《Book of TLC (Poem Book)》Trying to outdo Hard (Written nothing)


What would be the definition of an easy life? A stay at home cat...what do they do? Sleep, eat, bath themselves and claw the couch, give or take. But, how is that classified as easy, when they have to depend on their owner for their every meal, when they have to stay inside weither they wanted to or not. They depend on their owner to give them something to play with, so they don’t go berserk on something else like the couch. And even then they depend on their owner for attention, more than they might care to, because they might be bored. Not just that, the owner may be cruel to them also, kicking them, holding them by the tail, picking them up when they don’t want to be picked up and more. Or just the opposite, the owner may be just that little bit too nice and feed them too much and the cat is overweight, losing the idea of being energetic and doesn’t take in as much experience as other cats. The cat may get some kind of disorder, like blindness or the loss of a leg.

As I come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve come across much of something having an easy life. I say get over the feeling of thinking that things are hard for you and accept it, as not many go through less then you. In fact, there are probably people out their going through hell, compared to what you are going through. The stories of today, can somewhat be overwhelming to people, as what people are doing to other people is known as ‘unbelievable’, and a look on a face that only holds astonishment. Some examples are: -

Dad killing his child because they wouldn’t be quiet when soccer world cup was on. That kid may have been a baby, but that wasn’t an easy life, being beaten by your own father...especially when all the child wanted was something easy, like changing, milk or bed.

Stealing males or females to have as sex slaves, trading them off as though they are owned, and the females even having baring children to the male kidnappers. That is a life without family, friends and, most likely, feelings...you wouldn’t know who you are, as you are being told what to do day and night. To survive some people don’t feel. Besides experience, I think feelings are fatal to living a life in general. Agree that being happy is an awesome feeling?

Kids at school with knifes. For this child to bring a knife to school they must have parents that don’t care about them in the least. What I think of this is, why the hell does this child think it’s OK to even touch a knife outside of the dining table, maybe not even then (depends on age of cause and maturity). The kids that have done this were shown little attention, as they got thus far with a knife to begin with. I feel bad for them as they probably learnt a lot of things by themselves and watching. Living a life not knowing better because no one would tell them...I don’t suppose that would be an easy life, all of sudden being told that there is a better way that you have no idea about, would be scary and children like this take awhile to change because living another way is new and strangely overwhelming for them. It is a very slow process to tell a 9 year old (give or take) that you love them after so many years of not being loved and have them know it was real.


I mean seriously, that is only some, there is heaps more out there having it harder than the average person. Isn’t it strange how hearing about other people’s problems makes yours feel better? It is more of a realisation that you see other people that are having it hard just like yourself and they may be going through harder things then you. You may feel like helping them, which either means that you would like to tell them your point of view and give them another prospective as you’re generally interested, or you are trying to get your problems off your mind, and this is just one way to go about it. In both of those ways, I find it relieving, as life isn’t about yourself and you should invite other people’s problems onto yours, as before, you may find your opinion may help them out very much. Also they may ask about yours and do the same in return, may not happen all the time but I will say it does happen. And if you don’t feel like hearing about their problems then you’re too absorbed in your own life to worry about others. Everyone goes through times where they want to be alone to think, and some don’t care about hurting people’s feelings, but some do and they say something like ‘look I’m sorry but I just need to be alone at the moment’...Then there’s the people that just like to ‘Bitch’ or ‘Vent’ and they are on their way, people like that most likely have a small problem that is niggling at them and they need to get it out, even to a stranger. Most people have come across someone came up to them and blast something out and you have no idea what they are talking about, what to do or say back to them. I find it funny when people do that to me, I must have ‘Tell me your problems’ written on my forehead or something, as I get it more often than I’d like to admit. But they feel better after, strangely I don’t think they are looking for a response but they are looking for an ear. ‘Thanks for helping’ makes me want to go back and think what I did to actually help, of cause, then I shrug and say ‘No problem, anytime’.

OK I’ve gone around about way of saying to make someone feel better about problems is to talk to someone else about their problems. Or talk to someone in general about yours and maybe get another perspective.

