《Hetalia: The Lost World》Chapter 8
All was silent until Matt made his first move with his hockey stick, who then jumped up high in the air and began to attack Italy. Italy was left in shock as Matt came to him fast and began to position his stick to hit Italy on the head. A moment had passed, were Italy left up his head to only see Matt's stick to be three inches from his head. Italy than followed the ending part of the stick to only see Iyong ju blocking it with his hand. Matt was also surprised to see his attack was blocked and before he could do anything, Iyong ju than grab onto the stick along with Matt holding it and started to spin in circles. Matt who was caught in this was starting to get dizzy and was about to yell for help, until Iyong ju threw the stick along with Matt into a shrine lake. Matt than came out of the water and began panting, while taking deep breaths. "How the [beep] did he do that!?" yelled Al who was shocked. "I-I don't even know Al" said Matt before catching his breath and grabbing onto the ledge to get out of the lake. "Okay then, it's my turn" said Al before putting down his bat to crack his knuckles and picking it up. Italy was watching this was worried about Iyong ju's safety, but was surprised of how he saved his life. "Let's see how tough you are, punk" said Al before running towards Iyong ju with his bat in his hands. When Al got close, he started to swing his bat around while Iyong ju was successfully dodging Al's attacks. "How are you even [beep]ing dodge my attacks like that? This time you're not going to be so lucky you mother[beep]er" said Al before using his ultimate attack until it was blocked by Iyong ju. Before Al could even swear, Iyong ju than quickly kick flipped Al causing him to land in the same lake as Matt. Al than came up to the surface while catching his breath. "W-Why you m-mother[beep]ing b-brute!" yelled Al before swimming to the ledge where Matt is resting by and began climbing out. Soon after Iyong ju was done teaching both Al and Matt a lesson, Lutz was the last one standing. "Mein gott, jou sure have skills. However jour luck ends here, because I, Lutz iz going to make jour vorld spin around till jou bleed" said Lutz before pulling out a large AK-47. While Lutz was cocking the gun and had it locked onto Iyong ju, Italy realized that he was going to get shoot quickly ran in front of Lutz's lock on. "So zhen, jou dare to get in mein vay of firing? Zhat's a shocker. But fortunately for me, I'll only have two shots of zhis. I hope jou said jour final prayers, because jou ain't gonna to live to tell zhe tale" said Lutz before laughing evilly and began to fire. Italy embraced himself, until he heard a couple of clanks. He wasn't feeling the bullets piercing through his skin but instead, he looked up and a saw a shield that's made out of thin blue wires, that are protecting him. Al and Matt were shocked to see Iyong ju protecting Italy and Lutz was surprised to see Italy still alive. Iyong ju than repositioned his wires and jumped up in the air only to be above Lutz. "How dare jou use zhose zhings to protect a 1P!" yelled Lutz before locking onto Iyong ju. At perfect timing, both Iyong ju and Lutz attacked at the same time. However Iyong ju was not effected by the bullets and his wires were strong enough to slice Lutz's gun into small pieces. "Zhis iz so not mein day. Let's get out of here!" yelled Lutz as both Al and Matt quickly ran to an exit, along with Lutz following behind them. Lutz than turned around to face both Italy and Iyong ju. "Jou may have von, North Korea. But ve vill be back vith zhe other 2Ps" said Lutz before retreating with Al and Matt. When the three 2Ps left, Italy was amazed of what Iyong ju did during his fight. "Ve~! Iyong ju! That-a was-a amazing! I-a thought I-a was going to get-a shot, until you-a saved me! You're my-a hero!" said Italy until he noticed that Iyong ju wasn't doing so good. "What's the matter, Iyong ju?" asked Italy who kneeled next to Iyong ju again. Iyong ju looked at Italy, until he felt a rushing pain in his chest. Italy made Iyong ju uncover his chest and saw a bullet hole that was placed by his heart. Italy than made Iyong ju lay flat on his back and he touched the wound, only for Iyong ju to hiss in pain. "Ayeeee! Hang on Iyong ju, I'll-a save you!" yelled Italy as he placed his hands on the wound for pressure. While placing pressure on Iyong ju's wound, Italy saw blood coming from Iyong ju's body causing him to panic even more. "No! Iyong ju, don't-a leave me!" yelled Italy who was starting to cry. "F-Feliciano... p-please... d-don't c-cry. I-I'll b-be... f-fine" said Iyong ju weakly. "No, no Iyong ju! Don't speak!" yelled Italy who than began to break into tears. "Itary! Itary! Where are you!?" yelled Japan's voice. Italy who heard Japan then realized that he can help him save Iyong ju. "Japan!!! Come quick!!!" yelled Italy and under a minute Japan found Italy along with Iyong