《Zeltis》chapter fourteen


(I have added italics to show when Zeltis and Alex talk inside his mind or what either are thinking. I was planning on building up a buffer first before posting a chapter but I felt that you had waited so long that I wanted to go ahead with it. I don't know how long the next chapter will take but I will do my best. We learn a lot about Zeltis this chapter so I hope you all like it.)


Based on Zeltis’ reaction, Alex couldn’t help being suspicious and wanted to know more. “Can you go into more detail about how she changed exactly?”

“Well, she was living in the dorm back then, so I didn’t see her very often anymore. She tried to come home every weekend. She just showed up one day, not even knocking before she entered. She burst in almost like a whirlwind, wearing a hat and sunglasses and a slinky dress. She was carrying some shopping bags and looked like some Hollywood actress. She swooped in, and dropped onto the couch after leaving the door open, and her bags by the door. I didn’t recognize her at all. I immediately came after her in a huff, asking who she thought she was, and how she could just barge in like that.”

“She simply looked at me for a moment, and pulled off her sunglasses with a dramatic flair. But even after, that I didn’t get it until she spoke, saying she was Angela. I stood with my mouth agape, before mechanically moving the bags and shutting the door. I needed that time just to get my thoughts together. She was just so different.”

“Did she explain why she had changed when you asked?” Alex wondered. They had quickly eaten the sandwiches and Sara had refilled their tea as they continued to chat.

“Hah! She acted like I was the crazy one, and that she was always this way, and just hadn’t shown her true self. I’ve seen transformations like that when someone leaves home, but her whole personality was different. We had always been close, and talked about everything. I even tried mentioning a few things to sound her out. It was like she had very little memory of things that used to be so important to her. Her favorite book, her stuffed rabbit she had kept since she was a baby, none of it was special to her anymore. I just couldn’t believe that she had changed so much.”

It was silent again as they both seemed to be thinking about everything they had talked about. He kept trying to get Zeltis to answer his questions but the only answer he had gotten was a brief laugh and silence.

To try and lessen the tension, they turned back to talking more about his mother’s and aunt’s life, growing up. He also talked about his childhood. Sara brought out a box of things his mother had left behind.

It wasn’t much, some year books, photos, and fantasy books. There were also some odds and ends like a yo yo, slinky, a stuffed cat and a few other small things.


The reddish orange glow of the setting sun told them just how long they had been chatting. They both laughed a little when Alex’s stomach growled.

His aunt grinned. “So do you want to brave more of my cooking or do you want to eat out?” She paused, looking a little uncomfortable. She glanced at him, and then looking away. “Before you answer, I would feel better if you stayed at a hotel tonight.”

Alex raised a brow, but wasn’t really surprised. “I understand. Even if we are blood related, we only met today. I also am a young man and you are a single lady so I can see why you would be uncomfortable.”

She sighed with a slightly wan smile. “I feel a little bad about it, but I just don’t know you well enough yet. I hope though, that we will stay in touch and get to know each other better as family. So back to dinner?” She looked at him expectantly.

“Why don’t we eat out and you can drop me off at the hotel after we eat. I will even treat you.” He shows a small but charming smile.

“Ha, I should be treating you since you are the guest here. But I won’t complain.”

Alex went back and grabbed his luggage before they left, Sara locking the door behind them.

They drove to a nice little Italian bistro and ate and chatted for at least an hour and a half. They talked about hobbies and what was going on in the world.

After dinner she drove him towards the hotel and when she stopped she looked at him. “If you want to know a little more about your mother I have the number of her roommate from college. If anyone could tell you what happened, she is the only other person I can think of. Other than your father, of course.”

Alex frowns a little at that. He grabs the paper that she hands out to him as he steps out of the car.

“That also has my email on there, so please keep in contact with me.” She looks at him earnestly.

They hadn’t known each other long enough to hug but he reached in and grasped her hand for a moment. “I promise.” He says and shuts the door before going around to grab his bags out of the trunk. After shutting it, he steps back and waves as she pulls away.

It had been a long day but he was happy with what he had learned. His aunt had even let him have a lot of his mother’s things and pictures to keep as mementos. Finally he had more things that connected him to the woman he had never met.

