《Zeltis》Chapter Nineteen


Summer was a little disoriented waking in a strange room. Then her head cleared remembering last night. She still couldn’t believe it. Alex was sharing his body with a demon. Her excitement though, was overruling her worry for him. The supernatural had fascinated her for too long to dwell on the negatives.

She dressed in her clothes from the night before and heard a light rap on the door. She opened it to see a stately older gentlemen in a tailcoat.

He smiled at her gently. “I’m Craig, the butler here. Alex is waiting for you in the dining room so if you would follow me I will lead you there.”

She grinned and nodded thinking his formality was a little funny, but not saying anything. Her family was well off but they didn’t hire servants. They all did the housework themselves so it was a new experience to be waited on.

Alex stood as she entered, “Good morning Summer. Did you sleep well?”

“Yep, no problems,” She moved to the table where Craig held out a chair for her, “thanks.”

Craig politely excused himself and left them alone, but Summer saw two women peaking at them from around the kitchen door. One was older, wearing a chef hat and apron and the younger one in a maid outfit. When they saw her looking they twittered and hid themselves again. Their antics made her smile a bit.

“Is something up?” Alex asked her a brow raised.

How could he be so oblivious. She sighed and laughed, “No nothing. Let’s hurry and eat so we have time to get to my house before school. I don’t want to be late.”

Alex shrugged and started eating.

The food was great. French toast with sausage and scrambled eggs. She couldn’t believe how fluffy the eggs were and lost herself in eating.

Alex laughed, “I’m glad you like it.”

She blushed a bit and hurried to finish what she was chewing, “Yeah, it tastes amazing.”

“I’ll make sure to tell Mary. I’m sure she would like to hear how much you liked her cooking.”

In the garage Summer looked at her skirt and the bike dubiously. “I’m not sure how to ride this in a skirt, and to be honest I’m a little scared. I’ve never ridden on a motorcycle before.”

“Shoot I forgot you were wearing a skirt." He studied her outfit a moment, "It’s long enough that it shouldn’t ride up too much even if you sit facing the front. But if it bothers you, you could try riding sideways, or I could go back in and borrow some pants?” He ran a hand through his hair looking unsure.

“It’s fine. I would feel safer if I face forward. I can arrange the skirt like pants if I do it right, but take it easy with the speed, ok.”


“Sure. you can even wear my helmet.” He handed her a sleek black and red helmet.

“What about you?” She took it. It was a bit big but the chin strap held in on well enough.

“I don’t wear it that often. I’ll go a bit slower and be careful, I promise. You don’t need to worry.”

His words didn’t make her less nervous, but she was soon enjoying the ride.

The speed was awesome and they zipped along so smoothly that she couldn’t help but laugh. It was a little embarrassing to have her arms around his waist but she soon forgot about that as well. The bike rumbling beneath them and the wind whipping around made talking impossible. So she had to direct him by nudging and pointing.

When they got there Summer saw that her parents car wasn’t there. At least she wouldn’t have to explain why she had come home on a motorcycle with a boy. She left the helmet with Alex and ran in. Luckily her door opened with a code or she might not have been able to get in since her purse got left behind last night. It was later than she liked so she hurried to her room and changed. The uniform skirt was a lot shorter than the one she had been wearing. So she grabbed her gym pants and put those on underneath the skirt and wore the jersey top like a jacket. She grabbed her backpack shutting the door behind her.

The traffic was starting to get worse but the bike made it easy to get through. It didn’t take long before the school came into view. Alex didn’t go toward the front lot though, but the back. Summer realised he must want to avoid others for her sake. It was great that he was so considerate but she wondered if it mattered at this point.

Alex let her off in a secluded area as close as possible. She smiled as she handed him the helmet and he hung it from his hand and drove off to park. She went through the grass and into the school, quickly swallowed in a sea of other students entering. Being shorter made it easier to get swarmed, but she was adept at slinking through, and getting where she needed to be.

She soon arrived at her locker and grabbed only what she needed before heading off to class. It was science class and her seat partner hadn’t arrived yet. He didn’t speak to her more than necessary. It was fine with her. It was better than someone who made the class difficult by teasing or bullying her.