ju. "Itary! What happened?" asked Japan. "N-No time to-a explain! Help me carry-a him to China's infirmary room!" yelled Italy. Japan than helped carry Iyong ju's unconscious body to China's infirmary room. ~In China's Infirmary Room~ When both Italy and Japan carried Iyong ju to the infirmary room, Japan was giving Iyong ju special Japanese healing medicine and he gave him stitches for his wound. Italy was waiting if Iyong ju will make it. He began to worry and after awhile of waiting Italy couldn't take it any longer and went to where Iyong ju is being kept. To his surprise, he saw Japan finishing up healing Iyong ju. Japan than noticed Italy walking in. "Itary, I tord you that he'rr be fine" said Japan. "B-But he-a saved my life" said Italy before breaking into tears. "I arready know that, courd you terr me what happened?" asked Japan. Soon with that, Italy told Japan everything leaving Japan in shock to hearing that Iyong ju was Italy's cat the whole entire time and he was North Korea. "That's all I-a got to say" said Italy. "Arr this time, Iyong ju was here arr arong and he managed to fight three other 2Ps" said Japan who was still trying the believe that the person who he helped saved with Italy was North Korea. "Si! He-a did fight them" said Italy. "Don't worry Itary-kun, he'rr be fine. The burret that pierced through his skin wasn't even crose to his heart" said Japan while trying to break a smile for Italy (well... kinda). "O-Okay then. Please don't-a tell anyone not even-a Germany about North Korea being here" said Italy while on his knees begging at Japan. "Okay fine. I promise not terr nobody not even Germany about North Korea being here. This wirr be our secret" said Japan while crossing his heart. ~The Next Day~ Germany and Japan were discussing a route that will take them from China into North Korea, it will also be a very easy path if not being spotted. While they were walking they came across, China's infirmary room. "Say Japan, I never knew China had a infirmary room in his house" said Germany while stopping along with Japan doing the same thing. Apparently Italy was there and gave Japan an explanation/lie, while Germany was still waiting for an answer. "That's because, China doesn't want anyone to know about it" said Japan. "Si! That's-a right! China has his-a secrets" said Italy. "Vell if China vants to keep zhis as a secret, zhan vhy iz zhere even a infirmary in zhe first place?" asked Germany before walking to the front of the door to the infirmary. "Good going Itary. Now it's not rike he arready knows" said Japan before face-palming. "Oops, sorry" said Italy before letting out a quiet nervous laugh. Germany than opened the door and went inside along with both Japan and Italy following far behind him. When inside Japan and Italy than noticed that Germany went deeper into the room. "Oh great. If onry we wourdn't wark this way" said Japan. "Well we all make-a mistakes, do we-a not?" asked Italy with a smile. While Germany was much deeper into the room, he came across a bed with a blanket. Germany was curious to see what's underneath and when he pulled off the blanket, he got a scare out of his lifetime. "I-It can't be" said Germany while looking at the body of North Korea. Before Germany could do anything else to his surprise North Korea slowly opened his eyes slightly scaring Germany. "F-Feliciano... I'm glad that you're safe" said North Korea weakly before closing his eyes. When North Korea went back to being unconscious, Germany noticed a large red stain on his shirt. Germany than realized it was a blood stain and knew it's a bullet wound. "Germany, what-a are you-a doing?" asked Italy as he came into the same room as Germany along with Japan. "Do jou guys realize zhat zhis iz North Korea? Vhat iz he doing here und vhy iz zhere a bullet vound in his chest?" asked Germany as he faced Italy and Japan. Both Italy and Japan both knew that they have to break the truth, even though they promised not to tell Germany, because he'll just flip out. After explaining everything to Germany, he understood and agreed to keep North Korea's location a secret. ~Time Skip~ "So vhen iz he supposed to be fully healed?" asked Germany. "Werr I started to aid him since yesterday and he's been here arr night arso" said Japan. While both Germany and Japan were talking, Italy was sitting next to Iyong ju's bed waiting for him to wake up. Suddenly Italy noticed that Iyong ju began opening his eyes and looked at Italy. "Iyong ju" whispered Italy. "F-Feliciano? Wait a minute... this could be ether heaven or hell for me. Am I dead?" asked Iyong ju. "Nope you're-a not, you're still-a on earth silly" said Italy while Iyong ju gave a small chuckle. Without notice Japan stopped talking to Germany and saw Iyong ju awake. "Oh herro there, Iyong ju or shourd I say North Korea" said Japan. "K-Kiku? When did you get in here?" asked Iyong ju. "Werr terr you what, Itary here made me save your rife, so I hope