《Alea Ludo》Alea Ludo Chapter 13 - The Fourth Game!
The hours of the day passed quickly. I stayed in my room of solitude until notifications for the next game were announced to everyone. With great reluctance, I left my room then wandered over to the lobby. All players were present, as well as the ever so eccentric game moderator, Caius. He gave us all his usual smile as he stood in front of the monitor.
“Welcome back everyone. By now you should all know what time it is.” He said.
“Time for us to regain our freedom and go home?” The nervous suggestion came from Darius. Immediate laughter followed afterward as a response. Caius and Melanie were the culprits.
“What a pleasant joke, Darius. But, no.” Caius shook his head. “It is time for the fourth game!”
“Figures…” Darius lowered his head dejectedly. “Thought I should give it a shot anyway.”
“Don’t see why you even bothered. It’s game time, and you know it,” stated Melanie. She then wandered over to the couch where she proceeded to make herself comfortable. “Go ahead and roll the dice, Caius. Let’s get the game over with already.”
She appeared more relaxed than usual. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that she remained in the lead. Whatever her reason, I didn’t care. For as long as she kept her mouth shut and didn’t cause any further problems, things could probably progress smoothly.
“In due time, Melanie my dear. In due time.” Caius pressed a button on his tablet. Like all the other times, the monitor turned on then the digital dice rolled. They eventually stopped. The lucky numbers turned out to be five and seven. “Excellent! Will numbers five and seven please step forward?”
Henrika and Salomon were the ones that stepped up. The florist versus the retired war veteran. An interesting match up to say the least. If I decided to put some points down on anyone, I’d bet it on the old man. Despite his eccentric attitude and cryptic sayings, the old man had a sharp mind and keen intuition. Underestimating him in the games would prove to be a mistake on his opponent’s part.
None of them appeared too shook up about the realization that it was their turn to play. In fact, Salomon smiled the moment his number got called. Henrika folded her arms and kept her attention on Caius.
“What kind of sick game do you have in store for us today, Caius?” She asked with a harsh tone of voice.
“We shall see, Henrika. The game wheel is the one that will determine that.” Caius happily maneuvered his way over to the wheel. Like before, he spun the wheel with all his might. All of us watched with mild interest as it soon came to a complete stop. The needle landed on the panel that featured stick figures on colored platforms. “Oh, how exciting! Henrika Calanthia and Salomon Sanders shall face off in the Twister game!”
“Twister?” inquired Elena as she brought her finger up to her chin, deep in thought.
“You mean, like that game with the vinyl and the circles?” Iris followed up.
“Something tells me it’ll be a lot more dangerous than that,” Darius said.
A sigh of exasperation had come from Henrika afterward. She covered her face with her hand then shook her head. “Why me?”
“You planning to back out?” Salomon looked at her. His usual, cheerful demeanor still presented on his face.
I swore that guy hardly took anything seriously. He honestly played things by ear.
“No. I don’t have a choice in the matter, now do I?” She raised her hand then pointed to the bracelet still clamped around her wrist.
She was right. If she tried to weasel her way out of the match, she’d find herself in a body bag soon enough. By then everyone knew that refusing to play the games if selected resulted in disqualification and death by lethal injection. We had yet to see what would happen to those injected with the poison. But, none of us were in a hurry to see it.
“Don’t worry, Henrika. You’ll be okay. Your opponent is Salomon. He’s one of the nicest guys here.” Iris assured her before she playfully glanced at the old man. “You’ll be sure to play nice down there, right?”
Surprisingly, the old man didn’t give an immediate response. He reached into his coat pocket then pulled out one of his cigars. After lighting it, he spoke.
“Let’s just see how this goes. I can’t guarantee anything since I don’t know the rules of the game.”
“If you are all about done, let us move on to the game room. Follow me, please.” Caius led Henrika and Salomon out of the room, leaving the rest of us to our own devices for that time being.
