《Supernatural FanFiction》The Hunt
Ash, Sam and Castiel were all filed in Aphrodite's Fury. Sam was driving. All he could thinking about was how beautifully she drove and ran. He loved this Car, but wanted to talk to Aphrodite about it.
Dean was driving his impala loving the feeling of it again. He had to admit to himself that he did miss the hunt, the thrill of it. But he also had to think about Aphrodite and his unborn child. He knew he had to keep the job he has now. He had to just hunt on the sidelines when he wasn't working full time hours. Dean was just trying to plan and clear his head. He knew it wont work that much knowing what he knows. Dean gave his head a shake, forced himself to focus on the road. He went to his pants pocket and pulled out his cell phone. Flipped it up. Looked for Ellen`s number. Found it, and dialed the number for her hoping it was still working.
She picked it up. Ellen: “ Hello Dean dear. What can I do for you?”
Dean: “ Ellen, I have to be honest with you. To start with I already know about you and Dad. But that's not why I am calling you. I need help. I'm terrified. I don't know if Dad called you yet. Has he?”
Ellen: “ Dear your Father and I talk all the time. Yes he did, and you should be. This is going to be a huge responsibility. Were you even expecting it to happen? Did you and Aphrodite even discuss having a baby?”
Dean: “ I mean We did but we were not sure when we wanted to try to have a child. I never thought it would be right now. She knew I wanted to get back into hunting with Sammy. So I don't know what I am going to do.”
Ellen: “ Dean love, take it day by day, one month at a time. How far along is she? Long even that your father has to be there? If when you know her past. Which bear in mind, she was trying to keep that from you. She was trying to protect you. She's a fearless one Dean. Remember that.”
Dean: “ She about four months pregnant Ellen. So I had dad to come over and watch her. I know she was protecting me. I was protecting her too, that's what we vowed to do five years ago. It wasn't because her past that made me want to be with her for the rest of my life. It was because she was like me in so many ways. It was like my soul recognized her just by looking at her. Ellen I don't want to feel like I'm going to fail her.”
Ellen: “ Dean listen to me very carefully, you need to focus on the task at hand for right now. You need not to worry about Aphrodite and your baby. That will get you killed and you know that for a fact. You need to remember who you truly are. You are Dean Winchester Eldest Son Of John Winchester. One of the best Hunters in the world. It's been proven time and time again. You need to keep that in mind. Im sure your father will be able to handle Aphrodite and her needs. She's in excellent hands Dean.”
Dean: “ Thanks Ellen, I need that kick in the ass. I appreciate it alot, you have no idea. Your were I do need to focus on the task at hand.”
Ellen: “ Anytime Love, I'm always here for you and Sammy you know that. Now go kill something.”
Dean hung up his phone. Flipped it open to call Sammy, Cas, and Ash to get details about the case Ash has. Found Sammy's number and called.
Dean: “ Hey Sammy, have me on speaker phone. So we can can discuss that case Ash has for us?”
Sam: “ Hey Dean, yeah I do. Everyone here is listening. Now Ash what the hell is this case about?”
Ash: “ Oh okay boys, I found some leads in McKansas. By what I found, it seems like there is a demon. Or something, My imforment didn't go into details with me. I just told him that I'll have someone to look into it for him. So what do you guys think? Something worth looking into?”
Sam: “ For sure, We will look into and investigate.”
Dean: “ Yeah okay, let's do that. I don't care as long as we kill something and get pie afterwards.”
Cas: “ Sorry guys you will be handling this one without me, Im need it up in heaven. I will try to hurry back in time, but no promises. “
Sam: “ Okay babe. See you later.”
Ash: “ See ya angel man.”
Dean:” Bye Cas, thanks for everything”
*Woosh* Cas took off to Heaven.
Ash: “ Cas will be back right? We might need his help with this case. It would come in handy for you two”
Sam: “ Yeah he will be back, He will watch over us while he up there. He always does.”
Dean: “ Well that's real comforting to me. We might need all the help we can get. Ash you know how to hunt right?”
Ash: “Dean man, no I don't. More for of the research and looking into the case.”
Sam: “Both of you guys need to have more faith in my man”
Ash: “Sorry Sam. You're right.”
Dean: “ Sammy I have all the faith, I never said I didn't”
Sam: “ Oh Ash, what other details do you have for us?”
Ash: “ Nothing but that really. They didn't go too much dets for me. Sorry I can't tell you more.”
Dean: “ Oh yeah. Thanks man.”