you're thankfur for me" said Japan. "Oh I'm thankful alright and do you want to know what I should award you with?" asked Iyong ju. "Uhh... kirr me? Perhaps rip my head off from my shourders?" asked Japan. "What's with people and the rumors of me ripping off heads for an execution? I am so sick of hearing it every damn day" said Iyong ju. "Uhh... okay then. Sorry for bringing it up" said Japan. "Anyway, I have the need..... the need to.... hug you" said Iyong ju as Japan was left in shock along with Germany smacking himself in the face. "Ve~! Germany! Japan! Did you-a heard that? Iyong ju wants to-a hug you" said Italy. Japan than slowly inched his way to Iyong ju who had open arms and Japan than looked at Italy who was happy for him. "Come on hug, Japan!" said Italy before Japan looked back at Iyong ju who was waiting for him. Japan than looked back at Italy to only see his happy expression. "Come on man, come on!" said Italy while smiling. Japan than looked at Iyong ju, where Japan was in his thoughts 'You... will... die' Japan then looked back at Italy. "Come on hug, already!" said Italy still smiling. Japan than looked back at Iyong ju, while still in his thoughts 'Die' Japan than looked back at Italy. "Eeeee~!" said Italy with both of his eyes open while smiling. Japan looked back at Iyong ju and decently still in his thoughts 'Die' Japan then looked back at Italy. "Ahhh.... just do it" said Italy while glitter sparkles in his eyes along with a much bigger smile. Japan than looked back at Iyong ju while his thoughts ended with 'Die... you' Suddenly Japan hugged Iyong ju, but it was Iyong ju who forced Japan into hugging. Japan who suddenly felt happy for once, hugged back until it was interrupted when Iyong ju felt pain coming into his chest. Japan let go of Iyong ju who then smiled at him as Japan stood next to Germany. "So North Korea... I mean Iyong ju vas it true zhat jou protected Italy from three other 2Ps?" asked Germany. "Yes, yes I did. Why are you asking?" asked Iyong ju. "Vell I vas just vondering zhat's all" said Germany. "Did zhey mention zhat zhey have names?" asked Germany. "Apparently they did. But you're probably not going to like what you hear" said Iyong ju. "Zhat's fine. I just vant to hear vhat jou know before being blasted by a bullet" said Germany. "Their names are Matt, Al, and.... Lutz" said Iyong ju. "Uhh... Germany that's your 2P counterpart" said Japan. "Wait a minute, did you just said that the German who shot me with an AK-47, is your 2P counterpart?" asked Iyong ju. "Apparently, he iz. In fact Al Jones und Matt Villiams are zhe 2Ps counterparts of both zhe regular America und Canada" said Germany. "Well that makes sense" said Iyong ju. "Und to zhink zhat I trusted both the 2P counterparts of both England und Austria" said Germany. "Wait are you saying that the 2P versions of both England and Austria are here?" asked Iyong ju. "Hai, both of them are here with us" said Japan. "Oh great, I get to deal with two British bastards at the same time" mumbled Iyong ju. "Anyway now that-a you are-a healed, let's-a go Iyong ju" said Italy as he helped Iyong ju get out of the bed. Soon Germany and Japan left the room only leaving both Italy and Iyong ju behind. ~Time Skip~ It was nighttime and Italy was getting ready for bed. As soon Italy came back from the bathroom, he climbed into bed. Suddenly without noticed, Romano came in the room with his suitcase. "Romano, what-a are you-a doing?" asked Italy. "Apparently to my-a surprise Gilbert and-a Roland kicked me out-a of their room. I-a tried to-a sleep with-a Japan, but I-a only got a sword to my-a throat. I-a didn't even want to-a bother with-a the potato eating bastard" said Romano looking at his brother, until his eyes crossed Iyong ju. "I-Is that-a the bastard that relates-a to the potato bastard!? What-a is he-a doing here!?" yelled Romano in shock as he was pointing at Iyong ju. "Relax Romano, he's a good man. By the way, he-a even agrees to comfort me while I-a sleep" said Italy. "How will-a the bastard do that?" asked Romano. "Easy, he-a agrees into taking the form of-a Germany" said Italy. "Wait a minute! He can transform!? I don't want-a him to transform into that-a potato loving bastard!" yelled Romano but it was too late, Iyong ju already used his transformation spell. Romano was shocked to see Germany standing in the place of Iyong ju. "Nooooo! My-a nightmares are-a coming true!" yelled Romano before fainting on the second guest bed. "Geez, vhat's vith him?" asked Iyong ju in Germany's voice. "Oh Romano, is-a always so-a dramatic. Anyway I-a need comfort right now" said Italy as Iyong ju climbed in bed next to him. "Hehehe.... do you-a mind if I-a touch you again just like the first night?" asked Italy before Iyong ju was starting to blush... again. "Uhh... apparently jou can if jou vant. I really don't care" said Iyong ju before turning off the lamp.
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