《Dots》The Book of HUMILITY - Chapter SIX
After ten minutes of luxurious silence, except for a sigh from Fuji, Anna got off the floor and sat beside Sue Marie on the sofa, hugging her zabuton. Sue Marie slid over to be near her, and spoke in low tones only they could hear. After a while, Sue Marie plopped the leg farthest from Anna onto the zabuton. They wrestled to remove Sue Marie's go-go boot, but it was it impossible to do anything while it lay in Anna's lap.
Sue Marie tried removing the boot by herself, making ridiculous faces. "Do you want help?" Hank asked.
"Shh!" Anna scolded. "You'll wake Fuji."
With the perturbed look of an older sister, the younger Anna directed Sue Marie to sit on the floor with the zabuton under her butt and her leg sticking up in the air. When the boot finally popped off, Anna had to duck and roll, or Sue Marie's leg would have clocked her in the head. She landed on the floor by Sue Marie and righted herself quickly, kneeling over the kogyaru while clutching the boot. She glared down at her screwy roommate, whose giggles had turned into fits.
"For heaven's sake. She's such a caffeine head." Fuji said of Sue Marie, opening her eyes and rolling onto her side, to see what the kerfuffle was.
Anna tossed the boot aside and climbed back on the sofa, waiting for Sue Marie to get over herself. With her eyes on Hank, Anna reached under her kimono and behind her back, to undo the clasps of her heavy lace bra. His eyes lit up like pachinko machines as he watched her breasts descend to their natural resting places.
"Ugh," she said after her boobs dropped. She pressed her back to the sofa to keep her bra from slipping further, while blazing Hank with an unblinking stare.
"Big boobs are so heavy," she said as a matter of fact, turning her attention to Fuji. "Have yours ever stopped growing?"
Sue Marie chimed in, still laying flat on the floor. "I wish I had half your size," she said, grabbing her small breasts with both hands. "I got nothing here."
Hank took offense. "Ach. You're breathtaking. All of you. I'm serious. You are amazing."
"Hank-sama, be a dear," Fuji said. "Help me out of this."
Fuji rolled more onto her side, as Hank held in squeaks of protest from her grinding hard in his lap. She directed his attention to an array of straps crisscrossing the back of her choli.
"Up on top," she said, pointing out a small bow knot digging into her skin. "The straps go in a hole there, and then down through here. Can you see? Untie them for me, please."
She held her mahogany tresses out of the way so he could examine the knot. He saw it just fine, but there was little he could do.
"Fuji-san," Hank said politely, "you're lying on my arm. I can't even scratch my nose."
"Oh. Sorry."
She thumped her heavy head in his lap, lifting her body as best she could to let him pull out his arm. With concern for the well-being of his manhood, Hank used his free arm to lift the pillow from his lap and mash Fuji's face into it. He manhandled her further after freeing his arm by positioning her head so it wasn't such a threat to what he had going on in his pants.
He then dug out the bow and tugged at its knot, anticipating the results. "Just do it!" Fuji demanded.
"Okay. Here goes!"
Fuji let go of her hair and shook out her long tresses while raising herself up on an arm. A torrent of fabric shifted across her body. The choli remained in place, releasing musk and amber perfume, as her cannonball boobs bobbed and dropped.
She scratched beneath them in earnest. "Iie iie," she remarked to Anna. "They don't stop growing, do they? Why is that, do you think? Look at you, Peaches. That's a new bra you have. What size is it, huh?"
Anna sat still and quiet, pressing her back to the sofa. She ignored Fuji for the moment, as she was busy poking Sue Marie with a foot to get her to stop giggling. She then dropped to her knees to wrestle off the other boot.
"If Squirrel Girl would stop laughing," Anna said as she labored, "I could get this off."
As it was, the boot remained, with Sue Marie peeping and snorting, and not helping much. Anna's bra shook itself loose and disappeared into her clothing, much to the interest of Hank. As she struggled with Sue Marie, her scoop neck tee top struggled with its newfound load. Hank found he couldn't stop smiling, first at Anna's bouncy curves, then at Fuji's belly scratching and finally, at Sue Marie and her banana-brain behavior.
Anna took note of Hank's roving eyes, staring at him again with no smile. She stopped wrestling with Sue Marie and dug deep in a sleeve of her kimono, searching for her bra. Without breaking eye contact, she pulled it out through the sleeve, then leaned back straight at the waist to place it atop Sue Marie's first go-go boot.
Hank turned his attention back to Fuji, who was pulling on his right hand. She sat up a bit in his lap to get a better view of her roommates as they tusseled on the floor. With her holding his right arm tight around her waist to help keep her on the loveseat, they watched Anna contemplate how to attack Sue Marie next.
