《Dots》The Book of KINDNESS - Chapter TWO
"Cosplay!" Teek called out when she realized what Aika was up to. "Oh man, I love this!"
Teek first squeezed past Anna, then Hank, to get her hands on Aika. She pulled her from the bed by her wrists and, after giving her a loving look, Teek ran her hands down Aika's body until she was squatting by the platform pumps Aika wore as part of a Neko cat girl outfit.
Teek played with the bell and rhinestone heart that dangled from each pair of laces as she cooed with praise. "Ooh, Pussycat. You're even wearing the shoes!"
She ran her hands back up Aika's body until they were again eye to eye, before spinning her by the shoulders and shoving her over the bed with her knees locked and her legs spread. Aika rested her elbows on the fluffy white comforter covering her bed, while Teek climbed on in front of her. She made Aika place her head on her hands by pulling down hard on a leash attached to a velvet choker collar. Now in complete control, Teek positioned Aika's head to make her stare with wide-eyed dispassion at both Hank and Anna, who stood side by side with their mouths hanging open in the bedroom doorway.
Teek hurried back off the bed to approach Aika again from the rear. She tugged on a stiff cat tail poking out from the many ruffles of Aika's creamy cupcake pettiskirt, forcing her butt to go higher.
Teek grunted as she tugged, her tongue poking through a huge smile. "Ugh! Get that… cat butt… up!"
Aika's head slid further down the bed every time Teek pulled on the tail, until her chin was nestled in the flesh of her soft smooshed boobs. Teek then sang a wordless song while dancing beside Aika, holding the hem of her pinafore apron as she twirled around.
"Isn't Aika a pretty pussycat?" Teek asked as she twirled. She stopped dancing to demand an answer from her audience. "Isn't she?"
Anna could only gurgle and gasp, while Hank managed to speak. "Aika's very pretty."
Satisfied, Teek purred while digging her nails deep into the ruffles covering Aika's butt. "Me-ow!" Teek said, as if it hurt.
Teek then laid her body atop Aika, who still stood with her feet on the floor and her face on the bed. Teek spread her own legs wide, to rest her chin on Aika's rear end. After hissing playfully at her audience, Teek clambered up Aika's backside until she was back on the bed, straddling her playmate's body. Giggling sexy to herself, Teek bit the tip of her tongue while petting Aika with rough strokes.
She sang while filling her hands with Aika's long tangled indigo locks. "Ooh! My pussy is so pretty! I have my pussy by the hair!"
With suddenness, Teek leapt over Aika's head, spinning around to land on all fours while hiking her own butt in the air. She laid her cheek on the bed and stared at Aika full in the face, blocking her view of Hank and Anna.
"How often does this go on?" Hank asked Anna, tilting his head towards her while keeping his eyes on the shenanigans.
Anna sputtered, still struggling to speak. "Ā na. Gosh. Yeah. I dunno. How often do you do this, Sugar Teeks?"
Teek hissed and spat at Anna as she straightened her baggy muscle shirt and too-big pinafore apron, both of which were in danger of sliding far enough towards her face to expose her bee-sting breasts. She got more in Aika's face by turning her hiked up butt towards Anna.
Anna's pet name for Teek jolted Hank's attention from the monkeyshiners on the bed to the voyeur standing beside him. He admired how Anna was shifting her weight between her knees, grinding her private parts together. He realized she was every bit as turned on as he was, and probably a whole lot more.
Teek squatted on her haunches, still in Aika's face. She straightenened out some of the snarls in Aika's hair while speaking with her backside still facing Anna.
"Ohmigosh! We do this all the time!" Giving up on the tangles, she ran her nails along Aika's exposed back, her crotch now an inch from Aika's nose. "I mean, have you ever seen my pussycat's closet? She doesn't even own real clothes! It's just men's shirts and sexy things like this!"
Anna complimented Aika. "That is a very sexy outfit."
"I know!" Teek enthused, speaking for her cosplaying friend. "And I can wear it, too!" She stopped scratching Aika's back, to climb over her head and mount her again, this time sitting on Aika while facing her rear. "Look at all these ruffles!"
Teek used both hands to scoop up Aika's pettiskirt, stuffing its layers of creamy chiffon between her legs until Aika's butt was exposed. Beneath the pettiskirt, Aika wore a tawny unitard covered with cheetah spots. Poking out the lowest point of the unitard's deep-scooped back was the waistband to a pair of sensible white hipster panties. Sewn into the panties was the stiff cat tail.
As Teek dug Aika's ass out from beneath the ruffles, Hank struggled not to gasp. Anna failed at keeping silent, and groaned lustfully while straightening her shoulders. Her hands fluttered near her crotch, as if she didn't know where to put them. All the while, Teek tugged hard on Aika's tail, seemingly determined to bare her butt by ripping off her panties.
Teek cried out joyfully while tugging. "Oh man, I love this tail! Grr! Rawr! Grr!"
