《Lucifer's true love》The meeting


"I have to go. Lucifer agreed to meet. How is our young hostage doing?"

"Not good boss. He hasnt woken up yet and he seems to become paler by the second. Maybe injecting a baby with a sedative wasnt a good idea after all."

Lorenzo didnt respond,he just approached the crib and picked the baby up.His face didnt betray any emotion. But the way he was holding the newborn was tender and careful,like he had done this a thousand times before.

"I guess we wont be needing a stroller,then.",he simply said

"Are you sure he is going to show up? He may send a hitman to eliminate you when you arrive there. At least allow some men to accompany you.

"No. I will go alone. Lucifer wont try anything. Not while I have his brother in my mercy."

"With all due respect sir,I dont think Lucifer cares about this child at all. He sees it as a project,at best. Why risk anything for it?"

"That is something only I know and understand. Now leave me alone. I have to get ready and leave immediately.",Lorenzo ordered angrily

When his underling exited the room,Lorenzo's expression softened. He looked down at the baby and gently caressed his cheek.

"He will come for you,little one. Lucifer may not know it but we are more alike than he thinks.I had a little brother once. And at that time I was just like Lucifer. I cared and loved him but I was too proud to admit it. I couldnt control or understand my protective insticts. When my little brother was in danger they simply took over my actions and words.My pride and egoism were powerless to stop them. Like a fence made from paper trying to stop a tsunami wave. I hated myself for that lack of control and I mistreated my brother to feel better,to feel in charge again. When he was hit by a car and was in a coms,everyone told me to say goodbye,to say I love him,even if it was the first and last time. But I didnt. I thought of it as an opportunity to finally convince myself that I had control. When he died,I realised that control is your friend but if it becomes your best friend,it also becomes your enemy. I never forgave myself. I started taking drugs to alleviate my grief and sorrow. I see myself in Lucifer.And all I can do is pray that Lucifer will turn back. He loves you. I can see it in his eyes. But in the end,the important thing is for you to see it. Lets go,now. Your big brother is waiting.


Half an hour later

-Sorry if Im late,Lucifer. Traffic was a nightmare. I must admit you got here pretty fast.

-I like to deal with insignificant matters quickly so they dont get in the way of important business.

-You must be a very busy man or a stupid one to consider your brother and his kidnapper 'insignificant'.

-Speaking of my brother,is he okay? He looks very pale. Is he even...?

-Alive? Yes,I checked his pulse 10 minutes ago. Im afraid the sedative we gave him did more harm than good. I believe he requires medical assistance. Why dont we get this over with so you can take him to the nearest hospital? I maybe be a mafia boss but even I have a soft spot for children.

-What do you want?

-I already explained it to you on the phone. I want you to stop investigating me for the death of your partner. I had nothing to do with it and your persistence is starting to draw unnecessary attention to me and my business. And,as a gesture of goodwill,I will even delete your debt. What do you say?

-You cant be serious. How can I possibly believe you weren't the one that killed the Detective? You were the last case she was investigating,you cancelled an important meeting the night of her murder and I have camera footage that place two of your men at the scene and at the exact time of murder. You should be asking me not to hand you over to the police wrapped up as a farewell gift,not come here and have demands.

-Damn you,Lucifer,I thought you were smarter than this but either I overestimated you or the grief has clouded your judgement. You cant possibly think you have control over this situation,can you? Hand me over to the police? With what evidence? With whom as witness? You know as well as I do the clues you have gathered can never be used in a courtroom because you collected them through blackmail, extortion and I dont know what else illegal method you used.


-Them why are you so concerned about my involvement?

-Because,even if you dont care to admit,you have friends in the police department who have been keeping a close eye on you. And if you are searching me that means the chances of my operation being discovered by the cops raise dramatically. Because thats the only thing for which I will be going to jail,Lucifer,if I am ever arrested. For drug possesion,drug trade and other similar offences. But not for murder. And certainly not for the murder of your precious detective. You see where Im goimg with this. Let me be and you can have your brother back and move on with your life.

What do you say?

-I know you killed her...but I cant prove it,at least not officially, and now that you realised that I have been investigating you,it would be pointless to continue the same course of action. Dont misunderstand me. I am not letting you go just yet but I will take a step back,for now.

-Excellent. I love when we have finally understood each other. Too bad I have to leave. The work never stops, unfortunately. And to show you I am a man of my word,here is your brother. Such a quite child. You should be proud.

Lorenzo sat up and left with a quick pacing but when Lucifer took David into his arms,he panicked for a second. He checked for a heartbeat and thankfully he found one.It was weak,too weak. He had to get him to a hospital. Now. But where could he go that he wouldnt have to answer a dozen questions?

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