"I hate wearing bras," Fuji said to Hank, tugging his arm into a better position. "I can't carry the weight of my puppies on my shoulders. The straps snap off my arms."
Hank laughed. "Yours puppies? Have you named them?"
Fuji joined in with the laugh, playing with her boobs for his pleasure. "Hai! This one's Fifi…" She shook her left breast before grabbing the right with both hands. "And this is Fido."
"Fido is a boy?"
"Hai. Woof woof!" Fuji said as she played.
Hank asked again, to be sure. "So one of your boobs is a boy?"
"Yes!" Fuji said with glee. "That's why they fight with each other! Grr! Woof!"
Hank made Fuji jiggle by laughing very loud, as she wriggled warm in his lap. She pleasured herself with the size of his hand as it lay upon her by directing him to wrap his fingers around the nipple of her left breast. He obliged her for the pleasure it gave them both, and for the opportunity to discover her boob's firmness and shape.
"This is a great outfit," Fuji enthused as she let Hank play, shifting around to look up at him.
"I think it's magnificent," he said to the apple dumplings of her smile. "You look stunning in it."
"I can strap the whole thing together and flip it over my head to put it on. After a few minutes of stuffing me in, I am good to go!"
Hank gasped, speechless from the imagery, as Fuji's face flushed with arousal. Her nipple swelled huge in his hand, showing appreciation for his attention. She soon began grunting and flopping again as, with a mighty breath of air, she swung her feet to the floor. While making sure his hand kept its grip firm on her left breast, she dug out her right breast from underneath his arm, to plop it in the crook of his elbow.
"Hank-sama, please," she begged. "Help me park my puppies better."
Fuji worked her way into a sitting position by placing both feet under her bum, raising herself higher. Hank released her breast and placed his hand on her hip to keep her from toppling over, as the zabutan in his lap fell to the floor. She positioned her body against his right shoulder, while he scooped up her left boob with his other hand, shoveling it into place on his lap.
Finally safe and secure by his side, she leaned into him and relaxed. "Hank-sama! Dōmo arigatō!" she exclaimed. "It's better when somebody helps!"
"Tondemonai desu. I'd spend my life helping you."
They shared a snuggle and a smile before turning their attention back to the floor show. "That's why I live with these goombahs," Fuji said. "We're quite helpful towards one another."
Anna barked at Sue Marie. "Be quiet! Hold still!"
Sue Marie behaved, and Anna soon knelt triumphant over the bootless kogyaru, who lay silent beneath her.
Fuji closed her eyes, as the show had ended. "Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu, Anna-chan. Now be a dear ijōfu and don't move," she said to Hank. "If you do, someone will have to help me park my parts again!"
With glee, Anna bantered with Fuji. "I got the boot, Momma-san!" She tossed it to land by its mate, and her bra. "Need help with the boobs?"
"Iie, iie, Peaches! Dōmo! Hank-sama is helping nicely!" To him, she cooed. "Aren't you, my dear?"
Fuji sunk further into Hank's shoulder as he and Anna took note of her left boob, laying soft and warm atop his right thigh. His hormone-soaked brain started frying like it was made of bacon. He could no longer construct English sentences, much less speak in Japanese. He wondered why the ladies teasing him today weren't alarmed by the sizzling sound coming from his ears.
Anna approached with cat-like grace, crawling on her hands and knees over Sue Marie, who lay flat on her back on the floor. She squeezed into the space between Hank's knees and the chabudai, to sit on the zabuton that fell from his lap with her face in his crotch. Ducking her head low, she exaggerated the need to see what lay beneath Fuji's hanging breast.
"Looks like you need help parking your load," Anna said to Hank's groaning loins.
"Teme!" Fuji scolded sweetly, leaning forward to give Anna a love slap on the head.
Sue Marie flipped from her back to her knees, watching the floor show's second act. Still on her knees, she scooted towards Anna while removing her faux denim vest. Her gumdrop nipples poked pretty through her milky teddy as she bounced hard while scooting, to show her little boobs could jiggle, too. She stopped to rest her chin on Anna's shoulder, first looking up at her roommate's face, then down at what had her attention.
Everybody in the room waited to see how hard the bulge in Hank's jeans would get.
"Hmm. Big load," Sue Marie said with reverence.
"Hmm," Anna moaned in agreement.
"Really big!" Sue Marie chirped after pausing.
Hank spoke loud, to hear himself over the sizzle of his brains. "Could you get your face out of my pants?"