Hank managed to speak without drooling. "That is awesome," he said to Anna.
"Ah," Anna said, breathless between moans and groans. "Hai."
Giving up on baring Aika's butt, Teek spun around to attack her head and shoulders. "I love this freaking outfit!" she cried, using her long fingers to caress Aika's cat ear headpiece. "I mean, I can wear a lot of pussycat's stuff because we're almost the same size."
"So, then…" Hank swallowed hard before asking, "Do you guys take turns?"
Teek grunted as she pulled Aika up by the shoulders, forcing Aika to put her knees on the bed. "Unh! Yeah! Sometimes I get to be the pretty pussy!"
Using all her might, Teek forced Aika to rise on all fours—first to her elbows and with another tug, up further, onto her hands. Like a cowgirl riding a bronco, Teek bounced on Aika's back.
"Pussycat's big boobs stretch out the tops on a lot of them, so some don't fit me well up there." Teek tugged hard on Aika's shoulders, getting her to sit up higher. "But this one has a beaded chest piece, so it doesn't stretch out at all!"
"Ah," was all Anna could utter.
Hank stammered between big gulps. "Oh. Gosh."
Teek became aware of what had caused her guests' eyes to pop open as big as their mouths. Her rough-and-tumble play caused Aika's floppy knockers to seep out the sides of her outfit, between the strands of beads that made up the chest piece. Staying true to her role, all Aika did was stare at her guests as her soft breasts hung out all over.
"Oh no!" Teek scolded, her tongue escaping a huge grin. "Bad kitty!" Teek laughed while trying to tuck Aika's boobs back in. "You are being very naughty! Put those things away!"
With Aika on all fours, Teek's attempts were futile. So she got on the far side of Aika, away from Hank and Anna, and forced Aika to roll onto her back by heaving as hard as she could. Aika bent her knees while rolling over, placing her platform shoes on the bed. Teek positioned Aika's arms at her sides, using them to hide the fact that her boobs hung out. She then curled Aika's fingers into her palms, to make her hands look like paws.
Teek hummed to herself while laboring, until she noticed the aroused state of her audience. Looking malicious, she sucked in her tongue and crawled over Aika's body, to perch on the corner of the bed nearest Hank and Anna. Her gaze went from one to the other, until she chose a victim.
It was Hank, of course.
She threatened him playfully. "Perhaps one of you should straighten Naughty Kitty out."
Teek gripped the edge of the mattress with both hands, hiking her ass up as high as she could. Like a cat about to strike, she wiggled her butt back and forth while lowering her chin, eyeing Hank with intent.
"Teek," Anna warned, her voice betraying passion. "Don't."
Teek continued to wiggle as she stared at Hank like a piece of meat. She smacked her lips and licked her teeth, hungry for what he had in his pants. Just then, a series of beeps came from the kitchen.
"Time for lunch!" Teek cheered as she pounced.
She landed between Hank and Anna, causing them to rear back. Strolling past with nary a glance, Teek headed into the kitchen. She pulled her apron off over her head, holding it high in one hand. With her back to her audience, she used her other hand to pluck her concert clothes from the peg where she had hung them.
For several wonderful seconds after Teek disappeared into the kitchen, Hank reminisced about her bony butt in denim shorts swaying down the hall. Anna slowly turned to face him, as if the act of movement pained her. She whacked him gently on the shoulder when the kitchen timer stopped beepinng, to make him look at her. He swooned, being so near the woman he adored after such a sexy sideshow. Her mochigashi skin was flushed, glowing orgiastic pink. Pheromones mixed with her fresh jasmine scent and poured from the rose petal lace of her blouse as if her body were on fire.
She heaved on hot words that were as heavy as her breath. "I told you to watch out for these two."
"You told me to watch out for Aika! Teek's the crazy sex fiend!"
Anna practically purred. "Ah well. Aren't we all?"
"Come on!" sang the sex fiend in the kitchen. "Food is ready now!"
Anna adjusted her clothing and hair, making sure she looked proper. She pleasantly bumped Hank's hard-on with her hip while turning to face the kitchen.
"Good," she said while striding away, making Hank ache all the harder. "I'm starved."
Hank wondered how much pleasure Anna would have had if Teek and Aika had banged him cat-ass crazy on the bed, as it seemed things were heading that way before the kitchen timer went off. He followed after Anna, leaving Aika behind.
Anna smiled when she noticed him trailing her. "Please put on nice clothes, Aika-san," Anna called over her shoulder. "Don't wear that outfit to the table!"
Hank and Anna found Teek with her back to the kitchen entrance, zipping up her pants before serving lunch.
"Do you wear those all the time?" Hank asked Teek about her concert clothes. She spun on her heels with surprising speed. "I mean…" Hank stammered. "Like… Um…"
"These clothes?" Teek asked, smiling brightly. "Like, instead of something else?"
"Uh. Yeah."
