. After another ten minutes two other people walk in, one of them had short black hair, and the other had, to my dismay, ashy blond hair. They both walk over and the blond dude hisses at me. I shrink down in my seat.


''We'll be back, we're gonna go order our coffee's'' the black hair boy says as he walks off with the blond yelling at him.

I sigh as I watch them order, thinking of how he saved me when I passed out during the exam, but I don't think he wants anyone - including me knowing, so I ain't gonna say anything.

''Hey we should all exchange numbers so we don't have to go through other people anymore'' the black haired guy says.

''Yea that'd be manly'' Kirishima agrees.

''Whatever idiots'' blondie says.

I didn't think they were including me in this because, well, I'm used to being left out of stuff so I don't say anything until Kirishima looks at me. ''What about you Y/N you wanna?''

This surprised me but I just nod. We then exchange numbers. I learned that the black haired guy is named Sero and the ashy blond haired guy that doesn't seem to like me very much is named Bakugo. We then make a group chat and head off towards school. I stay quiet as the others talk, and it turns out all of us are in the same class. After hearing that I'm in the same class as Bakugo I almost slip into the shadows but Kirishima pulls me out.

Bakugo's POV

I walk in the coffee shop with Sero. ''I wonder who this other person that Kirishima was talking about is'' but my questions was answered when I saw her, the fucker that bumped into me at the exam. It angered me that she was talking to shitty hair and I don't know why, so I walk over there and hiss at them, which makes the fucker shrink down in her seat.

"We'll be back, we're gonna go order our coffee's'' Sero says and I start yelling at him that he doesn't tell me what to do. Once we finally get back since they were so slow Sero speaks up.

''Hey we should all exchange numbers so we don't have to go through other people anymore'' duct tape says.


''Yea that'd be manly!'' shitty hair says.

''Whatever idiots'' I say.

Y/N didn't say anything so Kirishima looks at her and says ''What about you Y/N you wanna?''

She just nods, I glare but she doesn't see. We then made a stupid group chat, and headed off towards school. We talk as we walk but Y/N just stays silent and tries to slip into the shadows before shitty hair pulls her out. I frown at that but shrug it off, since we're walking into the classroom. As soon as we enter the classroom Y/N goes and sits in the back left corner of the room but I can't allow that, so I walk towards her and look at her. ''Nope, you're apart of the squad now, you have to sit with us'' I tell her as I pick her up and put her in the seat next to mine. I then proceed to bring her stuff to her.

''U-uh t-thanks, I think'' she says as I drop her stuff on her desk. I'm not gonna call her fucker no more we're going with shadow now. Why did I just do that?

''Hey Bakugo, where are Mina and Kaminari?'' Shitty hair asks me.

''How the hell should I know? They didn't respond to my messages this morning?!'' I yell.

''Weird'' Shitty hair says.

As he says that I see them walk in and sit with us, shitty hair catches them up on what they missed and we do the fucking exchanging numbers thing again.

''Who's this is she the new addition Kirishima keeps talking about?'' Pinky asks me.

''Yea this is Y/N'' I say venom lacing my voice.


I watch as two new people come up and sit with the Baku squad as they call it. One was pink and the other had yellow hair with a lighting bolt in his hair.

''Who's this? Is she the new addition Kirishima keeps talking about?'' I hear Mina ask. I just stay quiet and shrink down in my seat.

''Yea this is Y/N'' I hear Bakugo say with venom in his voice which makes me shrink down even more, while I try to keep the tears in.

''If you're here to make friends I suggest you leave now'' someone in a yellow sleeping bag says as he worms his way into the classroom. ''I'm you teacher Aizawa, now put on your gym uniforms and meet me outside.'' he says as holes open up to show our uniforms. I grab my uniform and head towards the changing rooms.

''Hey! I'm Ukruka and your Y/N right?'' a girl with brown hair says as she bounces up to me.

''U-uh y-yea'' I say as I turn towards her. ''Nice to meet you'' I say, forcing a smile.

''Let's be friends! Here's my number.'' she says, handing me a paper.

''Yea ok thanks'' I say. After that we all head out to the field.

''Bakugo, what was your farthest throw in junior high?'' Mr. Aizawa asks.

''Um 706.5'' Bakugo says. Or, at least I think that's what he said.

''Damn'' I mumble under my breath.

''Ok, well this time I want you to use your quirk''

Bakugo nods and propels the ball with his explosions screaming ''DIE!''

''700.0 meters'' Aizawa says. ''Also, whoever gets last place will be expelled."

''WHAT?!?!'' we all shout.

First up was the 50 meter dash and I was up against Midoria. I use my shadows to propel myself forward, while Midoria doesn't use his quirk at all. After that we do a bunch of other stuff and then we do the ball throw. I use my shadow to propel the ball forwards.

''700.5 meters'' Aizawa says and I smile.

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