《Epoch》7. Memories
I approached the entrance to the tower. There was a lump in my throat when I looked up. I still can’t believe I need to climb this thing.
“Are you nervous? Even after all that preparation?” Emit said.
“It wasn’t that much preparation.”
“Yeah It wasn’t, if you consider that you ended up only taking the bare minimum. Come on, just your sword, that armor and your diary? Most of the day wasted on that!” Emit remarked.
“It’s a journal thank you very much.”
“Journal, diary, same difference Kid.”
I rolled my eyes. “Anyway, mental preparation is key you know!”
“There’s that and then there’s worrying. I can hear you thoughts and I wish I couldn’t. Listening to you go on is awful. ‘Should I take this? What if this happens? Oh no, Lyra said something about this so maybe I should do that?’ You barely got anything done!” Emit said, buzzing in front of me.
“If you don’t like my train of thought you can stop listening then, I still don’t like how you can do that.” I said.
“No changing it, Kid. Just don’t have any dirty thoughts and we’ll be golden.”
“D-dirty?” I said. No way. I’m not that kind of Fallen! My mind trails to a few entries I had on Amelia… No no no! Let’s not go there. I got things I need to do, like this Tower business. I still don’t know how this is going to go. Did I really grab everything? Maybe I should go back home and-
“No!” Emit said. “We’re not going back again! So much worrying and not enough doing. You’re gonna lose that protagonist title if you continue to be so hesitant.”
Ouch. “You’re starting to sound like Lyra.”
“You should listen to her. Women tend to be right about these sorts of things, even if you think they’re wrong. Which they are most of the time.”
Emit was right. Well, maybe not with the semi-sexist comment but at least with my worrying. I’m too hesitant. I wasted most of the day by overthinking. I just gotta do it and be brave.
“There we go, that's the type of thinking I like. Go approach the guards and enter already!” Emit said.
I walked towards them. They raised their spears, blocking my way.
“No entry without a pass.” One of the guards said to me. I pulled out my pass from under my shirt. Convenient I could wear it like a necklace.
The guards lowered their spears. “Alright, you can go in but be careful okay? You’re young and entering alone can be dangerous.”
I nodded and entered past them.
Awaiting me was not quite what I expected. I figured it was going to look the like the outside, stone walls, stone floor and probably a staircase leading up somewhere in sight. The walls I expected were there but the floor was quite different.
Instead it was green, the floor was covered in grass, pretty flowers bloomed from all over. Flickers of light from fireflies trailing could be seen around the few smaller trees that were littered around the small courtyard sized area.
It was surprisingly breathtaking.
I was not expecting an ecological system in here though. But, as I thought about it, it did make sense. If monsters and creatures lived here, how would they survive without plants and animals? I’ve also heard reports of Fallen harvesting rarer medical ingredients from inside the Tower. Can’t exactly do that if they place was barren of life.
Looking around, there were walls that lead to various areas to other parts of the floor. I opened up my journal. Earlier I had copied public mapping of the first few floors into my journal. I’m pretty sure that violates some copyright law but I’m apparently a ‘hero’ or something now. The law doesn’t apply to me! ...probably. Well I’m sure it’s fine.
Looking at the map, this area is huge I could easily get lost all day without this map.
“Sheesh, It’s like the size of a stadium.” Emit said.
“I wonder how it can even support its own weight?” I thought outloud.
“The currents of energy in the walls keep it structurally stable, not only that but also helps keep the local flora alive by producing key elements and resources from almost nowhere. It really is an impressive piece of work.” Emit said casually. At least I thought that was Emit, he sounded way too smart than his usual self.
“Let’s have some excitement happen already, Kid! Tally ho!” Emit said, the glow of his form brightening up. That sounds more right.
Following my map, I went down the path that should lead me to the stairs higher. The trail of grass crunched under my feet as I traced my talon along the wall. I was a little tense. After all, this place is supposed to have violent creatures and what not. I kept a hand on the sword that was attached to my waist.
The path ended up taking me into another room. This one was about the same size as the last. The main difference was the creatures inhabiting it.
They were small, furry things with long ears that threatened to droop over their black, beady eyes. A group of five them nibbled on the grass on the area.
“Bunnies! How cute.” Emit said. “Go on, go pet one for me!”
“I’m not gonna pet it.” I said. But they were cute… I thought this place was suppose to be filled with dangerous things, not little woodland animals!
Reaching to my voice, the bunnies ears perked up and they turned towards me. They opened their mouths to show a set of very sharp looking teeth. Uh oh. I pulled out my sword as they came bolting towards me.
As the first come came close, it leapt at my face. I swiped with my sword and cut it’s side, successfully knocking it away from me. Before I could follow up though, another one took the opportunity to bite me in the leg. It hurt!
It didn’t pierce though my leather armor but the pressure of it was still painful. How does such a tiny thing have such biting strength? I took the blunt of my sword and hit it on the head, which thankfully made it let go.