"Like fuzzy cat ears in my bare ass birthday suit?" she blurted through her big teeth. Being so short, it was easy for Teek's eyes to drift to where Hank's long manhood strained hard in his jeans.
He repeated himself. "Uh. Yeah."
"Yes I do! Yes I do!" Teek sang as she danced away. She tossed ceramic cups, chopsticks and silverware onto the kitchen table. "I love my violin! I'm so happy here!"
Teek stopped dancing and singing, and bowed low to Anna, speaking reverently. "Thank you, PEP Center Consultant Anna. I am grateful for your service and generosity."
"It's what we do at the PEP," Anna said with professional kindness. She also gave a slight bow. "Thank you for being a Genius."
"Hai," Teek said as she snapped to attention. "You are Excellent Consultant, Anna-san!"
"Yes, Teek. Arigatō. Now let's eat your delicious food. It smells so good in here, I am dying. You make us very hungry!"
Teek spoke in a military fashion. "Hai, Consultant Anna-san!" She whirled about the kitchen, producing four bowls of fragrant fruit salad, and four more of steaming stir-fry. Hank and Anna sat side-by-side at the table with their backs to the wall, as Teek set a pitcher of chrysanthemum tea before them. Other bowls of food appeared, to be added so each diner could personalize their meal.
Shortly after Teek sat down, Aika appeared wearing her big man's white dress shirt, and literally nothing else. She had only two of its buttons closed, and the sleeves rolled up her skinny arms as far as they could go. She hung out of this getup more than she did her cat suit.
"Where did you get that?" Hank asked of the shirt, as Anna rolled her eyes.
"Where else?" Teek said, giggling into her food. "Sehrish!"
"Sehrish is their other roommate," Anna reminded Hank. She nudged him, to get him to look at her instead of Aika. "She's a Genius cardiologist."
"Sehrish has lots of boyfriends," Aika said in her small voice as she began to sit at the table.
"I'll say!" Teek sang out. "Tons!"
Anna spoke firmly. "Aika. Put on underwear. Please."
"Oh," Aika said softly as she turned towards her room. "Okay."
Teek stared Aika up and down while watching her walk away. She tried to chew while staring, but her tongue stuck out too far. She stared down Hank in a similar manner, causing him to stop eating and stare back. Anna stopped eating after noticing this. Her eyes darted between the two, until all three sat and stared, grinning at one another.
Aika returned a moment later, wearing the same outfit. She joined in the group grin while standing before them. Anna's smile faded for an instant, until she realized Aika now wore sensible white panties and a ribbed white tank top under her big man's shirt.
"That was a lot of fun," Aika said, making everyone giggle and nod.
Teek bounced on her butt, patting the seat of the chair next to her. She spoke through a mouthful of Khaw Mee. "Come on, Pussycat! Sit and eat with me!"
Aika eased herself into her chair, fixing her smile on Anna. She then smiled at Hank until he smiled back. Only then did she look at her food. With grace, she added other items to her stir-fry and made quick work of eating, plowing through her food with the gaze from her sage and honey eyes never leaving Hank's face.
He struggled to swallow what little food he had in his mouth. "Me-ow," Teek teased, watching the two interact.
"Aika-san," Anna said. "Please don't stare. It makes people uncomfortable."
Hank jumped to Aika's defense. "No, it's okay!" He shoveled in some food. "This is delicious!" he said through a mouthful.
Teek sang lyrically. "Thank you, Hank! Thank you so! Maybe if I stayed in that prickly PEP Scanner longer, it would also find I was a Genius chef!"
Teek's mention of having taken a PEP Test caused Hank to pause, affected by what she had said.
Aika spoke in a small voice to her salad. "The sponsor of a PEP Genius is not just room and board for someone deemed worthy. He or she is also a friend. A partner and mentor during a momentous time in the life of another."
Everyone stopped eating to better hear her next words. "The Genius gets the benefit of being treated well, but the sponsor gets the honor of watching greatness bloom. A person ought not be denied such a humbling experience. Rarely does one act of kindness bring with it so much reward, and for so very many."
Aika dug into her stir fry while Anna effused praise. "Ah, Aika-sensai! Dōmo! There's the reason you're a blessing to all of us at the PEP Center!"
"You're welcome," Aika said to her food, although Anna hadn't really thanked her.
"Wow," Teek said to Aika, managing to chew, talk and smile at the same time. "That was awesome. You're so cool."
"You are also welcome," Aika said, again without having been thanked.
"Yes, Aika-san. Thank you," Hank said with a slight bow. "You're an inspiration to all of us."
Staring deep into the butter of Hank's almond brown eyes, Aika remained silent. She gave everyone the impression that he had to earn her praise by first following her advice.
After lunch, Anna helped Teek clean the kitchen. They chatted about Geniuses and violins while giggling over sexy clothes and mousy men. Hank and Aika remained at the table, making small talk to get to know one another.
She then took him by the hand, feather-light in her grip, to take him into her bedroom without saying a word.
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