Fuji shifted her weight, reaching far to smack Sue Marie on the head with a love slap of her own. Hank released his hold on her, as her new position made wearing pants unbearable. Her cannonball boobs slipped from their moorings, sending her in slow motion to the floor. She caught herself well enough, which was fortunate, as her roommates would have bounced their heads off the chabudai had she not.
Fuji draped an arm across the loveseat where her bum had been and laid her chin upon it, while Anna laughed full in her face. "What are you doing?" Anna asked.
"I meant to do this," Fuji said with calm embarrassment, giving Sue Marie her swat on the head. To Anna's unbelieving eyes, Fuji then confessed. "And I slipped."
Anna laughed all the louder. "Your boobs slipped!"
"Yeah, well…" Fuji stammered, unable to come up with a retort.
Hank spoke over Anna's laughter, "Unless you're going to invite me down there with you, get out from between my legs."
"I guess I ought to make dinner," Fuji said. To Sue Marie, she said, "Hand me the remote."
Sue Marie reached for a remote control sitting on an end table next to Hank by placing her head back on Anna's shoulder. She leaned into her with force, staring straight into her face while purposefully toppling her over. Sue Marie then pounced on her with a cheer, as Anna stuck out her tongue.
Straddling Anna's hips, Sue Marie dug deep in the crotch of her pink hot pants, popping the snap on their fly from the force. Ripping sounds came from within as she pulled hard on her teddy. Anna grabbed Sue Marie by both wrists when she realized what she was doing, forcing her to keep her teddy tucked in. With strength, Anna rose from beneath Sue Marie and flung her onto her back. She now straddled the squirrelly girl and made her keep her hands in her pants to prevent her from removing her clothes.
Anna barked at Sue Marie in English and Japanese, but Sue Marie only laughed. Fuji rolled her eyes, turning her back on them both. She nestled on the floor with her back against her side of the loveseat, away from Hank's load-bearing thighs.
"I don't know why I put up with this." she lamented, as Hank handed her the remote.
"I do!" he said, laughing loud. "You guys are a riot!"
Anna now barked at him, still fighting with Sue Marie. "Speak for yourself! I'm a girl!"
Fuji pointed the remote at a TV across the room and tuned it to play gentle music. Anna's dominance over Sue Marie didn't last as, with a martial arts grunt, Sue Marie arched her back and threw Anna off. Anna sailed towards Fuji, landing too close for comfort.
Fuji scolded. "Okay, you two! Behave, or I'm locking Hank in my room!"
Hank pondered the idea of being Fuji's prisoner. "Ahm…" he said to her. "Excuse me?"
She patted him on the knee. "It's for your own protection, my dear. Trust me. I know these two."
Fuji and Anna got to their feet as Sue Marie remained on her back with both hands in her pants. "Get up and make tempura," Fuji ordered.
"Tempura!" Sue Marie cheered, hopping to her feet with her hands still in her pants. She kept them there for some reason as she toddled off to the kitchen. With grace, Anna took the remote from Fuji and returned it to the end table. She then sat beside Hank in the spot on the loveseat Fuji had once claimed.
"I have to go," Fuji said, "or Sue-san will burn down the kitchen." She gave Anna a motherly kiss on the head, smothering her face with black satin due to her her free-hanging bosom. "You two stay here and play nice."
Fuji and Sue Marie rattled about in the kitchen, making the world smell delicious. Anna held Hank's right hand in both of hers, placing all three on her knee. She said not one word since having him to herself. She also hadn't stopped smiling, keeping her head respectfully bowed while playing with his fingers.
He confessed in quiet tones. "Anna-san. I can't believe how wonderful you are. Thank you so much for inviting me."
"It's nothing," she said to the floor, patting his hand with hers.
Fuji counseled from the kitchen. "Hank-sama, I want to talk later please, about your second PEP Test. A person ought not be able to do as you have claimed, leaving before it's over."
Anna could tell Hank didn't know what to say. What she didn't know was, as the girl of his dreams sat beside him, he fought with how to describe horrible nightmares, anime dogs, and a billionaire's scary assassin.
Fuji pried. "Anna was looking for someone these past few days, it seems. Hank-sama? Was it you?"
Hank gulped as Anna stroked his hand. "Tell her about Asok's," she said with understanding. "Let's talk about that for a while."
Hank brought Anna's hands to his lips, kissing all her fingers. "Anna-san, If ever I find heaven to be full of angels, I hope every one of them is as sweet as you. Dōmo arigatō gozaimasu. Kirei desu. Utsa… utsu…"
"Utsukushī," she said for him, lifting her nearly all black eyes to gaze into his warm almond brown ones.
"Hai, Anna-san. Dōmo. Utsukushī desu."
And with that, he held her face in his hands and kissed her many times.
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