《Book of TLC (Poem Book)》Unicorns and Angels (Kid’s book)


(Dedicated to Kat* and Jul*)

I believe unicorns and angels are in EVERY book!

When a book is written, it can make you happy or sad and this includes unicorns as they are very heart felt creatures.

Which book has made you happy :) ?

Which book has made you sad :( ?

The natural colour of a unicorn is white and the original pages of a book is also white.

The horn on a unicorn is known to have magical and special powers…just like the story in a book.

What kind of magical and special books have you read?

When a book is written, I picture it in colour just like the rainbow power the unicorn is said to have.

It is like the wings of an angel spread out as the climax of a book is read.

Do you know what the climax is in a story?

The halo of an angel could represent wanting to read a book over and over again!

What book have read more than once?

White light that surrounds the angel might surge through you when you read the ending of the book.

So Angels and Unicorns are best of friends because they are both in each and every book you read!


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