“So…was anyone else off put by the fact that he vaguely answered Iris?” Darius waited until the group had left to speak.
“Salomon has always been a bit…well, odd. But, we should not jump to any harsh conclusions about him,” said Nicholas. “He has never given us any reason not to trust him.”
“I am not worried about the players or the game this time,” said Wyatt as he crossed his arms. “Both Henrika and Salomon seem quite level-headed and trustworthy. Plus, how dangerous could a game of twister be?”
He didn’t realize it. But the doctor accidentally raised a death flag with those words of arrogance. The number one rule for me within Serendipity was never to underestimate the games. Sure, most of them were loosely based on simple, child games.
But, Caius always had to add his little sick and twisted stipulations. If anything, the others should’ve been more worried about how the game moderator would transform such a harmless game into a death match.
“Have you seriously not learned anything in the past four days?” Zoey looked at Wyatt with her natural hardened expression. “Never underestimate the games. You will get killed that way.”
The venom in her words spread to everyone instantly. Even though some of the other players tried to make light of the situation, their faces grew solemn. All except for Melanie.
“You shouldn’t have told him that, Cyclops.” She threw her arms up in the air in a dramatic show of disappointment. “Now whenever it’s Doc’s turn to play, he’ll be on his guard and not die.”
“You bitch. You have no heart, do you?” Wyatt sharply turned to face Melanie.
“No heart? That’s impossible, Doc. My heart can’t help but race whenever you’re around. I think I’ve fallen for you.” She mockingly blew him a kiss.
Just when Wyatt prepared to approach her; Nicholas held his arm out in front of the doctor to stop him from doing anything.
“That is enough. The game is about to begin.” Nicholas informed everyone. All eyes turned to either the window or the television screen.
Henrika and Salomon stood on opposite sides of the room. They didn’t move an inch until Caius’ annoying voice came over the intercom above their heads.
“Attention players! The Fourth game is about to begin! Both players have offered up their game points, so now I shall commence with the explanation of the rules!” The Game Moderator announced. “The game of today shall be an old-fashioned game of Twister! Everyone should know that game, right?”
I knew about it. However, I could only wait in dreadful anticipation for the deranged stipulation the man had in mind for the simple game.
“Yeah, I’m aware of it,” Henrika stated.
Afterward, the floor of the game room changed. Different sections of the level changed colors from red, blue, yellow, and green.
“Now then, the objective of the game is for the players, Henrika and Salomon, to outmaneuver one another on the game board until only one of them is left standing. The player left standing will be declared the winner.”
A section of the wall split apart, revealing a large spinner. Multiple colored circles were displayed around the spinner, as well as illustrations of hands and feet.
“This is just like the regular game,” Iris commented.
“Yeah, even got the spinner and everything,” added Darius.
“I will be acting as the Referee for this game. Each turn, the spinner will activate. The players must set the illustrated body part on the spot displayed on the board." Caius ordered.
“I sure do hope these old bones of mine are up to par for this game. Or else this won’t last very long.” Salomon joked as he rotated his shoulder.
“The players are only allowed to occupy one space with one limb. Should a situation occur in where the players try and reach for the same space, the first one to get it will be awarded the spot.” Caius explained. “Once limbs are set in their respective places, they cannot be moved or lifted without my direction or permission. However, there are cases where I will allow a limb to be moved or lifted if it involves letting another limb pass by.”
“Pretty much this game will be one of endurance,” concluded Wyatt. “No doubt the players will be placed in uncomfortable positions sooner or later. Thankfully, this game still does not appear to be all that dangerous.”
“Now be warned, certain spots have been rigged with elaborate traps. If a player places their limbs on those designated spots, they’ll be in for quite the surprise as to what may happen.” Caius sadistically revealed to everyone.
“How does your foot taste, Doc?” Melanie teased as Wyatt’s expression went stiff.
“Besides the traps, there are ways of being eliminated in this game. If a player refuses to follow the directions of the referee, if a player does not place the right limb on the right spot, if a player falls from their position, and if a player’s elbows or knees touch a section of the game board, it is game over.”