Sam: “ Dean have you ever tried to drive Aphrodites car?”
Dean: “ No she must have hid it when we began to see each other. I never knew she still had it until she told you and Cas to go discover it in the forest.”
Sam: “Man you should try driving it, She drives so smooth and beautifully. I think this is the best car ever besides the Impala that is.”
Dean: “ Well that's a good thing to know. You know how much I love the Impala.”
Dean hung up the phone on Sam and Ash. He couldn't handle Sam talking about Aphrodite's Fury right now. He was in shock that she even had her car still. He also understood why she didn't say anything about it. She was just trying to protect him from all the things she faced when she was a hunter. He couldn't help but wonder why didn't she want to come. Her expertise would come in handy with this hunt. He just wished she didn't stop hunting, it would be awesome if they continued as a couple. But after seeing Sam and Cas hunting together before they got together. He would never be able to live with himself if any harm would come to her. Aphrodite was his weakness and great strength of all time. He could never tell Aphrodite go through that.
Dean was still following Sam and Ash in her Fury. He was thinking about all the times her and him had. He actually remembered the first time they started to see each other, she was on a case, working it by herself. She was blindsided by a Demon, named Zepar. All because she was thinking about him. He hated himself because of it. He never forgave himself. He knew it was up to him to save her. Which he did with the help of his father and Sammy. Zepar was strong around the time he kidnapped Aphrodite. He remembered it was around June. Seeing her chained up, bloody and getting ready to become a human sacrificed in his name. That made him angry, he fought Zepar from as long as he could, for Sammy and his dad. That's when he knew he would do anything to protect her.
He shook off that feeling, that memory of them, he never wanted to see that. Ever since then he's done all he could to keep her safe. He couldn't help but the think about the aftermath about that eventful night, Aphrodite was not the same after that. She was so distant and detached with her emotions. She was always on a case, she never stopped hunting. Everytime he would ask her why. She always brushed it off and went off on the next case. She couldn't even look me in the eyes like she did before. Now she was normal and shes pregnant with his child. He couldn't wait to meet them when they are born.
Dean pulled out his cell phone and found Aphrodites number. He called the number.
Dean: “ Hey baby, just checking up on you. How you doing?”
Aphrodite: “Hey Babe. Im fine. I'm just out with your father picking up a few things. Im fine. His fine. The baby is fine. Well you stop stressing out. Your going to get yourself killed on this case. Or get yourself kidnapped. Im not in any shape to be hunting again baby. I love you Dean Winchester. Now have fun.”
Dean: “ Oh Aphrodite Winchester, what I am going to do without you? Your right I am stressing out but do you blame me. Me get kidnapped? Please? I'm third best hunter in the world baby. Nothing will happen to me. I promise. Plus I already know if anything did happen to me you will come to my rescue with my father. I know your not in any shape to be hunting right now. I just wish you would have told me about who you were. I've done a lot of thinking and honestly this has been bugging me for the longest time now. What happen after we defeated the Zepar?”
Aphrodite: “ Baby, honestly I had to rediscover myself again, when the Zepar was defeated. I don't know how, all I knew was something was wrong with me. I had to correct it by myself. That's why I did all the cases I could get my hands on. Baby I never meant to hurt you in anyway, I was only trying to protect you from what I was able to do.I know now I should have just told you who I truly was. It would have been better for the both of us. We could have hunted together, loved the thrill of it together. After I found out that I was pregnant I knew I had to stop. You on the other hand you could continue hunting like you've been wanting to. I'm so sorry that I lost myself all those years ago. But I found myself again within you. With your help and Johns help I was able to go back to the way I was and still am to this day.”
Dean: “Baby that's the best thing you could have ever told me. Im glad your back to yourself again. I promise I wont get myself killed. I will be back home before you know it. I love you with all my heart and soul m’lady”
Aphrodite: “ You better get home to me in piece. I love you with all my heart and soul too m’lord.”
Dean flips shut his cell phone. Smiles while he drives into the darkness of the night. I looks at the time and what he can tell it was about 4 in the morning. It clicks in that they have been driving for about 18 hours. It was time for them get some sleep. Dean calls up Sammy.
Dean: “Sammy, We have been driving for almost 20 hours now. It's time we pull over and get some sleep eh?”
Sammy: “ Yeah I agree, where should we go? Cheap motel like the old times?”
Dean: “ I don't care as long as we have a shower, and a bed.”
Sam: “Oh okay bro. How you holding up?”