The assault didn’t stop with that though. The one I cut recovered and the other three I haven’t interacted with yet leapt for my wings. They bit down hard and I screamed. I shook my body left and right trying to get them off. The two uninjured ones I knocked loose but the one I had already attack held on, probably in revenge for me hurting it already. Out of desperation, I fell back and crushed it with my backside. I felt it’s grip on my wings loosen and quickly got back up.
I took a few steps back from the animals that just ripped my feathers off of me. They spit out the chunks of down they had gotten and bore their fangs again.
There’s too many of them! Even if I focused on one the others are just gonna swarm me. They’re too quick for me to deal with on my own.
Another jumped and I slashed at it again, then another tried to leap for me and I barely moved out of the way in time for it to simply catch air in its jaws.
“Kid you might wanna retreat. I think the rabbits are winning this one.”
“No, I got this!” I said as one bit into my arm, that was the unprotected part and blood came out. I screamed again, hitting it with the blunt edge of my sword. “Maybe I don’t got this.”
Emit flew towards where we came from. “Hurry! I think if you run they won’t catch up.”
I followed Emit’s advice and quickly retreated from where we came from.
I huffed as I exited the Tower. The two guards looked at me with concern, and why wouldn’t they? I was cut and hurt all over, with visible injuries on my wings and more. What a bad first run through.
“It’s okay, We’ll tackle it again tomorrow, just gotta come up with a game plan.” Emit said.
“Like not running away.” I said.
“It wasn’t running away, I’d call it a strategic withdraw!”
I looked up at the sky, it was black as the sun had already set. Nothing but the starry sky looking down on me now. I sighed. I guess I would save it for tomorrow.
I began walking towards the workshop when I heard a gasp. I turned to the source to see Amelia looking at me.
“Oh my goodness, are you okay?” Amelia said walking towards me. “Did you go in the Tower?”
“Y-yeah, but I’m okay! Promise!” I said, lifting up my arm in an attempt to do a confidant pose, but I ended up grimacing in pain.
“Do you have anything to patch that up with?” Amelia asked.
“Well I think my friend might have some bandages maybe but I’m not too-”
Amelia grabbed my non-injured arm and started to lead me somewhere. W-what’s going on? Her grip was soft and delicate, but also paradoxically forceful.
“Wait! Where are we going?” I asked
“I’m taking you to my place to have you treated of course!”
“I’m fine, you don’t need to do that!”
I attempted to move my arm away but she just held tighter as she continued to lead me through the smaller night crowds of the city. I didn’t want to struggle from her and possibly hurt her so I resigned myself to being lead. Eventually, we made it to a building. Amelia opened the door and led me inside.
“This is my home!” Amelia cheerfully remarked.
She lead me into a dark room. As soon as we entered though, blue lights lit up all around us. There were mana crystals, not only that but seemingly high quality ones too if judging by the light that were encased in glass that hung around.
The light showed that the room in question was her living room. Simple decorations of tea cups, books and surprisingly a sword hanging from the wall.
Amelia sat me down at a table in her living room.
“Wait here, I’ll grab some medical supplies okay?” Amelia then exited the room leaving me alone. How did this happen? Me, alone in Amelia’s home? This is too much!
The blue dim of the room got brighter as Emit appeared. “Keep those thoughts in check, I don’t want you cheating on the red one with this pink catbird.”
“I’m not cheating on anyone! Plus she’s just going to help me out and that’s it.”
“Oh yeah, I’ve had many ladies ‘help me out’ back in the day too. Don’t have too much fun, Kid!” Emit teased. I could feel my own feathers get literally ruffled at that. Nothing like that is gonna happen!
Not gonna think about that nope, no way!
“I found it!” Amelia called out. Emit disappeared as she entered the room. Don’t leave me alone! Not after putting those thoughts in my head!
Amelia sat very close to me. I could smell a lingering scent of tea and baked goods coming from her. She put a box on the table and opened it up. Inside were what seemed to be bandages and ointment.
Amelia grabbed my injured arm and applied some medicine on it. I took in a sharp breath as it stung in contact with my skin.
“I can’t believe you went into the Tower. You need to be more careful if you’re gonna go exploring, especially by yourself.”
“I know…” I said, scratching the back of my head.
“Why did you even go in there?” Amelia asked.
“Well, the sorting with all the blacksmiths is coming up soon, I figured I needed the real combat practice before it.” I lied. It was more believable than the truth.
“Isn’t that the contest before you can become an officially licensed smith?”
I nodded.
“It’s silly they make you do such an outdating concept of fighting each other. The world is a lot more safer than it used to be.” Amelia said.
“I wholeheartedly agree! I’m not into fighting as much as other people.” I said.
There was a pause as Amelia finished applying the ointment and begain wrapping my arm up.
“So… where did you get all these crystals from? They must have been expensive if you bought them!”
“Oh, my boyfriend got them for me.” Amelia said. My heart sunk to the bottom of my chest.