“Is that everything? I’d like to get this game underway.” Henrika said.
“No need to rush,” Salomon said.
“The rules of the game have been explained to the players. Before we can begin, would both players please step forward and place your feet on the color sections of the board.” Caius instructed.
Henrika and Salomon followed his instructions then stood on their respective spots.
“This good?” Henrika called out to the Game Moderator.
“Perfect! Now, let the Twister Game begin!” Caius happily announced. The spinner on the wall spun rapidly. It eventually slowed down and pointed at a red circle on the left-hand section. “The first move of the game shall be, left hand, red!”
“Be careful, okay?” Henrika expressed clear concern as she looked over to Salomon. “I mean no disrespect. But, you are an old man. Don’t push yourself any further than you need to.”
Salomon let out his signature haughty laugh as Henrika squatted down and placed her hand on the red circle. “Don’t worry about me. I may be old, but I’m not that old.” The old man showed no difficulty in setting his hand on a red circle as well.
Once both players were situated, the spinner spun again. That time, it pointed to a green circle on the right leg section. Henrika and Salomon once again moved their limbs to the designated spots with ease.
The game continued for a few more turns without incident—until Henrika set her hand on a rigged circle. The circle flashed red and blared an alarming siren. Immediately afterward, volts of electricity zapped her. She convulsed violently and nearly lost her balance.
However, through some force of will and determination, she kept herself in her position.
Albeit with difficulty.
“That was a close one,” Zoey stated.
“Flower girl should’ve just fallen. The game would’ve been over.” Melanie showed apparent disinterest in the match as she looked away from the screen.
“Are you alright? Can you still play?” Salomon called out to Henrika.
The woman’s face contorted in pain. Her breathing grew ragged, and her arms and legs wobbled. “I’m fine. Let’s just keep playing.”
The game continued without much incident. There were a few near falls here and there. Most of them came from Henrika. Surprisingly, Salomon held his own quite well. He was sturdy for his age. He showed no signs of discomfort, unlike Henrika.
When the next turn came, Salomon was the one to activate the next trap. Once his foot landed on the green circle, alarms blared in the room once again. Afterward, all the circles on the game board floated off the ground, carrying both players into the air.
“You’ve got to be kidding me! What is this?!” exclaimed Henrika. She held onto her secured spots as if her life depended on it.
“They’re floating! They’re floating!” Iris repeatedly pointed at the window.
“Yes, we can see that.” Wyatt stared at the scene in disbelief. “I had no idea this facility had access to such technology.”
“It’s not that surprising to me anymore. I’m now under the impression that Serendipity has everything.” Darius commented.
“Nothing bad would happen if they fell, right?” Elena questioned as she nervously looked towards the others for confirmation.
“From that height, they would only suffer a broken limb or two. Or at least that would be the case for Henrika,” Nicholas said. “Salomon is a different story. He may suffer far worse injuries with his fragile body.”
“Don’t underestimate the old man,” I said.
“Salomon has activated the anti-gravity trap! Enjoy the ride!” Caius taunted.
“Sorry about that! Try not to fall!” Salomon cautioned.
“Thank you, Salomon! I’ll keep that in mind!” Henrika nodded her head.
On the next turn, Henrika moved her hand on a blue circle as instructed by Caius. Another alarm set off to alert her to the trap she activated. The floor beneath spread apart, revealing a layer of spikes.
“That’s not good.” Darius grimaced at the sight of the spikes. “Should any of them fall…”
“They’ll be riddled with more holes than Stains.” Melanie’s eyes beamed as she pressed her face against the glass. “Which one of them will fall? The old coot? The flower girl? Both?”
“No! None of them are going to fall!” Iris rushed over to the window. “Hang in there you two!”
“I wish these things were labeled,” complained Henrika as she arched her back. From her position on the board and the game room, well, everyone watching got a good view of her ass.
