《Zeltis》Chapter Twenty Two


Zeltis made sure to return Alex’s face to normal once they got far enough away. They were both quiet as they made their way home. There were few people out as they got closer to home and it felt eerily silent, but the street lights brightened up the gloomy darkness.

Zeltis parked in the garage and went in through the kitchen. He froze as soon as he entered the living room and saw the group of people waiting there. The servants were nervously standing to one side as Alex’s father and two police officers stood from their seats as soon as Alex walked in.

“This does not look good,” Alex commented sending out waves of anxiety.

“It’s about time you got home. These officers have informed me that you've gotten into a some trouble,” David said. His voice was carefully neutral, but his hands were in tight fists that spoke of his agitation.

“You are Alexander Kent, correct?” The taller officer with graying hair spoke.

“That’s right,” Zeltis said and moved further into the room.

“Please be polite,” Alex begged.

“We’ll see,” Zeltis answered and Alex groaned.

“We have received a few reports regarding you, so if you could explain the details.” The other, younger officer said. He motioned Alex to sit on the chair next to David, while the two officers sat on the couch.

Zeltis sat down catching a warning glare from David.

“He is totally pissed so be careful,” Alex warned.

“We received a report of a dine and dash along with a brief altercation at the nearby cafe. We also received reports of underage drinking at the club and your card came up in the searches. So we want to find out more about what happened,” The older officer continued calm but stern in his tone.

“Ah both incidents are a bit of a misunderstanding. As for the club I didn’t think I would be allowed in but when they let me I was too curious not to go in. I did get a drink and neither time did they even ask for ID. I’m sorry about drinking. I wanted to seem grown up as there was a pretty girl…” Zeltis trailed off looking down. He almost smiled when the younger officer nodded with a grin.

“I can understand a young man trying to impress a girl, but I hope you won’t be drinking again until you reach the legal age,” The older officer said.

“I will make sure to keep a closer eye on him,” David said with a hard glare in Alex’s direction.

“Oh as for the dine and dash I was with a friend and we had every intention of paying when someone jumped at us. We had little choice but to run or risk getting attacked. I was planning on going back tomorrow to pay. But I was scared the people who tried to attack might still be waiting for us there,” Zeltis said in a sincere tone.


“Wow you aren’t lying but your sickly sweet tone is a little much,” Alex said.

“I’m new to the mortal world so give me a break. I’m doing my best.”

“We heard from witnesses that it looked like you were attacked first. Did you know your attacker? We haven’t been able to find any of them. We already spoken with your lady friend and returned her things. She said much the same as you did about what happened,” The older officer said.

“Oh I’m glad Summer got her things back but I hope she won’t get in too much trouble,” Alex said.

“Shouldn’t you be worried about the trouble we’re in?” Zeltis chimed in.

“No the police will probably let us off, but I doubt my father will.”

“Young man?” the younger officer prodded him.

“Pay attention!” David said a little too loudly.

“Ah, I don’t know him personally. I think his name is Lei Ling. I got his name when he came to my martial arts class not long ago. I was surprised when he suddenly attacked in such a public place.”

“We would like you to come to the station tomorrow after school and fill out a report. we want you to describe the attackers as well as you can. We will have an officer go with you to the cafe to speak with the owner. If they don’t file charges they might accept an apology along with payment of your bill,” The younger officer said.


“Of course officers. I will make sure that he gets there,” David interrupted what Zeltis was about to say. Zeltis frowned, but nodded.

“Thanks for your cooperation,” The older officer said as they stood and shook David’s and Alex’s hand.

As soon as the door shut behind them David spun toward Alex glancing also at the servants. “I hired all of you to keep an eye on Alex, not to let him wander around getting into trouble. I’ve heard he’s been leaving the house and getting back late almost every night. He even went out of state on an overnight trip! What the hell am I paying you all for!" David spun to face Alex, "I didn’t give you that credit card so you could use it for drinks and girls.”

The servants all flinched as David's voice echoed across the room, and they looked guilty and scared.

“It’s not their fault, and having some drinks isn’t a big deal. The cafe was not Alex's fault so he hasn't done anything for you to be so angry about,” Zeltis said.

“Not a big deal!” David roared. “You all leave, apparently I haven’t taught my son how to respect authority or his obligations to the family.”

The servants glanced at Alex with regret but slunk away.