Dean: “ Sammy, you can ask me anything you want but don't ask me how I'm holding up okay? Because I don't know where to start okay. I mean my wife is pregnant with our first child. Im hunting again. I don't know what to feel right now. I just gonna do what I have to eh. “
Sam: “ Yeah okay. Sorry that I asked. Follow me and we`ll find a cheap motel.”
They drove for what it seems to be hours, but only a few minutes. They finally found a motel to crash for the night. Went inside to get a room. They paid for one night, just to sleep. They went back to the cars, grabbed their stuff. Walked to the room. Dean was the first one to jump into the shower before sammy. Before he got out, he could hear that Castiel just flew in. He could hear Sammy and Castiel going at it. Hard and fast as he thought to himself.
Dean was still in the bathroom waiting for Sammy and Castiel to finish up. He could still remember all the times him and Aphrodite went out hunting together. All the nights in Motels, all the times they made love. Destroying almost everything in the rooms when things got heated up, crashing on the bed afterwards. While he was getting lost in his thoughts and memories he heard a knock on the door. Got up, opened the door and saw it was Sam and Cas. He walked out of the bathroom. Heard the shower start up. They both jumped in.
Ash was passed out in the backseat of Aphrodite`s Fury. Dean shook his head, walked over to the drivers side of the Impala, got in and drove off. To try to find something to eat for dinner. As he drove, he finally found a place that was open 24 hours of the day. It was a restaurant named Fire and Ice. He parked his Impala.
Got out and walked inside. He looked at the broad saw they cooked almost anything you can think of, ranging from deep fried foods to what you can find at all you can eat buffets. He looked at their pie menu, saw they had his favourite Apple Dutch Pie. He ordered himself a Bacon cheeseburger with extra Bacon, got Sam a salad. Piece of Pie. Waited for his order. He sat down looking out into the night. Feeling restless, out of shape. He knew that feeling way to well. He had it a few years after him and Aphrodite got married. He was out of the game, he walked away because he was in love with her too. He knew in his heart and mind that it will come back to him.
His order was called. Walked out back to the Impala. Started her up, drove back to the Motel. Checked up on Ash, saw that he was still passed out. Walked in the room. Place the food on the table that was in there. Took his food out. Started to eat. But interrupted but a knock on the door. Dean put down his burger, cleared off his hands, got up to answer the door. He opened it, just to discover it was an old time lover of his., Hokon, Someone he totally forgot about. Looked at her, shocked.
Dean: “ Hokon? What the hell are you doing here? How did you know that I was here?”
Hokon: “ Dean darling I know where you are at all times of the day, even at night. You think I'm going to miss seeing your sexy ass. Now I know your no longer with that one.”
Dean: “ Your talking about my wife, you bitch. Don't ever think I'll leave her for your ass. You were nothing but a booty call to me. I love Aphrodite. I never loved you.”
Hokon: “ I don't believe that for one minute. You did love me at one point in time. With all the crazy times we had in bed and outside of the bed too, or did you forget about that?”
Dean: “ No I didn't forget, I just do not speak of it to anyone. There is no need to. I don't see it need to be spoken about. Plus Im married now, and I'm going to be a father.”
Hokon: “ Oh congrats to you, well I don't see your wife so, why don't we go at it one last time, for old time sake?”
Dean: “ No! Hokon, you need to leave now. Or I will throw you out of here myself. I will never cheat on my wife. She is the love of my life.”
Hokon: “Oh Dean baby, you can pretend I'm your wife for the time being. You honestly think I'm going to let go the fact your in my town, you have another thing coming, lover.”
The shower turned off, Dean knew that Sam and Cas were going to be out any minute now. Hopefully thinking that he could get some help from there. Before he knew it, they both walked out and look at Hokon, shocked. And had to wonder why the hell she was here for? How did she know?
Cas: “ Hokon, what are you doing here?”
Sam: “ Cas honey, we both know why she is here. She's here to get a booty call from Dean. Hokon you do know that Deans happily married right?”
Hokon: “ Sam, Castiel. I didn't know you two were a thing. Yeah got that right, I am here for a booty call. Yes, sadly. I am aware. What is your point?”
Castiel: “Get out then, it's never gonna happen again. I heard all about it and honestly you're just crazy. Why would Dean ever want to cheat on his Wife?”
Hokon: “You both don't know what we share. We are meant to be together. We are meant for each other. We are true soulmates, he is not meant to be with the Queen of the Hunters. His meant to be with me. I could let him run wild, go hunting anytime he wants or whenever he needs to.”
