《Book of TLC (Poem Book)》Cya (Poem)


(Wrote this when I was deciding on moving in with my dad, from living with my mum. I see a few flaws, but I don't have the heart to change it...)

Why is it like this, why can't I understand,

Hearts may be broken, and friendships can be mend.

Why does it cost so much, that I want to move away?

Is this where I act but I have no say?

I lose my friends and a guy I really like,

For what? A place I don't know and boys not my type?

Would it be worth it, worth all the happiness?

Would I have a gain or be any less?

My mum is no better, selfish and careless,

Her life is made mine, one hell of a mess.

My dad so much wiser, realistic and funny,

He cares for us kids, as for mum, money.

I don't want to be mean, not like mum,

Honestly, I'm not! In class I chew gum!

Why does she make my life difficult for me?

Why can't she be a normal mum? Without me being a fee!

I hear people say, 'Follow your instincts', 'Follow your heart'.

I want to be free, satisfied, just like ‘Bart’.

My brother's love the idea,

I admit...it's hard to say...'Cya.'

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