“Whoa!” Darius moved over to the window to get a better view. “Knew it! Henrika's got a booty!"
“You pervert! Get away from there!” Iris moved behind Darius and pulled him away from the glass while covering his eyes. “How can you think of something so indecent at a time like this?!”
A catcall had come from Caius before he said, “Was not expecting to see a full moon tonight! Thanks for the show, Henrika! Let us give our viewers a close-up!”
The television in the lobby room zoomed in on Henrika’s ass. The only ones that cheered during the incident were Caius and Darius.
“Idiots!” Iris snapped at them. The other players turned their heads until it was time for the next round.
“I’m gonna get you for this, Caius!” Henrika shouted in frustration.
“Ah, to be young again.” Salomon teased.
The spinner spun again. It pointed to a yellow circle in the right-hand section. Henrika and Salomon made their moves; luckily no traps were set off that time. But, as time passed, they both showed signs of exhaustion. Their positions weren’t exactly the most comfortable. And the fact that the floor of spikes beneath them remained didn’t make their predicament any less stressful. It would’ve only been a matter of time until they lost their balance and fell to their deaths.
“Salomon,” Henrika cried, “we need to do something.”
“You’re telling me. I’m losing more strength as the minute's pass.” Salomon mentioned. “Perhaps there’s a circle that can fix all this mess?”
“I don’t see why not. But, there lies the problem. Which one of these circles do that?”
“I have no idea. We got to try and find something to save ourselves. At this rate, we’ll be skewered.”
“I’d ask Fate to try and figure something out. But, I can’t reach into my pocket right now.”
“Will you please take this seriously?” Henrika snapped at him. Her seemingly endless patience reached its breaking point.
“I am.” Salomon nodded.
The spinner on the wall went again as the next round continued. Once it landed in its spot, the players obeyed its instructions. No traps were activated. As the series continued, Henrika and Salomon drew close to each other. They were careful not to get jumbled up in any more awkward positions.
“I’m not sure how much longer I can keep this up. My arms and legs feel like wet noodles,” informed Henrika. “Not to mention my fear of heights, and being impaled by spikes isn’t making me feel any better.”
“If we die, we die. Our lives are in the hands of Fate. I trust she’ll lead us down the correct path.” Salomon said with genuine confidence. Although everyone else seemed confused or irritated by his nonsense rambling, I for one found myself believing in him.
“I’m not going to let fate choose my path. I’d rather find my own.” Henrika stubbornly announced. When the next turn came, she set her foot on the designated spot. Another alarm warned everyone about the incoming trap.
As if their situation weren’t already troublesome enough. All the circles in the room spun around at a rapid rate. Henrika and Salomon held on for dear life, but, one of them eventually lost their grip and fell.
It was Henrika.
Her screams of terror alarmed everyone as she plummeted toward the floor of spikes. However, through some act of intervention, the ground returned to normal before she hit the ground.
Sure, she hit the ground hard. But, she didn’t get impaled.
A loud buzzer wailed throughout the room to signify the end of the game.
“Player Number Five, Henrika Calanthia, has fallen! The winner of the Twister game is Player Number Seven, Salomon Sanders!” Caius announced. Soon enough, the entire game room returned to normal.
Salomon wandered over to Henrika and checked on her condition. The woman barely moved since her fall. The old man knelt in front of her then offered his hand as he asked, “Hey, are you okay? You took one nasty fall there.”
“I’ve been better…” Henrika groaned. Once she reached for Salomon’s hand, she cringed in pain and moved her hand to her sides. “I think I broke a few ribs.”
“Better that than losing your life.” Salomon helped Henrika to her feet and acted as her means of support.
“You saved me, didn’t you?” She asked.
“Fate saved you.” He reached into his pocket then pulled out his signature coin. “Let’s just say that it was all thanks to her that I found the means to help you.”
“Well, whatever or whoever it was…thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
The doors to the game room opened and allowed Henrika and Salomon to leave.
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