Sam: “Wow, you are crazy. You need to get check into a mental Hospital. So you heard of my sister in law. That don't surprise me, and damn right she is the Queen of the Hunters. Don't you ever forget it. She finds out where you are, she's going to kill you for hitting on Dean.”
Hokon: “Oh, why don't you tell her where I am. I love to take her on. She will be history if she even tries anything with me.”
Castiel: “ You better watch yourself Hokon, that's my sister in law your talking about.”
Sam: “ Baby, I don't think she believes us. I think we should remind her what happened the last time her and Aphrodite saw each other. I believe Aphrodite stopped trusting Dean for a while there, because of her.”
Dean: “ Aphrodite did stop trusting me because of her Sammy. It was such bullshit. Do you know how long it took me to gain her trust back? That was just brutal to me. But again that was coming from the Queen of the hunters. You know I still hate myself because of that. Your a bitch Hokon.”
Hokon: “ Oh I know but I know you used to love it. Im betting you anything you still think about me when your with her, when your making love to her. She is not the one for you Dean” (Yelling at Dean at this moment when Hokon continues) “ I KNOW YOU STILL DO, THERE IS NO POINT ON LYING TO ME I KNOW WE ARE MEANT TO BE”
Dean: “ Hokon! I never loved you understand that right now. I have always loved Aphrodite. She is everything I ever wanted and more, more than you would ever understand got that!?”
Sam: “ Dean don`t bother she will never understand what you and Aphrodite have together. To be honest with you I still think she is a waste of breath.”
Sam looks around the room to ask Castiel a question and he was nowhere to be found, which made Sam shake his head, just when he needs him he is nowhere to be found. Per usual. Hokon turns around and didn't expect to see the one and only Aphrodite Winchester.
Sam and Dean looked at each other, with only one thought in mind Oh Shit! Let it begin. Dean knew that he would be in the dog house once again. It was going to be whose than hell.
Aphrodite: “ HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE TO HIM AGAIN? YOU EVIL BITCH!!! I assume you know who I am. By the look on your face you were not expecting me, guess what that pleases me a lot. If it was for Sam's Castiel I won't be here right now. Oh once he told me that you were here, he had to come get me. I'm glad he did. Now I can have fun kicking the shit out of you.”
Hokon (Gulps before talking trying to hide her fear): “ Aphrodite, you don't look all that intimidating to me. You think you can just show up here and think you can steal Dean from me again. Your jokes. You should have your own show. You dont scared of you.”
I stepped close to her, and caught her scent. The smell of fear, a smell I was all too familiar with. I was the one that placed fear in people in the begin with. I never fear anything or anyone. Trying to shake of the tempation of killing her, I stepped right into her face.
Aphrodite: “You sure about that? You know I can tell when someone is scared shitless of me. They give off a concern scent. I've always loved that about people. So you better think twice about what you have to say to me. I don't have to steal Dean from you, want to know why? Im HIS WIFE YOU IDJIT!”
Hokon: “ I'm not scared of you. I can take you on. Bring it!”
Castiel stepped in before Aphrodite could do anything to Hokon and shook his head no. That did not please Aphrodite, but she understood why he shook his head. She hated the idea of him knowing she's pregnant. Looked over at Dean and Sam, look down. So she did the second best thing she could think of.
She walked over to Dean , grabbed him. And started to kiss him so passionately to the point, where the next thing she knew the door slams shut and slams close. She steps back. Looks at Dean. Dean was in shock because Aphrodite had never kiss him like that before unless she want to get intimate.
Sam: “How did you know that she was going to walk out Aphrodite?”
Aphrodite: “I didn't. I just assume because she wants what I have. I'm not okay with that.”
Castiel: “That's why I went to grab her. Don't worry Dean her and the baby is fine.”
Dean: “ I swear if you make her lose that baby I'm going to stab you.”
Castiel: “ Dean don't worry their fine. More than fine, their doing great.”
Dean shakes head up and down. Looks at Aphrodite and wonders why she was here, not that he was complaining at all, he loved when she did that. Walked over to her, picked her up and carried her over to the bathroom. Walked into the bathroom, shutting the door with his foot and not dropping her. All he could think of what he wanted to do to her. The more he thought about all of it the more it aroused him. The more he wanted to be buried inside her.
Coming down from the most aroused thoughts in Deans head, he placed his beautiful, sexy wife on the counter. They spent hours in the bathroom floor, trying to catch their breaths, and to get control of the sex drives.
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