He rolled his luggage behind him as he strode into the hotel and up to the desk. It wasn’t long before he was in a room. It wasn’t too fancy, but was pleasantly comfortable. He wasn’t exactly poor, even if his father never gave him much money. Still, he didn’t like spending money on things he didn’t really need. He was a practical sort and didn’t want to risk using money he might need later. He had even gotten a good deal on the room by using his phone and booking it using an online service.


Once the door was shut, he let himself fall on the bed. It had been so different spending time with Sara rather than people in his father’s circles. He had always hated those stiff parties and the meetings he had been forced to attend as the heir. The people were always so cold and conniving. They were always maneuvering for better connections to make more money or gather power.

Sara, like Summer and Chris, seemed to be so warm and normal in comparison. It was truly refreshing and made him happy. He just lay there, remembering all the fun stories his aunt had told him. Her life with his mother had been so different than his. Even though their parents had been strict, he could tell that they had loved their children. Just listening to the story of one of their family vacations had made Alex laugh.

The arguing in the car, getting lost and refusing to ask for directions, staying in a hotel with the whole family in one room, it all sounded so normal. Maybe if he had a sibling things might have been a little different, but he doubted it. He was glad though that now he had an aunt that actually wanted to get to know him. His only other living family was his father, but Alex doubted that his father wanted to get to know him.

Thinking about family, he couldn’t help being curious about Zeltis. “Zeltis, do you have any family?”

It was quiet for a long time and Alex wasn’t sure if Zeltis would answer. Finally though, he heard Zeltis’ course voice in his mind. “I have a brother and sister. My father lives and I have three uncles and two aunts. Our relationships are worse than yours with your father.”

Alex was surprised. It was the first time Zeltis had sounded so…he wasn’t sure how to describe it, angry? “Do you hate them?”

“Hmph, you can say that. Though a couple of them aren’t too bad, but my father…” Zeltis trailed off, his last phrase heavy with wrath.

Alex couldn’t describe it any other way. He could feel it almost radiate out from inside him. It made him feel dark and heavy. Alex resented his own father but he didn’t really hate him, mostly because he didn’t see him often enough. His father had always been too distant and cold to really create any strong feelings in Alex. Still, Alex could slightly understand if Alex might hate his father.

He was a little scared to ask but couldn’t help but be curious.

“Your thoughts are coming to me loud and clear. I can tell you want to know more. Let’s just say it has to do with him killing someone I loved and end the conversation there.”

This time the venom in Zeltis’ voice was mixed with a little sadness and regret. Alex could slightly guess it was probably a lover who died.

“Yes, she was everything to me. Real love is not too common in the demon world. Most marriages are just for power or political gain.”

“It’s a little annoying that you seem to be able to read my mind and yet I know so little about you.”

“Hah, it’s not exactly mind reading when you broadcast your thoughts so. Of course most humans don’t know how to read or shield their thoughts. While in the demon world it is almost a necessity.”

“Will you tell me why you came here and why you are hunting other demons?” Alex asked. It was so rare for Zeltis to give out information that he wanted to keep him talking as long as possible.

“Many demons come here for many different reasons. The only way to come is to possess someone here. We lose almost half our power in spirit form but there are so many benefits to coming here. For demon’s, power is everything, and only the most powerful may rule. If you are weak, you die. So, most demons are always looking for ways to gain power.” He paused as if thinking of how or what to say next.

“There are two ways we can gain power. One is by corrupting humans. That is one of the benefits to coming here. The more pure a human is, the harder it is, but also the more power you gain if you corrupt them. The demon eats their soul and the body is practically theirs. It doesn’t usually take long for the demon to gain control. Still it is a slow process and you don’t gain very much power at once. Yet it is a fairly safe method and most demons use it.”

“The other way is to defeat another demon.”

“Ah is that what you have been doing?” Alex interrupted.

Zeltis sighs. “Basically, yes. It is a lot more dangerous since you may in turn be defeated, but you gain a lot more power much faster that way.”

“But couldn’t you fight demons at your full power in the demon world?”

“Yes, but I would also attract the attention of the strongest demon’s much quicker if I tried to do so there. Here it is much harder to sense each other and that makes it easier for me to gain the power I need without worrying as much about being noticed too soon.”

“Power for your revenge?” Alex was slightly hesitant to ask, not sure how Zeltis would react if he pushed too much.

“Yes, I intend to kill the Demon lord, my father.”


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