“Boyfriend? I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” I said, trying to stay cool and not let the increasing sorrow enter my voice.
Amelia looked sad. “Well I had a boyfriend. He’s… no longer with us.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” I said. I feel horrible now, especially since that feeling of dread is going away at hearing that.
“It’s okay, It was a long time ago, he was the adventuring type, liked to explore old human ruins and climb that stupid tower…” Amelia finished wrapping my arm. She got up from her sitting placed and went behind me. Her talons rubbed the areas of my wings that were injured with the ointment in her hands.
“And then one day while out on one of his many adventures, he just didn’t come back. All I have now is just the memories we spent together.”
I didn’t know what to say. It took me a moment to think of a response.
“I think that, he would be happy knowing you’re still going strong even with him gone.”
“I don’t feel like it some days, but thank you. You’re so nice to me, my green feathered friend.”
I gave a nervous laugh at that. She sat back down in front of me and held my talons with her own. Eep!
“Now I want you to listen to me, It’s dangerous in there, don’t go getting yourself killed. Anything could happen and I don’t wanna lose another person I care about okay?”
She cares about me? I try my hardest not to blush and look away. “Y-you got it! Don’t worry I’ll be just fine!”
Amelia smiled. “Good. Now it’s getting late, you gotta get back to your girlfriend!”
What? “Girlfriend? I don’t have a girlfriend!”
Amelia turned her head in confusion. “Then who is that red feathered girl I always see you with?”
“That’s just Lyra! I’m not dating her or anything like that!”
Amelia chuckled. “I’m sorry then, my mistake. Still, you need some rest, let those injuries heal up. I’ll see you at my sale in a couple days?”
I nodded. “Of course!”
With that, Amelia showed me the exit and I headed back home.
“Lad! Did you get mugged or something out there? You look terrible!” The Master said as I entered.
“No, I didn’t get mugged.”
“Did you and Lyra have another one of your spats?”
“I didn’t beat Feathers up. Well, I did but not that badly.” Lyra said with a look of concern. “Did you go in the Tower by yourself after all?”
“I did...those furry things did a number on me.” I said.
“Ah, the rabbits.” The Master nodded. “They used to be a common animal around years and years ago.”
“Yeah! According to archaeologists they were pure herbivores back when the humans were still around! They say they probably evolved due to some evolutionary pressure and became omnivores.” Lyra said.
“Well I’d rather wish they stayed as grass eaters.” I grumbled. “They swarmed me without giving me a real chance to counter attack.”
“There’s power in numbers, if only you had a cute girl and maybe two others to join you.” Lyra remarked.
“Yeah if only. Too bad I only have you to ask and you’re definitely not cute.”
“Excuse me? Do you not see the stunning color of my crimson tipped wings?” Lyra said, unfolding said wings.
“I do! It doesn’t make up for your rotten personality!”
“Why I oughta!” Lyra said approaching me. She raised a fist but the Master stopped it.
“It’s getting late. No fighting!” The Master said.
Lyra grumbled and walked away. Phew. I probably shouldn’t provoke her while I’m hurt like this.
“So,” The Master began. “Do you plan on going back there? The Tower?”
“I do. I have something I want to do and I can’t do it without going there.”
The Master paused before going to his work area. He pulled out a couple scraps of paper.
“Here you go, lad. One of these designs should help you out.” The Master said. He then left the working area.
I looked at what he gave me. They were basics for making a shield, spear and a bow! Awesome!
...But after looking them over, I only have enough material to make one of them. So I’ll have to pick and choose.
“Shield, you gotta go with shield. It completes that hero look!” Emit said.
“I don’t think that’ll work for me. At least not right now. A shield won’t help me with those rabbits.” I said. Even with a shield, that’ll only help me with head on attacks. Those things will just kite around me like they did already.
A spear then? The extra range would help. But I feel like I’d just end up in the same position the second they got closer. I needed to take them down from a distance.
That settles it then. I’ll make a bow. I start to walk towards my working area when pain flares up from my wounds.
Ouch… Let’s get some rest first.
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Embrace the Blade
Born crippled, it was no surprise when James Ransom died young, but he was offered an opportunity - a mission: to go to a new world and become strong enough to kill the hidden boss behind the final boss. Now in a new world he must research and study the system to take advantage of it, find his strengths; form alliances and find party members to become strong enough to face the end. This story does use Multiple perspectives and tells stories that add to the MC's. I've been given this feedback enough that I feel the need to mention that growth (levels, skills, classes, etc.) is slow, intentionally so, but constant. Credit for the cover goes to a commission for KemptBones from DeviantArt for the cover. This book is a rewrite of the original Embrace the Blade. The timeline for this one is completely separate and you do not need to read the original to understand what is going on. If you want to check out the original you can find it here (just a warning that they are NOT good): ETB Drafts 1&2 If you came here from the original EtB, WELCOME!!
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