“Family what a convenient word when I know so little about Alex’s family. He had to travel so far just to find out more about his own mother, and to meet his aunt. You have no right to talk about family,” Zeltis growled.


“Hey I agree with you but you shouldn’t-” Alex started nervously.

“You can’t let him walk all over you,” Zeltis returned.

David stood over Alex, “This is the first time you've dared to speak back to me. But why are you talking in third person. Is something wrong with your head? I can’t help but wonder if I made the right choice to keep you when you killed your own mother.”

Zeltis’ eyes widened in shock and Alex gasped, his obvious pain seeping over to Zeltis. “How could you talk to your own son like that. He didn’t choose how he came into this world.”

“You haven’t lived up to my expectation so far. And now you not only got involved with the police, but have the gall to talk to me like that,” David pulled his hand back to slap Alex.

Zeltis intercepted his hand and David’s eyes widened in surprise.

David took a step back. “I’m tired and don’t want to discuss this anymore. You will no longer be leaving the house except to go to school. If I hear that you've gone out again I will confiscate your bike and cancel your stock exchange account.” David straightened his clothes and left the room, slamming the door to his rooms.

“No, that’s my only way out of this house!” Alex cried out.

“Don’t worry we have ways around him,” Zeltis said.

“I always knew he blamed me but this is the first time he said it to my face,” Alex murmured.

“Ignore that bastard. We have to get you to bed or you’ll be dead on your feet at school.”

“Wait a minute, did you say WE have ways around him?”

Zeltis laughed as he strode toward Alex’s room, “I’ll explain more tomorrow evening.”


Alex was grateful when he heard his father had already left for work that morning.

Alex was in a daze as he anxiously awaited lunchtime, hoping he could speak to Summer. Finally when the time came he paced around the courtyards, too nervous to eat anything.

The moment she stepped outside he rushed over, “Summer! Are you ok? Did you get into trouble? I heard the police also talked to you.”

She put her hands up, one of them holding her lunchbox, “Woah there. I can’t answer if you keep shooting off one question after another. I thought I was the chatterbox.” She laughed a little. She looked around and grabbed his arm, dragging him off to a nearby bench hidden by a large tree. “It should be more comfortable and private here.”

“So?” Alex prodded.

“Ok, ok. Don’t worry. Once I explained about being attacked out of the blue, the police understood. I have to go today to identify the attackers and make a statement.”

“Yeah they wanted me to do that too. We can go together, but what did you family say?”

“They were more curious about who you were,” Summer blushed.

Alex ran his hand through his hair and looked away, also blushing, “I’m glad they weren’t mad at you.”

“Um, yeah. Oh, you don’t have any lunch?”

“I was too worried so I haven’t bought anything yet.”

“I actually made enough for both of us this morning. Since I figured we would be eating together,” her face was bright red as she held out her lunch box to show him it was larger than usual.

“That sounds great. I’ll run in and get us something to drink though, what would you like?”

“Lemonade if they have some left,” Summer murmured.

He sped off and returned quickly. They ate, glancing at each other every now and then.

“Seriously you two are way too awkward. Just ask her out already,” Zeltis commented and Alex almost spit out his drink.

“Is something wrong?” Summer asked, her brow raised.

“N-no nothing, Zeltis said something, nothing important,” Alex said raising his hands nervously, hoping she wouldn’t want to know more.

She tilted her head but shrugged and they were both soon finished eating. “So, should I meet you in the back after school?”

“Hmm? Oh, to go to the police station, sure. I’ll see you then.” He said and stood to leave.

Alex glanced back and waved before he turned and left. “Ugh, that was so lame.”

“You're telling me. It’s obvious you like the girl, so do something about it already,” Zeltis said.

Alex stumbled. He straightened, hoping no one noticed, before hurrying to his his next class. “D-do you really think so?”

“I can sense your emotions most of the time along with surface thoughts. So I could tell that Summer was becoming someone special to you. I can’t believe you hadn’t realized.”

“Well I haven’t exactly had any experience or good examples to learn from.”

“That’s true. Take it from me though. You should grab hold of this chance. You never know when it might slip through your fingers.”

“Sorry. This probably reminds you of the woman you love.”

“It’s nothing to be sorry about. I miss her so remembering her makes me happy.”

Alex didn’t know what to say to that and the rest of the day passed with no more talk about the subject.

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