Summer sat down and watched the people milling about. Veronica breezed in, her long chestnut ponytail swaying as she moved. Their eyes met and Veronica’s blue eyes widened. Veronica hurried over weaving easily through the desks and other students. Summer glanced around wondering why Veronica was coming over. They had talked a few times but weren’t exactly friends.


“There’s only a few minutes before class can you talk to me after?” Veronica whispered urgently as soon as she was close enough.

Summer nodded without thinking and Veronica moved to her seat in class. It was a struggle to concentrate as Summer kept wondering what Veronica might want to talk to her about. Was she like the others and get angry she saw me with Alex?

The moment class was over Veronica was there. Without giving Summer a chance to think she linked arms with her,and walked out of the room and down the hall. Veronica’s tall lithe frame made swift progress through the crowd. They reached an exit and exited out into a courtyard.

“I’m sorry to be so forceful but I felt like I needed to talk to you right away. What in the world happened?” Veronica spun toward her and Summer almost ran right into her as the door shut behind her.

“What do you mean?” Summer asked having no clue what Veronica might be referring to.

“Your aura is practically glowing. It wasn’t like that last week.”

“My aura?”

Veronica sighed, “I had no idea that you wouldn’t know. I guess I should back up and explain but I am not sure we have enough time before the next class.”

“Wait a minute. What in the world are we even talking about and sorry, but why is it any of your business?” Summer hated sounding rude but she was getting a little exasperated.

“Please, this is important. I have some ability to sense things and sometimes I get glimpses of the future. For a long time I have been seeing glimpses of both you and Alexander Kent. I know something important is going on and both of you will be part of it.”

Summer looked closer at Veronica in surprise, “You can see the future!” She clapped her hands almost dancing. “I know you said only glimpses and it doesn’t sound reliable but it still sounds super cool!”

Veronica giggled her blue-gray eyes sparkling, “You seem pretty cool with all this strange stuff. A lot of people wouldn’t have believed me.”

“I’ve had a similar problem myself since I sometimes see ghosts.” Her hand whipped up to cover her mouth and her eyes widened.

“Hey don’t worry. I won’t say anything. I told you I see visions so we aren’t that different.” Veronica raised her delicate hands as if to supplicate Summer.

Summer sighed her shoulders drooping in relief. “It’s almost a conditioned reflex to get worried when I mention seeing ghosts. I lost a lot of friends that way.”

The ringing of the bell interrupted them.

“I didn’t even get to explain about your aura so please meet with me later.”

“Well I usually eat with Alex at lunch and I am sure he will want to hear what you have to say. You don’t have lunch with us so I will talk to him about this and see what he thinks and we can meet you after school.”

“I understand. See you later,” Veronica smiled and spun around to open the door.

I wish I was that graceful. I swear I’ve tripped over my own feet more times than I can count and she looks like a ballerina when she walks. Summer huffed and made her own way in and to her next class.


Summer bit her nails as she paced back and forth in the courtyard, her lunch box clasped in her other hand. She jumped a little when Alex finally came out. She rushed forward to intercept him and his eyes widened at her sudden appearance.

Without waiting for him to say anything she grabbed his wrist and pulled him along with her. She moved them to a hidden corner she had found earlier before stopping.

“What in the world?” Alex said.

“Veronica has special abilities and sensed something about us in the future. She said my aura is stronger and how she can see the future. She wants to talk to us.” Summer blurted out.

“Woah, slow down ok. I could barely follow all that.” He said then smacked his head. “Zeltis just informed me that he had also noticed your aura was stronger but didn’t bother to mention it. He doesn’t seem to know what it might mean though.”

“Sorry. I was a little excited about finding someone else with powers. Do you think we will become like a superhero team?” She bounced in excitement.

“You watch too many movies. She could just as easily be an enemy.”

“I didn’t think of that. I was cautious at first but…” she twisted her hands nervously.

“It’s ok. It sounds like she might have known about me from a while back and hasn’t said anything yet, but we can’t be sure. Will she meet us after school?”

“Yeah that’s what she said.”

They ate and both went their separate ways back to class agreeing to meet in the same place later.

Summer suffered impatiently through the rest of the day. Then went shooting off to find Veronica so she could show her to the meeting place with Alex.

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