《Universe Tales: Virtual Log of the Fallen One》Boss Fight 2


“You have got to be kidding me! It’s HP doubled?!”

“...that means the regen...”



A green number flashed on top of the Ogre’s head. The boss monster had evolved and so did its skills.

The HP regeneration was so high now that it left the party dumbfounded.

Milly continued to tank the monster’s attacks, but you could practically see her HP plummeting even when she was stacked with defense buffs and Amanda’s heals and buffs.

“We needed more people to raid this boss! It’s impossible for us now!”

The monster’s HP had begun to regenerate. Only Milly, Maria, and Zack were doing any damage to it while Lizzy didn’t know what to do. If she stepped in to attack it, the monster’s aggro would suddenly shift onto her instead!

“Hey~ this thing doesn’t worry about aggro anymore, right?” Maria asked while in the air.


“Then...I can attack it freely now?”

“Huh? S-sure?”

Maria smiled happily when she heard this. She immediately swooped down with her feathers still bombarding the boss.

Her MP was still at half, but the occasional potion she took was enough to bring her MP up by 500 points.

The potions in Unitale did not have a cooldown. As long as you could open it, shove it down your mouth and drink it, the potion would work. The quick slots that Lizzy had explained to Maria were only about the slots or pockets on her equipment that would let her have easy access to the potion. This way, she wouldn’t need to bring out the menu and pull out a potion all the time.

She kept her MP up to 80% all the time and of course, this naturally burned through her MP potions.

Lizzy had traded 20 potions to her and she had already used 5 of them since the start of the battle.

When Maria arrived close to the boss, the monster immediately noticed her and waved its club in a flurry.


Maria dodged by flying up before abruptly dropping on top of its head with a [Calamity Cleave]

-1500!! (Fatal Strike! x8 DMG)

The attack immediately stunned the boss. It was struck directly on top of its head and there was no way for it to escape that stun.

Maria stayed in mid-air as she kept swinging her ax back and forth on to the stumbling ogre’s head.






Seeing her go at it, the rest of her party immediately jumped into the fray. Maria was either very clueless, or she was just really brave. The girl had just rushed in like that with no preparations and just slammed her ax onto its head.

When the stun duration ended, the ogre roared at Maria and was just about to smash its club onto her body, but Maria quickly activated [Gehenna’s Eye] and burn its eyes and face.



A roar of pain sounded out and the ogre began grabbing its head.

“Got it!”

Everyone else in the party had been paying attention to its status the entire, so when another new debuff appeared...

“Hey! Look! It’s status!”


“You could do that?!”

“We should have poked its eyes out much earlier!”

“Come on! We can do this! Even if it can regenerate its eyes, Mary, you burn them up again!”


The party pushed forward and attacked the monster with reckless abandon. It was still in pain from having its eyes burnt out and was only swinging its club randomly.

This made it easy for the melee players of the party to close in and attack.


When the Ogre’s eyes were regenerated, its HP had whittled down to 35%. It roared in rage and immediately eyed Maria who was in the air. It jumped up and slammed its club down onto the girl.

Maria immediately backed up and evaded the attack. Before the ogre fell back down, Maria followed up with an [Arc Swing] which sent it flying into the air once again and she chased after before slamming a [Calamity Cleave] on its defenseless body and smashing it into the ground again.


“The stun’s up again! GOGOGO~!” Lizzy screamed in excitement.

The party once again bombarded more attacks onto the boss and Maria blinded again it by gouging the eyes out with her feathers after failing to burn them with her [Gehenna’s Eye].

They whittled down the boss monsters just like this. It was a very chaotic fight with Maria constantly smashing and bashing the monster around with her ax and her friends were just unloading skill after skill onto the boss.

No one cared to keep track of the aggro anymore since the monster had long since stopped operating as a normal monster.


“Alright, it’s almost dead! I last push go—”



The fight was quickly brought to a screeching halt when Maria swung her ax and beheaded the ogre and causing a fountain of green blood to spew into the air from the monster’s neck.

[800,000 exp gained (x8 multiplier)]

[Level up! Acquired 20 Free Stat Points]

[Your Party has defeated the Hidden Boss of the dungeon Almer Forest, would you like to announce your names in the World Announcement? YES/NO]


“...What happened?”

Everyone except Maria had gained at least 3-4 levels once the boss fell, but they were all too dumbfounded by what happened. The boss still had 5% of HP left, but all of a sudden Maria had dealt a huge amount of DMG to it and beheaded the thing.

“Uhhh...guys, I think my weapon’s [Behead] skill triggered...” Maria answered.

“Wait, wasn’t that only supposed to have a 1% chance to proc?”

“It’s the weapon’s 4th skill that raises the effect to 10% when the target’s HP is lower than 10%~” Lizzy answered her bewildered dwarven friend.


“Who cares? We won! Hahahaha~”

The party rejoiced since they won, but then everyone turned their attention towards the large floating window in the middle of the field.

“Should we?”


“Dun care”

When Amanda asked, everyone gave a very uncaring answer and even Zack only shrugged. She then turned towards her Fallen Angel friend who was currently busy letting her ax suck in all of the dead ogre’s blood.



Amanda immediately knew that her friend could careless as well.

“Well, why not? We can also post it onto the forums to attract attention to us. We plan on making a guild right?”

“Yeah sure~”


After receiving Milly’s okay and Lizzy’s ‘meh’, Amanda tapped on the [YES].

[World Announcement:

Congratulations to party:

Lisbet Lv. 29 Warrior (Party Leader) Maria Lv. 11 Dark Priestess (Party Member) Ama Lv. 26 Druid (Party Member Z Lv. 28 Thief (Party Member) Milya Lv. 29 Knight (Party Member)

For the extraordinary achievement of being the first to defeat the Hidden Boss of Almer Forest, Ogre Ul’moru

Rewards: Level +1, 50 Gold Coins, 5 FSPs, 1 Random Treasure Chest, +100 Reputation Points]


“Nice, we hit Level 30, Liz!”

“Just 20 more levels until we can upgrade our class!”

Milly and Lizzy were ecstatic at the level reward. They didn’t seem to care about the other rewards. Maria was also pretty satisfied. She had gained a lot of levels today despite her absurd EXP requirements.

“Hey, guys~ let’s go check out that cave! We still haven’t gotten any loot from the boss yet!” Zack called out.

Everyone quickly shuffled their way over to the cave and Zack went in to scout. It didn’t take him long to walk out with a beaming smile on his face.

“Guys, you should come in and take a look! We’ve struck it rich this time!”

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