Firstly, you need to think about why you think you have it hard...are you having money troubles? Are you scared of something? Girl/boy trouble? Work trouble? Trouble with me because I’m not making any sense lol.

There are things that can be done to make things easier and the first thing to do is validate how much of a problem you have. A big piece of the puzzle is to not stress and take it head on. Example:-


I am a wow player, I enjoy playing World of Warcraft when my child is asleep. But right now we lost our internet due to the storm. /cry. As you see it’s not my finest moments, I had big plans tonight, I had dailies to do and some profession I wanted to get beyond 75...But it’s been thrown out the window through one messily storm. It’s not much of a hard time, you may be thinking that you don’t even own a computer, or that you have no idea what a MMO actually is. But you may watch TV, TV is my wow. You may go see friends, seeing friends, is like, my wow. So if you can somewhat relate, to me, it’s going to make the next couple of days a little longer and harder to endure. But of cause I will wait patiently and do something else instead, as you see. I’ve calmed down after I heard the news, I thought about my options, one is to clean, as I still will do. Others were watch a movie or two and go on computer and do something else. I am no longer too concerned as I know that life isn’t being stopped and my child will not be harmed...sad to say, there is no lose here.

As you see, small things that may be harsh when first heard but if you give yourself some thinking time then it’s not so bad.

Find out the hard thing: Wow unplayable.

Dealing with it head on: Do something else and be patient. Or as my brother’s would say, ‘Give it up entirely’.

Not everything can be done like this, some hard things involve jail, death and more horrible, bad things.

I haven’t nothing much to say to people having it hard in jail, you have put it on yourselves, as you didn’t follow easy rules. You may think that I’m ‘boring’ but to me ‘boring’ is sitting in a jail cell for 2yrs or so doing jack all with your life over something silly, like stealing or stabbing someone. For you though ask yourselves the question, ‘was it worth it?’. When you could be out here experiencing realistic things for less, wasting your time not going by the rules is a hard price to pay when you can live by them and be happier. That’s it for you, learn and live.

Death is a way harder subject. I have not managed to live through a lot of it. I have seen my great grandmother die, but to me that wasn’t hard. As she was surrounded by so many loved people and she was ready to go, it was her time. Another time was my ex killed himself. We were somewhat close, he was my first love, and I mean puppy dog, teenager love. And yes that was hard for me to get over, as he rang me before he did it wanting to talk to me, but I said I was busy. That was the last time I talked to him. It had taken me months to reconcile with myself that I wasn’t the one that would have changed something with him, that he may have still been here if I talked to him that time. When I met him he was talking about being suicidal, he was one that wasn’t supposed to live beyond a certain point, I guess. If anything I just postponed the inevitable. I don’t know how else to explain it, he wasn’t happy with life in general. He did experience quite a few things, I’ll give him that. He just wasn’t meant to stay.

So my point is in there somewhere....where is it? Oh yeah. What I’m trying to say is that some things have consequences, so if you don’t follow some certain rules, and you are finding it hard to abide by them, then you’re a douche bag, because so many people do it all the time, everyday, and you have no real excuse but to say that your scared to be a good person. And my other point, yeah there’s another one, is that some things, sadly, are meant to happen. Out of your control. I have learnt that ‘Bad’ things may bring something ‘good’. As when my ex killed himself, something happened to me that I wouldn’t have thought it would happen. I was having so much troubles conceiving, and so many times where it could have happened, but didn’t. And, not long after I had found myself pregnant. To me, that was something good out of something bad, it helped me overcome my friends death and move on to the most exciting thing that ever happened to me.

Sadly, I’m coming to an end on how to try and get over hard times. Just remember that you’re not alone, and most probably not the one with the worst problem. Calm down, take it head on and deal with it.

Experience life and all your LEGAL hard possibilities! Life without knowing hardship isn’t rewarding, as you do not grow within yourself to be a strong willed person.

P.S I have had more hardships, I’m not giving advice through unseeing eyes. More may be discovered if I continue not having the internet. Or I just get bored trying to be someone that doesn’t make any sense.

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